A Queen

Chapter 1531: Let the underworld never reincarnate!

hostility? Hatred? Didn't she? have! That hatred can even burn the entire Nether Realm, but the most important thing in her eyes is that person...

It was the person who gave her warmth as soon as she opened her eyes after five hundred years of chaos...


Dai Li caught up, and everyone in Xiangxi Palace saw her catching up, and saw her grabbing Ye Ranqiu...

Catch her... we can't be separated anymore...


Then the people from Xiangxi Palace also saw it.

Dai Li's body passed through Ye Ranqiu's body...

Passed through...

Daili subconsciously bent his fingers and grabbed the chain again...

Also worn.

Soul-binding locks are also soul bodies.

Leaves dyed in autumn are the souls of the dead.

Daili's pupils shrank.

And Ye Ranqiu's hand gently brushed her forehead, without any touch, but as if caressing... He just shook his head.

"Ali, it's good to go back...wait for me to be reincarnated...if she doesn't rob me, I'm willing to be your mother again..."

Waiting for another reincarnation?

Brush... Ye Ranqiu disappeared into the black hole.

Seal the lid.

That is the underworld, a forbidden place for living people, a forbidden place between heaven and earth.

Dai Li lowered his eyes and took three quiet breaths.

Ji Qingxin came to her side and said only one sentence, her eyes red: "I'm sorry..."

Dai Li turned to look at her. There was blood on Ji Qingxin's shoulder. It was scratched by a hook, and the flesh and blood were broken.

She turned her head again and saw the menacing underworld soldiers. The leader... was the Immortal.

That dark atmosphere,

It is majestic and terrifying, unlike any other army in the world.

"The underworld seduces people, and no one in heaven and earth can stop them. Leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for sending you to the underworld in advance, and you will not be allowed to reincarnate..." The immortal said with an expressionless face...

Before she could finish speaking, Daili's hand was strangling her neck. Her expression was normal and everything was normal.

Even calm.

The voice is soft. The voice is clear and graceful.

"Reincarnation. You told me about reincarnation... If I can't take her back today, I will make your entire underworld unable to reincarnate forever..."

Buzz! Six Paths of Samsara Eyes, two!

Two six paths of reincarnation are opened...

The destruction of the Six Paths! !

puff! The soul of this immortal... was crushed to pieces!

That scene was horrific. That was when the Yin soldiers were frightened because a whirlpool appeared.

A vortex channel.


The Yin soldiers ran out regardless of their own safety. Did they have time?

Too late!

Vortex suction!


Thousands of Yin soldiers were all involved!

The previous mode was just about kicking people in, but now it has been upgraded.

Crush the immortal. He swallowed thousands of Yin soldiers in one breath, including more than a dozen ghosts and immortals!

Dai Li turned his head and glanced at Bi Xuan and others. With just one glance, the latter and Tanlang felt chills in their hearts, but before the other party could attack, they only saw a woman beside her.

The third clone.

"Do you want to do something?"


"No regrets?"


"That's good.."

That woman. In other words, reincarnation, with his hands facing the front of Netherworld Mountain, he grasped the space with both hands. One tear....

The entrance to the Netherworld Mountain cave was forcibly torn apart!

Soul channel. Tear!

The soul passage in the underworld has been torn apart?

Bixuan and Tanlang looked at the face of the third clone from a distance, and their expressions suddenly became uneasy.

Sure enough, this gentleman is that child.

Obviously, her talent and style are similar to that one.


After the soul passage was torn apart, a flash of black gate to the underworld was revealed!

Dai Li's hand pressed on Ji Qingxin's shoulder, the light was gentle, and she said: "Qingxin, protect Zuixin...wait for me to come back."

Ji Qing glanced at her intently and nodded: "Okay."

Dai Li let go of his hand and flew towards the gate of the underworld.


One punch!

Boom...the door burst, and she walked in with Samsara.

Ji Qingxin turned to look at her shoulder. The wound had healed perfectly, with no scars at all.

Terrible power.

She believes she can come back, and like before, she never disappoints.

On the other side, Xiangxi Palace stood up, a little impatient, and wanted to contact some people...

"At this juncture, it's useless for you to contact those people in Qingyi. Why don't you beg me..."

That familiar tone made Xiangxi Gong frown and turn his head to look.

A man, with his hands folded across his chest, leaned against the pillar in front of the Wanbaozhai Gate. His posture, his calmness, and his settled graceful temperament all resembled a tyrannical CEO who was prodigal in the world and had extraordinary capital.

In fact, Arashiyama Kuye and other women, including all the female cultivators present, had a strange feeling when they saw this person.


Anyway, I have a great fondness for this person unconsciously. If I stay in contact with him for a long time, this goodwill will turn into a terrible temptation...

Lanshan Kuye frowned, is this person Mr. Wan who is said to be mysterious and extremely attractive to the opposite sex?

Legend has it that few women who met him did not fall in love with him.

And there is no woman he can't get...

I thought it was an exaggeration before, but now it seems... that it is true.

But look at the tone of this man talking to Xiangxi Palace, he is indeed having an affair!

Shark Wind and Hui Xuguang looked at each other.

Something bad happened, this man who had never been seen came in person.

Does it mean that many things were planned by the other party?

Feng Hanren's eyes flickered.

The people in Wanbaozhai all lowered their heads.

"Master Wan..."

Mr. Wan was very noble, dragging a long brown robe, elegant and beautiful, and ignored the intimidation, and only looked at the Xiangxi Palace with gentleness.

The corners of Xiangxi Palace's lips curled up into a 45-degree smile.

"Dear little uncle, since you are here in person, you must be interested, why should I ask for help~"

"I just like to see you be so pitiful that you beg me~~"

Neuropathy! Abnormal!

Xiangxi Gong's eyes twitched and he smiled brighter. The enchanting spirit is fully displayed: "There are so many people, isn't this bad?"

"It's okay, I don't care."

Damn it, I care!

But when I think about someone's friendship with me, plus the food...

Well, even if it’s just to win over Qing Yi! (Does this have anything to do with it?)

"Okay, then I'll..."

"No need." Mr. Wan suddenly smiled very beautifully. Straighten up. Fly up.

"Actually I'm more interested in her"


Xiangxi Palace's mind went off the rails and suddenly got knotted up, holy shit!

"Hey. Don't do anything to her...whatever you dare to do to her, I won't let you go!"

This lunatic always does what he says and has abnormal strength. That guy probably won't be able to handle it...

However. Master Wan has already flown into the gate of the underworld.

Xiangxi Palace blushed and wanted to follow. Fortunately, I was caught by the assistant. Hey, little ancestor, no matter how strong you are, you still want to get in, but you still have to be cut into bones.

"Don't pull me..."

"Big shopkeeper. You can't go..."

"Yanxian! I am making some images for others to see..."

Can you take a photo and send it to WeChat? Dear~~

This reason is so valid that the assistant stopped and Xiangxi Palace quickly made some images and sent them out...

"Cousin Ye... Qianshan Duxue... Tsing Yi~~ If you don't come, that woman will be seduced by my little uncle~~"

The point is not that she breaks into the underworld and kills people, but that she is going to be seduced away by her uncle?

three areas. three people.

Ye Ziqing: "Who is your uncle?"

Tsing Yi; "Do you have a little uncle?"

——The point is all about the little uncle...

Qianshan Muxue: "I'm coming"

Xiangxi Palace nodded: "Oh, you're here, what's the point of coming?"

As soon as Xiangxi Palace looked up, she saw Qianshan Muxue, who was dressed in white and wearing a glazed sword on her waist. He nodded slightly towards her and looked towards the gate of the underworld. Just as he was about to enter, he suddenly sensed something and turned around to look. .

There was no one or anything in the direction I looked...

She twitched the corner of her mouth, as if she was confirming something, smiled, greeted Ji Qingxin, and sent a message: "That person is here, the overall situation is safe."

that person?

Ji Qingxin was surprised, but after thinking about it, it made sense, "I understand... take care of yourself."

Qianshan Muxue waved her hand lightly and walked into the gate of the underworld.

And at the border of the Underworld Pond, a person just stepped into it, his sleeves swayed slightly, and the blood that had not dissipated after the previous killing was swayed, and he frowned: "It's still a step too late."

"The Gods are too insidious. If you hadn't been entangled, young master, you wouldn't have... Do you want to report it to the master?"

"No need, with her prophecy ability, she should already know it by now... The most important thing now is...


The man lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Prevent as many people from escaping unharmed as possible."

The subtext is - as many people as possible will die!

The door to the underworld was open and dark. Bixuan glanced at it, transmitted a few words to Hui Xiguang, and then looked at Ji Qingxin and others with Greedy Wolf.

They came to Mingchi for three purposes.

One, seize the treasure!

Two, kill!

Three, arrest the soul!

The first two can no longer be completed, but the third is still successful, and the success of the third will allow the second to be completed successfully, and then the first can also be completed.

This is a reverse offensive and a coherent plan.

Win or lose, they must go all out as much as possible to eradicate everyone!

Jun Zili has already fallen into the urn, and the rest are naturally Ji Qingxin and others...

Cut the grass and root it out!

The atmosphere was heightened again, with the enemy and friend clearly distinguishable.

Ji Qingxin took a shallow breath. Feng Zuixin was arranged by her in the store. Yu Minglang had already rushed over. She didn't know if it was too late.

And are these people in front of her her opponents?

Of course not an opponent.

Ji Qingxin's eyes flashed... and she looked at Tanlang.


Tanlang, who was seriously injured and with less than one-tenth of his strength, suddenly stabbed a black short blade through his chest.

Behind him, the masked woman's eyebrows were cold, and with a turn of her wrist, evil energy swarmed in...


The short blade was pulled out, and Greedy Wolf's heart was swallowed by the evil spirit.

A generation of immortals, a generation of generals, keep your eyes open.

Bixuan looked at this person... "Splitting Cloud? The number one killer..."

Splitting Cloud... turned around a bit quickly. Once upon a time, Splitting Cloud was a substitute for the enemy.

Changed position in the blink of an eye?

The masked woman wiped the knife on her sleeve and said lightly: "Handan, my code name."

"And many years ago...my name was Handan Xuanye, and even earlier, my name was Ji Xuanye."

Ji Xuanye, Ji Qingxin.

It has been many years since we parted on that day.

Handan Xuanye looked at Ji Qingxin with slightly warm eyes.

Long time no see, aunt.

————————(To be continued)

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