A Queen

Chapter 1501: Ferry of the Dead, Fengdu

Chapter 1501


Now that Feng Zuixin has been found, he naturally has to find Ye Ranqiu, and Feng Zuixin's rescue method is also in the Nether Realm, so this line of work is naturally inevitable.

So the next day a group of people set out on the road

Only then did I know that Yu Minglang was from the Netherworld,

"Mingming, are you from the Netherworld?"

"Yes, Miss Yuan"

"Aren't you human?" Why is this question so strange?

"Well, I'm a human, but the Nether Realm is not necessarily all spiritual bodies. It is a combination of spiritual bodies and living creatures."

"Oh, I thought you were not human"


Mr. Yu, who was being hacked and harmed every minute, could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Dai Li is always known to be a show-off and show off when the situation arises. Even if he has Feng Zuixin in his heart, he will act coquettishly, cute, and cool. But what makes Feng Zuixin and the three girls quite heartbroken is that this man doesn't know. Why are you getting along with Yu Minglang?

What does good look like?

They talked and laughed with each other along the way. They talked about the world, politics, economy and culture, and there was no shortage of art. They even dabbled in food, etc. Finally, they talked about people's livelihood issues such as the relationship between men and women, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Those who listened said they were drunk too.

Especially Feng Zuixin, although she knew from the beginning that Yu Minglang was a typical, perfect and warm man, she never imagined that this Feng Yue Qili, who had no filth in her, would talk about those things with that person without changing her expression.

There is a feeling of destroying the three views and pushing the lower limit.

Ji Qingxin looked away from Feng Zuixin's helplessness and only said softly: "

Those who are close to vermilion are red; those who are close to ink are black."

You are a very enlightened beauty!


The road in the Netherworld is not easy to walk.

After all, it is the road leading to the underworld, and the further you go, the more deserted and dangerous it becomes. It wasn't until two days later that they arrived at Tongming Pass.

This is a ferry port.

A place located at the extreme edge of the mortal world.

"The Ferry Port of the Dead"

Dai Li looked at the plaque hanging high on the twenty-meter flagpole and carefully calculated their time. In fact, it was not yet evening, but it was already sunset here, the sky was dim, and the lake seemed to have entered. dark night. Darkly.

There is no one at this ferry port. It seems like there were only six of them here.

It’s so sparsely populated and desolate that it’s shocking.

"The Ferry Port of the Dead, no matter where you come from or when you come. After you arrive here, it will always be at dusk because the Netherworld is a place that is isolated from the human world and the Netherworld River is very powerful. If there is not a special extradition boat to carry people there, It is difficult for even Mahayana masters to enter. It is possible to enter the Immortal Realm, but it will easily attract attacks from many powerful people in the Netherworld." Yu Minglang is from the Netherworld, so he is naturally very familiar with it. The man greeted him and walked to the flagpole. Take off the piece of yellow paper hanging on the nail.

"This is the extradition spirit. Each of us takes one and writes our name on it. Burn it into the Netherworld River, and the river spirit will naturally come up to receive it."

It's better to have an acquaintance. Otherwise, only one of them, Li Ge, could know this, but Dai Li really felt that it was not good to rely on this person all the time.

Sleeping with someone is also very tiring.


Each of the six people took a piece of extradition spirit yellow, wrote their names on it, and then lit it. The burning extradition spirit yellow floated and the ashes fell into the river.

After about a while, everyone saw that in the misty darkness and dusk, the water surface was overflowing, and a man rowed slowly over with an oar.

With gray skin, an old appearance, and a lifeless look, he looked at the six people and stretched out his hand.

Ji Qingxin and others didn't understand. Just when Yu Minglang was about to speak, Daili said politely: "How much?"

The man shook his hands and stretched out six fingers.

“There are only five of us here and one is a minor, so count less.”

Underage Li Ge pursed her lips, who was she talking about?

The old man glanced at Li Ge and shook his head. He still had six fingers.

Dai Li curled his lips and threw a ring.

The old man looked at it, nodded, and motioned for them to get on the boat.

"Miss Yuan, have you been to the Netherworld?"

"No ah"

"Then how do you know the meaning of the ferryman's gesture?"

"Nonsense, you don't need money to sail the ship. Six million is too cheap, and six hundred million is too expensive. Then it must be 60 million magic crystals."

He is shrewd and does one thing after another, but sometimes he is very ignorant.

Yu Minglang laughed freely, Ji Qingxin shook her head and suddenly said: "Boatman, your boat is a bit small, there are six of us."

“I can’t seem to get up there.”

The boatman didn't look at them at all, and just said calmly: "Just sit on one's lap."

"Yes, we also have an underage girl here named Qingyin Tirou who is easy to push down~ it's Yi who is sitting on her lap."

After someone took the lead, he met the gazes of everyone for a moment. Li Ge, a minor who was silently shot, took a shallow breath and was about to speak.

"Do you want to sit on my lap or sit on my lap?"

Will you die if you don't tease me?

knowing that i am

Li Ge covered his eyes, with a cool smile on his lips, and said lightly: "Maybe you can consider Miss Xia Yuan sitting on someone else's lap."

"Good idea, Qing Xin, Zuixin Farewell, what do you mean by turning around? Then I want to sit on Qin Ming and Ming Lang's lap?"

Si Qin ordered: "My subordinates dare not"

Yu Minglang: "Miss Yuan is joking."

Ji Qingxin follows Feng and is fascinated by the two beauties: ""

Why do I feel so threatened?

Li Ge: ""

You thieves!

After the group was teased once, someone laughed and threw off his long sleeves, stepped onto the bow of the boat, stood facing the wind, and said with a smile: "Come on, I'm standing, little sister Li Ge, you sit down."

little sister

Li Ge lowered his eyes.

If the subject is here

Chop chop chop chop chop

All kinds of chop!

The boatman glanced at Dai Li and rowed the oars. There was a splash, a splash, a splash of water. Dai Li turned to look at the slightly hazy ferry port and asked Yu Minglang: "Is your Netherworld so desolate? No one comes and goes, isn't it very sparsely populated inside?"

Yu Minglang's expression was a little strange, and he motioned to Dai Li and others to look at the water.

water surface?

Everyone’s eyes fell on the water

Reflections, countless reflections, countless ships, countless people

"Dead soul?"

"Yes. In fact, most of the people who travel to and from the Nether Realm are soul bodies. Living people rarely set foot in places like the Nether Realm." Yu Minglang was hesitant to speak, but everyone could understand.

Since Sifang Tiandi lists the Nether Realm as the most special and terrifying place. Along with the Sky Domain, the Soul Domain, the two strongest regions, and the mysterious Wuji Domain, which are among the four major imperial domains, they naturally have their own unique features.

The mere presence of a living soul is enough to scare away many monks.

"Are these dead souls the souls of fallen people?"

"Yes, if the soul is not completely destroyed. All the souls in this world will come to my Netherworld and enter the underworld."

Yu Minglang's words made Daili secretly think so. This Nether Realm is very scary. After all, spirits are not without threats. Those ghosts are equally scary. I heard that there are also ghosts and immortals.

"There are people over there"

Si Qinming's slight reminder was actually a beat too slow. Because Dai Li has already looked over.

I don't know how far away it is, because the mist is very good at distorting distance, and I vaguely feel that there is a small boat floating on the Netherworld River in the distance. The fog was so clear that I couldn't see clearly the other party's appearance. But Dai Li knew that the other party must have seen them, so he stared at them silently for a while, and then both looked away.

I hope there won't be any trouble going to the Netherworld this time.

Dai Li put his hands behind his back, and the original frivolous humor had faded away at this moment, leaving only You You looking at the dim and uncertain Netherworld River in front of him.


After a day and a night of extradition, the boat swayed on the slightly turbulent Netherworld River. The fog was heavy, the smell was very cold, and it was slightly decayed. In the gray, the six people from Daili saw the huge city nestled in the fog.

It's a huge city. It's much bigger than the Demon City or the Flower City. It's like a city is a Demon Realm.

It's just that the architectural style is 100% ancient, and it's not as gloomy as the Netherworld River. Instead, it's bright and beautiful. At first glance, it looks like an ancient dynasty capital.

"That's Fengdu, the core place of the Netherworld is also called the Netherworld Capital," Yu Minglang said softly.

"Is your home inside?" Dai Li asked.

"Yes." Yu Minglang smiled softly, and then looked at Feng Zuixin: "It's just that I rarely live here, and mostly travel outside. This time, I haven't been back for several years. If you come to Fengdu today, please let me know. Can you entertain me as a local?"

This is naturally excellent. After all, they are new here and Daili and the others are very strong, but they are here to find someone, not to fight. They don't want any conflicts to disturb their search for someone.

It's just that Dai Li needs to confirm whether Ye Ranqiu happens to be in Fengdu, the most famous and powerful city in the Netherworld.

She looked at Li Ge, who nodded slightly to her.

Daili felt certain in his heart and readily accepted Yu Minglang's invitation.

In fact, she knew that Yu Minglang was not an ordinary person in the Mahayana period? Supreme? Emperor?

More than anything.

This person is an immortal-level master, but he is very low-key on the surface, looking like an ordinary scholar. He is willing to be ordinary, but he has stayed in the mortal world for many years because of Feng Zui.

——He lives in Dashi City, not far from that village.

Daili asked himself that it was hard to find such a man nowadays, if Feng Zuixin really liked him

Forget it, pretend I didn’t think about it.


The liveliness of Fengdu was beyond the expectations of Daili and others. After all, it was a completely unfamiliar area. The people coming and going seemed novel to them, especially some of the spirits, who were vivid, beautiful, handsome, and full of life. exuberant.

It looks no different from a living thing. (To be continued)

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