A Queen

Chapter 1514: Small conflict, fuse

Chapter 1514

Yang Yu has always been domineering at home, but she has never been bullied in front of someone like this. What's more, this woman has an ordinary appearance, ordinary clothes and temperament, and yet she dares to say that to her.

And in front of so many people. (шщшщ first published on Wuruo Novel Network)

Embarrassed and angry at first, Yang Yu regained his composure in the second second, straightened his posture, and said: "You have not bought this immortal root. How can you not take it for yourself? What's more, I'm watching you take it." I have been holding onto this fairy root for a long time but I refuse to buy it. If I don’t have the money, just put it down. What’s the point of holding it in my hand all the time? Does it mean that money will grow in my pocket if I hold it for a long time?”

It is said that few children raised by nobles are stupid, unless their arrogance and self-confidence in the later period ruined their IQ. It just so happened that Yang Yu himself was more clever than arrogant. At the moment, he quickly said something to block the generation. He raised his voice and attracted many people nearby.

When I heard her words, I couldn't help but laugh.

--Scorn for the poor.

Yu Minglang frowned and was about to speak when he heard Dai Li smile casually.

He didn't say anything, just reached out and took Yang Yu's hand. In Yang Yu's daze, he put the Immortal Root Cube in her hand.

This is the silent atmosphere and grace.

Yu Minglang couldn't help but smile. It seemed that this noble man was born with great tolerance for women and had a very good temper.

Although I sometimes have a weird temper.

If Yu Minglang had seen the cruel deeds of Daili in the past, he would understand that her biggest characteristic is her changeable and extreme personality and style.

Just one more premise.

--Female, she should also be good-looking.

It just so happened that Yang Yu looked pretty good, pretty and proud, like a little pepper.

So Daili tolerated her once.

However, this does not necessarily mean that it ends here

"What's wrong with Xiaoyu?" Several young men came out from behind Yang Yu, wearing bright clothes and angry horses, with heroic looks, either heroic or handsome. One of them wearing a jade crown came forward and looked around the scene, and then thought about it. his plot. He glanced at Dai Li with cold eyes: "Are you bullying Xiao Yu?"

The look in Dai Li's eyes was very contemptuous,

All I have to say is that you, an ugly monster like you, dare to bully my Xiaoyu.

A family is not a family unless they enter the same house. The girls and boys are all the same.

Daili was a little uninterested and too lazy to get entangled with these unclear greenhouse flowers. Turning around to look at the other immortals, Yu Minglang was also a mature person and an immortal. How could he argue with these juniors who had just reached the Mahayana stage?

Although these juniors are several times older than Daili,

Seeing Dai Li despise them so much, the young man's eyes turned cold. [800] He came up directly and said, "I am Feng Guanyu, I don't know your name."

Dai Li ignored him.

It is said that most of the conflicts are "consensual". Only when two people have the fire can they fight, otherwise it is a one-man show. The young man wants to rush over and teach the other party directly. However, this place is not easy to mess around. The best thing is to lure the other party. Take action or go out and take action

She will definitely be moved by the hero saving the beauty in front of Yang Yu. If she has the support of the Yang family, she will have a lot more leverage in the family.

I was thinking quickly. Gong Yu refused to give up.

"Mingzhai is not someone who has no money and likes to show off his authority." He deliberately spoke contemptuously.

These words made Dai Li pause when he saw Xian Gen's movements, then turned around and gave him a look.

The air is distorted for no reason

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Gong Yu's limbs were inexplicably broken, and he was paralyzed. His mouth was open, his face was hideous and painful, and no sound came out of his throat.

There was not a drop of blood, but it was silently destroyed.

Yang Yu and others were stunned, and the rest of the spectators also stared wide-eyed.

Not far away, the Prince of the East Palace took a deep breath. Such a powerful method, this woman is definitely one of the top twenty strongest among the immortals!

Jian Chi at the counter next door watched quietly, his palm slowly clasping the sword on his waist. Seeing the former, he probably wanted to fight. But he knew that he was not the opponent's enemy with one move.

His instincts were always spot on.

This place belongs to three major consortiums. The strongest ones are naturally the three major consortiums. A person in charge will soon appear.

He seemed to already know the source of the conflict here, so he looked at Daili, clasped his fists and bowed: "Sir, this is"

Ranked among the top twenty among immortals. Even among the gods, they are treated politely, let alone the three major financial groups. They must be respectful and respectful.

Not to mention dealing with an unscrupulous family member here, even if he directly kills someone, the three major financial groups must also weigh it.

--Gong Yu relies on his family, but he doesn't know that some people can dominate the situation without relying on any background.

So at this moment, Dai Li directly interrupted the manager and said calmly: "I need a better fairy root, wind element, and a cleaner and gentler nature. However, I am relatively poor and only have about a hundred divine crystals. Is there any suitable one? "

One hundred divine crystals!

Yang Yu said before that Dai Li couldn't afford the fairy root. In fact, she couldn't afford it herself. It's just that her family just needed to help her buy a fairy root. The 15 divine crystal fairy root was the maximum, and she needed to fight for it. Next, it's just a slap in the face, and you need to use Daili to make the family pay the bill.

But he didn't expect that he would provoke such a strong man before he even paid for the items.

If the family knows

Yang Yu's face fell, and as soon as his mind turned around, he contacted someone.

Why does Daili care about other people? When the person in charge heard about it, he knew he had met someone extraordinary.

A person who truly has no confidence will not tell her net worth so clearly, unless the hundred divine crystals are nothing in her eyes.

In fact, Daili really doesn't take money seriously, because it's too easy to get money and the expenses are too casual, so he just doesn't care.

In fact, she really only has 30 divine crystals, and the other 70 divine crystals belong to the handsome guy next to her.

The person in charge was naturally interested in Dai Li. Hearing this, it was who he was: "There are some good ones. I will take the adults to take a look right away." Then he waved his hands, and several subordinates appeared and carried Gong Yu away from the ground. When Yang Yu and others saw that Dai Li ignored them, they naturally breathed a sigh of relief and ran away in a swarm.

"Sir, please come this way"

Soon Daili saw these good immortal roots, which were indeed much better than the previous ones. However,

Not suitable!

Dai Li's frown deepened until she saw a fairy root

"What's this one?"

"This is the Demonic Root. People of the Demonic Way are better at it. Although it is of better quality than the previous Immortal Root, I think it is not suitable for adults." The person in charge was quite considerate and did not blindly promote it.

Dai Li was a little disappointed. Mominggen was suitable for her, but not Feng Zuixin.

"Your store here is so big, but there are no other immortal roots?"

The manager was a little embarrassed: "All the good ones have been bought, but we are planning to send people to the Underworld Pond to pick out a new batch of Immortal Underworld Roots. We are also in the process of acquiring them now. There will be new good ones in a while." "The root of the underworld"

Mingchi Daili's heart skipped a beat. Instead of waiting for others to sell it, she might as well get it herself. Besides, Li Ge had already said that she needed to go to Mingchi to get the Sifang Imperial Seal.

Yu Minglang didn't know Dai Li's deeper plans, but he also thought of Mingchi.

"Miss Yuan, are you going to Mingchi?"


"The Mingchi is very dangerous. If you don't have rich experience and special means, you will rarely gain anything. Miss Yuan, please be careful." Yu Minglang does not want Daili to take risks, not only because Daili is a noble man with a heart full of wind, and he can Save her, but also because Feng Zuixin values ​​​​Dai Li very much, not to mention that after these days of dating, he has some friendship for Dai Li.

"Let's go and have a look." Dai Li wanted to go to Mingchi. The manager didn't think it was strange. "Most of the strong men in Mingchi have been to Mingchi over the years. If you are serious, you can be careful and nothing will happen."

Everything is based on strength.

Weak, it doesn't matter how lucky you are.

If you are strong, no matter how unlucky you are, your chances of surviving are far better than others.

Dai Li and the two left quickly. Looking at the backs of the two leaving, the steward was about to turn around. Suddenly I saw some people leaving behind Dai Li.

Most people who can do business are very sensitive. After thinking about it, I said that I would report the matter here quickly.

Is this a trivial matter?

Actually not small.

In a small but elegantly decorated room in the inner courtyard, a man listened to his subordinate's report.

"The Yang family, the top family in Fengdu, the Guan family happens to have the eldest son of the Yang family who is said to be under the greedy wolf seat of the God clan to be in Mingchi, and Guan Yujin is also afraid that things will not go well."

"Sir, it's understandable that Yang Yun has always loved Yang Yu, but Guan Yu of the Guan family has always wanted to compete with Guan Yujin. Does Guan Yujin still want to stand up for him?"

The man suddenly laughed. The smile was because he felt it was funny, but also because he was laughing at his subordinate's innocence.

"A person who only cares about personal grudges and ignores family reputation is not qualified to take on a big responsibility. Guan Yujin wants to control the official family, and it is precisely at this time that he needs to show his generosity and ability. As for Yang Yun, the most problematic thing is I don’t believe that a powerful man under the command of a greedy wolf will come to Mingchi for no reason. The safety of his beloved sister is the most high-sounding reason."

"It's my subordinates who are ignorant, but my lord is wise, but I still have something to report."


"The Prince of the East Palace and Chi of Jian Chi seem to be somewhat interested in the two people just now."

"Know him?"

"My subordinate doesn't look like that, but he seems to want to make friends with someone."

"That man from the East Palace has always been proud, and he is eager to make friends with strong people to consolidate his power and overpower the Beigong. This is normal, but that woman from Chi is probably a bit extraordinary, so keep a close eye on her."

After the sound transmission ended, a hoarse voice appeared in the room.

"Today, the reaction below Mingchi is becoming more and more obvious. I can't guarantee that it's not the Gods who have suspicions, so they let the Greedy Wolf people come over. We, the Monsters, want to monopolize the benefits. I'm afraid it will be difficult. When will our people arrive?" (Unfinished) to be continued.)

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