A Queen

Chapter 1,523 Illusion?


First of all, the people in Liyun and Daili are enemies. In the past, there were random people who assassinated her. Although the number of people was reduced in the later period, this enemy identity is inevitable. If there is to be friendly cooperation or something, Daili probably has to sacrifice himself. Hue also falls short of this goal.

--The other party is a woman, this is very important. (As your mother, I personally don’t think this is a problem)

Unable to cooperate, and with such a priceless sacrificial root that can completely destroy an ordinary fairy market, who would choose to kill people and silence them to monopolize the property...

What's more, Daili is still tied up...

The masked number one killer slowly clenched his fingers on the weapon, with distinct joints. Daili, who was surrounded by Ming roots, smiled: "Beauty, I have so many Ming roots in my body, I think we can do it 50-50..."

She raised the knife.

"Okay, four or six?"

"Well, Sanqi"

"Hey, look at how stylish you are with your mask, maybe it's 28%~, you don't want to take them all! Well, I'll leave them all to you... to save others!"


Don't be too sure about the ruthlessness of that knife!

One split into two!

At that moment, that knife, countless dark roots, colorful lights and shadows...

It is said that the strongest swordsman can decide the winner with one strike.

The strongest assassins can kill their opponents with a single glance.

The most powerful person can determine the winner with just one confrontation...

The number one killer is an assassin, but Daili is not a swordsman, just a strong man.

So in an instant there is light and shadow!

Those underworld roots are loose for no reason - the person who is bound is the clone! The clone disappears with one hand...

Snapped! The first killer's wrist was violently strangled by the fingers of the two men. He twisted it back and sliced ​​the knife back... a head-on confrontation. The first killer raised his foot and kicked hard...


Leg elbow to leg elbow!

Bomb-crashing slam!

As soon as the attack wave swept across,

The other hand of the first killer was stabbing Chao Dai Li's neck!

At this moment, any part of the strongest body can be used as a murderous weapon!

However, his body was involuntarily twisted by the opponent!

What a powerful force!

In the blink of an eye both of her hands were tied!

The bondage of reincarnation!

To be honest, an assassin would be at a disadvantage against a pupil magician. The stealth and speed he was so proud of could not escape this guy's pupil magic.

So the hands of the first killer were twisted back, and his body fell against the wall involuntarily, and then...

Daili's hand fell on her face.

Touching the soft and silky black cloth with his fingers, he narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I would like to see what the world-famous No. 1 killer of Split Cloud looks like~~~"


The black cloth was torn off...

Black smoke spread.

Dai Li held a piece of black cloth in his hand. Stand there thoughtfully. The bound man was gone.

"The three mysteries of shadow, smoke and floating are all in the third level of void... What a powerful escape technique... but those eyes just now..."

She looked down upon the other party a little too much. As a result, the other party took the opportunity to escape, but when she looked closely, she always felt that those eyes were a bit familiar, and the other party's attack did not seem to be thorough~...

Test her?

This is not like Split Cloud's style.

"Is it another acquaintance who has a deep affection for me?"

Daili grinned. Put away the black cloth and walk to the crystal stone. It seems that those Minggens know how powerful Daili is, and now they don't dare to move even one...

"So many underworld roots grew out of this stone? What the hell is this..." There seems to be no record in Red Cliff.

Dai Li observed it for a moment, then reached out and picked up the stone...


As soon as the stone was picked up.


A hole opened in the ground for no reason.

It seems to be the way to the room below.

Dai Li looked at the corridor in front of him, and then at the opening in front of him...

With the sensitivity of her soul. It can be noticed that the opening below is not the space outside.

"Interesting, it seems that besides the passage on the surface, there is another dimension hidden inside this ancient boat."

Dai Li took the stone crystal and observed it. This material is very special and seems to be full of special activity. Very scary activity, Dai Li carefully probed into the soul...

"Huh? The soul is isolated. It's interesting. This stone is definitely a treasure... but it can also grow underworld roots. Maybe it's the same type as the underworld stone, but the grade is much higher..."

After putting away the stone, Daili walked down the opening...

Sure enough, there is an independent space below, empty, vast, and lonely. The heaven and earth are like a huge tomb, where that person is buried...

Daili saw many coffins.

There are at least thousands of them, crystal ones, ice ones, white jade ones, steel ones, mahogany ones, etc.

How strange. Generally speaking, coffins for burials should all be of the same specification. No matter how different they are, there are only one or two with special specifications. For example, if an emperor dies, it is natural to be buried with him and stay with him. Only the queen can do this. If there are people buried as martyrs, they should be outside the tomb of the guard, instead of surrounding a coffin in different directions like this.

The coffin is in the center. It is no different in size. It is made of gray-silver fluid and has carvings engraved on it, which seem to be ancient runes and totems...

Although there were so many coffins accompanying him, for some reason, Dai Li always felt that it was placed in the middle of the ancient wasteland, lonely.

It seems like I have been so lonely for thousands of years or countless epochs.

Daili feels uncomfortable for no reason, he doesn't want to go over there, but he can't help but...

And as soon as she couldn't help it, her body flashed and she came to the edge of the central silver coffin.

She didn't dare to touch it, so she could only look down at the lines on the coffin lid...


It seems like several ancient stories....

In the center is a throne, with an old man sitting there, and nine people standing below...

The faces of the nine people were blurred, and it was vaguely possible to see that there were men and women...

The person ranked first is the clearest... a man.

He seemed to have received something from the old man...

This is the first story, then the second...

The young man was playing the piano under the tree, under the flying flowers, and there were women singing and dancing in front of him. There was a person standing behind them. They were all smiling, but his face was expressionless.

It should be said that it was a blank face.

It gives people a blank, numb and sad feeling...

In the third story, this time it was the young man sitting on the throne, with eight people below holding swords against him...

The murderous intention is imminent.

These are the three stories on the coffin lid, a very simple narrative technique.

Press the temples for Dai Li. Subconsciously look at the side of the coffin...

It can be seen from these three pictures that the core is the young man. Seems like a prince? Anyway, he was given the order when he was young, and it can be seen that this young man is an indifferent person and does not know how to entertain. Full of worries... Later, he finally ascended the throne, but he was separated from the eight people depicted in the first picture... brothers and sisters?

Turn against these eight people.

And the picture on the left side of the coffin...

Kill! Endless killing!

The young man sitting in the high position put on the ruler's gorgeous robe, pointed his sword, and cut off a man's head. Carrying the head he walked towards the battlefield...

From boyhood to youth....

Kill kill kill.

On the right, above the battlefield. Giant beasts were flying in the sky, fierce demons were running on the ground, countless strong men, and seven powerful people besieged him...

Bloody battlefield...



A giant melting pot. A huge pillar...

Standing beside the furnace was a man...

these people..

"Ah~" Dai Li suddenly felt a terrible pain in his brain, his body swayed, and he leaned toward the coffin. When his hand touched the coffin, he suddenly felt a terrible burning sensation. Burn her body into ashes in an instant...



Dai Li suddenly opened his eyes and saw the room. When he lowered his head, he saw that he was squatting on the ground. Fingers grasping the stone.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on her forehead. She was... psychedelic?

It was so terrifying that her soul was so completely bewitched, as if she was devoted to...

Those pictures...

Especially the pain in her brain and the burning and destruction of the coffin when her fingers touched it...

It seemed like she had been burned like this before...

Painful to the depths of destruction...

This kind of pain was so profound that Dai Li was left with lingering fear. Even now, his heart is still numb with pain.

Half-kneeling on the ground, he calmed down for a while before sneering; "Even if the illusion binds me, it is just an illusion after all..."

She was very determined to grab the stone...

No matter how painful it is, some of her choices will not change!

The moment Dai Li grabbed the stone... a cold feeling suddenly hit her neck...

One side of the neck!

The hand knife slashed where her neck had just been... and in the blink of an eye, a rift in space was torn.

So strong!

Dai Li immediately merged the two clones of Mosha and Lightning, and swiped! The third clone appears!

The old man who had just revealed his figure shrank when he saw the third clone.

"Who are you..."

Buzz! The third clone soul attack has arrived!

The 20th Eye Technique--The Curse of Six Paths!

Curse, what curse? Debilitating, psychedelic, crazy!

Triple soul auxiliary killing type!

The old man's face suddenly turned pale, a light flashed from his head, and his fingers quickly touched his temples...

Acupoint skills to restrain the soul?

Dai Li quickly pressed his palm, and Qian Ji Thunder and Mo Sha rushed over at once!


The old man took a step back, and there was no trace on his chest...

Ya! What a terrible defense...

It's that demon clan!

And he was an immortal...invincible. She was sure that Bai Feng was nearby!

Dai Li's eyes flashed, and he suddenly made a feint and ran away!

Just as her afterimage disappeared, Bai Feng appeared, flicking his robe and looking at the direction Dai Li left.

"is her?"

The old man has regained consciousness, but his face is still very ugly.

"It's absolutely... amazing. There are three clones. The third clone is the soul clone. There is only one person in the world... It's really scary. If her third clone is also integrated, I will block all the soul attacks. Can't help it..." The old man has always been arrogant and very domineering himself, but at this moment he is really afraid of Dai Li.

Even if Dai Li's current strength does not pose much threat to him...

But some of his emotions and fears quickly disappeared.

Because Bai Feng said: "She hasn't tried her best yet."


The old man was speechless. (To be continued)

ps: The high school class president got engaged, tortured the single to death, and had to provide gift money, ugh~~~

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