A Queen

Chapter 1502 Golden Ball, Double Dragon Club!

Chapter 1502

Dai Li silently opened the Six Paths of Reincarnation Eye. With a glance, he saw that this huge Fengdu was special. There was a strange and terrifying power that could make the spirit body look like a real person in Fengdu.

"You mean these undead can become like real people in Fengdu?"

"Well, but these undead souls are different from those we saw on the Netherworld River before. They seem to have receded from the aura of death and become much cleaner and purer. Under the influence of Fengdu, they look like living people. Maybe it can also be understood that we are being Assimilate and become like them"

Dai Li's words made Ji Qing thoughtful, and she also used her psychic talent to observe the people nearby.

There are specialties in the arts, but what Ji Qingxin saw was different from Daili. Daili just dealt with it on a large scale, but she was more focused on spiritual bodies.

"These undead souls seem to have a very strange imprint on them, which allows them to isolate themselves from death and live like normal people. Most of their cultivation levels are not low, and their souls are also very powerful. It stands to reason that there are so many undead souls in the Nether Realm that it would be difficult for even one of them to die. To accommodate all the dead souls, these dead souls probably only have two places to go, one is to go to the underworld for reincarnation, and the other is to stay and be called citizens similar to Fengdu."

"It should be like this. My mother is probably the one who was left behind."

Reincarnation? Dai Li thought about it and knew that people like Ye Ranqiu would not give up everything easily and reincarnate.

What's more, her identity is special. Once she is reincarnated, she will leave a record with the high-level officials of the Netherworld. She may not be found out by the people of the Gods.

So Daili was very sure that his mother must be nesting in this huge Fengdu.

The two communicated for a while, and then followed Yu Minglang into the bustling downtown.

Yu Minglang was not in a hurry to take them to his mansion. Instead, he was very friendly and considerate and took them to visit some of the most interesting and famous places in the city. Dai Li and the others came to see Ye Ranqiu, so they were naturally happy to visit the city. Take a stroll. By the way, I want to ask Yu Minglang some things, such as that place, that house, and that orchid. Although it is very large, it is probably in the same direction.

But before Daili could ask, everyone's eardrums were suddenly stimulated by an extremely enthusiastic noise, and they turned around to look.

The front was crowded. Too many people. There was a huge crowd, and as soon as one glanced at it, thousands of people gathered, and these numbers continued to accumulate on more than a dozen streets in all directions.

Since ancient times, people have been very lively. If there was no excitement, these people would not gather like this.


The eyes of Daili and others moved up and landed on the tall pavilion.

Two-story pavilion. Each floor is extremely high, and the second floor is twenty meters high. The people above are looking down from a distance, and the people below are looking up at them.

There was a group of people standing in front of the railing. Among them was a man who was dressed rich and majestic and said in a deep voice: "Thank you all for supporting me, and please follow the rules. You should not be more than two hundred years old, and the fighting area should not exceed this semicircle. If it is violated, don't blame me. You’re welcome to start now.”

What to start?

Dai Li and others were curious, as there were originally a lot of people here. Dai Li wanted to go up and inquire about the excitement, not to mention that Yu Minglang seemed to recognize this person.

"It's him"

Yu Minglang roared in surprise and said to everyone: "Have you seen the pavilion emblem? That is the symbol of the Lanshan clan, a large family in Fengdu. The Lanshan clan has always had some rights in the underworld, and their rights are also rooted in the management of dead souls." On the other hand, if we say that the place with the most important information in the Nether Realm is definitely No. 1, that man is Lanshan Kaede, the leader of the Lanshan clan, but I don’t know why he is doing this today.”

No matter why, Daili and the others became active as soon as they heard about the management of dead souls and the rights of the underworld. After all, Yu Minglang is an immortal, and his natural status and vision in Fengdu are extraordinary. His tone has exposed the capabilities of this Lanshan family.

Especially Dai Li, his eyes narrowed slightly. When he looked up, he saw a golden ball floating in the hands of the mighty middle-aged man. There were many strong men below who were ready to attack, including some young talents and geniuses. There are many people with extraordinary power. It can be imagined that this is a big competition for the Lanshan family.

If you get first place, you might be able to establish a relationship with the Lanshan family and ask them to help track down Ye Ranqiu.

Ji Qing's heart moved, and she saw Dai Li's expression.

Eager to try.

Dai Li and others were outside the crowd. There happened to be a loft on their left, which seemed to be an elegant restaurant. In the corridor on the second floor, there were several handsome or elegant young men standing across the street. One of them, a handsome young man, said with a smile : "You really don't want to participate in such a grand event? Don't regret it in the future."

"Yulong, if you're having fun, don't drag us along. We'll suffer if you piss off Lan Shanyou."

"If we say the only one who is not afraid of Lanshan Yi is Brother Yujin."

In fact, the words of these people all revolve around one person. This person is wearing a light and thin black shirt with a white collar on the inside. The belt is not loose and not baggy. It is just right. It is obviously dull and monotonous black and white, but it is because of his... Neither cold nor hot, his special temperament of neither desire nor restraint gives him a sense of temptation. This man is like a cold and mysterious yin and yang cat's eye stone. He always wears light makeup and heavy makeup.

As for the overt and covert provocations of his companions, this man only frowned. He was a little lazy and indifferent, so he took a sip of his own tea, his eyes drifted, and he looked at the person behind Lanshan Kaede in the attic opposite. Standing man.

That man is a little low-key and not easy for people to notice, but once he notices

It's hard to ignore him.

"Start!" Lanshan Kaede didn't care about the group of Daili people who were relatively ordinary in all aspects now. There were too many people below. He didn't even glance at him and just flicked his wrist, and the golden ball of light was thrown down.

The golden ball, the size of a head, just fell down with a vivid brilliance, and then

Swish, brush, brush!

Hundreds of people jumped up in succession, turning into beams of light and shooting toward the golden ball.

How to put it? You can understand it as a group of wolf cubs who had been hungry for ten days and a half and suddenly saw a hot piece of Orleans grilled wings.


Ouch! Ouch!

Bang bang bang!

The colorful sharp rays of light, the ball of light ejected from the attack, Yulong and others were a little disappointed when they saw that the man named Yujin had no reaction at all, but Yulong was really a frivolous and fun person, and his eyes turned quickly. jump out

This kid turned out to be a Supreme, and his attacks were very ferocious. He knocked away thirty or forty people in twos and twos, bang bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of people competing for it, and among them there are probably more than twenty supreme ones~

There are monks who are no more than two hundred years old, but there are twenty or thirty supreme masters. After estimation, the quantity and quality of the masters in Fengdu are much higher than those in Penglai!

What a Fengdu!

The supreme battle!

The glorious battle was all wrapped up within the semicircle.

Yulong is very strong, and the immortal weapons in his hands are all kinds of rampant. Above the attic of the Lanshan clan, Lanshan Feng frowned: "Is he that boy from the Yu family who has no future?"

"Even if he has no future, he still meets the conditions." The voice of the young man behind him was very cold.

"Can't we fight them out? These people are not worthy of our Lanshan clan."

"It's not his turn." The young man's eyes were cold and he glanced around. Sure enough, the jade dragon had been cut off!

That palm was so fierce that the jade dragon was knocked out

"Damn it, that bastard filmed me!"

When he looked up, he saw a powerful man sneering at him and grabbing the golden ball.

"Even a mere supreme person dares to rob him."


A sword pierced his eyebrow, and a handsome young man grabbed the ball. This was a very powerful swordsman and an emperor.

"Sorry about this ball, I"

The sound stopped suddenly, and the beam of light passed through the center of his eyebrows. A person grabbed the ball in his hand, turned his fingertips, raised his head and raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Lanshan Ying, why don't you come down? Otherwise, this ball will happen"


A cold light shot down from above. The cold light was sharp, but it was like a mountain, overwhelmingly pressing down!


In the blink of an eye, he was met with a palm!

A turbulent palm, an extremely restrained palm!


Both are immortals!

The immortal power swept across, and the original supreme emperors and emperors were all forced to retreat. The crowd rushed out, except for those two groups of people.

Except for one person.

Lanshan You and Guan Yujin, who were fighting in front of each other, watched helplessly as the ball was flicked away by a slender and beautiful finger.



The palms of the two people remained still, and their eyes drifted

Seven or eight meters away, the man floating in the air has long hair hanging down his shoulders, his robes are slightly swaying, his ordinary face is smooth, but his eyebrows are frivolous and unfocused.

What was she holding in her hand if it wasn't the original golden ball?

He easily took the golden ball from the hands of two immortals and appeared calmly. What kind of ability is that?


Lan Shanyi frowned, Guan Yujin narrowed his eyes, they both withdrew their palms at the same time, and then shot at the man at the same time the next second!

Join forces?

No, one is to win the golden ball, and the other is to test this person's strength!


Lanshan Ying's hand knife is as sharp and stable as Mount Tai. It is a perfect combination of metal and earth elements, the mystery of the third level of void~~

Where is Guan Yujin? This man also stretched his hands into claws, and those claws were like those of a cheetah, elegant and swift.

As for the person holding the golden ball in her hand, she moved her wrist and threw the golden ball upwards. Then her left and right hands joined hands to kill everything!

Tear apart Mount Tai!

Cut off the leopard's claws!

Boom boom!

That momentum as steady as Mount Tai, the restrained and terrifying power!

The two were forced back, and sharp cloud marks were drawn under their feet.

In just a blink of an eye, the two of them steadied their bodies and their expressions became solemn. The one above, Lan Shanfeng, frowned, with surprise and suspicion flashing in his eyes.

And the person opposite

Her left hand was spread flat in the air, and the discarded golden ball just fell into her palm. Her eyes were like the moon floating in the sky, like deep mountain springs.

crystal clear. (To be continued)

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