A Queen

Chapter 1516: Greedy dog, storm is coming

c_t;Lanshan Kuye frowned and narrowed her eyes when the other party's lips came close to her ear. ( )

"The boy's brother is unhappy with me, and he is unhappy with me, so naturally I have to make him unhappy because he likes you ~ So Dead Leaf"

"Huh?" Lanshan Kuye pursed her lips subconsciously, thinking what did this person need from her? Or use her for something?

Suddenly his collar felt cold.

Dai Li opened her collar and put the crescent moon in.

No matter how elegant and friendly her movements were, it could not change the fact that she pulled back the collar of Arashiyama Kuye, the most famous cold beauty in the Netherworld.


Many people gasped.

Guan Yujin's breath was unsteady, and his face, which had been talking and laughing freely, suddenly turned into a black pot.

Dai Li moved away, but he bent down, facing the dead leaves of Arashiyama, and smiled: "Are you angry?"

Even if she is a woman, she should be angry at being treated so lightly.

Lanshan Kuye looked at her: "You want me to be angry?"

"Maybe a little." She seems to especially like to see cold-blooded girls being irritated.

"It's a pity that I didn't. After all, your kindness is so great, so it doesn't matter how many times you use me~"

"But I didn't take advantage of you."

Dai Li curled his lips, revealing his beautiful white teeth.

"I'm teasing you~"

“This is not a good practice”

"Who made you beautiful? Beautiful children deserve to be cherished by others, and they are also worthy of being teased by others. You have to learn to get used to it." Daili slowly helped Lanshan Kuye arrange his hair and collar. His movements were elegant and gentle, without any obscenity. The filthiness and ambiguity, only the tenderness that warms people's hearts

He has an ordinary appearance, but for some reason every move has a heart-wrenching charm.

Demagogue people.

The dead leaves in Arashiyama stared,

There was a glimmer in his eyes, and he didn't know whether he was annoyed, angry, or just lost his mind.

——She didn’t stop it, it was the best indulgence. To herself, but also to her.

Others are drunk.

God, why do you think a woman is so skilled at picking up girls? ! !

Dong Gong twitched the corner of his mouth, why did he feel like he was seeing that woman~~

Suddenly I heard a lot of commotion.

somebody is coming. Dai Li raised his head and saw someone walking not far away.

a man.

Wearing silver armor, walking steadily, with a long sword on his waist, and a head emblem on the silver armor on his chest.

A ferocious wolf head.

The expressions of Guan Yujin and others became very unnatural, and then the nobles in the Netherworld took two steps back. [Please go here to read the latest chapter of this book] That is an involuntary concession.

Just because he is too strong.

And this person has already arrived in front of Daili.

Their eyes were facing each other, Dai Li was impartial, and he remained calm as he looked at him. Finally, he looked at the withered leaves of Lanshan Mountain and said, "It seems that my hopes were too high. I thought you could stand up and fight with me. I didn’t expect to still sit down.”

His words were so sharp and fierce for such a woman, let alone others.

In comparison, someone's teasing before seemed very pleasing to the eye.

Lanshan Kuye's response was very calm: "His Excellency Yang Yun is not working under Tanlang Seat, but is here instead. The love between brother and sister is really deep."

"It's not that my brother is too nice." Yang Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled a little deeply: "It's because your brother can't help me. My disabled sister went out so far, and he didn't follow me. If I see him in the future, I have to help you, Gu Ye." Teach him a lesson"

What the hell! This is simply the rhythm of fighting!

Many people were surprised by Yang Yun's unyielding hostility towards Lanshan Dead Leaves. Do they have a grudge?

"Yang Yun once pursued Lanshan Kuye, but was rejected. Moreover, this man was not a direct descendant of the Yang family. He was not prominent at first, but later he was valued by Tanlang. He rose to the top in one step, and finally came to power, killing many of the Yang family's blood. Now the Yang family seems to be the only one who loves Yang Yu, which makes Yang Yu very arrogant and domineering." Although Yu Minglang is not active in the Nether Realm.

, but made many good friends, some of whom knew a lot, including this matter.

In the age of silence, those who climb up from the grassroots are often the most terrifying. Because they have been at the bottom for a long time, they have no tolerance and are jealous and resentful. The first thing they do when they get to the top is to consolidate their hard-won status and eliminate threats.

There is nothing wrong with this. Including Dai Li and Ying Zheng and others who also counterattacked, their methods were no different from this person's, but they didn't expect that this person's courage would be so small.

I still hold a grudge against being rejected by a woman!

Arashiyama Kuye was also shot while sitting in a wheelchair.

The most interesting thing is that many people thought that the first person Yang Yun came to cause trouble for was Daili. Yang Yu felt puzzled.

Perhaps this was the most difficult thing, Daili and Yu Minglang looked at each other.

"There is no need to teach you lessons. The situation is different and the way we deal with things is different. My brother is not Your Excellency Yang Yun, and I am not your sister. We cannot compare them equally." After saying this, Lanshan Kuye took control of the wheelchair and was about to leave.

The back of the chair was held down.

Yang Yun!

This is too much!

Lanshan Kuye frowned and was about to take action


Someone slapped Yang Yun's hand away with a backhand, and even Yang Yun himself took two steps back.

This scene frightened many people.

Guan Yujin, Dong Gong and others were all shocked. Yang Yun was a very powerful immortal, and behind him was Greedy Wolf, who was equal to the gods. How dare this person dare

Yang Yun didn't expect that the other party would dare to look at the owner of the hand with an unpredictable face.

"It's not like we haven't seen vicious dogs climbing up on dining tables these days, but we've never seen vicious dogs climbing up on tables and barking at people instead of eating meat. For such dogs, the first thing to do is to scold them, and only to beat them if the scolding is useless."

Dai Li calmly held the back of the chair with one hand, looked at Yang Yun and smiled: "What do you think, Your Excellency Yang Yun?"

A slap in the face!

Let’s see who is more ruthless than who!

A dog who has risen from the bottom will find trouble with a woman instead of doing the right thing. He can't do it without scolding her or beating her!

But I give you the right to make the first move

Dai Li just smiled at Yang Yun.

Others dared not even breathe.

Because all the qi machines in the air are locked.

Including Yang Yun's.



Am I not your opponent? Yang Yun refused to admit it, but had to worry about the orders of the person above him, so he endured it, but his eyes were cold.

That look can make many people feel chilled.

But it's obvious that he can't scare more fierce men.

For this kind of person who grabs the pole and climbs up thinking that he can overlook the entire earth, Dai Li has no psychological pressure at all. He just pushes the chair with dead leaves in Arashiyama and crosses Yang Yun.

"It's not worth facing this kind of person." Lanshan Kuye didn't want Dai Li to face Yang Yun because of himself.

After all, Dai Li is here to do business.

"Are you happy then?"


"He bullies you, and I bully him. Do you feel comfortable?"

"Ha~~" Lanshan Kuye smiled.

"That's fine." Dai Li also smiled.

"You are really a strange person," Arashiyama Kuye said lightly.

Before, it was shameless use and teasing. Blinking and being so gentle and considerate, I help you vent your anger.

Isn't it just weird?

"There are no strange dogs here, can the wolf be far away?" Dai Li said lightly, and Lanshan Dead Leaf's eyes flashed.

The point is not whether she wants to confront Yang Yun, but that the other party has already set his sights on her.

Ye Ranqiu didn't know if he had fallen into the other party's sight. And Ji Qingxin and the others can't bear the thought of Dai Li looking in that direction.

Thinking of Ji Qingxin and Si Qinming's promise, Daili decided to go back.

If she is really being targeted, she might go back to find them and let Tanlang lead the way.

Moreover, Dai Li had a hunch that the main target of the Protoss was still her, or something else!

Rather than leaves stained with autumn.

The two of them remained calm. Others have an inexplicable feeling that a storm is coming.

Dai Li once again got a Dead Heart Crescent Moon, but it was for himself. Yu Minglang didn't need to go down. This was also to leave someone to keep in touch. What if something happened to Ji Qingxin?

Yu Minglang is the most suitable person to convey the message - it is better than both of them to let others take advantage of the loophole.

After Dai Li put on the Dead Soul Heart Crescent Moon, he entered the water. At the same time, Dong Palace and Chi also entered the water.

Guan Yujin and Yang Yun also went down~~

"Yang Yun has gone down."

"Does he still want to cause trouble for that woman?"

Many people think that Yang Yun wants to take revenge on Dai Li. After all, this person will definitely retaliate.

However, after the Shark Tooth steward quickly reported the news, the reply he got was - arrange for someone to go down and kill him at all costs!

Who to kill?

Yang Yun?

The steward's breath was choked. What are the bosses planning?

It was also a coincidence on the other side. As soon as Yang Yung entered the water, someone knocked down the cloud and landed on the edge of the pond. How can I put it, this person is not the radiant and gaudy person, but dignified, elegant and noble. But for no reason it makes people think of a very rustic word.

——Female rich man.

Because this person really has a complete set of fairy weapons!

What a fairy weapon set!

Really, I’m not going to lie to you, you shocked a lot of people when you appeared on the scene.

certainly. When Gong Gongjing from the Wanbao Financial Group quickly ran out and called the big shopkeeper, the identity of this person was about to be revealed.

The great shopkeeper of Wanbao——Xiangxi Palace.

The beauty from Xiangda seemed a little unhappy. She glanced at her subordinates and said calmly: "Don't look at me like this. I didn't lose this thing myself. It was a gift from the rich man at the top of us~~"

so what! You are making a statement that you are not a prodigal. But others spend money to give it to you!

Suddenly I felt so tired.

The old man smiled shyly: "Master Wan really loves the big shopkeeper very much."

"Really~~" Xiangda beauty was thoughtful, and others were also thoughtful.

Legend has it that the person from Wanbaozhai and Xiangxi Palace are not related by blood~~ but they are quite ambiguous.

Xiangxi Palace's attention quickly returned. She looked at the water surface of Mingchi and smiled at the steward of Shark Tooth: "Is Yang Yun going down?"

What quick information! Came so fast!

The steward nodded and responded: "Master Xiang also wants to go?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com () to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please Read at m.)

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