A Queen

Chapter 1533 Breaking into the Underworld

Bixuan chuckled, and the injuries on his body recovered quickly. He had to act decisively, otherwise this person's strength would be restored later.

Just when Bai Feng and others were about to act cruelly.

Hui Xuguang was calm and suddenly said something: "Since our God Clan is number one, we will not allow the second or third place to join forces to rebel."

I just finished saying this!

Boom, boom, boom!

Thunder drums in all directions.

The armies of gods from all directions are coming!

There are not many people, maybe 10,000 people!

But there are surprisingly three hundred immortals among them! Four leading immortals! The rest are all dead soldiers!

Haha, since the Gods are number one, they have no shortage of experts and troops. Hui Xuguang’s confidence comes from this.

Bi-hyun's back-up plan, which means he doesn't miss anything, is the reason why he is undefeated.

contempt? If this person despises Daili's group, how could he arrange so many back-ups!

If it is not inevitable, why bother to go to such trouble!

At that time, the first thought that Wu Qingsha and others thought of was not how to deal with this terrifying army, but how to escape after entering the underworld.

How many death traps are waiting for her there?

And among the people who followed her, how many were deliberately plotting to kill her?

The demon clan is already threatening to break up, so other people like Guan Yujin and others will have a headache. What should they do? This situation is the most difficult.

However, Guan Yujin suddenly saw the dead leaves of Lanshan and gritted his teeth. Fundamentally speaking, he was from the Netherworld. The underworld was different. It was obvious that the gods had used unscrupulous means to oppress the Netherworld. They, the Netherworld, had many reasons to resist. but

Gods. overlord!

"Everyone, if you want to take a seat, come early." Hui Xiguang glanced at him coolly.


People from the Yang family and other aristocratic families stood behind her.

The Netherworld clan chose the God clan

Guan Yujin walked to the side of the God Clan.

Lanshan Kuye glanced at him. She thought this was the person who had been targeting her brother for many years.

"Miss Lanshan, are you, the Lanshan clan, really not going to change?" Hui Xuguang was still very polite to this talented beauty.

"It may not be a good way out to abandon your savior and go to your God Clan." Lanshan Kuye smiled slightly.

Everyone has his or her own ambitions, and now the Divine Clan is the general trend. They are really weak here.

There are many people here in Mingchi. There are many casual cultivators among them, and some of them will naturally not get involved in the fight between the most dangerous and high-end racial forces. They can just keep a low profile. But there are always some people with special status who have to show their posture, such as those powerful families.

Swish, brush, brush!

Positions one by one.

The crowd included the brother and sister whom they met at the flower shop.

They were from the demon clan, and without exception they had to choose Bai Feng's side.

"Brother" the girl is a little worried

The young man patted her head and said slowly: "We are the demon clan."

Monster clan. Don't be afraid of any force in this world.

Except for some ordinary casual cultivators, only the Ice Emperor's Cold-Sealing Blade and You Ziyu, who is a casual cultivator, were left.

The former is very cold. As if turning a blind eye to the situation in front of him, the latter said: "Huh? I am a Sanren, so there is no need."

There were two people on the left and right, and the Gods were not sure of their ability to suppress the Ice Emperor's domain. There is no hope of entertaining the entire group of casual cultivators.

Just pretend you didn't see these two people.

Now Bixuan's arm has regenerated, and the two little devils are lying on Handan Xuanye's shoulders and grinning at him.

"Go on" he said softly.


An army of ten thousand people is coming to attack!


They all fainted to the end.

Bixuan and Hui Xuguang saw a person, and their expressions changed.

she. Still here. (Hey, it’s easy to guess this person’s identity! All I have to do is tell you that it’s xxx)

at the same time. Blood filled the air, and the blood stained the pond. Who noticed that the pond was now clean again?

What about the blood?


The boat of bones has nearly a hundred openings like propellers, slowly sucking in the blood.

slowly, slowly

The boat of bones is still lying quietly at the bottom of the pool, peacefully.


In the Mingchi complex, a deserted street seemed to have suddenly become a place of death.

The tall and strong man sat cross-legged on the ground, with his hands folded across his chest, and the ax stuck on the side. In front of him were corpses on the ground.

The corpses of people from the God Clan.

There were no customers in the flower shop, most of them went to Mingchi, so Feng Zuixin stood by the window looking a little alone, looking at the man outside, a little confused, but it didn't seem like he was looking at him.

"A great immortal, hiding his name and asking for nothing in return."

"Both mothers and daughters can make people fall in love with them involuntarily."

Feng Zuixin turned around and saw Li Ge bathing in the dim light. Although she covered her eyes, she saw far more than the discerning people like them.

And she is a mortal, and all she can see is the sky and the orchids in the courtyard.

"Those people definitely do not include Miss Li Ge."

"Of course" Li Ge replied simply, but added: "If it includes me, it won't be a good thing for you."

What does this mean?

Feng Zuixin poured a cup of tea, handed it to the other party, and said, "Miss Li Ge is a powerful person, so Mingchi may not be any difficult for you, so why do you have to go down in person on Li's behalf?"

"Just wanted to make sure of something"

"Are you sure now?"

"Not yet, I have to wait a while."

"Waiting for her to come back from the underworld?"

"Maybe" Li Ge smiled slightly: "It seems that you all think that I can know many things in the future."

"Is not it?"

"Of course not. I am not Mo Ran from the Soul Clan, nor Mo Shaoxuan, nor Mo Ziruan. Some things do not necessarily need to be predicted. If you know the past, and then analyze the present, you can deduce the future."

This pure academic style made Feng Zuixin smile slightly: "You are an amazing person."

Li Ge was noncommittal and said: "There is still another mountain higher than the other. This world has no end. There will always be something more powerful, such as"

In the far east, on the cliff of the sea, a man closed the communication stone and looked in the direction of Mingchi.



When compared with the horror depicted on TV, it is only more terrifying than the most terrifying.

The pungent smell of blood and the pools of corpses or ghosts soaking in them. Countless and incomprehensible. The stench kept coming.

However, reincarnation is a soul clone, and these horrors mean nothing to her, and Daili, a vampire, is nothing to fear.

She headed straight for the ghostly path. After a while, he rushed to the front of the government office.

The Yin soldiers stationed there intercepted the situation.


After a while, the door of the first mansion was broken open by Dai Li's sword!

The King of Hell rushed out with a fierce look, followed by millions of Yin soldiers. He yelled angrily: "Who is here to break into me?"

The thousand opportunities of Daili have been placed around his neck. Grabbing his collar, he asked gently: "Where is the Samsara Pond?"

The King of Hell controls the life and death of many living beings in the world, but he has probably never had a sword driven around his neck.

His eyes widened and he was about to snap. But he saw Dai Li flicking his left hand, and the six paths of reincarnation were spinning.

"So far, I have not sent the underworld King of Hell into the six realms of reincarnation. By the way, let me remind you. Now I can only reincarnate in one animal realm. Lord Yama, do you want to give it a try?"

"I" Yama shuddered. Animal way? Isn’t that a loss of life after thousands of years of practice?

"There are six palaces in the underworld, and each palace has heavy soldiers. If you want to cross the samsara pool of the underworld, unless you have the token of the underworld Buddha, you can only force your way in."

The words of the King of Hell made Dai Li narrow his eyes, "Is there no other way?"


"Why did reincarnation suddenly start in advance?"

"I don't know, it's the Buddha's will."

"very good"

The King of Hell was knocked unconscious by Dai Li.

Dai Li looked at the deep passage in front of him.

If the first palace is destroyed, many underworld soldiers or ghosts will be killed, and the order of the underworld will be disrupted, and sinful people will be born.

If the six palaces are destroyed, the sins caused will be endless.

Once she leaves the underworld, the judgment of heaven and earth will descend

This is the intention of the gods.

Kill her without a single blow.

Both reincarnation and generation are well aware of this.

But Dai Li still raised his fist, Samsara smiled slightly, turned into an aurora with her, and rushed into the underworld passage boldly!

Killing the underworld and going back and forth, inheriting the sins of heaven and earth, so what?



Deep in the underworld, behind the sixth palace, on the platform, the Buddha is still sitting.

The Samsara Pond was right next to it, and Ye Ranqiu was also there. A man looked at Ye Ranqiu and smiled: "I've seen Senior Ye before."

"Senior?" Ye Ranqiu glanced at the other party and said lightly: "I don't dare to take it."

"You deserve it. After all, you are the one who was married to my uncle." The man's voice was soft and slightly hoarse, as if he had a good relationship with Ye Ranqiu, but he was also very cold.

But uncle?

It seems that Ye Ranqiu had something to do with Tian Duhuang, so who is this person?

Ye Ranqiu lowered his eyes and ignored this person.

The latter was not annoyed, and just said softly: "I think Senior Ye's smart and powerful daughter has already started to break into the Six Prefectures. It seems that the strength of the Six Prefectures is not weak. Even I won't be so easy~~"

Buddha looked at him, "Prince Tiandu Nie thinks she can't do it?"

He identified him by name.

Tiandu Nie, the second son of Tiandu Jue, is very powerful in the God Clan.

"On the contrary, I hope she can." Tiandu Ni smiled slightly: "But no matter whether she can or not, she has to pay the corresponding price."

"Is your purpose more than this?" This sentence was also asked by Buddha.

"It is said that the Buddha in the underworld can know many secrets in the four directions of heaven and earth. Do you already know the purpose of what I do?"

Fo frowned, watching Tiandu Ni's eyes drifting and falling on Ye Ranqiu, sighing, and closing his eyes.

Tiandu Ni smiled.

Sitting on the chair, he said to himself: "I just want one of Senior Ye's daughters to break into the underworld, temper herself, and then see who Senior Ye's other daughter is!" (To be continued)

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