A Queen

Chapter 1509 Another Child

c_t;Chapter 1509

"Miss Guye is interested." Ji Qingxin herself had channeled that store, but Feng Zuixin and the others didn't know that. If you want to find someone, it's useless if you don't know the place. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"You're welcome, but Ku Ye still has things to deal with right now, so I won't join you all." Lan Shan Ku Ye responded calmly.

It seems very uninteresting, but people like Ji Qingxin are open-minded and extremely smart, so why don't they know that Lanshan Dead Leaf is no better than them, and more people know her. If she arrogantly searches for people here, I'm afraid it won't take long. Exposing their identities would be more troublesome, so it's best to avoid suspicion.

For example, many people have noticed the dead leaves in Arashiyama in nearby buildings.

"Isn't that Arashiyama Dead Leaf? Why is she here?"

"I heard that she seldom moves outside."

"Too bad for her legs"

By the way, it needs to be reminded that Arashiyama Kuye followed Daili and them to Mingchi this time. He did not reveal that he had recovered, but was still sitting in a wheelchair.

This is also the safest way at present. Otherwise, if she recovers suddenly, someone will inevitably find out about Dai Li and them, and it will also easily make Arashiyama Dead Leaf the target of public attention - a disabled Lanshan Dead Leaf can't live for many years. The healthy Arashiyama dead leaves make people feel at ease and don’t know how many times reads;.

Even for the sake of her own purity, Arashiyama Kuye is happy to sit in a wheelchair for a while longer

Just like at this moment, a young man standing in the corridor of an attic building narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "The dead leaves of Lanshan will not come here for no reason."

"Sir, could it be that there is something wrong with her physique and she needs Immortal Underworld Roots? After all, in the past years, some people from the Lanshan clan came to buy Immortal Underworld Roots to help her transform her body and extend her life."

"Close supervision, I need to know everything about her after she comes."


Don't think that the Nether Realm is just a gloomy place where the living and the dead are distinct. In fact, there are many battles within it. For example, the circle of the Arashiyama Kuye class involves not only personal status, but also the future of the family.

In the past, Arashiyama Kuye was rarely feared due to his physical condition. After all, no one has time to care about a dying person, but there are always some people who are alert and keen.

For example, General Zhan Jingyun, a famous general in search of souls in the Netherworld,

This is a genius who is at the pinnacle of power, commanding the Soul-seeking Army, a famous army in the Netherworld. He is a self-made man who is ruthless and ruthless, and he has always been wary of the heirs of big families like Arashiyama Kuye.

And such people must be very dangerous.

Zhan Jingyun watched the dead leaves of Lanshan leave, his eyes were cold, and he turned around to leave.

In fact, Arashiyama Kuye is indeed a very smart person. Read the full text of the latest chapter. She knew that she was a target. As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of many people in the area.

It was just because she rarely appeared, and was unlikely to appear, that she happened to appear, which aroused the nervous attention of these people. On the contrary, no one paid attention to Dai Li and others.

Among all living beings, there is only one person, Daili, walking and searching in countless streets.

She followed her heart.

Follow your nose

The best orchid must be where she is

Half a day later. Daili stood in front of a flower shop,

This flower shop is very beautiful. There are pots of quiet and intoxicating orchids on the shelves in the yard. There are all kinds of orchids, which are really beautiful.

Daili stood in front of the fence, silently looking at these orchids. These orchids

Back then, the Ye family had it.

It seems that only her mother can grow one of them, not even someone like Qin Zhige.

For example, this basin in front of me

Daili couldn't help but push aside the fence and walked to the pot of orchids.

Back then, Ye Ranqiu had guided her step by step, but she was really not interested in this aspect. I could only vaguely hear her calling this flower

Jingle bells, the door was pushed open, the wind chimes sounded, and a person came out.

Dai Li subconsciously raised his head. My nose is sore and my eyes are dull. I look at the door and that person.

How many years have passed, can we finally see each other again?


I've gained a lot of weight and gotten a lot taller. Forehead

A majestic and powerful man with a sinister face just walked out of the door, glanced at her, and spoke.

"Nine-nine-eight, each pot of orchids only costs nine-nine-eight. Buy one and take it home. From now on, you and I will be my sweet wife and we will live happily together. I will kill you. Do you want to buy it or not? Don't touch it. Touch it for ninety-eight." eight!"

With a thick body, a thick voice, and thick hairs, Dai Li's hands shook, calmed down, and asked: "Does this store belong to you?"


"Then you raised this orchid too?"

"Nonsense!" This big man obviously didn't have much patience. He said in vain to Bai Daili and said impatiently: "Whether you want to buy it or not, it's a fixed price, don't ask any questions."

Dai Li was choked for a moment, feeling frustrated and angry. Just a moment ago, she thought she saw my mother, but in the blink of an eye, she changed from a beautiful lady to a pork-barrel Lu Zhishen, I go~!

After suppressing his anger, Daili said calmly: "You really raised him?"


"That's it" Daili felt happy.

"I gave birth"


Damn it!

Dai Li really wanted to roll up his sleeves.

"Do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, leave. Don't disturb my sleep." The big man yawned and was about to drive people away. He is the most willful and awesome store owner in the world. He must have been full of bad reviews! No wonder there aren’t many guests

"I want to buy this." Dai Li's hand just reached out to the pot of orchid, but it touched another hand.

White and fragile skin, slender fingers, and nails that were round and bright, like crystals. Suddenly, the nose smelled the quiet fragrance of orchids. Dai Li subconsciously looked up and saw a small face that was only a punch away from her.

A very delicate and beautiful side face, like the clear water of a mountain, murmuring melodiously. Because she bent over, her black hair fell slightly to her ears. Looking at her at the moment, her eyes were the cleanest ones Daili had ever seen. .

It is as if there is no darkness, no distress, no pain, no filth in the world.

Even if there was, it was all washed away and pure in her eyes, leaving only the quiet and gentle clear spring.

Her previous disappointment and restlessness were all calmed down by this glance.

"I'm sorry, sister, if you want it, give it to me." The other party seemed to smile slightly. Those eyebrows are as curved as the moon, like the spring breeze~~

I don't know if it was the smile that bewitched people, or the voice that silenced the air, but Dai Li was stunned for a long time. That big man is also demented

After a moment, Dai Li came back to his senses, softened his somewhat condensed voice, and said, "No, just take it. What I want is never an orchid."

As soon as she said the words, she felt that her tone was too gentle, which was strange. It seems like she unconsciously wants to be gentle to this girl

Perhaps it was because of the other party's politeness and gentleness, and the word "sister" that she had never heard before.

It seems that no one has called her that since she was a child.

She lowered her eyes and turned to walk out of the store. Suddenly, her sleeve was pulled. When she turned around, she saw that the girl had naturally retracted the hand that had just pulled her sleeve, while her other hand was holding the pot of orchid and handing it to her. to her eyes.

"Huh?" Dai Li was confused.

"You gave it to me, but I wanted to give it to you. In this way, you and I both have it. Isn't that good?"

Well, how should I put it? It was the first time that Daili saw such a clear person. Even his thoughts were very clear, and he had a vague sense of Buddha nature and open-mindedness.

This kind of person is usually not disliked by others. At least Daili doesn't hate her, and even likes her very much. However, before she went to pick up the orchids, she heard the big man next to her grinning and saying, "Little girl, I'm just a girl." It’s just troublesome, why don’t you just buy two pots and one for each person?”

"Do you have a second basin?" Dai Li glanced at him sideways.


That’s nonsense!

"But there is one next door to me"

Daili next door subconsciously looked sideways. Only then did she notice that there was a tree blocking the big man's yard. She had not noticed just now that there were orchids next door.

Now under the tree in the yard, if she looked. Just can see the yard, the orchids, the door, the wind chimes

When the wind blows, the wind chimes ring and the door itself opens. No one came out, no one went in, but there were many people inside, it seemed to be a tea room

Below is the tea room, above

Dai Li slowly raised his head and saw pots of orchids placed on the second floor platform, and behind the orchids, a woman was holding a pot and looking sideways at "reads".

How long has she been watching?

There was a glimmer in his eyes, a little dazed, but he finally smiled.

Light and gentle, gentle and intoxicating.


This sound of "Ali" seems to be separated by two time and space, a century, but it is actually the scene of more than ten years. In the dim lights, how many times has she dreamed back to that day, when Ye Ranqiu stood among the orchids and looked back at her Laughing, calling "Ali" softly, warms all the memories.

Now, is this moment real?

In the eyes of outsiders, the woman on the second floor of the elegant pavilion is so extraordinary, while the girl in the courtyard next door is so ordinary.

But when combined together, it is like the most beautiful scroll in the world, which makes people unable to bear the dust and closes the scroll.

The orchids became their background.

And what role does the other girl play?

She noticed that Dai Li pinched the back of her hand, which was obviously very strong, and the back of her hand turned red.

She was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously raised her gaze to look into Dai Li's eyes. However, the redness in this man's eyes was suppressed, and he just curled his eyebrows and smiled: "The beautiful girl above, is willing to Would you like to have a drink with me?"

What's going on with this slutty invitation~?

The big man's face suddenly turned green.

"Girl, do you want to go have a drink together?" Dai Li turned to the young girl and asked, and the other girl shook her head: "No, thank you."

After saying that, she turned around and walked away with graceful steps, her skirt was ethereal, coming like the wind and leaving like rain, pattering, light and shallow.

Dai Li did not notice that on the second floor, Ye Ranqiu looked absently in the direction in which the young girl left.

——————————(To be continued.)

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