A Queen

Chapter 1513: Expensive Immortal Root

Chapter 1513

Dai Li sighed inwardly at this woman's business talent, but she had already walked in.

Mingzhai is very large. It is actually a foldable space. As soon as you walk in, the space immediately expands hundreds of times. The surface area is at least as large as thousands of international football fields.

There are many store counters.

Yu Minglang had been here several times and was familiar with the roads. He took Daili to visit one of the largest stores.

This store is very powerful in Mingchi and has the most goods.

The stores are ten times as big as others. I saw the store plaque on it from afar. I won’t mention the name. There are only so many names for these stores, but the family emblem below

"Except for the gods and other powerful forces in the Sifang world, the wealthiest ones are the three financial groups, one is the divine emblem, the other is the treasure, and the other is the shark tooth."

Suddenly I felt that Wanbao was the most rustic name among them.

The soil has to fall off.

It was definitely the woman from Xiangxi Palace who took it! (You know how to bury your own people~~)

"So these are shark teeth?" Dai Li saw that the badge was a shark, consisting of shark teeth and fins.

Very sharp and domineering.

"Well, the divine emblem belongs to the Hui clan on the other side of the gods, and the shark tooth belongs to the demon clan."

Hey, the demon clan also has some business? Daili quickly dismissed his superficial notions. There were many smart people in the demon clan, such as Linghu Bai.

The two of them walked into the store while talking.

Go straight to the Immortal Ming Root!

There are many strange things sold in the store, but there is always a single large counter in the middle.

There are also the most people watching.

Daili stepped forward and saw various root systems floating in the completely transparent cabinet inside.

At first glance you might think these are stubby tree roots, or something chubby. Do you think it’s because the radish roots are different in thickness, length and color?

But judging from the smell,

You can distinguish their factions.

fairy, devil, monster

"This immortal root has a good purity of 35!"

"That's a mid-level Immortal Minggen. It must be very expensive."

"Take it out and see"

The person next to Daili put his finger on the counter, and the jelly under his finger floated on the counter, square and square, into the palm of the person's hand, allowing people to watch carefully through the transparent fluid.

But I guess no one would dare to snatch it.

Dai Li has noticed that thirty immortals have blocked this area.

Rich people are bulls!

Eh. This Immortal Underworld Root is pointed out by moving a little away from the finger.

Slender. The painting is green with white, and it looks very elegant.

"Mingming, what do you think of this one?"

Daili was not familiar with Xianminggen. She also knows how important this thing is to Feng Zuixin, so she, who has always been independent, will also seek Yu Mingming's opinion.

"This is the root of Shanshui Fairy. It's really good. The purity is 40. It also has its own temperament and must be well integrated." Yu Minglang's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Dai Li to pick out such a good fairy root within a minute of his first arrival. It seemed that his feeling was right.

This Yuan is the noble person in Fengzui's heart.

"Is it that good?" Daili looked at the price.

Mark 15 above


It can't be magic crystal, right? 150,000? Too cheap, 1.5 billion magic crystals?

It doesn't seem expensive either.

Dai Li estimated that the unit of value must not be magic crystal, so she hadn't asked yet. Yu Minglang has already said: "The price of 15 divine crystals is not low, but it is still worth the money. Generally, fairy roots with a purity of less than 10 are worth 1 divine crystal, and those with purity exceeding 10 are mostly worth less than 10 divine crystals. If the purity exceeds 30, the price will be extremely expensive. The price of 15 divine crystals is already lower than before. It should be that the seller is in urgent need of money."

Yu Minglang also explained that the items sold at the counter here are not necessarily all sold by consortiums or shop owners after full buyout. A considerable part of them are consignment items, and the risks are borne by individuals, but the profits are higher. However, the price deviates greatly from the market value. Some, some are higher, some are lower, just like the items in the auction house

As for the currency unit of Shenjing, Dai Li could guess where it came from in just a blink of an eye.

Just like Qin Shihuang unified the currency after unifying the world, the God Clan also created the currency to balance the world - divine crystals. However, after all, the God Clan is not a completely hegemonic rule like Qin Shi Huang. Its dominance over the four directions of the world is about half, maybe It's less than a few, because the overlords like the Demon Clan and the Soul Clan have not surrendered, and various forces such as Penglai are neutral or antagonistic, so the divine crystal has not completely circulated throughout the Sifang World.

However, it can also be explained this way - the value of the magic crystal is too high, and the lower classes do not need to have access to it, and cannot access it, unless their wealth reaches more than 100 billion magic crystals.

Because one divine crystal can obviously be exchanged in this store compared to tens of billions of magic crystals.

If it were the day before the reshaping of Southern Xinjiang, Dai Li's wealth would have been about 500 divine crystals - the robbery was so great that he killed countless immortals.

But now there are only 30 divine crystals

That is 300 billion magic crystals.

It's more than enough to buy this fairy root, but after all, it's a big expense and your net worth will be greatly reduced.

Although Dai Li doesn't care much about it, he doesn't think it's expensive either.

——This is a complete fairy root. What is a fairy root? This is not the so-called immortal root tested by junior monks in the past. The immortal root here actually refers to the immortal root!

Under normal circumstances, only immortals can bear immortal roots, and they also need immortal roots. However, there are many capable people in this world who can implant immortal roots into the bodies of creatures below the immortal level in advance. Naturally, it is impossible to reach heaven and directly become an immortal in one step, but then The speed of cultivation is like eating ginseng fruit, which cannot be compared with the grassroots people. Of course, this also has difficulties and disadvantages.

The first difficulty is that this immortal root must match the body and soul attributes of the person concerned. The second difficulty is that the person who helps implant the immortal root must be good at both soul and body transformation, have extraordinary control, and are usually powerful immortals. To be able to do this, third, the risk of implantation is not small. Being annihilated by flying ashes is not something that has never happened before.

As for the disadvantage, it is very simple - the talent of the implanted person will be bound by the attributes and limits of the immortal root, and after all, the immortal root is not derived from his own life, so it is more difficult to control, so it is difficult for the immortal who grows up with the implanted immortal root to become an immortal. For a strong person among immortals, unless the immortal root is extremely good, for example, the purity is above 50, if it is 70 or 80 purity, there is basically no need to worry about the person's talent being limited. On the contrary, it will be of great benefit. As for the ones with a purity of over 90, hehe~ This kind of immortal root is even luxurious to use on an immortal.

Having said this, we can know that fairy roots are super luxury goods and can be implanted to replace the functions of fairy roots. It can also be absorbed and used to transform the natal immortal root. The former is very prodigal, and the latter is super prodigal.

All immortals must be cautious, and all immortals must be steady.

Those who can afford the Immortal Root belong to the super wealthy people in the world, and most of them have an Immortal backstage behind them.

So now comes the problem.

Should Daili buy this immortal root?

And can she use this immortal root on Feng Zuixin?

Yu Minglang looked at Dai Li and examined this immortal root. He said gently: "Miss Yuan, are you sure?"

He looked at her. There was great hope in his eyes.


"Are you going to tell me that you will pay to buy it, and then I will do it?" Dai Li knew that Yu Minglang must have a lot of property, at least richer than she is now. It’s just that it’s definitely not too much. He paid a lot to buy this immortal root.

Regarding the straightforward culture of generation and separation, Yu Minglang only smiled faintly: "I have been waiting for someone. If this person is you, Miss Yuan, then I will think that this is God's favor for me."

I have been preparing since I met her. Ready to overturn everything, but there is always one person missing.

A person who can help Feng Zuixin transplant immortal roots.

He didn't believe in those immortals, but he believed in this noble man.

"Did you know how to save her from the beginning?" Dai Li was curious. No wonder she felt that Yu Minglang always had a confused and expectant attitude towards her.

"Ten years ago, I went to the underworld and knelt down to ask the Buddha. The Buddha said that I need to wait for a noble person. He is my noble person and the noble person of Miss Feng."

Buddha is such a powerful Buddha!

Dai Li also believed in this Buddha inexplicably, perhaps because he was more confident that he could really save Feng Zuixin.

After thinking for a moment, Dai Li asked him: "How many divine crystals do you have?"

"Seventy," Yu Minglang said frankly.

Oops! This guy is so rich!

Dai Li originally thought that the other party had forty or fifty crystals, which would be considered powerful, but he didn't expect that there were seventy. You must know that most of the assets of the immortals are only 500 divine crystals. Only the most powerful among the immortals have more than fifty crystals.

Yu Minglang can only be regarded as the middle class among immortals.

"Seventy" Dai Li narrowed his eyes, "Are you really willing to give everything for her?"

"I'm just afraid that Miss Yuan won't agree." Yu Minglang smiled honestly.

Nima, what do you mean by that look in your eyes, as if I would be jealous and then do that or something?

Dai Li was a little unhappy, "It's your freedom to pay for her, it's her freedom to accept or not, it's none of my business~"

"She won't know" Yu Minglang said calmly.

"Hmm, there is really no need to know, otherwise it will be of no benefit to you." Dai Li has always been a selfish person, Yu Minglang is willing to pay, and Yu Feng Zuixin is a good thing, but Feng Zuixin will definitely not accept it, even if he has already bought it, she still thinks in her heart There will also be guilt, and on the contrary, it will alienate Minglang, and for Minglang this person

Daili really wanted to award him a super warm man and top supporting actor award.

"So we have reached an agreement?" Yu Minglang asked.

"Well, then this fairy root." Before Dai Li finished speaking, he saw a hand reaching out from beside him for no reason. He was about to grab the cube. He opened his hand and looked up at this person.

He raised his eyes to look at this person and said directly: "Girl, taking something without asking is not what a lady would do" (To be continued)

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