A Queen

Chapter 1,530 Bixuan, soul-binding

On the high building, the soot beauty leaning on the railing smiled lowly and turned into a beam of gray light, entering the middle of Dai Li's eyebrows.


Souls finally become one.

Zhu Jiuyin... Surrender!

Boom, boom, boom!

The sky thunders.

A beam of thunder fell from the sky...

"Immortal Tribulation!"

"This is the tribulation of immortality!"

"Is she going to become a fairy?"

In other words, this kind of doubt is really destructive. Everyone who doubts it will deeply dislike themselves in the second second.

--Could it be said that the person who resisted the Immortal and defeated the Greedy Wolf...has not yet become an Immortal?

Bi Xuan's brows finally jumped, and he stretched out his hand, trying to kill Dai Li before she could reach the immortal tribulation.


How could Wu Qingsha and Bai Feng agree!


Attack relative collision...

Dai Li has been bathed in the immortal calamity.

That’s right, a bath! For her, the lightning that made her become an immortal was not a disaster, but a ritual.

--Crown as an immortal!

The soul transforms and the rank rises... The gray air in the natal soul swims and grows stronger...

Wow~ The fairy light was like a rain of flowers, and flowers suddenly bloomed.

It was a demon, purple, red, silver, black, gray, all kinds of colors blooming, not gorgeous colors, but deep and strong, graceful and mysterious...

After the light gradually faded, someone saw her standing in the rain of flowers slowly turning her face, her ash hair fluttering, just like the stunning beauty of her third clone.

The pattern mark on the forehead, in a blink of an eye, the palms spread out,

Those flowers swirled around, and suddenly they turned into sharp weapons with a metallic texture. Blooming, sharp-edged, spinning...cutting space!

Dai Li rolled his eyes, and these monsters floated towards Bixuan!

Countless monsters, countless murderous intentions.

Bixuan narrowed his eyes, and the space was torn apart in front of his eyes, with countless needle lights. Facing these monsters...

One on one!

This is the most gorgeous battle. It is also the most powerful battle.

It's hard to generalize about Dai Li's ability against space. Anyway, it was an extraordinary battle.

At least Bihyun's strength is top-notch here, but Daili. When the demons flying in the sky appeared, Bai Feng and Wu Qingsha retreated, thinking secretly.

One minute seemed just right.

This is her promise. This is also her battle.

Let's see how you defeat Bihyun!

Bang bang bang~!

What kind of scene would it be like when the demon Luo collides with the space thorn?

You can think of it as countless beautiful colored balls being punctured by thorns. Then it exploded into beautiful and magical colors, but also broke these needles...

The sky seemed to be filled with colorful colorless rain, and it was like a drawing board with splashes of ink.


"...I actually got Zhu Jiuyin's inheritance... It seems that I have to live up to the Lord's instructions to me."

Lord? It's obviously the god.

"Capture me alive?" Daili asked.

Bihyun nodded and stretched out his beautiful hand. Spread out, the countless undead souls seemed to be resurrected, savagely beneath his feet.

"Being contemptuous of you at the beginning was the original sin I, Bihyun, committed. It is unforgivable and can only be made up for by going all out."

There is always a lukewarm literary style about this person. In the words of generation, it is an extremely perverted and twisted literary and artistic crime.

In the 21st century, he would be a perverted murderer.

Dai Li smiled and stretched out his hand as well. The arm was prettier than the other's. Of course, her body was also much prettier than the other's. At her feet were terrifying and ugly sharks, and beside them was a beautiful woman...

"Really~ But I think you are more like the glory that I should conquer... In a few years, you will become my past."

Who doesn't know how to do literature and art? Someone can still preach war as if he were a concubine.

Some of these people raised their eyebrows.

Can you tear up the Japanese with your hands in a domineering manner?

The two parties' eyes met...

In the light that had not dissipated from the collision between the demon and the space thorn, half of the sky was distorted and the space was squeezed!

And Daili here... raised his hand~

The body's dragon energy surged... Behind her, a huge black dragon appeared. The dragon's scales were very cold, stiff and rough, but very domineering and fierce. The dragon's head was larger than the green dragon, and the dragon's body was also thick. At this moment Surrounded by Zhu Yin Qi, he stared at Bi Xuan.

How should I put it? In terms of domineering and viciousness, demon dragons like Zhu Jiuyin are more powerful than the orthodox dragons. The bad guys are probably more arrogant than the good guys...


Damn it, my knee hurts again. With a pop, the Prince of the East Palace knelt down... That face was so ugly...

Once upon a time, no, just a few months ago, I teased this woman.

In the blink of an eye... he knelt down!

Jian stayed far away to avoid kneeling down... Although they were all high-blooded beings in the demon clan, they were Zhu Jiuyin from the Great Desolation Period, so Jian was nothing!

And the Zhu Jiuyin swung its dragon tail directly and hit the space it was pressing against...


It’s a tie!

The impact will go towards Bihyun...

Bi Xuan dodged and avoided, but most of the undead groups were beaten to death. Compared to the ancient demon dragons like Zhu Jiuyin, the undead were just a piece of cake. The coercion of the ancient evil beasts alone was enough. These undead spirits were greatly out of Bi Xuan's control.

"You accepted Zhu Jiuyin's inheritance, why do you have the power of the dragon?"

Brush, Bi-hyun who appeared on the other side seemed a little confused about this.

"It seems that you have forgotten that I have devoured a complete dragon body. What I lack is the dragon soul. It just happens that Zhu Jiuyin's dragon soul completes it." Dai Li answered every question. He stepped down to avoid Bi Xuan's space blade assassination. With a wave of his hand, Zhu Jiuyin opened his mouth, and countless Zhu Yin Qi crossed to form a cutting net that covered the space.

Binding Bi Xuan's space ability?

Bi Xuan's eyebrows glowed.

Dharma image! Come!

His Dharma image is a square three-dimensional transparent crystal.

What a strange Dharma image, but when this crystal moved with his mind, it suddenly became larger, and in the blink of an eye, Dai Li and Zhu Jiuyin were covered together.

Spatial three-dimensional binding!

Bi Xuan waved his hand, and the four-dimensional space suddenly floated. In the blink of an eye, Bi Xuan took him ten miles away at a fast pace!


Zhu Jiuyin hit the three-dimensional wall, but couldn't break it open.

"Is it a royal Dharma image?"

"Absolutely, Dai Li couldn't break the giant statue that controlled Zhu Jiuyin..."

"The four-dimensional dimension of the Dharma image? I thought it didn't exist." Lanshan Kuye was thoughtful. She had read some ancient books about Dharma images. There are thousands of variations of Dharma images. You can only think of them. Nothing doesn't exist. Among them, the spatial Dharma images are very rare, and the four-dimensional dimension of the world is also a concept of the reasoning law of those ancient powerful people.

I didn't expect it to really exist.

Lanshan Kuye didn't know whether to admire Bixuan's talent or the profound attainments of those powerful people in the past.

Of course. The most important thing is that Dai Li can break it... right?

Dai Li's hand suddenly pressed on Zhu Jiuyin's head, controlling Zhu Jiuyin?

No, it was the palm that absorbed Zhu Jiuyin, and there was a dragon pattern on the thin white palm. Spread the palm and seal it!


The terrifying power surged out of her palm...


The sea of ​​blood surged. Occupying the entire four-dimensional space, expanding and expanding...

Bi Xuan's face changed...

"The Great Wilderness Technique Collapses! Break it for me!"


The moment the wild art was concluded, the four-dimensional space was broken!

The moment it was broken, it was like a flash of lightning!

This time it was Bi Xuan's turn to be unable to avoid it. Even if he could control the space, this space was also controlled by Dai Li.

So he could only control the four-dimensional world and transform it into a giant space sword!


How strong is Dai Li after becoming an immortal?

The body fusion energy soared five times!

The soul is ten times stronger!

The comprehension and reasoning ability of many secrets and mysteries increased abnormally...

The index finger and middle finger together. Light like the sun!

First: Taishan Thunder Finger, earth!

Second: Colorful Dragon. Wood!

Third: The Milky Way hangs in the sky, water!

Fourth: Playing with the princes with beacons, fire!

Fifth: The peerless king's sword, gold!

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder and magic are all integrated, all between those two fingers!

Five Elements Breaking Void Finger, the real Five Elements Breaking Void!

Space is void, Five Elements Breaking Void?

Boom! ! !

Too fast and too strong, one strike decides the outcome...

Space was penetrated, a black hole, the hole connected to Bixuan's chest, black rendered blood color.


Blood burst out of Bixuan's chest...

Raising his eyes, Dai Li was about to kill...

Suddenly saw the corner of this man's mouth curled up, and smiled strangely.

"Time's up"



The sudden wailing of the dead souls startled everyone in the audience, and they turned their heads to look...

A terrifying black fire ignited in the Nether Mountain!

The black fire had no burning flames, only the coldness of silent burning.

"The Netherworld's Phantom Fire!"

"Is the Netherworld going to open the Wheel of Reincarnation?"

"How could it be? The last Wheel of Reincarnation was only opened ten years ago, and it will take another ninety years to open again. How come it's so early!!!"

The natives of the Netherworld were all shocked, and those who knew a lot about the Netherworld, such as Xiangxi Gong, frowned, and suddenly their faces changed drastically. They shouted at the same time as Lanshan Kuye: "Dai Li, your mother..."

In fact, Dai Li also thought of something a second ago.

The thirteen-year deadline seems to be these few days...


Dai Li's breathing tightened and she looked subconsciously..

She was ten miles away at the moment, and seven or eight miles away from the building complex at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, she looked...


A strong fighting atmosphere exploded from it, followed by a huge bell!

Psychic bell! This is Ji Qingxin's Dharma image!

There is fighting!

Feng Zuixin! Yu Minglang's face turned pale instantly, and she was about to move. In fact, Dai Li's reaction and speed were definitely faster than hers, but not as fast as the chain that flew out from the torn mouth of the Nether Mountain...

Soul-binding chain...

The soul-binding chain passed through the crowd of buildings...

It detained a person.

In front of the flower shop, Ji Qingxin widened her eyes and saw Ye Ranqiu entangled in the chain...

She rushed over...


It was too late...

Ye Ranqiu was hooked by the chain and grabbed directly to the big hole of the Nether Mountain...

Only her!

Just to detain her!!!


Dai Li turned into an extremely sharp aurora, and even ignored Bi Xuan, and rushed over madly... (To be continued)

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