A Queen

Chapter 1510 Agreement

c_t;Chapter 1510

After a while, the police officer from Daili contacted Feng Zuixin and others, and he and Ye Ranqiu sat in a separate tea room compartment. Read the full text of the latest chapter

After sitting down, Dai Li didn't know what to say for a while and just stared at Ye Ranqiu, looking a little dazed.

Ye Ranqiu made tea and looked up at her: "It seems like she hasn't grown up at all."

"Huh?" Dai Li came to his senses and pursed his lips: "I'm afraid you won't recognize me, so you don't dare to grow up."

So aggrieved, so considerate and touched

"That's what I said." Ye Ranqiu glanced at someone's chest.

The style of painting instantly turned to Huang Bao, Xiao Qingxin Dai Li pressed his chest, speechless, but finally laughed: "I can't help it, who made me look like my own mother~"

"Which mother?" Ye Ranqiu said naturally, "Hers is smaller than mine."


Dai Li's eyes paused, "You know that I know?"

"After so many years, even if she can hold back, you can find out by yourself." Ye Ranqiu and that few people who belong to the top of the world, who can compete with the God Lord and others, maybe before the eternal confusion, she We have already considered the subsequent development.

Dai Li was still tense at first, but now he relaxed and took a sip of tea: "It's not me who found it. Maybe I reached a certain stage and some people had to jump out and tell me."

Then Dai Li talked about Penglai and Mo Shaoxuan and the others.

"There are monsters in Mo Shaoxuan's family, one is Mo Ran, and the other is her." Ye Ranqiu spoke highly of Mo Shaoxuan, but didn't mention it much. He just looked at Dai Li and said, "Then do you still want to know?" of?"

"It's probably something Mo Shaoxuan didn't say or didn't know about. Maybe Mom, you can tell me~" Dai Li held up his chin, and unlike Mo Shaoxuan's words, he was wary and careful. Ye Ranqiu was someone she absolutely trusted.

"Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?" Ye Ranqiu smiled slightly,

"It's not like you haven't been lied to before. You've been lying for so long. If a mother wants to lie to her daughter, her daughter can only accept it~" Dai Li rolled his eyes, thinking of all the children who lied to him about you being garbage from the toilet. Lies picked up from manure pits and many other places

He sighed gloomily,

Speaking of which, Ye Ranqiu is quite kind.

At least she wasn't picked up from a cesspit.

"What Mo Shaoxuan told you is true. But what she can't say is what I want to tell you." Ye Ranqiu rubbed the cup with her fingers, looked out the window, and said, "A Li. [ ] No one in the world can You can blame her, but you can’t.”

"I know, she gave birth to me"

"It's not just this." Ye Ranqiu turned around, "In that battle back then, you can't say whether it was right or wrong. In this world, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. But you must have noticed that there was no one who deserved to die back then. die"

Dai Li was silent and nodded, "I know that the Blood Lord, also known as Yuling, and the Blood Prison, as well as our Ye family, have not been completely destroyed. I believe that the Gods are not people willing to raise tigers to cause trouble, so"

"Tiandu Jue has an agreement with your mother."

Ye Ranqiu sighed. Slowly said: "You exchanged your mother for the Blood Prison, the Prison Tomb, and even the Ye family and the entire Nanlin. The battle that year was not only a test of the entire Sifang world by the Gods, but also the one of Tiandu Jue. A persecution of your mother”

"He won, so your mother got married"

Dai Li's expression was stupefied, "I was stunned that day."

"That's a madman. The battle itself was a plan of his, and everything belonged to his plan." Ye Ranqiu's attitude towards Tiandu Jue was very complicated. Pity, or indifference, or vague inability to let go, maybe even hatred.

"Almost no one knows about that agreement. There are only about three people, me, Mo Ran, and Tiandu Jue. Everyone in the world thinks that your mother abandoned the prison mausoleum and chose the winner, Tiandu Jue."


Daili was silent for a while. Only then did he express his doubts all the time: "Ruan and I are really sisters? But I always feel that there is something strange in it. For example, how did she escape and become Mozi of the Soul Clan? How about me?"

For example, that person back then

Dai Li found it difficult to speak, but Ye Ranqiu seemed to understand and said, "He didn't tell you?"

he? Daili instantly realized that he was Shang Chaoge.

Just repeating what he said.

"That guy is more secretive than you, as if he still has some secrets that he doesn't want to tell me."

Ye Ranqiu frowned slightly, and then said: "It's hard to say about this person. At first, he was indeed wrong. Later, it seems that he was right. But you should be the only one who can criticize him. , so you can just look at it yourself. As for you and Ruan, the original soul of the Great Wilderness fell into you and your sister's body, causing chaos in time and space. In the panic, your mother arrived. I was not clear about the entanglement, but later, your mother I hugged you and came to me."

"Wait, why didn't you say that I was drawn into the time and space tunnel?"

"That's a lie. Privately, your mother and Yuling each spent half of their souls entering the space-time tunnel and pulled you back before you were completely destroyed. It was also because of this consumption that they were far inferior to Tiandu Jue. , the latter released the Great Wasteland Oven to destroy the bloodline of the Great Wasteland. Yuling supported his own soul to take over the Great Desolate Oven, and he could not escape from then on. Your mother took you to tear apart time and space to find me and entrust you to me. Give me"

Dai Li pursed his lips. No wonder the Soul Clan and the Blood Clan were suppressed by the God Clan back then.

I thought the soul clan was neutral, but it turns out it was designed

This is true for both bosses, so you can imagine what follows.

"and after?"

"Tian Dujue is a lunatic. Most lunatics are abnormal. He didn't completely believe that he didn't leave any two children. The people from the God Clan quickly found me."

Daili's heart tightened, "That"

"If you want to survive, you can only give your child to the gods."

Ye Ranqiu was so tired that she closed her eyes.

"I handed over the child"

Dai Li pursed his lips, put down the cup, and said with a sullen face: "You can lie to me about other things, but not this one."

Ye Ranqiu would not do such a thing.

Ye Ranqiu was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You said you were willing to be deceived by me before."

"But you can't lie to me"

Ye Ranqiu narrowed his eyes and stroked the table with his fingers, as if he didn't want to say more, and he didn't want to really lie to Dai Li again.

Until Daili's voice was trembling, and he asked cautiously: "Your own child?"

Ye Ranqiu's cup shook, and the tea inside overflowed. She opened her eyes, with deep darkness in her eyes. She looked at Dai Li and said, "No."

That's it

Hand over your child to the gods

Dai Li leaned back in his chair a little dejectedly, "Do you regret it?"

How could her life bear so much? No wonder Ye Ranqiu never mentioned what happened back then.

Is it because she's afraid she won't be able to bear it? But it was obvious that she was sorry for that child, and also sorry for Ye Ranqiu.

Ye Ranqiu turned away his face. The past clouds were light and the wind was gentle, and the past mist and ease were all broken into countless pieces at that moment.

"Ali, your mother is my best friend in this life. There is no one else. We were so good friends back then, and we also agreed that if each other's children are girls, we will be married to Jinlan. If she is as good as me, if they are boys, Just brothers, if you are a man and a woman, I hope you will become husband and wife. I can't watch her child being sent into the pit of fire, and my own child."

After softening his tone, Ye Ranqiu said softly: "It is difficult for her to survive."


"Her father is Tian Duhuang, and her biological brother who was killed by Tian Du Jue is also a rebel of the Tian Du clan. Neither my child nor her child can escape Tian Du Jue's pursuit."

Saying this is just an excuse for Ye Ranqiu to let Dai Li feel relieved. Only Ye Ranqiu is responsible for the pain and shackles.

That child, that man, she had failed after all.

No wonder she has been depressed all these years.

Perhaps eternal confusion is also her own liberation.

Dai Li took a deep breath, "Does she know?"

"The last time she knew that I had seen her was when the people from the God Clan left, and she came to look for me. When she found out, she was angry at the time. She was very scary when she was angry. You can tell that life is worse than death in Yuling Tomb now, but she There's no point in getting angry. The most important thing is to send you away. Tiandu Jue can't hide it for long, because the aura of the wilderness in you will only become more and more obvious as time goes by. So I teamed up with your mother to send you to a The space separated from this plane is just a fork in the middle."

"Shang Chao Ge?"

"Yes, he suddenly appeared, took you away, and entered that space together. Maybe the temptation you gave him was too great. As long as he swallowed you, he could get rid of his own shackles. Your mother and I hated it very much at that time, But there is nothing I can do, because the time tunnel has been closed, I can only hope that you are still alive~~ And because of this mentality, I kept hiding in the Dai family until that day when he suddenly appeared and told me that you were back."

Dai Li's expression twitched, that guy

But she finally figured out her ill-fated past, which was so bloody.

"What about your child?" Dai Li knew that asking like this would hurt Ye Ranqiu's heart, but she always wanted to know if there might be some luck in it, such as

"She's still alive, I know." Ye Ranqiu's expression was a little dazed.


"I feel that although your mother couldn't meet with me later because of Tian Du Jue's reasons, so as not to be spied on your traces, I vaguely understand that my child is still alive. If he is alive, it has something to do with your mother. Maybe she intervened. Because when I broke up with her, she once said that Tian Dujue is the person who knows how to take advantage of everything, and my child has the value of being used, whether it is my child or her child." (To be completed Continued.)

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