A Queen

Chapter 1503: Withered Leaves in Arashiyama


In such a big square, there are at least ten thousand people gathered around it, not to mention there are also many people in the nearby attic, but they are all a little quiet at the moment.

It should be said that you can clearly hear a pin drop.

It was so quiet, so eerily quiet.

Dai Li's hand holding the golden ball moved slightly, and his eyes glanced at Lanshan Ying and Guan Yujin. How should I put it, the former's eyes were cold and hostile, and the latter's eyes were weird.

Edaili's throat moved, and he said slowly: "You two, you are willing to admit defeat, and you won't be so hostile to me."

It was okay if she didn't say this, but when she said it, the expressions of the two of them became even weirder. Daili didn't bother to pay attention to them. In fact, if it weren't for their good looks, she wouldn't have bothered to say a word. She curled her lips and turned to look. Arashiyama Kaede looked up, twirling the golden ball with his fingers, and smiled elegantly and gently at Arashiyama Kaede: "The ball is in my hand. It seems that I won. So, can I get my reward?"

Lanshan Kaede's expression is almost like gnashing of teeth.

"Girl, you are a woman"

nonsense! Dai Li frowned: "Why, your game is still sexist~"

"It's not discrimination, but" Lanshan Kaede thought of a word: "women are not suitable"

Hey! It’s really sexist!

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong. How would you know it's not suitable if you don't try it? You have to insert a key into the keyhole to see if it can open the door."

Dai Li's tone is quite gentle, his voice is nice, and his expression is natural and calm, but when he sounds like

Yellow storm is fresh and refreshing! ! !

The whole audience suppressed laughter.

Lanshan Feng's face turned dark, and Lanshan Yi glanced at Dai Li. He said calmly: "Do you have the key?"


Dai Li understood it instantly and said righteously: "Of course I have it."


Lanshan Yi's eyes paused. Could it be that he had misunderstood and was pretending to be a woman?

Then I saw this "women's clothing" spread out her hands seriously,

A bunch of keys hung on his fingers, jingling, "I have many. Big ones, small ones, long ones, short ones, whatever you want~"

All men in the audience: ""

It's almost unbearable to look at.

Yu Minglang has already raised his forehead. Li Ge turned his face away, and Ji Qingxin followed Feng Zuixin in silence.

In fact, the IQ thing is not a continuous work, people will occasionally take a break. He is a man, but Daili is a man who often runs away from home and never looks back.

Like now.

IQ and EQ are all fed to chickens, and she is too cute to look at.

Why does she carry so many keys with her?

Lan Shanyou took a deep breath. He was 100% sure that this person was here to cause trouble: "Girl, I didn't mean that"

Dai Li was stunned. Then he thought about it and said, "You are too wretched."

You are so wretched!

Lanshan Yi and everyone: ""

Is it okay to insert a knife into a heart and vomit blood?

Until Guan Yujin stretched out his slender fingers, pointed at the ball in Dai Li's hand, and said coolly: "This is the hydrangea."

"I know, embroidered balls, golden embroidered balls" what the hell? Dai Li's expression stiffened. Facing the inexplicably sad eyes of many people, he turned to look at Ji Qingxin and the others, who had now come back to their senses. They all returned a look.

——Yes, this is the hydrangea you imagined.


The generation-living reflex arc lengthened, and IQ, who suddenly ran away from home, ran home crying, and then got smart!


The hydrangea was stuffed into Yu Minglang's arms. While patting him on the shoulder, he said with a hint of resentment: "Brother Minglang, I just said it's not good for you to be so shy. If you want to grab the hydrangea, just say so. You have to ask me." A weak and dignified girl can really help you. Tell me how I want to see someone. Come on, this hydrangea is yours now. Come in and see her. We are waiting to drink your wedding wine."

Then naturally, he was generous and had his hands behind his back, three parts sincere, three parts shy, and four parts shameless.

Yu Minglang, holding a hydrangea: ""

Suddenly, I felt like I had been stabbed with a knife after being shot while lying down.

Are you sure you didn't mean to insult me ​​in front of Feng Meiren?

Ji Qingxin: She didn’t mean to blackmail you, she just instinctively wanted to cut off your retreat in front of Miss Feng. It was just instinct.

Feng Zuixin: Is it none of my business?

Si Qinming: The master is smart! Kill two birds with one stone!

Li Ge: Haha.

Obviously Daili's target shifting strategy is very effective, because Yu Minglang has been recognized.

"It's Yu Minglang"

"It's Mingming Immortal"

Lanshan Ying fixed his gaze on Yu Minglang, who looked embarrassed and helpless but still graceful. He was silent for a moment, clasped his hands in fists and bowed: "I've met brother Minglang."

Official Yujin also bowed and saluted.

Above, Lanshan Feng pressed his temples, suddenly his eyes flashed, and he smiled: "Yu Minglang, it seems that it is destined by God that you are destined to belong to our Lanshan clan."

So what, it seems that Mr. Yu is attracted to me~ So I am just a little lucky and have a good marriage?

Dai Li touched his chin and said to Ji Qingxin and others. Ji Qingxin and others laughed.

It’s really intoxicating for someone who is so shameless but still thinks his face is pretty.

It's just that an honest and good person like Yu Minglang would not drag Dai Li out to have his body whipped.

Yu Minglang is naturally an honest person and a good person. He just smiled helplessly at Dai Li's deceit. He folded up his sleeves and bowed to Lanshan Feng: "Chief Lanshan, long time no see."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time and it's fate to see each other~ Mingming, we are all our own people, come in quickly." For some reason, the originally aloof and elegant leader of the clan gave Daili a sense of rhythm that wanted to deceive others.

Yu Minglang's expression twitched and he smiled: "Today is just the right time. I didn't expect to meet such a happy event as a noble. It's such a coincidence."

Yu Minglang is a gentleman and will not be embarrassed in front of others. Besides, the Lanshan clan is a rich clan and Daili has been the one to deceive others. He is naturally good-tempered.

But Lanshan Kaede didn’t think so. As if he didn't understand the words, he said with a smile: "Qiao, this is fate! You are right, A-Xing"

Dear dad, do you want this?

Lanshan Yi twitched his eyes and forced a smile: "It's the right fate! Brother Minglang, you and my sister"

Not finished yet

There was a voice coming from the attic above, from behind Arashiyama Kaede.

"Yu Minglang? I haven't seen you for many years."

The sound was as cool as iced mint. Refreshing. Immediately, everyone saw a person appearing behind Lanshan Kaede.

The wheels of the wheelchair turned slowly and settled there, with people sitting on them. It can be vaguely seen that she is wearing an ordinary and simple single-color purple dress, with ink jade clogs on her feet. She has no other decorations, but her features are picturesque. Smiling as usual.

For some reason, this simple woman reminds people of the majestic and quiet distant mountains. The blue and timid sea

Yu Minglang smiled slightly, bowed generously and naturally: "Miss withered leaves"

Girl with dead leaves? Daili has been informed by Yu Minglang.

Lanshan Kuye, the eldest daughter of the direct lineage of the Lanshan clan, was originally a noble person. Why such a strange name.

Most people would not choose such a name, let alone a dignified young lady.

However, Yu Minglang obviously didn't have the extra time or thought to explain the reason to her. He was more serious or fearful than before when he faced Lanshan Feng and Lanshan Yi.

The dead leaves of Arashiyama were still behind the railing. At this moment, the wheels of the carriage turned slightly, and she came to the edge of the railing. Lanshan Feng lovingly and carefully moved out of the way, and the other strong men of the Lanshan clan also moved aside respectfully and silently.

She was right in front of the railing, her face became clearer, and her eyes seemed to drop down into an ocean, embracing many people softly and coolly.

"I'm sorry that my father and brother's naughty behavior has made things difficult for you."

The strong man from the Lanshan clan stood quietly behind her, bowing his head.

"I will arrange for you to enter Yuanshan Tower, and I, the Lanshan clan, will bear the expenses." After saying that, her eyes fell on Minglang, and perhaps Daili and others also looked in, her eyes slightly twitching: "As for Brother Minglang, I think You have more important guests to entertain.”

A few words ruined everything. Many people below were agitated, but few people spoke out to refute. Even if this kind of childishness was meant to tease them, this woman

Guan Yujin narrowed his eyes, stared at her, and suddenly said: "I think this kind of thing is not a trivial matter."

Does he mean that he is serious?

"If the target is Miss Kuye" Guan Yujin's words were like a firecracker, which suddenly made the Lanshan clan murderous, especially Lanshan Yi, such a calm and low-key person, his eyes were like swords at this moment.

Yulong and the others laughed dryly, not daring to say a word, but they were scolding in their hearts. Damn it, they looked pure and stoic before, but they didn't expect that they would change their minds when they saw the dead leaves in Lanshan Mountain.

If he is not sincere, then Guan Yujin's joke is too big. Not only will he offend the Lanshan clan, but he might also drag Yu Minglang, who has always been upright, into trouble.

Just when the atmosphere became weird

"You have to take responsibility for what you do. This is a traditional virtue."

These sudden and cool words attracted everyone's attention, and they all turned their heads to look. They saw the ordinary yet extraordinary woman's expression, and she naturally grabbed the golden hydrangea in Minglang's hand with her beautiful hands.

He also smiled brightly at the dead leaves in Arashiyama.

"If the target is the dead leaf girl"

Dai girls always have the natural ability to cool down the atmosphere with just one or two words~~

Yu Minglang: After I was shot and stabbed, am I being demolished again?

Guan Yujin: What does it mean to repeat my lines?

Ji Qingxin and others: After all, is it about looking at someone’s beauty?

Of course, the bigger point is

You are a girl! ! !

By the way, if they had a mallet in their hands, the Arashiyama clan would have definitely smashed someone to death.

Arashiyama Ye: "Girl, don't make such a joke" (To be continued)

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