A Queen

Chapter 1534: Tiandu Nirvana, 7 Deadly Sins

As soon as he said this, Ye Ranqiu's eyes suddenly opened, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Sure enough, her guess was right, Mo Ran really

"It seems that Senior Ye has guessed something."

Tiandu Nirvana sighed.

Ye Ranqiu pursed her lips. If Prince Tiandu succeeds, the pattern will really be broken.

Thinking of this, Ye Ranqiu looked at the Samsara Pond in front of her and sighed. In fact, she was not really hopeless. One of her biological children and the other of non-biological ones were all her concerns.

Even though she had thought about going there to accompany that person many years ago, but

It was good to be like this now, at least the situation that Mo Ran had painstakingly arranged could not be broken, and the two children could not be put in danger again.


Ye Ranqiu took one step and was about to step into the pool of reincarnation.

And about three minutes before that.

The fifth house of the underworld.

The fifth King of Hell is a red-flame giant with an ox-horned horse face, so ugly! But the strength is much stronger than Bi-hyun, even five Bi-hyuns can't hold up a fifth king of hell! .

It was not easy for Daili to deal with it, but he was not at a disadvantage either. A draw?


The red flame giant was kicked away by Dai Li, and he caught up with him. With a flick of his wrist, thousands of opportunities turned into countless sword streams, entangling him!

A pair of six-path reincarnation eyes explode!

Bind, destroy!

The sea of ​​​​blood surged, solidified, and turned into a blood vortex in her palm, blasting down!

Hit the red flame giant's chest brazenly

Double attack of soul and entity


The chest was pierced, and the red flame giant fell

The blood spurted out and fell on Dai Li, aggravating the blood on her body.

Taking a breath, Dai Li looked forward to see the reincarnation sitting on the throne of the King of Hell, flipping through the classics.

“Somewhat strange”


"The underworld lists of the five prefectures are all gone."

Dai Li frowned and said, "Go to the Sixth Mansion first."


The two quickly rushed to the Sixth Mansion. But he was stunned.


No king of hell?

Although it feels a little weird, it can speed them up!



So, just when Ye Ranqiu was about to step into the pool of reincarnation.


The door of the house was violently smashed open!

Broken doors were flying everywhere, and Dai Li, covered in blood, stood behind the door.

Behind her were the remnants of the defeated generals. The murderous aura on their bodies was so strong that even Buddha frowned.

(I won’t describe the previous killings in detail. Using a few thousand words to describe how the six doors were broken is a bit misleading. Let’s just briefly mention it).

Anyway, the appearance of Dai Li came too fast, Tiandu Nie calculated the time. His brows furrowed slightly.

The situation deviated slightly from what he planned.

It took a third of the time to get through five mansions.

Her strength is probably at the middle level of the immortal stage.

Terrible progress.

Dai Li walked out from behind the door and his eyes fell on Ye Ranqiu's stepped foot.

She wiped off the blood on her cheeks with her hands and said faintly: "I, Hengdao, immediately went through all the trouble to save you. You actually took the initiative to jump into the pool of reincarnation."

Don't be too sneer in that expression and tone.

Ye Ranqiu's expression froze. Feeling guilty, he retracted his feet angrily and said something that made the Buddha couldn't help but twitch his lips.

“I just checked the water temperature and didn’t want to jump.”

Check the water temperature

So your beautiful legs also have the effect of the thermometer skill?

Dai Li's grievance and anger suddenly mutated.

Can't cry or laugh.

I'll go back and settle the score with you! Dai Li glared at Ye Ranqiu, then turned to look at the Buddha.

There is also a strange barrier in front of the nine-kilowatt bright bald head. The black air surges, and I don’t know what’s trapped inside.

"Are you a Buddha?"

Buddha nodded: "Yes"

"Why are you so handsome?" His tone was serious.

Ye Ranqiu and Samsara: ""

Buddha was stunned for a moment, then a little embarrassed. Tell me, I really don’t know why I’m so handsome


"This is Tiandu Nirvana." The Buddha calmly diverted Daili's attention.

Tenduni, who was ignored by the lustful person, was looking at the reincarnation around her.

The eyes are deep.

"Dai Li, you are indeed the descendant of Mo Ran and Yu Ling."

The word "evil" made Dai Li's eyes twitch. "Are you the son of that lunatic Tian Dujue?"

Tiandu Ni was not annoyed by Daili's humiliating words, but only smiled faintly: "From a certain perspective, my father is indeed a madman. Most of the people who can achieve extreme achievements in this world are madmen."

This is quite true.

Daili smiled: "Thank you for your hard work in bringing my mother here."

She walked over slowly, holding Qianji with one hand.

The steps were slow.

"That year, your mother, Mo Ran, happened to have a daughter with my father."

Tiandu Ni suddenly said this.

Dai Li paused and stared at him.

"But that person is very cruel. He has not allowed my sister to recognize him since she was born. However, my father accepted it and loved him very much as always. He sent all the delicious and fun things to him, even before other children. , so we all envy her, right, my dear sister?"

Tiandu Ni glanced at Dai Li and landed behind him.

A young girl, the girl who met Daili once at the door of the flower shop, and maybe also met Ye Ranqiu, was standing there, looking at Tiandu Nie, her eyes sliding over Ye Ranqiu with a peaceful expression.

He only glanced at it, then lowered his eyes and said calmly: "It seems that I kept you waiting for a long time."

"I'm just waiting for Ye Ranqiu's daughter. To be precise, you and I are both members of the Tiandu God Clan. After all, you are the child of my uncle Tiandu Huang, and I should call you my cousin." Tiandu Nie smiled.

Dai Li's hand trembled. Ye Ranqiu's daughter? Mo Ran and Tiandu Jue's daughter?

Tiandu Jue would never know this, because no man could tolerate such a thing--Tiandu Huang and Tiandu Jue had a dispute over the position of the Lord of Gods, and Tiandu Jue killed Tiandu Huang himself. Tiandu Jue must have a shit in his head to love Tiandu Jue's child as his own child

So. Mo Ran lied to him!

"Mo Ran is willing to give birth to a child for my father, a child with the strongest bloodlines of the Soul Clan and the God Clan. This is the most fundamental reason why my father let go of him back then. It is also a compromise between them and the Soul Clan to my God Clan. Otherwise, why do you think the God Clan has not taken action against the Blood Clan in these years, and has not even further unified the four directions of the world?" Tian Du Nie sneered and stared at the young girl: "Good cousin. With you, there have been so many years of peace. If you don't expect how my crazy father will react?" "How much he loves you these years, after today, everything has to start all over again." The ambition of the God Clan is not only to dominate the four directions of the world, but also to raise a child with the strongest talents of the God Clan and the Soul Clan! The system of the ancestor of the wilderness is divided into seven parts. The God Clan and the Soul Clan together are the God Soul, the God Soul. The most precious and important part of the ancestor of the wilderness, with this child. The God Clan wants to unify the four directions of the world, and it is not a problem to command the seven clans! This is Tian Du Jue's ambition? Is it also the purpose of the God Clan? However, everything was broken. Killing will come again! !

Everyone was a little silent. The Buddha turned the Buddha Lord, with a bitter face. He knew that after all this was over today. The pattern of this four-sided world would enter the chaos of many years ago.

This had something to do with him.

What kind of person is Tiandu Jue? Few people in the four-sided world are not afraid.

Ye Ranqiu pursed her lips. She crossed her eyes with Dai Li and looked at the young girl together.

Unexpectedly, the joke between the two of them at that time was really that child.

Dai Li really held the Qianji tightly this time, and whispered to the young girl: "You shouldn't come. I will take her back. When the time comes..."

It will be the same when you meet.

Dai Li was a little helpless.

I don't blame her, but I think this girl may have known her life experience long ago, but she still came here. Isn't she afraid of being exposed?

The young girl looked at her and whispered: "I know I can't come, but I feel that I must come. It's a bad premonition, do you understand?"

Bad premonition.

Dai Li's face changed slightly, and she had it too!

The two of them immediately flashed to protect Ye Ranqiu, but Dai Li took a step and protected the young girl again.

The mother and daughter's expressions and feelings at the time were very consistent.

--What a man.

Dai Li looked at Tian Du Nie.

Seven people appeared behind this man.

Seven immortals


Dai Li wanted to laugh, so he could only comment: "It seems that His Excellency Tian Du Nie is also afraid of death."

Seven immortals as bodyguards?

A luxury package.

Moreover, Dai Li looked at the seven immortals and felt that the auras of these ten people were different, but they were all very obvious.

"I am indeed afraid of death, but not because of you alone." Tian Du Nie got up from the chair, adjusted his sleeves, and smiled: "Liu Hongxiu, I haven't seen you for many years. It seems that you are living a more exciting life than in previous years. If my sister-in-law knew, I don't know how happy she would be."

Sister-in-law? Liu Hongxiu's wife? Or Tian Du Nie's brother, the wife of the famous Tian Du Prince?

Liu Hongxiu, dressed in red, appeared silently, with a smile on her face: "She is just a woman who betrayed me, what does it have to do with me? But Tiandu Nie, you actually brought the seven famous sins of the gods, it seems that you are really well prepared." Pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust, referred to as Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, food, lust, seven immortals. Pride is a male immortal, with a proud face and a flamboyant aura, and his eyes seem to be raised to the sky. Jealousy is a female immortal, with heavy makeup and gorgeous body, staring at Dai Li all the time, her eyes are full of jealousy, and malice arises from this. Wrath is a strong middle-aged man, twisting energy all the time, vicious, as if ready to fight at any time. Laziness is very cool, vicissitudes of life and lazy, and has been drinking, lying on the ground drinking, his body is soft and drowsy. The greedy immortal was short and mean, covered in jewels and a complete set of immortal tools, and his mouse-like eyes kept looking back and forth at the Qianji in Dai Li's hand (to be continued)

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