A Queen

Chapter 1500: Trying to save a dying horse

Chapter 1500

"Is Young Master Yu the target of Teacher Feng?" Dai Li asked in a subtle way.

Contrary to Dai Li's expectation, Yu Minglang opened his mouth to explain first.

"No, Miss Yuan has misunderstood. Zuixin and I are close friends, nothing more. I dare not tarnish her reputation."

Um, this makes Dai Li very embarrassed. Damn it, why does it feel like I have tarnished her reputation?

"No, I just asked casually."

Feng Zuixin was calm, drinking tea, looking at her, and said gently: "Did Miss Yuan come to our place alone? It's a bit remote here and it's hard to find."

"No, I'm just dropping by. I stopped by to take a look. The peaches in this village grow really well and are very sweet~"

"The peach is not yet raw"

I just said that grapes are very sweet. At least you saw grape peaches. As for the peaches, the peach trees have just bloomed, okay~

"Oh, then what I eat is the one born last year~" Dai Li laughed.

Yu Minglang: ""This girl

Feng Zuixin smiled slightly: "Really? The peaches I had last year were very sweet."

I was very polite and was given a step down.

"Of course, you gave birth to it"

Feng Zuixin: ""

Yu Minglang: ""

Are you sure you are here to become a disciple?

Then there was silence.

Very strange silence.

In order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming tense, Daili took the initiative to talk to Young Master Yu, and then discovered that Young Master Yu was very good-looking, and his country was beautiful and fragrant.

Good-looking men are not good things. A pretty boy just wanted to let Zuixin see his true face.

Daili decided to sacrifice himself.

Feng Zuixin just watched a man and a woman chatting happily in front of her.

The expression is getting weirder and weirder

Finally, he said: "Miss Yuan. Are you really here to become a disciple?"

Someone casually replied: "No, I'm here to give birth to peaches."

Yu Minglang was embarrassed, so girl, you were really absent-minded when chatting with me before, right?

Feng Zui was silent, who are you going to have a peach with? Which tree?

Then she saw a few people walking not far away

There are only two people I know well, one is Lin Zifeng and the other

Her eyes flickered slightly.

"Miss Yuan, you really didn't come alone," she said softly. The voice was a little dazed. Look at this girl with an ordinary face.

Some are helpless, some are happy, and some are dumbfounded.

Daili touched his nose. Said: "It doesn't matter who the girl Yuan in front of you comes with or how many people come. What's important is that she wants to know if you are willing to let her take someone away from you."

Is this straightforward enough?

Yu Minglang understood and clenched the tea cup slightly. Look at the wind drunkenly.

Feng Zuixin was silent for a while and nodded: "She is willing."

The voice is very soft. But relaxed and free.

Dai Li smiled.

Ji Qingxin also smiled, but she heard the conversation behind

Si Qinming; "The master is not the kind of person who is emotional"

Look, she didn't do anything to the frog!

Li Ge was thoughtful; "I still underestimated how lustful she was."

Why wasn't anything done? Because she is so good-looking and has such a good temperament~~

A toad can also triple jump into a frog prince.

Classmate Li Ge. Can't your mind be healthier~~Although the hit rate is quite high.


Feng Zuixin is a really nice place with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs. However, Dai Li knew that those past years must not have been that simple, so that night Feng Zuixin, Ji Qingxin and Li Ge went out for a walk. She and Yu Minglang were sitting alone in the yard

Chapter 1501

She knew what the other party was going to say.

No, it should be said that she had to know something from him.

"Thank you" was the first thing Daili said.

Chapter 1500

Yu Minglang shook his head: "No need, I just followed my heart."

After a pause, he said: "I know what she has been missing these years, and I also know the difficulties and pains she has encountered. I also know that even if she smiles sometimes, she may not actually be happy. I won't say more about the rest. I just hope that she will be happy in the future. I can be happier with your company.”

Maybe Dai Li had thousands of words to ask, but they all disappeared under the other party's beautiful and bright demeanor.

She was a little melancholy, but very grateful.

"I'm very grateful to God for allowing him to meet you, otherwise I might regret it for the rest of my life."

"I also thank God for allowing me to meet her, otherwise it would be the same"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Don’t ask, don’t tell, just understand in your heart.

Including Yu Minglang's indescribable, cautious but generous heart.

Not far away, Si Qinming's eyes were gentle, and he knew that his master was good.

When Feng Zuixin and the three girls came back, they saw two men who had a somewhat strange atmosphere at first. Well, no, it was a man and a woman. They were drinking and laughing like two good brothers. The relationship shouldn't be too good.

Inexplicably, the two women were a little worried, and the other woman was very surprised - she is indeed very lustful.

Late at night, no matter how much joy there is in gathering, it has to settle.

Yu Minglang never stayed at Feng Zuixin's house before, because there were two men and one woman, and Yu Li was not in harmony with each other. But today there were many people, and they all treated him like a guest, so he was treated to a night's sleep.

This made some of the melancholy and loss in his heart fade a lot.

Especially when I see Feng Zuixin’s heartfelt smile


Knock knock knock, in the middle of the night, someone knocked on Feng Zuixin’s door,

"Drunken, it's me"

The door opened, and Feng Zui looked at her in confusion.

"What's the matter?"

"I came to find you"

"Then what?"

"Help you check your body"


Just then Ji Qingxin walked out from behind Feng Zuixin

Away from Sparta.

However, after explaining, the two women realized that Dai Li wanted to see if Feng Zuixin's body could recover.

After all, mortal bodies have a limited lifespan and are prone to old age and illness.

Dai Li simply couldn't imagine Feng Zuixin being tortured by those mortal illnesses, although she had basically never encountered them. After all, she was an invulnerable vampire when she was very young.

Anyway, she was afraid that one day she would look back and see Feng Zuixin, white-haired, old and old, lying on the bed and dying like that.


"I understand that my body is very difficult to save. There is no need to be persistent, Ali. In fact, birth, old age, illness and death are also normal. Just look at it and it will be fine~"

Feng Zuixin regarded Dai Li as a junior. Or it’s like a younger sister. Regarding her younger sister’s worries, the older sister’s instinctive reaction is not to worry her.

So she touched Daili's head and said softly: "I am already very happy to see you."

Dai Li felt sour and astringent in his heart. The girl who once calmly painted in the pavilion and had an extraordinary appearance was really going to get old, sick and die?

How long can it last for decades? Will her few retreats just pass like that?

"Don't say that I have six paths of reincarnation for now. Let's see if the parting body to save the disaster is solved."

Ji Qingxin has always supported generation and separation. He held Feng Zuixin's hand and said softly: "Look, am I still here with my black hair? Am I still here with my cultivation? It's not generational separation that should be taken lightly, but your Zuixin. So what if you let her try?" "

What could Feng Zuixin say, he could only let Dai Li come in.

After a while, Daili calmly took back his hand and looked at Feng Zuixin. He said: "There is still hope, but we still have some time to prepare when I go back. Don't worry. It will be fine~"

It was her turn to touch Feng Zuixin's head.

Feng Zuixin smiled softly: "That's good."

Dai Li left quickly. After closing the door, Feng Zuixin whispered to Ji Qingxin: "She seems to have never realized that if she lies, she will be very truthful."

Twelve points. That is too sure and sincere

If she was really saved, she should be restrained and cautious

"Care leads to chaos." Ji Qingxin smiled and paused: "As for time, there is no dead end. And since you agreed to leave with her, aren't you also afraid of hurting her?"

She heard Shang Biere talk about what happened before, when they were in Little Peach Blossom Spring. Shang Biere refused to accept the separation, and she felt helpless at the time. Later, she thought about it, which was actually more hurtful.

"I regretted leaving that girl, and Ye Ziqing also regretted that sometimes resisting is not the best way, letting it happen naturally is the blessing of fate."

"Yeah, so you found me, and I thought, this is my fate, let me finally meet my friends, and maybe I can see my relatives in the future. I don't have to be alone, but I am afraid that I will be a burden. Like just now, she must have been racking her brains to help me after she went back. In fact, I volunteered back then, so why should she have to bear the burden?"

Feng Zuixin felt helpless, but Ji Qingxin smiled and told what happened before

"How can a tadpole looking for its mother grow if it doesn't look for its mother?"

"I'm not her mother"


On the other side, Dai Li knocked on Li Ge's door again.

"You came to me so late, either because of your mother or your mother."


"Wind intoxicated"

Damn you! She is not my mother!

"Oh, now that you already know, let's make a long story short. Zuixin's foundation of Taoism has almost been broken. How can I rebuild her foundation?"

Li Ge narrowed his eyes, "Do you think I'm a half-immortal? I know everything?"

"Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor"

Well, even half the dead immortals are not caught, they are all dead!

"Your attitude really doesn't sound like you're begging for help."

Then she saw a certain woman who said with a serious and elegant temperament: "Officer? Do you want to wait and take a rest?"

But it's unexpectedly charming, such as those eyes.

I have to admit that the first thing that attracts the attention of the product jointly created by Soul Master and Blood Master is the eyes.

Ascetic enchantment.


Li Ge, who was drinking tea, burst into tears.

Dai Li blocked the tea in time and looked at her with burning eyes.

Li Ge wiped his mouth and said lightly: "You do value friendship."

"If you are in my position, you can endure many of the things that have happened to me, but there are only many people that you cannot let go of."

How sincere is this statement?

Li Singing pressed his palm on the table and said softly: "Including the one from Zhanyu, do you also regard him as a treasure?"

Although he didn't know why the other party mentioned Mu Qingyan, Daili nodded without hesitation.

"What if you had abandoned her? Including abandoning many, many, many people who regard you as a treasure."

"Last life?"


Dai Li was silent for a while and then said: "Then I should pay it back in this life. No wonder I value love and justice so much in this life."

Li Ge's expression was stifled. Why did it feel like his attack mutated into an auxiliary aura?

——The opponent’s skin is too thick! Not only is it resistant to radiation, it can also mutate radiation!

"Then you don't want to know who you were in your last life?"

"I think ~ would you like to tell me?"

"What if I want to?"

"Then it goes without saying."

""You are teasing me. Li Ge pursed her lips.

"If Mu Qingyan doesn't tell me, then I don't have to find out from others. It will be better if she is willing to tell me sometime. Besides, I can't figure out many things in this life."


"Including you"

“Curiosity about a person is a false start.”

"I'm not curious, I just want to tease you."

"The way to save her is to go to the Netherworld to get the Immortal Underworld Root, re-implant it into her bones, and then develop the Immortal Root."

"The Netherworld is so big, where can I find the Immortal Netherworld roots?"

"Shops, auction houses, everything for sale"

“Why does it feel so cheap and simple?”

"After you go, you will know that it is not cheap. Remember, you owe me this favor. I will ask you to repay it in the future."

"Well, I'll stay with you for three nights. You can choose the whip, dripping wax, ice and fire. I'll remember it."

"The door is there, don't send it away"

When Daili came, he was rushing and very heavy. When he left, he was walking like flying, with a smile on his brows.

In the room, Li Ge pressed his temple and looked at the projection of a person next to him.

The projection was cold, heartless and indifferent.

"She must have guessed that I was your clone. She deliberately teased me thirty-five times. She teased me a total of thirty-five times. No, including the time just now, it was thirty-six times!"


"You're not angry at all for teasing me, just for teasing your majestic empress?"

"Being angry means you care. I don't care, so what's there to be angry about?"

"I really want to see how you look when you are teased by her."

"Chop her"


No wonder you can't get married.

The clone Li Ge pursed his lips and turned his face away, "You definitely didn't come here to look at her on purpose, right?"

"That woman Mu Qingyan came to see me."



"Hook up?"

"If you want to hook up, you already did it in your last life, why wait until this life?"

"Oh, you must have hooked up with another person in your last life. Yuan must have a wonderful expression when she knows that she had a previous life with you. "

"Are you sure you don't want me to put you in a dark room?"

"I can't see it anyway"

The empress glanced at her coldly and said calmly: "The matter between me and her is not as dirty as others thought. On the contrary, there is still a lot of hatred. But since she hasn't woken up yet, I won't bother her. That woman has no scruples." It’s just that as soon as she wakes up, she has to face many people who pity her for being a wet nurse, but they still can’t remember her.”

"Maybe it would be more fun to raise her. If you awakened earlier and met her earlier, you would be the one raising her now, not Mu Qingyan."

Develop? The empress was silenced for a while by this word, and then disappeared.

She guessed that the picture was too beautiful and she didn't dare to think about it.

Will a character like Yuan be raised?

It's like breaking the screen every minute. (To be continued)

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