A Queen

Chapter 1522 The Ancient Boat Under 0 Miles

"Yang Yun is still underwater, are you sure you can find him? Maybe you can know a lot of what you want to know if you find him." Lanshan Kuye feels that Yang Yun is still very valuable.

"Well, I left soul leeches on him, and his existence can be confirmed within a certain range."

"Soul Leech? It seems you are more prepared than I thought. I wish you good luck."

People like Yang Yun are not within the scope of Daili's fear. For some reason, Daili always feels that some people have already arrived here.

Some characters she finds difficult.

Forget it, let's go and take a look.


With the front entry into the water, Daili entered the water much faster this time. He deliberately avoided other people. Daili had passed many people silently, such as Ye Xiangrong, who had entered the water earlier than her. people

Moreover, the gap in personal strength is there, thirty miles, forty miles, fifty miles, is everyone's limit.

However, there were many mermaids and undead cruising back and forth in the upper waters, which seemed to be blocking the road. A fight between Feng Hanren and others soon broke out.

Daili circumvents these battles.

Fifty miles away, Brahma Tianqi just broke through!

Dai Li passed by him cautiously, but the other party didn't notice at all!

Soon, she arrived at the location sixty-five miles before, and then went down

"There is some aura of Bai Feng, although it is very small, but the opponent is indeed more than sixty-five miles away."

Sixty-five miles, seventy miles, eighty miles, five of the Dead Crescent Moon have been consumed!

And it’s being consumed faster and faster.

Daili is challenging her limits step by step, and after eighty miles, the progress of each mile is comparable to the gap of dozens of miles before, which makes her more and more pressure, but what makes her feel strange is that here There is actually the soul aura left by Yang Yun in the water area.

Soul Leech told him. Yang Yun also broke through eighty miles.

Impossible, that fellow's strength is not as strong as Brahma Tianqi's. He could hold on for sixty miles, how could he reach eighty miles?

Are there any special means? The previous strange movements between the sharks and the undead soon showed that everything nowadays cannot be speculated using common sense.

Be careful on one side,

While trying his best to break through, he didn't even bother to pick the roots of the underworld on the way, but it seemed that there weren't many underworld roots as far as sixty miles away.

This isn't right.

I don’t know how long it took

Ninety-nine miles!

Her feet hit the ground!

I stepped on soft sand. But there are also furry things

Look down. It's actually grass emerging from under the sand.

Not grass!

It's Minggen!

Stygian shoots

Dai Li looked around. Under the dark water, the place where the light swept was bare. There are only a lot of underworld stones, but not a single underworld root.

Was it harvested?

Dai Li didn't quite believe it. He stepped on the ground and moved forward looking for the slightest breath left by Yang Yun.

what is that?

Daili's body suddenly slumped. Driving behind a huge Hades stone, what did she just see?

Like a huge boat?

The volume range is ten miles long. Note that the distance she could see was ten miles, and she wasn't sure whether it was bigger beyond that.

Like a huge aviation spacecraft, lying under the deep water. Soaked in deep water.

The ancient boat's frame curve is very unique, made naturally, and majestic.

Do not know why. Dai Li felt his heart beating very fast for no reason.

Her heart was a fusion of blood and spirit, and it beat so fast for the first time. What's more, her soul also felt terrible throbbing and burning, which almost made her unable to hold back and rush out.

That impulse comes from deep within the soul.

Great wilderness

There seemed to be a fire burning in Dai Li's mind, and there was an inexplicable burning pain, and some memories were about to be uprooted.



If there is something, if there is nothing, there is a whisper and a whisper, as if it comes from the ancient times, from outside the sky, from the ears

At the critical moment, Dai Li bit her lower lip. The smell of blood brought her back to consciousness. Pressing her heart, she didn't dare to breathe. She only waited for a while to suppress the throbbing, then she grabbed the underworld stone and knocked it to expose it. Headed.

This time she deliberately did not look at the giant boat, but only looked at a tall tower on the giant boat. The top of the tower was very detailed, and there seemed to be a hollow ball. There seemed to be a strange stone floating in the ball, emitting a strange purple light. There was a person floating next to him.

This man is quickly making complex handprints on the stone.

What's that fingerprint?

Dai Li quickly searched the memories obtained by Chibi and quickly recognized the origin of this handprint.

——Huang Zhiyin.

This seems to be a traction technique. It has terrible traction power for creatures with the blood of the Great Wilderness, which is the power of control. It can make these creatures obedient~

Was the shark manipulated by Yang Yun?

That person is Yang Yun.

How did he dive down here? Is it also because of the stone?

There seems to be no mention of this stone in Red Cliff, but Red Cliff is not a complete inheritance of the Great Wilderness. It is not surprising that there is knowledge about fractures. Dai Li can only find out the situation. Maybe by catching Yang Yun, he can know more

Dai Li sensed the surroundings and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

There are at least five people hiding here.

Damn, that’s tricky!

There must be a Bai Feng among them, and another one who seems to be from the two demon clans as well!

There are three more people

one of them

When Dai Li sensed this person, he only felt that the aura was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't see the front and was not sure, and the other person's senses were very keen. He quickly looked towards her, so Dai Li had to restrain himself.

As for the other two, she can only say that these two seem to be better at the way of the soul, and their hidden abilities may be no less than hers.

Including her, there were six people, and six people were monitoring. Yang Yun didn't notice it at all, he only focused on making fingerprints quickly.

Dai Li felt someone move.

Going to take action?


They slipped into the giant boat!

Obviously the treasures are all in the ancient boat, and they must have guessed that there are other powerful enemies waiting nearby. Whoever goes to catch Yang Yun first will be at a disadvantage, because the weird stone is in his hand, and the threat of the other party is difficult to estimate.

——What if he summoned countless sharks? Among them are powerful subordinates such as the Merman King and the Undead King. Can they still get any benefits? Will he not be killed by other powerful enemies?

So smart people selectively ignored Yang Yun.

However, Dai Li knew the complexity of the Desolate Yin Technique, and Yang Yun was not very skilled in it. It would take at least a quarter of an hour to fully control the Desolate Beast at the level of the King of Mermen.

A quarter of an hour was enough for her to sneak in and find a lot of things.


Not to be outdone, Daili quietly slipped in through a hole in the ancient boat.

As soon as I entered, there was a crash. It's like there's a thin film separating them. There is no current in the boat, only a faint fragrance, which is very special. It is crisp and fresh, and has a calming air similar to Sanskrit incense. The moment you smell it, your body will feel relaxed.

The furnishings inside the boat are clean and elegant, without any luxury. Instead, it looked empty, with no murals. There was no porcelain vase, no jewelry, nothing, just the clean outline and the cold gray-black walls inside the boat, which looked like a huge castle. Connected in all directions, room by room, area by area

Inward. Inward, further inward

This kind of throbbing was restrained by Dai Li. She carefully monitored her surroundings. They were all here, but she couldn't be caught by Bai Feng and the others. Although she might not die, it would obviously be troublesome.

In the end, Dai Li chose to go in the direction of her heart's calling, even though many experiences in the past told her that this choice would usually bring her a fatal crisis, but it was also an absolute opportunity.

The Sifang Imperial Seal may be inside.

Crunch Daili pushed open a door.

A shadow came towards her face. It was very small, but Dai Li noticed it. Just when he was about to take action, he was stunned. This was not a creature attacking her, but a dark root.

This Ming root is very long, but very slender, as thick as a little finger, and seems to be very friendly. Chao Daili swayed.

The figure is graceful and delicate. Dai Li rolled his eyes. The flexibility of this Ming Gen is so strong that even a person in his 60s might not be able to stop it~

According to usual experience, although she often has bad luck, she occasionally gets unusually lucky. For example, some special creatures seem to be particularly fond of her~

Hey, there’s a clue!

Dai Li stepped through the door and walked in.


My feet went soft

Whoosh, whoosh, countless slender roots shot through, pulling her whole body over and hanging her in the air.

Strings of strings wrapped tightly around her body

Countless roots poked at her skin, trying to enter her body.

Generation: ""

There is a sense of sadness that women from good families are deceived, lose their money and trafficked online~

But at this time, there seemed to be movement outside.

somebody is coming!

Ming Gen suddenly fell silent, and Dai Li's mouth was also covered.

Damn it, you must be trying to harm another person!

Why are you covering my mouth? I won’t tell you even if I kill you! One pitfall after another! (Those who are evil-hearted are purple)

The man quickly opened the door,

The old trick is repeated, a dark root floats over

Enchanting and colorful, full of spirituality~

Be happy, be happy, come with me~ Dai Li thinks this Ming Gen is actually quite cheap, like a stripper swaying her sexy figure to seduce people~~

It's also like the spider spirit in Pansi Cave, right?

Take it off, take it off, dance, dance

Donor, come with me


The knife struck down decisively, so cruel and ruthless that Dai Li's heart trembled.

A half-arm-long black weapon lay across the air, cutting off a section of the Ming roots. The breath was cold and evil, but the remaining Ming roots did not dare to move easily.

under confrontation

Daili could see the other person’s face clearly and what the hell! Half-masked!

The number one killer of Split Cloud~~

Haters, I'm going!

The first killer walked into the room and looked up to see Dai Li wrapped like a rice dumpling.

There are also countless dark roots under Dai Li's body.

At first glance, it looks like a spider spirit has tied up Tang Seng

The first killer slowly approached, and Dai Li moved his gaze downwards. The place where the underworld roots shot out seemed to be a crystal, and there was a slender underworld root sealed inside the crystal.

Bet on a cart of cucumbers that the purity of this underworld root will definitely not drop by eighty!

Oops, now comes the problem, there is only one top-grade dark root.

Man, there are two of them! (To be continued)

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