A Queen

Chapter 1532 Dead Wood


Handan, the number one killer of Split Cloud?

It must be said that this is a reversal, which has changed some of the deep-rooted ideas in many people's minds.

It turns out that Liyun is not necessarily the enemy of Daili and his group, but I didn’t expect that Handan Xuanye would become Liyun’s person.

Did you go to Huiyun after that incident?

Perhaps only Ji Qingxin and Ji Qingjun know what happened back then.

And now Bihyun is still here.

You Ziyu has always been an outsider, watching from the outside, but she looked at this scene and thought to herself that Jun Zili was such a powerful person, how could he not think that people like Bi Xuan would attack Ji Qingxin and others?

Is it too late to think about it, or does it have other trump cards?

Maybe she contacted someone quietly.

You Fusheng.


Although seriously injured, Bi Xuan still has enough power to kill Ji Qingxin and others, even though Handan Xuan Ye's strength is not weaker than any immortal.

Handan Xuanye and Ji Qingxin have already felt the changes in the space

People who control space can kill people who are not weaker than themselves without making a move - not everyone has extraordinary speed and sensitivity like Daili.

The space attack came silently.

It just so happens that one of these two people is a psychic and the other is the number one killer, so

Brush, brush! Both of them avoided at the same time

Bixuan moved his left and right hands, and two cracks were torn out in the space. The cracks were like ferocious dragons and snakes, pure black and bloody, chasing the two of them.


Handan Xuanye disappeared from the air in an instant, and Ji Qingxin suddenly came to the head of a shark and pressed it with her palm. Poof, the person disappeared too!

"What a powerful escape technique, worthy of being the number one killer"

"That woman is a psychic? Can she be a psychic?

Take charge of yourself”

An escape technique and a psychic technique, allowing people to see the extremes of both techniques.


The Crack Dragon Snake caught up and hit the place where Handan Xuan Ye disappeared. Swallowed a kilometer of space in one breath. And with a sweep of his tail, he slapped the mermaid

Poof! The shark dies!

Neither Handan Xuanye nor Ji Qingxin fell into the trap!

And suddenly among those sharks, a shark king roared. All the sharks moved!

Bite towards Bi-hyun!

Ji Qingxin channeled the Shark King!

Bixuan narrowed his eyes, and the four-dimensional world expanded violently, directly binding the thousands of sharks that rushed towards him, and the scope continued to expand. The shark king who tried to bind Ji Qingxin was also tied up.

But it’s also this moment.

A shadow appeared behind him, Handan Xuanye appeared. Holding the demonic blade with both hands, two patterns are revealed on the back of the hands, and the patterns shine in the light.

"Huh? What is this?" Lanshan Kuye frowned.

boom! The demonic blade has already stabbed down


Bihyun has an extra space shield on his back!

Peng! The space shield broke and the demon blade stabbed down. But Bihyun is missing

The size of the square suddenly changed, and after crushing all the sharks inside, it turned into a huge space sword. Go towards Handan Xuanye and kill him!


cannot! The space is frozen!


Bihyun is indeed Bihyun~~

Ji Qingxin from the psychic shark king appears. Dharma psychic bell rings

Jingle Bell

What is channeling?

All spirits can access it.

Bai Feng's eyebrows suddenly jumped. This psychic

Bixuan felt slightly dizzy, and the murderous intention just now was cut in half for no reason.

Oh, what a powerful psychic!

Reduce hostility!

But there’s still half of it!



Cut down the giant sword

Xiangxi Palace threw down the melon seeds, raised his hand and whipped out the fairy whip! Hui Xuguang's attack was blocked!

"Damn it! Hui Xuguang!"

"Sorry, everyone is their own master." Hui Xuguang shrugged and attacked Xiangxi Palace.

Xiangxi Palace had no choice but to fight. Handan Xuanye was also Ji Qingxin's niece, and Ji Qingxin was the benefactor and eldest sister of Lili.

By the way, it’s none of my business!


boom! ! !

That sword was blocked.

The sword that is blocking it is a large dead leaf full of literary and artistic atmosphere.

The aura of twilight belongs to the death system, one of the special ways, and its power is terrifying.

Twilight Qi can reduce a lot of real energy.

Includes space.

The person who controls this large dead leaf is the person who sacrifices the Dharma.

This dharma image is a dead tree.

Dead wood? What kind of Dharma is this?

Which category does it belong to?

It’s a royal product anyway!

"The Royal Dharma Appearance of the Origin System - Dead Wood," Bixuan said slowly, his eyes falling on the person sitting in the wheelchair below.

That person was very beautiful, very quiet, and so low-key that people always forgot about her.

And this woman blocked his attack, and after she sacrificed the Dharma, she was stronger than Brahma Tianqi and these people. She was comparable to Tanlang and others, and the first person under the Immortal?

Guan Yujin and others looked at her in disbelief.

Withered leaves in Arashiyama.

The woman who has been in a wheelchair for more than forty years is said to be the most outstanding but incomplete genius in the Netherworld.

Almost reached the immortal level?

In the wheelchair, Lanshan Kuye's palm gently touched the armrest of the wheelchair and said slowly: "I'm sorry, Yuan saved my life before. According to the principle of equal transactions, there is nothing wrong with me helping her once."

Her people? Handan Xuanye raised his eyebrows.

Arashiyama Kuye has already stood up from the wheelchair and told everyone exactly how much Daili had helped her!

Guan Yujin immediately thought of that time when he threw the embroidered ball

"It's very interesting." Bixuan's eyes were dark, and he said calmly: "But the only one who can kill the Immortal is the Immortal. Even if I am defeated by her, my strength is far less than before, and the three of you may not be the same."

Not necessarily?

You’ll know after you try it!

Handan Xuanye and Ji Qingxin join forces in a tacit understanding. The undead or the sharks are both roaring and channeling at the same time?

Buzz! The Demonic Blade expands and becomes a giant blade!

Lanshan Guye swiped his finger, and a few drops of blood floated out from his fingertips. Instantly floated to the dead wood of the Dharma.

Spring comes out of dead wood?


Dark brown branches and vines grow from the dead wood.

As these branches and vines grow, the aura of the dead leaves in Arashiyama grows horribly, the aura of death!

Like a terrible abyss of death

But she has such a beautiful and intellectual face


The branch is sharp and turns into a sharp sword to stab Bixuan!

Immortal level!

Bixuan's face darkened, and he controlled the square-sized cube.

brush! That vine coiled around the flying square~! Coiled, twisted. extrusion!


Boom boom boom!

The combined attacks of the three fell on Bi-hyun.

But there are three layers of space folding defense!

Break, break, break!

The third floor space is broken!

Handan Xuanye appeared in front of him like a ghost

"I remember you. You were the one who killed my parents back then!"

This sentence made Bixuan open his eyes wide, and Handan Xuanye raised his hands. The patterns on the backs of his arms were shocking.

Black. Two demon heads, twisted.

"Curse Demon?" Lanshan Guye was surprised.

Cursing evil spirits is actually a curse, evil spirits. Demon, three kinds of existence come together in a mutated house.

Sha. It comes from the evil spirit derived from the bloody massacre that Handan Xuanye experienced when he was young.

The curse came from the same curse she carried with all the Ji family members.

Demons are demons derived from hatred. There were more than one person who became a demon.

These three types exist in Handan Xuanye. After the fierce battle that day, she was taken away and her body was mutated.

As a result, the strength has increased by leaps and bounds. It also spawned two little devils

Yes, it's the little devil.

The incarnation of the evil demon~~

Legend has it that he is the child of the evil devil and the night.

The two little devils hoarsely grinned and had flat black tiger heads. He has a tiger's head and a tiger's brain, dragging the devil's lightning tail. His body is pure black, and his chubby limbs are also chubby.

Oh my gosh, why is this little devil so cute?

The Xiangxi Palace is bright and charming.

However, these two little devils have already pounced on Bi-hyun.

Kaca kaca bit Bixuan's fairy armor and tore his arm alive.

What a terrible destructive power!

But what’s shocking is that Bi-hyun’s face is expressionless, as if he doesn’t feel any pain at all, or that he doesn’t think he’s going to die!

not good! Avoid~~! !

The dead leaves of Lanshan and Ji Qingxin call at the same time

Too late!

Behind Handan Xuanye is an immortal, and behind Hui Xuguang is the old man from the God Clan!

How could they forget this person!


The big palms of his subordinates were burning with crackling red flames, imprinted on Handan Xuanye's back.

It's about to be printed

Zi Weiyang stood on one side, folded her hands on her chest, and sighed softly. She could help Daili once, but she couldn't do it a second time, otherwise the gods would

But she doesn't seem to be needed.


The old man's hand paused.

There was a silent pause.

His face dropped.

His left and right temples faced a handful of snow-white feather thorns and sand awns respectively.

The murderous intent is revealed.

Damn it, why did you forget these two people!

"Bai Feng, Fifth Qingsha, before it could be thought that you had a cooperation agreement with Na Daili, which originated from the treasure. Now that our God Clan no longer pursues the treasure, why do you still want to get involved?"

Bai Feng said calmly: "If we talk about the overall situation, who in the world has not been involved already? We, the demon clan, are not immune."

"So you are declaring war on our God Clan on behalf of the Monster Clan?"

"It should be said that we, the demon clan, must maintain the normal reincarnation system of the Netherworld." Bai Feng made his master famous in one sentence.

Fifth Qingsha seamlessly connected with the previous sentence: "The Buddhas in the underworld of the Netherworld will not easily disrupt the order of reincarnation. What your gods have done to the Netherworld is only known by those who broke into the underworld, but this does not hinder me. The rest of the people in Sifang World will take action to stop you God Clan from doing whatever you want."


Handsome men, great beauties join forces! pretty!

The old man had no choice but to look at Hui Xuguang, who shook his head.

He had no choice but to take back his hand to get Handan Xuanye out of danger, turned around and bowed to Wu Qingsha and Bai Feng to thank him.

Bai Feng was noncommittal, his eyes swept over Ji Qingxin and Lanshan Kuye, and he only nodded slightly.

Fifth Qingsha looked at Bixuan with a hint of murderous intent.

This man is too much of a threat and must die! (To be continued)

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