A Queen

Chapter 1515: Unpleasant

c_t; "Already on the way, should arrive in the next few days," the man said solemnly.

"Who is coming here?"

"Donggong is already here. Someone from the Feng clan is coming."



"Very good. If he comes, the gods may not be able to take advantage of the greedy wolves. I am very relieved to pay more attention to the divine emblem and Wanbao. They are not fuel-efficient lamps."


The voice faded quickly, and the man turned to look out the window. It was the bustling Mingzhai, and the daily income was so huge that any top family in the world would be jealous.

However, shark teeth are not the strongest!

"The Three Kingdoms stand in harmony, and the storm is about to come."


Dai Li was already standing at the edge of Ming Pond, and many people were entering the water. Yu Minglang naturally couldn't stop Dai Li's decision. He decided to go down together, but before the two of them were ready, they were killed by one person. Stopped.


Dai Li knew who it was as soon as he heard the voice.

Why did the dragon in the East Palace come to see her? He probably couldn't recognize her.

Dai Li quickly told Yu Minglang not to call him Yuan. Yu Minglang understood and didn't ask any more questions. He just stood aside quietly.

Naturally, the Prince of the East Palace would not take this gentle and insignificant immortal seriously. He stepped forward and bowed to Chaoyang Lizuo: "The girl is very powerful. The East Palace admires her and wants to make friends with her."

The world of cultivating immortals is a very straightforward place, making friends and courting are relatively straightforward. Of course, Prince Donggong did not take a fancy to Dai Li, who looked ordinary, but only valued his strength.

Dai Li didn't really want to get involved with the people of Donghai. After all, she had already made friends with Beigong. From a moral perspective, it was impossible for her to accept the attentiveness of the Prince of Donggong, even if she had another identity now.

So the attitude is very cold.

"I already have a man and don't plan to hook up with other men."

Yu Minglang almost choked,

The Prince of the East Palace also suffered from infarction.

Well, I have no intention of pursuing you, I just want to make friends.

This woman feels too good about herself, and she looks really average. The Prince of the East Palace was not at all comparable to the beauties of their sea tribe. He was very unnatural and had a arrogant temper. He smiled after being stood up by Dai Li, rolled up his sleeves and left.

He also wanted to go to the Underworld Pond.

Dai Li left the East Palace Prince angrily. When she raised her eyes, she met Chi's gaze. The other person just nodded slightly and turned away, as if he had no interest in her.

"Jian Chi's Chi is a very powerful person. People say that he inherited Jian Chi's swordsmanship, so he was named Chi." Yu Minglang traveled all over the country. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is more stable and updates faster than ordinary websites. It is full text and has no ads. ] also recognize Jian Chi.

"It's very powerful." Dai Li could see that the strength possessed by the opponent was quite extraordinary. If she thought correctly, this person would have great potential in swordsmanship, so

Dai Li thought to himself and smiled.

"Go down." Dai Li was about to go down. Just as Yu Minglang was about to pull him, someone shouted.

"Girl, girl, do you want to go to the Hades Pond?"


"We can't let it go on like this."


Dai Li was curious, and the old man grinned: "You can tell from one look that the girl has never been into the underworld pool before. It's very dangerous down there. This water can kill the living and bring out the souls of the dead. Just go down like this, or go up." Even immortals have to suffer."

It seems that there are many such old men here who are shrewd and capable, a bit arrogant, not very strong, and in the Mahayana stage.

Dai Li's eyes flashed and he asked: "Then according to your opinion, only the dead and alive can go down to the Underworld Pond? I see that everyone else has gone down too?"

"Ha, it's true that only those who live and die can go down." The old man's words made Dai Li very puzzled.

"Living people lack death energy. Dead souls have vitality. They need complementary complements to stay safe under the Underworld Pond."

Yu Minglang has been to Mingchi several times before. Whether he went down or not can be seen from the moment he tried to hold Dai Li back.

This person has some experience.

"Replenishing the dead energy?" Dai Li looked at the old man with some interest. Her pupils can see through many people, including this old man. With a glance, she can feel that there is indeed a stale air about the other person.

"Of course, you two are alive, but you need to replenish your vitality. This is enough." He narrowed his eyes and turned his hands. There is an extra plate in the palm of my hand, and there is a lump of black stuff in the plate.

Like meat, with pits and distinct blood vessels

Dai Li looked a little disgusted, and Yu Minglang explained: "This is the heart of the undead. It is taken from the heart of the undead demon under the Underworld Pond. By using it to fuse with the living people in your body, you can avoid a lot of harm under the Underworld Pond."

Usually an environment does not exclude the creatures derived from itself. The undead demons are the natives under the Hades Pond. Outsiders with their undead hearts are like following the local customs.

"I see, this is what you sell?"

Daili didn't think that this diligent old man gave things for free.

"Of course~ I think the girl is definitely very strong. It would be much safer if she had the Necromantic Heart Body Protector underneath. Do you want to take one, or two?"

"Eat? Eat it raw?"

Dai Li was a little surprised. This thing was disgusting, and it was the heart of a dead demon. How many people could eat it alive?

Yu Minglang smiled bitterly: "You can also take it with you, but you don't have to eat it for better results, and the effectiveness time is shorter. If you accidentally drop it and are discovered by the undead demon, it will be easy for the other party to guess that you killed their kind." I will hunt you down to the death, so most people will choose to eat the undead heart."

He motioned Dai Li to look to the side. Sure enough, there were many people who were preparing to go down to the Underworld Pond at this moment. Without saying a word, they ate the souls of the dead without blinking an eye.

Dai Li only glanced at it and picked up a piece of the undead demon's heart, which was as big as the palm of his hand.

simply! Yu Minglang and the old man just thought so.


A very special flame ignited in the palm of Dai Li's hand. It seemed not to be fire, but light, and it seemed not to be light, but a pure energy body. Anyway, the aura was very strange. It was just a blink of an eye, and the lump of dead spirit heart was burned and shrunk. , completely solidified

After two breaths, the light and fire disappeared, and a crescent-shaped black solid the size of a little finger appeared in Dai Li's palm. Then a blood line solidified, passed through a hole on the top, and then lifted up the hair to reveal a slender and graceful neck. Wear.

Then open the collar of the dress, put it in, and done!

Everyone was a little restless, this method was too

Many people who had just swallowed the disgusting undead hearts felt even more disgusting.

Nima, is there still such a method?

The Prince of the East Palace frowned. He seemed to have underestimated this person.

Many people who were hesitating whether to eat the souls of dead souls decided to come to Chaodaili.

However reads;!

"The girl's ability is indeed extraordinary." Guan Yujin appeared at the right time.

Because Yang Yu and his group were helping Gong Yu, who had been rescued but was very weak, out of Ming Zhai.

Of course, as soon as he saw Guan Yujin, Gong Yu called him to help him take revenge.

Guan Yujin only glanced at him coolly, and the latter fell silent.

Dai Li looked at the two people and could guess from their last names, not to mention their appearance being somewhat similar.

"Girl, you saw it, he is from my official family." Guan Yujin's expression was lukewarm, neither smiling nor annoyed. It was the same attitude as before when he snatched the hydrangea.

"So?" Dai Li saw that he looked pretty good, so he was a little more patient, but he was burning another undead heart.

"My official family naturally wants to regain some face."

"For someone who has been defeated by me once, I won't feel any sense of accomplishment if I defeat you a second time."

These words were really not polite enough. Guan Yujin felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't show it. He said calmly, "Some fights don't necessarily involve fighting."

So what should we rely on?

Guan Yujin snapped his fingers and twitched his lips. The old man's face turned pale and his lips twitched. He turned to Dai Li and said, "I'm sorry, girl, I can't sell you this undead heart. You haven't paid for it anyway." Money, I’m really sorry.”

This attitude change is too big

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man. There was cold sweat on the old man's forehead and the blood on his lips faded. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Dai Li.

Ha~ Although Guan Yujin's method was not very bright and not very lethal, it was very good at saving Dai Li's face, and also made many people understand that in the three-acre land of Netherworld and Mingchi, Guan Yujin The power of the family is still great

Outsiders are rarely a match for reads;.

Gong Yu sneered, just to make you lose face!

Many people can already predict that Daili will take a turn and kill the old man who has disgraced them.

After all, the majesty of the strong cannot be lost, but if this is the case, she will have to show her face to the powerful nobles represented by the official family.

Not far away, the people of the Yang family and the nobles were still watching, and they were also standing faintly behind Guan Yujin.

A very interesting team-up.


Dai Li surprised many people. She nodded and took off the undead crescent heart she was already wearing around her neck.

Her actions made the always shrewd and cunning old man feel extremely guilty and frightened, but Guan Yujin felt cold for no reason, just because of Dai Li's calm glance.

Infuriatingly cold.

"I have already manipulated this thing. I'm afraid it won't be sold by you again. What do you think?"

When the old man heard this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, yes, the old man will destroy it now."

Anyway, Guan Yujin’s purpose is just to humiliate this girl. If this thing is given to Guan Yujin, I’m afraid it will offend this girl even more.

The old man inexplicably felt that this girl was difficult to offend.

"Rather than destroy it, let me give it away."


Before everyone could react, Dai Li flashed his body and appeared in front of the person who had just arrived.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair and had just come here. He was confused when he saw the scene in front of him, but his sight was blocked by someone.

This person leaned down, and a faint cool fragrance came. One hand held the slender crescent moon pendant, and the other hand lifted her hair. The hair fell on her slender fingers. The roots were clear and black and white. . (To be continued.)

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