A Queen

Chapter 1511 I am her daughter~

c_t;Chapter 1511

They can all threaten Mo Ran!

Mo Ran, Mo Ran

How much did that woman give up back then?

Although Daili had vaguely doubted this possibility, and even believed it to be 70% or 80% certain, he couldn't be sure, so he had such mixed feelings about that woman. Now that he was really sure, he felt very uncomfortable.

"The whole world knows that Mo Ran from Soul Realm is the proudest person. I still remember that after she chose Prison Tomb and rejected Tiandu, I asked her if she would regret it. Do you know what she said?"

"She said that the person who wants to match me in this world must be the best, but if I fall in love with him, even if he is humble, he will still be the best in my eyes."

"I asked her again, what if Yu Ling betrayed you?"

"She said, then I will destroy what he cares about most and make his heart ache whenever he thinks of me, and he will never be reincarnated."

Proud, conceited, extreme, with a clear distinction between love and hate. If you have one, you will not consider the other. Perfectionism, this is Mo Ran.

"so she"

"It is Yungling's responsibility to the Blood Prison to carry the furnace of the prehistoric times. There may also be regrets. The only person who may support your mother is the extreme hatred of her love for Weiyang. She hates her as much as she loves her." Ye Ranqiu seemed very sad, Because there may be no one in the world who understands Mo Ran better than her, she looked at Dai Li as if she wanted to connect to that person's soul through these eyes.

"Ali, marrying the person you hate the most, hating the person you love the most, and abandoning the person you want to protect the most are all the hardest things in the world. She has done them all one by one. She has a choice, but she has no choice, so I just said you can't hate her. If you hate her, I don't know what else in the world can make her miss you."

Ye Ranqiu's worry made Dai Li feel a little nervous. He vaguely felt that it was really hard to predict the future for someone as extreme as Mo Ran.

Dai Li felt his mouth was a little dry, took a sip of tea, and changed the subject: "I think if the child is still alive, could it be Ruan?"

If the threat theory is true. It was inevitable that Mo Ran had to commit herself to the Gods these years. There were too many things that could threaten her.

Even if she hated Yuling so much that she didn't care about Blood Prison, she still had Ye Ranqiu's child.

Dujue knew at first glance that day that he was an unscrupulous person.

"That Mo Zi from Ruan Hun Domain?" Ye Ranqiu was not familiar with this person because she had been staying at the Dai family back then. Ignore worldly affairs.

"Well, if our twins were rescued back then, Ruan would be the other one. If you only rescued one of me, then Ruan would be your child."

Ye Ranqiu's thoughts were a little far away, and she didn't know why. She kept thinking of the girl she just met



"The girl who was with you just now is Ruan?"

"Eh? No, why would you?" Dai Li suddenly paused. The girl seemed to appear a little strange and move a little strangely.

Then in an instant, someone's brain skills finally came into play again. Di Liuyou looked at Ye Ranqiu and compared it with the girl.

"I feel bad. Why are you looking at me like this?" Ye Ranqiu and this guy have always been half-mother, half-sister, and it's normal for them to occasionally try to trick each other. Now look at the little look in the other person's eyes~~

Smelly girl, why are you teasing me~

"No, I just think that little beauty looks a bit like you." Dai Li touched his chin thoughtfully. "Gentle, pretty, with nice eyes and a soft-spoken voice."

Ye Ranqiu originally thought that this girl was going to amuse my mother, but she didn't expect to hear such words. She couldn't help but feel a little happy, and smiled very gently, "Are you complimenting me, good boy?"

"No," Dai Li said seriously, "I haven't finished saying this yet. She is not as evil-minded as you and loves to harm others. She is so gentle and pure, so beautiful and beautiful that people can't help but want to be gentle to her."

What the hell are these loyal dog tadpoles who have gone through so much hardship to find their mother?

What kind of plot is this for running against my mother when we meet!

What else is called having a dark heart and loving to deceive people~~

Ye Ranqiu is also atmospheric after all. Smiling softly, "Then you'd better pray that she's not my daughter, otherwise my mother will remember it anyway."

You are trying to squeeze me, and you are coveting and teasing my daughter, hum~~

A gentle smile is actually a gentle knife. Daili's face suddenly turned green.

I've only met her once and already I know how to threaten me with her!

Will my real daughter not want me when she comes back in the future~~

The look of Dai Li's little grievance on his face made Ye Ranqiu feel tight. He subconsciously reached out and wanted to pinch Dai Li's face, but stopped halfway, and naturally wanted to reach back, Dai Li How willing!

A long time ago, I wished I could just pounce on them and hug them, wipe their noses with tears, and tell them how wronged I have been over the years, how hard I have worked hard, how much progress I have made.

However, Ye Ranqiu didn't mean that, so she could only feel jealous. Now that he's seen what he's doing, Daili licks his face and reaches out to grab his mother's pretty little hand. Well, he'll wipe her nose and make her sick.


When her hand passed through Ye Ranqiu's hand, she and Ye Ranqiu both fell silent at that moment.

The originally loving and gentle atmosphere froze at this moment.

The reality is so naked that it tells Dai Li how cold some facts are.

——Ye Ranqiu is dead, she is just a soul now.

You can touch cups and teapots, just like ordinary people, but you can't touch them.

This is an iron rule prescribed by God.

Daili suddenly understood why Ye Ranqiu didn't hug her or touch her before.

She is a soul, and she knows this very well.

And she knew better how much harm this fact would bring to Dai Li.

So I can't hold it.

However, after just a second of pause, Daili smiled and held the tea cup with his hand, took a sip of tea, and sighed: "If she is really my sister, then I will definitely love her very, very much in the future."

It was as if he didn't notice anything.

After all, Ye Ranqiu felt a little sad and distressed when she grew up, but she was also happy and smiled: "Why?"

"In the future, she will like me more than she likes you~~"

Such childlike, playful and simple words made Ye Ranqiu smile.

"She will definitely like you." But can that child still like me?

Ye Ranqiu sighed slowly, remembering that the girl just looked at her and turned away as calm as water.

What are her two biggest fears?

——I’m afraid I’ll never see her again in this life.

——Afraid of actually seeing her.

The feeling of being close to home is even more timid, and it is inevitable to be indifferent and drifting like leaves dyed in autumn.

While the two were drinking tea, there was movement outside. It turned out to be the big man

"Oh, Miss Ye, Miss Ye, I sold another pot of orchids over there." The rough man jumped in with a smile, full of joy.

Dai Li glanced at him. She didn't like Lu Zhishen very much, especially when his eyes wanted to stick to her mother.

Ye Ranqiu was very calm when he saw the other party. He smiled lightly and said, "This is Mr. Lu."

"I know. The uncle next door" actually has the real last name of Lu, what the hell~!

Damn it!

I'm just the uncle next door?

The big man's expression twitched, he let out a sigh, and said: "Hello, little girl, I am Ruaru."

Lurking, stroking?

Dai Li's expression froze, this name was obscene to a certain extent.

"Um, hello, Uncle Lu." Speaking of which, someone who dares to use such a name and say it without changing his face, how shameless and generous is he? Daili suddenly felt a little awe towards the other party,

When he saw Dai Li, he suddenly became respectful to him. Rualu was a little proud and full of energy: "Well, call me uncle. I will definitely protect you in the future. By the way, little girl, what is your name? Miss Ye, she is you."

"Daughter" Dai Lihao was so shameless that he gave himself the status of a majestic lady.

Oops, daughter

Ji Qingxin and others, who had just arrived happily all the way here, suddenly couldn't move.

Daughter? What the hell? Generation?

"Daughter?" Ruaru is a rough person after all, so he couldn't understand such refined words, but he had a bad feeling for some reason.

"What the hell?" he asked.

"A wonderful thing born after ten months of pregnancy~~ In short, she is my mother" someone said shamelessly and nonsense.


Ruaru instantly felt like he was struck by a thunder hammer in the chest. The tea in his mouth spurted like a fountain in the Central Square.

Dai Li was not surprised that the other party would vomit blood after vomiting the tea, but his eyesight was so quick that he threw the cloth on the table at his mouth.

Ye Ranqiu: Girl, that’s a rag.

Ji Qingxin and others: That’s a rag 1

"Ouch, this tea is spraying all over the ceiling. Uncle, wipe your mouth quickly." Dai Li quickly wiped the rag on his mouth a few times and then stuffed it into his mouth.

You wretched, foot-picking man. I still want to covet my mother!


Wuwuwu~~ Rualu pulled off the rag and wanted to roll up his sleeves, but he saw Ye Ranqiu glance at him coolly.

Instantly wilted.

"Miss Ye, this little girl is really"

"Not born in ten months of pregnancy"

"Ha!" someone was overjoyed

"I gained weight when I was pregnant in December, and I weighed thirty-eight pounds~" Ye Ranqiu smiled slightly, she has been a black daughter for a hundred years!

Thirty-eight pounds and seven gourd dolls combined are not that heavy!

The blood tank was emptied. After all, the psychological shock was too severe. Uncle Lu's footsteps were so heavy that he floated away.

Ji Qingxin and others were silent.

Are you sure they're not mother and daughter? This ability to seduce and hurt people is extraordinary.

Seeing Ji Qingxin follow Feng Zuixin again, Mother Ye was not ordinary happy. Immediately let the two of them sit down. Of course, the person opposite has to make room.

"A-Li, go to the kitchen and get some food to wipe the table and clear up the room~" (To be continued.)

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