A Queen

Chapter 1,494 For example**

Chapter 1494

After that, he looked at Qianshan Muxue: "Your sword style is very scary. If you are willing, can we fight in three days?"

Qianshan Muxue nodded.

Then he left, his sleeves fluttering, taking away the dark clouds and heavy rain that originally blocked the sun.

The sky is shining brightly again.

Dai Li put away his sword, turned back to the deck, and said to Lun Samsara: "If it weren't for you, I would be 50-50 with him at most. When will I be able to do without you?"

Samsara looked up at her and said calmly, "You don't want me anymore?"

Then someone gets discouraged, there is nothing, nothing, nothing, all kinds of things~

Ye Ziqing and others are out of sight.

I spent the whole day watching these two beauties having all kinds of sex.

The people on the deck returned to their original state, a hundred miles away, on a flying boat, the Demonic Flying Boat.

Wu Qingsha leaned against the railing and smiled, "What a powerful third clone. If I were to face her, I might not be sure."

Gong Zangxue curled his lips, right?

She looked over her shoulder and looked at the strong man ahead who was crushed to death by the terrifying flying sand.

A veteran immortal second only to Doulan Qiu was killed like this.

The initiator smiled so lightly~~

How confident can she be if she has to deal with such a terrifying Sha?

"Don't think that I will deal with her~ This is not a situation you want to see, is it~"

"If I really want to deal with her, it can only mean that she has done something very sorry for me~! For example~" She looked at the fifth peer not far away.

"For example?" Chun Shisanniang suddenly jumped out.

"I said peerless" Wu Qingsha responded with a smile.

"The First Empress?"


Fifth Qingsha really can't think of slapping this good gay friend who she has been hooking up with for many years.

You can only selectively ignore it. (I didn’t expect that Fifth Qingsha and Chun Shisanniang are friends~~).

However, Gong Zangxue remembered that Chun Shisanniang had secretly told her that Wu Qingsha was a little strange to Dai Li. .

What plot?

It seems to be a blank signature.

The bow hides the blood thoughtfully.

Maybe she should go find that damn dad and ask what the fifth light sand is about. That sand is so powerful.

On the other side, Shang Chaoge, who also killed a very powerful immortal, threw the body directly to Lou Lanting.

"Haha. With such an immortal body, the extracted blood is enough for Li Qing's group to leap over the dragon gate one by one, and I can also use the corpse to refine some poison~"

Shang Chaoge didn't comment, just glanced in the west direction and left.

"What a powerful desolate blood." Mo Yao knew the origin of Shang Chaoge, but he didn't expect that this person was more powerful than Jiuxiao.

It’s also more inscrutable.

"It's the Emperor of Siam who is powerful, not the Blood of Huang," Mo Shaoxuan said calmly.

The others understood what she meant, which meant that Shang Chaoge at this moment only showed the strength of the Siam Emperor. Or some of its strength. About the Blood of Desolation, it may not be revealed yet.

"Most of the things that can be related to the Great Wilderness are beyond our contemporary imagination. The further we go, the more people of this type will appear~~The more people will die in the end." Mo Shaoxuan turned around.

This is a bit of a warning.

Mo Yao and Yan Lu were silent.

They are still weaker.

Because chaos is coming.

But Daili was stopped by someone.

People from the demon realm.

"You have an ancient demon scorpion in you," Linghu Bai said as soon as he met him.

Was she aware of the scorpion-possessed aura on Dai Li's body during the fierce battle before?

"Yes" Dai Li felt that the other party seemed to have something to say.

"It's very special. The demon ancestor ordered me to invite you to take it to my demon realm. Can you?" Linghu Bai said slowly.

In fact, one of the reasons why they went to Jiuxiao was this demon scorpion, but they didn't know what the purpose of the higher-ups was. Logically speaking, although an ancient ancient demon scorpion that was atavistic was quite important, it was not of this importance. After all, the Scorpion is not an important inheritance among the demon clan.

That's why it's strange.

"You want to take me home?" Dai Li was surprised.


This gangster!

Taishi Yuan on the side pressed his temples and said: "You should know that it is very special. And you do have the need to go to our Demon Realm."

Dai Li thought for a while and said: "After some time, I will go to your demon realm to have a look. I don't have time now."

Listen to what Dai Li said. The people from the Demon Realm frowned, but they couldn't force it. Xiao said, "Wait a moment. I'll contact our Demon Realm side."

After a while, Xiao said: "In that case, let's leave two people from our Demon Realm with you to see if there is anything we need help with. Just stop by our Demon Realm when you go to the Nether Realm."

It's the same direction anyway.

Dai Li seemed to have grasped the key point: "Which two people?"

Cousin: Haha, indeed the key point is where to look!

"It's just the two of them." Xiao pointed with his finger and waved away without waiting for the two beauties to object: "Since we have decided so happily, let's be like this. I have something else to do, let's go~"

Then the Yaoyu group left just like that.

Linghu Bai and Taishi Yuan: ""

Who are these people!

Dai Li gave a thumbs up to some of his bachelor male compatriots: Good people!


Fortunately, Linghu Bai and Tai Shi Yuan are not pretentious. Although Dai Li is a bit mean-mouthed, in fact, as you all know, it's not that bad.

Linghu Bai and Tai Shi Yuan were able to stay, but they didn't expect them to go so far away!

Out of the world!

And he is leaving his hometown!

Southern Forest Daxia!

But before leaving Sifangtiandi, Daili took away Li Qing and others, including of course the entire Vatican.

You may ask, isn't this from Shang Chaoge? They all had a falling out with Shang Chaoge, so they still want his subordinates?

Haha, you don’t understand this. To put it in terms of generation, this bastard has plotted against me so many times. How can I live up to my status as a vampire if I don’t cheat him? Besides, I raised this Vatican by myself~

Then we went to Peach Blossom Spring.

The Peach Blossom Spring is more beautiful than Dai Li imagined.

"I have long heard that the Peach Blossom Spring is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is indeed well-deserved. So many peach blossoms only bear fruit once every ten years. You can see peach blossoms every year."

The Peach Blossom Spring is beautiful, and more importantly, it has a charming and romantic meaning. From a distance away, they saw young monks coming and going in the peach blossom forest. Some were from the Peach Blossom Spring, and some were monks who came to visit from other places. Or maybe it's some people practicing here, there are a lot of people anyway. But the peach blossom source is huge. It is comparable to a small community, with endless pink and white peach blossoms spreading all over, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing.

The great emperor from Peach Blossom Spring was already standing in front of the pavilion. He smiled at the flying boat facing Dai Li and others. When Dai Li stepped out of the flying boat, he bent down and bowed.

"Master Yuan"

Dai Li knew that Taohuayuan was actually under the command of Zhengyu, which meant that this emperor was actually a subordinate of Mu Qingyan.

Very interesting. The beautiful and romantic Peach Blossom Spring actually belongs to the Zombie Realm Commandery, and people from all over the world will probably be shocked.

Dai Li smiled at him. With a wave of his sleeves, Emperor Peach Blossom straightened up with strength, and looked at Dai Li with emotion in his eyes.

After three days of separation, you should treat each other with admiration, but look at this girl again. Not only is it impressive, it’s really eye-opening!

"How was the separation?"

As soon as Daili asked, he saw a woman slowly walking out of the pavilion.

The fragrance is fragrant. Elegant and refreshing.

Dai Li was happy, and Ye Ziqing and others also felt happy. But it soon became

"Oh, son-in-law!"

"My good son-in-law, you are here!"

"Old Bao, I've been waiting for a long time!"

When a powerful bald man ran out with a kitchen knife, the painting style of Dai Li and others, and the beautiful painting style of Shang Farewell collapsed instantly.

The leader of the Qinglong Gang violently sells steamed buns every minute.

Don’t want to buy buns? Come and see me!

Just so domineering!

Dai Li and others stayed in Taohuayuan for a few days. Firstly, no one had been to this place very often. Secondly, they were not in a hurry. Thirdly, Qianshan Muxue had an appointment to go to.

It was also three days after the battle between Daili and Doulanqiu. That day was a real rainy day. Qianshan Muxue held an oil-paper umbrella and strolled leisurely in an inconspicuous and simple small town. There was a river in the small town, and there were There was a bridge with some moss growing on the steps. She walked across the bridge and came to the foot of an old pine tree beside the bridge.

There are steps into the water under the pine trees and bridges. The rainwater patters on the leaves, then falls to the ground, or falls on the raincoats and bamboo hats.

The man who looked like a homeless man was sitting there, bent over, fishing.

It was a rainy day, so naturally there were no pedestrians on the road. If there were any, they were probably coming and going in a hurry. Although occasionally people around Qianshan Muxue would stop and look stupid, but they were quickly woken up by the rain and did not dare to approach. This woman is obviously not like a mortal.

At this moment, only Qianshan Muxue stood there, and he sat there.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, Doulanqiu caught the fish, picked it up, took off the hook, and let it go again.

"Fishing and releasing fish, do you think this saves a life?"

The first words he spoke were so strange.

Qianshan Muxue's eyes were cold and she said calmly: "If I broke off your arm and then reconnected it for you, would you thank me?"

Dou Lanqiu lowered his eyes silently and threw out the fishing line again. It was obvious that he understood, but he was stubborn.

A strange and perverted person, many people said this about him.

"As the patriarch expected, the Gods really found me to deal with her. As you expected, her potential for improvement is still very great. It won't be long before she kills me without using a second finger, just like you, the patriarch."

"It's a pity you couldn't give her an epiphany."

"My Tao is not in line with her~ It might be more beneficial if I change to someone else, but the patriarch deliberately asked me to accept the God Clan, not just to help her practice." Dou Lanqiu said in a very relaxed tone while fishing. Light, the tone is very casual.

"It was Dou Yan who the God Clan came into contact with you on that day?"

"It's him, a very scary person, maybe just like his father, he will also be a cruel and ruthless hero in the future" (To be continued)

ps: Just one update today, don’t wait~

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