A Queen

Chapter 1529: Candle 9 Yin


Brush, disappear, and reappear after not moving for a second...

When Dai Li's soul felt the pressure, the center of his eyebrows was already burning...


Wow! Daili shot backwards, and the space thorns condensed from Bixuan's fingertips caught up...

Too fast! Too fast!

Bai Ju passed the gap and slowed down the opponent by a large amount.


Daili's defense has broken through three levels!

There was a bloody hole in the shoulder....

The blood color only lasts for a moment, hiss! recover!

The recovery speed is more than three times that of Greedy Wolf.

Bixuan narrowed his eyes, murderous intent becoming more intense.

Turning the palm of the hand, five space needles were attached to the five fingers, flicking the wrist...

Hee hee hee.. Looks gentle, but in fact he is fierce..

A space needle completely blends into the space, killing people invisible...

Dai Li pursed her lips. She still underestimated the other person. This person was not only a little more powerful than Tanlang...

Ten greedy wolves are not as good as one Bi Xuan!

Unless she uses her last trump card, she will definitely lose~

Just when Daili was about to use his last trump card...


There was an endless layer of sand in front of her...

The sand wall blocked the front of him, and Dai Li could vaguely see five holes on it...

Where is the space needle!


Five afterimages flashed in succession, and Dai Li avoided five space needles. Fifth Qingsha on the other end breathed a sigh of relief, but met Bi Xuan's eyes.

not good!


Wu Qingsha tilted her head, and there was a streak of blood on her cheeks...

That was the mark where a space needle scratched her face, just shy of it, it could have pierced her head.

Wu Qingsha's face darkened, she couldn't catch the opponent's attack at all...

Daili's face also sank. The blood on Wu Qingsha's face seemed to ignite the ferocity and coldness in her eyes.

He turned to look at Bihyun and said something.

"Is our previous cooperation still effective?"

The words came suddenly, and Bai Feng and Wu Qingsha looked at her.

The latter brushed his cheek with his fingers, brushed off the blood, and just smiled lightly, what do you think?

The former slightly twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes."

"Then help me block it for one minute... one minute later. I will defeat him for you to see!"

One minute later. I'll beat him to show you!

How to put it, this sentence is full of romantic ideals and unrealistic abstraction.

However, Bai Feng Wu Qingsha only looked at each other.


White light flows around Bai Feng's body, wow~

ontology. The beautiful and huge snow-white phoenix seemed to be bathed in divine light. Its wings were spread out, and each of its snow-white wings looked like they were condensed from white crystal. There is a halo of light flowing above, and the cicadas are beautiful...

Open your mouth...


That attack was surprisingly much stronger than Greedy Wolf's strongest attack!

A beam of white light shot out. It tore half of the sky apart and blasted towards Bi Xuan in the blink of an eye...


Space shield defense!

White light strikes the space shield...the space trembles!

Wu Qingsha's eyes flashed, and the overwhelming killing solidified into a huge sand fist, which he clenched tightly. Boom!

boom! ! !


Three immortals fight fiercely! Across thousands of miles!

Tanlang, who was recovering his body, noticed that Dai Li on the other side turned his hand, and there was an extra box in his hand.

That box is... Greedy Wolf Stare.

"Bixuan, she wants to swallow the ancient soul crystal!"

Bihyun saw it too. At this moment, swallowing the ancient soul crystal, isn't she afraid of going crazy?

The ancient soul crystal is not a simple soul body. It is the soul inheritance and soul power of an ancient most powerful person. If you swallow the ancient soul crystal, the first thing you have to face is the soul impact and test of the most powerful person in ancient times. If you fail, your soul will be destroyed!

Therefore, the ancient soul crystal is an extremely precious and dangerous inherited soul crystal, and it is also the purpose of their god clan. However, they did not expect that this person actually wanted to use it to turn over...

Is it a desperate fight or a dare?

Regardless of what Bi Xuan or Lan Shan Kuye and others below thought of it, Dai Li opened the box directly and took out the palm-sized ancient soul crystal inside.

This ancient soul crystal is translucent, the light is intertwined and twisted, and the soul aura sweeps out...

too horrible!

Jiandu, who was not far away from Daili, changed his expression. For a moment, he didn't care about dealing with Brahma Tianqi and retreated directly.

Brahma's eyes flickered for a moment and he also backed away.

I don’t know which ancient strongman’s soul crystal this is. If it is the Immortal Lord level, Daili will be dead...

At that time, when Wu Qingsha and Bai Feng joined forces to restrain Bi Xuan, Dai Li held the ancient soul crystal, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth?

Neuropathy! Who the hell can swallow such a big thing?

Suck slowly?

not enough time!

She only has a minute! No, it's 45 seconds!

And when the countdown was 44 seconds... this guy swiped his finger and made a ferocious bloody mouth on his chest, and his heart was vaguely visible. Then, at the 43rd second, she pressed the Ancient Soul Crystal to her heart without even moving her brows. Go up...press in hard!


Flesh and blood flying everywhere...

This scene made too many people's eyes twitch...

Cruel, too cruel!

Arashiyama Kuye subconsciously grasped the handrail...

What kind of person is this person?


The heart bursts with terrible light, and the soul is entangled...

Someone seemed to hear the heavy hoarse sound from ancient times.

"I, the thirteenth general under Huang Zu, Zhu Jiuyin..."

Zhu Jiuyin! ! The ancestor of the demonic dragon! The perverted demon lord of the great wilderness!

It’s over..

The faces of Wu Qingsha and others instantly fell...

Is Dai Li's luck overwhelming or overwhelming?

The character is flawed...

And on the other side, like in Netherworld Mountain... below.

A place where lava is rolling and evil ghosts are tearing at each other... the air of death is shrouded in the air, a sea of ​​flesh and blood flows in the river, and dead souls and evil ghosts walk on the bridge...

On the flat and open platform, a monk with a bald head, a cassock and a handsome face sat cross-legged on the ground. He kept playing the Buddha in his hand and murmuring words...

suddenly. Crash, the beads broke, a large number of beads fell to the ground crisply, rolling...

He opened his eyes and looked at the huge barrier in front of him. There was a person trapped in the barrier...

quite a while. He sighed.

"I promise you"

There is a man in black next to him. Wearing a black robe, with his hands behind his back, he smiled lowly when he heard the words.

The smile spread. Floating and sinking in the terrifying underworld, making those evil spirits roar even more arrogantly...


The roaring sound of the evil ghost may have spread out of the underworld. Yu Minglang subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of Netherworld Mountain. What was that sound?

But he hasn't come to a conclusion yet. Then I heard an even scarier sound.

Zhu Jiuyin's soul pressure has already surrounded Dai Li's soul.


Suppression from the Great Wilderness Generation Demon Lord!

The Prince of the East Palace could not hold on to his fear, his legs and knees hurt so much. I really want to kneel down...

The demon dragon is also a dragon!

The demon lord dragon of the wilderness is naturally majestic and irresistible to contemporary real dragons.

Chi took a deep breath and quickly spread the news...

A certain area...actually just outside the Underworld Pond. In fact, Chi had no idea that the person he was summoning was not far away from them, but...

Qianshan Muxue closed the communication stone and looked at the person in front of her. "You control the split cloud just because you want to compete for the dominance of the fairy clan. Cooperating with us is more in line with your position."

"The gods can also help me." The other party was noncommittal. The voice was very cool.

Qianshan Muxue smiled faintly, the smile was shallow but not deep enough in the eyes.

"It requires a lot of endurance and tolerance to cooperate with enemies who use Nangong and other noble families to kill their parents and destroy their families."

"You know a lot"

"For a person who has been exterminated long ago and has to survive, the more he knows, the easier it is to survive."

"The humbler the person on the surface, the prouder they are on the inside. Qianshan Muxue, you are so proud. I really want to see you lower your head in the future."

"I think that's not difficult." Qianshan Muxue turned her face away and looked in the direction of Mingchi.

"Your subordinate, your niece, is a talented person, but the way of evil is too difficult to control. Seizing an ancient soul crystal for clothing inheritance is a good choice, but I think the gods will focus on you because of this... "

"Dai Li is in front and you are behind. I guess I am not that important."

"If they knew that the Ye family's orthodox bloodline was not extinct and had awakened the original bloodline... Based on their greed for powerful bloodlines... they wouldn't favor one over the other."

"I accept your words... I think you should be more concerned about whether she will be possessed by Zhu Jiuyin's backlash."

"If the descendants of the Blood Lord and the Soul Lord are so easy to be backlashed, it would be ridiculous for the direct lineage of Dahuang... From a family perspective, Zhu Jiuyin is just her slave."

Soul and blood are the bloodlines that have a strong presence among the seven tribes of the Great Wilderness. The seven tribes come from the Wild Ancestor, which is the blood of the emperor. Zhu Jiuyin is said to be the demon lord, but in fact... he is really a slave.

Even so, how much indifference and confidence is underneath Qianshan Muxue's indifferent words?

The other person twitched the corner of his mouth, a common problem among the seven races...the absolute nobility of their own bloodline.

It is also because of this that they have a deeper belief in the restoration of their family than anyone else, just like the group in southern Xinjiang...

"Then I'll just watch and see how she does..." The voice suddenly stopped.

Soul, backfired.

Zhu Jiuyin's backlash against generation and separation? It was a backlash...but it was backfired again!

Daili has backfired on Zhu Jiuyin!

The Prince of the East Palace suddenly felt that his knees no longer hurt because Zhu Jiuyin's aura was suppressed.


Dai Li's body surface was twisted with ferocious auras, which were the Zhu Yin auras that Zhu Jiu Yin Teng Yun Jia Wu always carried, nine in total.

Hot and destructive yet extremely cold.

The nine candles' Yin Qi is distorted, Dai Li's body aura is constantly rising and falling, and the heart is constantly being crushed and twisted...

To everyone's surprise...the heart is immortal!

"Isn't the heart the weakest thing of the vampires? How come her heart is so strong? Isn't she a vampire?" Greedy Wolf was secretly suspicious, and even thought that their intelligence was wrong, or that the karmic entanglements between the top master and his group were even more ridiculous. ...

The tsunami of souls caused all the dead souls scattered in the center of the Underworld Pond to panic, and they all looked at the Underworld Pond area...

Some were kneeling and floating...

In such horror, in front of the flower shop... Ji Qingxin's expression changed drastically.

Because....(To be continued)

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