A Queen

Chapter 1504 You are sick

Chapter 1504

Daili: "I'm not kidding, I'm very serious."

Lanshan Yi: "Girl!"

Daili: "Hey~~"

It deserves to sound particularly nice and gentle.

You're so fucking stupid! The calm and low-key Arashiyama Yoyo wanted to say something like this, but when he saw those mysterious and sad eyes, he was inexplicably speechless and could only silently suffer from his internal injuries.

The person involved, Lanshan Kuye, suddenly smiled slowly after being quiet: "We are guests from afar, please come in."

No matter why, it seems that I don’t take this matter to heart, and I also know that it will be very inconvenient in front of so many people, so

Dai Li and a group of people were invited into the building. When they entered, Dai Li looked back subconsciously, huh? Just now she seemed to feel someone

When I glanced around, there was no one there.

Is it an illusion?

Dai Li curled his lips and walked into the building, only to realize that the building was booked.

No, it should be said that this building itself belongs to the Lanshan clan's property.

"Their properties are all nearby," Yu Minglang mentioned.

What a rich man!

Dai Li can only think so.

At that time, a group of them walked in. The people outside dispersed, but an attic was also booked.

It was an intimidating group of people.

Although there are only a few people.

The prince of Northern Xinjiang still stood by the window, looked at it for a long time, turned to the man sitting there and said: "We can all find it here, and the gods must be there soon, and even the gods can't suppress the Lanshan clan. Is it possible for her to search for Ye Ranqiu’s traces?”

"Why don't you help me?"

“No need”

The person sitting down drank a glass of wine and put down the glass: "We in the Mo family never do anything we are not sure of."

And here on the second floor.

In the elegant and spacious living room, Lan Shanfeng frowned: "The group of people behind Yu Minglang have some background, but I don't know where they came from, but there is a mortal."

"That mortal is the one that Yu Minglang likes. As expected, he couldn't get what he asked for. The girl has no interest in him."

"The appearance is different from the information. I think he is disguised, but even I can't tell. I didn't expect Yu Minglang to have such methods." Lan Shanfeng was slightly surprised. Lan Shan withered leaves shook his head.

His eyes turned slightly. Laughing: "It shouldn't be Yu Minglang, but he is not important. What is important is the people around him, especially that woman."

Lanshan Feng said seriously, "On the contrary. I think Yu Minglang is more important. Ye'er, your body is already dead. We can only use this method to help you find the rescuer. Even if you are annoyed. As a husband." Must do”

"I know." Lanshan Kuye gently touched the armrest and smiled softly: "It's just father. Some things cannot be forced, and people have their own feelings, not to mention that woman is indeed more important."

Lanshan Feng frowned in thought for a while, then his expression became unnatural. It’s like making up one’s mind and cutting off one’s wrists as a martyr

"Father, I understand. As long as you like Ye'er, I will help you do it."

After saying that, he didn’t care about Lanshan Kuye’s expression or attitude, and went directly to pick up Yu Minglang and others.

Arashiyama withered leaves: ""

Sure enough, after hosting a few unreliable copycat hydrangea tossing games, dad’s brain was no longer in a normal circuit?

Why can’t she understand this~


Dai Li and others soon saw Lan Shanfeng. It's just different from the previous hostility. Dai Li always felt that the uncle looked at him a little strangely.

It's the kind of person who sees a chamber pot at a roadside stall and actually doesn't like it, but has to buy it. Before paying for it, he was very disgusted, but finally decided to buy it because he needed a chamber pot. He was so entangled.

Dai Li was confused, you are such a chamber pot! And even if it’s a chamber pot, it’s a titanium alloy IKEA brand chamber pot.

"Everyone, please come this way"

After going up to the second floor, Dai Li saw the dead leaves of Lan Shan. He still looked calm and calm. He just wanted to pay more attention to Dai Li. After a group of people met, Lan Shan Feng said: "The one who makes you laugh is the guest." , come this way”

This clan leader is very strange. Although he has a high and cool status, he seems to be very down-to-earth, but he doesn't have a good face when he sees Guan Yujin.

Well, in fact, Dai Li was also a little embarrassed. Guan Yujin actually followed him. (Are you embarrassed to shame others?)

At this moment, Shi Shili suddenly said: "Well, what about this hydrangea? I finally got the hydrangea."

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of the Lanshan clan members froze.

Sister, do you have the nerve to mention this?

Lanshan Yi's eyelids kept twitching, and just as he was about to speak, Lanshan Kuye preempted him.

His sister's eyes fell on the golden hydrangea in Dai Li's hand, and she seemed to be looking at her, "So, how do you treat this girl?"

"I said I can tell fortunes, do you believe it?" Dai Li seemed to have ignored the cold looks from the Lanshan clan or Guan Yujin, and only smiled at the dead leaves of Lanshan.

Fortune telling? What medicine is this man selling in his gourd?

Li Ge narrowed his eyes slightly

Lanshan Kuye tilted his head slightly and smiled: "It depends on how you think about it."

Daili stepped forward: "Stretch out your hand"

"Sister" Lanshan Yi couldn't help but stepped forward and glanced at Daili: "I'm a woman, why are you so anxious?"

You have always emphasized that I am a woman before, but now you have forgotten?

Lanshan You, who was stunned for a moment, took a breath.

"It doesn't matter." Lanshan Kuye stretched out his hand generously, and Daili also lifted up the sleeve on her wrist generously, revealing a section of his bright white wrist, and placed his fingers on the tendons of her wrist.

In fact, Dai Li's fingers were very white, tender, and transparent. There was no sense of blasphemy when they landed on those bright wrists, they just felt inexplicably beautiful.

Anyway, Arashiyama Kuye, who never liked being touched by other people, didn’t do much to stop him, but looked natural.

After a while, Daili said: "You are sick."

you! The people of the Arashiyama clan are angry

Lanshan Kuye glanced at them, and they had to endure it.

"It is indeed obvious that you are sick." Lanshan Guye's palm fell on his lap and smiled softly: "You have been like this since you were a child, girl."

Before she finished speaking, her tone paused, because Dai Li, a stranger, had already put her hand on her thigh.

Even with two women, this is actually a bit abnormal.

To be honest, even if it is ordinary, Lanshan Kuye will not let others be so presumptuous before others take action.

But she saw this man's eyes.

Too clear, not even the slightest bit obscene or unclean

If she is angry, it means that she is unclean.

So Arashiyama Dead Leaf just closed his eyes and suppressed the unnatural feeling before.

In fact, it was just because she felt unnatural. She had no feeling in her legs.

People like Lan Shanfeng could guess that Dai Li was not an ordinary person, so they didn't speak. People like Ji Qingxin were even quieter, except for Guan Yujin, who looked at this scene with his brows furrowed.

After taking a breath, Dai Li retracted his hand and said softly: "The cartilage of the sky and the weak spirit of the earth were originally destined to die young, but they were saved by others with their lives. It is very hard to be able to survive today~~ But you will still be here three years later will die"

After saying this, everyone in the Lanshan clan changed their expressions.

Lanshan Yi immediately clasped his fists with his hands: "Girl, Yi was disrespectful before, but you are a capable person. If you can save my sister, Yi is willing to do anything for you."

Lanshan Feng also said in a deep voice: "My Lanshan clan is the same way."

As expected, I really love this young lady very much.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes, she was right!

As for the dead leaf of Lanshan Mountain, she was much calmer and said softly: "On the day I was born, my mother sacrificed herself to protect me for thirty years. If I have relatives to protect me for another twenty years, if I have three more years, it will be enough." I should have no regrets for half a hundred, but I don’t want to die.”

Dai Li originally thought that this person would ignore life and death, but he didn't expect her to say such a thing.

No one else thought of it either.

Lan Shan withered leaves smiled softly and said: "How can you die without regrets if you don't repay family affection?"

These words touched a certain point in Dai Li's heart.

She has always felt that living is the most meaningful thing, so no matter what others say, she wants people like Ye Ranqiu to come alive and herself not to die.

Lan Shanfeng looked at Dai Li and suddenly said: "Girl, can you speak alone?"


Dai Li nodded.

Soon the two of them arrived in a separate compartment.

Sitting face to face, Dai Li thought that this person must want her to save the dead leaves of Lanshan. If so, she could follow this line to attract the Lanshan clan, and then

"Withered leaves are the unique treasure of our Arashiyama clan"

"Well, I can see it."

"Her talent and intelligence far exceed those of anyone in my Lanshan clan. To put it bluntly, she is enough to outshine many peerless geniuses in the Netherworld, even in the world."

This is not an exaggeration. The dead leaves of Lanshan Mountain are also an immortal.

He is a pure immortal.

The so-called pure immortals are immortals who specialize in the path of realms and thoughts. They do not use swords or cultivate their bodies, but they specialize in the realm of Taoism. To be honest, a person with that kind of physique can actually become a pure immortal. Her understanding One can imagine.

He is still less than 40 years old, and his talent is definitely among the best in the world, even compared to that of Prince Beigong.

"It's a pity that God didn't bless her and gave her such a hardship." Lanshan Feng's unwillingness was obvious, and then he said some things to himself. For example, the reason why Lanshan Dead Leaf's name is Dead Leaf is because they heard that Children with nicknames are easy to raise. For example, Arashiyama Kuye's mother was his legitimate wife and he sacrificed himself to save her. Another example is that in order to keep Arashiyama Kuye alive, he did not hesitate to hold many marriage recruitments.

"Wait a minute, what you said about recruiting a bride is to find someone who can save her?"

"Yes." Lanshan Feng drank tea and said in a deep voice: "Back then, I took the dead leaves to the underworld to see the Buddha. He made a comment. As you said before, the dead leaves can't live to be 50 years old. If she wants to break this fate, she must find her destined person," (to be continued)

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