A Queen

Chapter 1535 Fusion Sword Technique (book friend 81020151136873 He Shibi +)

The Immortal of Food is a fat man, very fat, with a naked upper body and trembling fat flesh, and a pair of shorts on the lower body. There is a big bag hanging on his waist, from which he takes out all kinds of delicacies all the time, eating all the time, you know.

Finally, the Immortal of Desire is the most uncomfortable Immortal. He looks very good, the best among the seven, handsome, but his skin is abnormally pale. His phoenix eyes are long and lustful, and the light of lust flashes repeatedly, especially when he looks at the three women of Dai Li, Dai Li directly sentenced him to death.

These are the seven deadly sins, the immortal team of the gods, and also a part of the huge ruling system that cannot be ignored.

Tian Dunie brought them here, and like Bi Xuan, he didn't want to make any mistakes this time.

At this moment, Dai Li said, "Little sister, what's your name?"

Little sister?

The girl behind was stunned, and then met Ye Ranqiu's gentle eyes, and said softly: "Zi Han"

"Little sister Zi Han, how strong are you?"

"Not bad"

"Well, then you protect our mother"


The relationship between the sisters seems to be good, and they are happy

Ye Ranqiu was originally worried that Dai Li would be hurt, and was afraid that her daughter would not recognize herself or Dai Li

I didn't expect that there was no problem at all!

But "A Li" Ye Ranqiu's tone was more gentle.


"Zi Han is three days older than you"


What the hell? Dai Li's expression collapsed, and he looked at Ye Ranqiu in disbelief.

Mother Ye smiled, and Tiandu Zi Han was stunned for a while, then pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled.


You are still a sister?

Dai Li stared. He immediately turned around and said, "It was a bit noisy just now.

I didn't hear anything. Sister Zi Han, please step aside first. Liu Ren Yao, are you ready?"

Liu Hongxiu smiled sweetly, "I'm just here to talk about the old times, not to fight. It's too rude."

"Don't come on, don't think I don't know who is behind you and wants that thing. Help me~ kill them!"

"Okay!" There is no gain without early action. Liu Hongxiu immediately responded quickly. Then she and Dai Li attacked at the same time!

Reincarnation came to Tiandu Zi Han's side. The latter had a strange expression and subconsciously shouted: "Mother"

Reincarnation glanced at her: "I am her clone. Not your mother"

Tiandu Zi Han: ""

Ye Ranqiu: ""

It seems that in terms of temper, there is not much difference from that woman, and she is equally arrogant.

Reincarnation has already sacrificed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Eyes to assist the soul attack. In the blink of an eye, the pupil technique covered the Seven Deadly Sins Immortal.

"Aha, what a powerful soul attack! But it can't stop me!" The arrogant immortal was arrogant. Holding a spear, the tip of the spear was golden and sharp, and the spearmanship was intimidating. He shot at Dai Li's head!

It is worth mentioning that Dai Li and Liu Hongxiu were only two people, but the other party had seven people and could not be divided by two.

Of course, these don't need to be considered.

The current situation is that the four great immortals of pride, desire, jealousy and greed are on Dai Li's side, and Liu Hongxiu is on the side of the angry immortal.

Oh, one plus four equals five, and there are still two!

Gaga, gaga, gaga, the fat man is eating.

The one on the ground is drinking and may be sleeping.

But in the end, it is enough for the four great immortals to deal with one Dai Li, and one immortal to deal with one Liu Hongxiu.

Those two have always been unsociable, no matter what they are

Tian Du Nie is not in a hurry, just watching from the outside with a smile.


The four great immortals were ordered to kill Dai Li, and their moves were ruthless. The proud immortal stabbed with a spear, and Dai Li just raised his hand, clang! Blocked with the back of his hand!

Oh my god! This skin is so thick!

Ao Zhixian's face changed: "Sure enough, his physique is amazing! Greedy!"

Tan Zhixian laughed, opened his mouth, and sucked


Dai Li suddenly felt that a large part of his physical defense was sucked away.

"Greed belongs to gold, and can swallow all the elite things in the world, reducing defense or attack" Tiandu Zihan reminded from the outside.

Sure enough, there is a brush, Dai Li's eyes flashed, and the Ao Zhixian had taken the opportunity to shoot again! And the jealous Zhixian waved his hand, and a ball of pink gas rushed towards Dai Li's cheek.

"Jealousy is the original sin, which can lead to resentment and then destruction. She is jealous of your appearance, and she wants to destroy your appearance. That is corrosive and destructive poison gas"

Hearing this, Dai Li turned around and asked Tiandu Zihan: "Sister, do you think I am beautiful?"

I think there are two key points in this guy's words,

One is that you are my sister, and the other is that I am beautiful.

Tiandu Zihan nodded for two key points in one sentence, "Yeah

Oh my god, Dai Li's heart melted at that time, all kinds of Mary Sue.

This sister is good, obedient!

Much obedient than that cousin Ye, and much more obedient than the other cousin

Someone who was suppressed by some queens and couldn't turn over suddenly felt a sense of pride that my future is not a dream, so he controlled the Thousand Machines with his right hand and condensed the sea of ​​blood with his left hand.

By the way, she had a long list of Thousand Machines before, and then she had all kinds of combined swordsmanship. Now that she has entered the way of fusion, the convenience of this combined swordsmanship has come!

Seven swords down Tianshan!

No birds fly in the thousands of mountains.

The Wanji people's sect is destroyed.

Sword blood divides ghost heroes!

A little red in the Central Plains!

The immortal dragon of Jiangchuan!

Six combined swords!

Fusion, fusion, and fusion again! Five fusions, * one!

It is the Thousand Machine Fusion Sword Art!

That sword came out, ever-changing, ever-changing, ethereal and domineering!

Just that sword, Ao Shangxian's eyes were dazzled. He couldn't tell which sword was which, but he suddenly felt that his neck, face, and body were all kinds of cold, and then


Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and bones flew into pieces~~

The left hand is a Dharma-like blood sea. When the blood vortex rolls up, the corrosive poisonous gas is swept away. Press it again!


The jealous immortal was slapped in the face and devoured!

one second. Two great immortals, hang up!

But Dai Li's expression soon became choked, because hiss! Qi Fei's bones reintegrated with the swallowed pink fluid

Wow! The two great immortals reappeared, but their faces were very pale, and they said in unison: "This man is too strong, I underestimated him, join forces with the fat man! Lazy guy!"

With the pig's trotters still stuffed in his mouth, the Food Shangxian continued to eat by himself. That lazy guy still sleeps again

The jealous immortal couldn't bear it. He roared again.

The two of them reluctantly put down their food and stood up.

The Immortal of Desire smiled: "Everyone, please don't be lazy as ordered by the superiors. Otherwise, you will be punished when you return."

The two indifferent immortals immediately became more attentive and looked at Dai Li together.

The Six Great Immortals are great. Dai Li glanced at the Supreme Immortal of Desire. He was the most powerful one.

Six immortals surrounded Dai Li.

Daili stood in the center. His face was calm, and his two six-path reincarnation eyes exuded a faint cold light.

Take a breath.


Six people took action at the same time. Dai Li exhaled, holding on to Qian Ji, absolutely greedy for wolf control. The feet are on the sea of ​​blood, and the statue of the pure-blood king is on the head!

kill! ! !


Six people, one person. The killing begins!

The Immortal of Jealousy and the Immortal of Greed are both powerful auxiliary means, and the two of them use overlooking poisonous energy outside. A reduction replaces the spirit of the body.

As soon as the two of them took action, Daili's advantage was reduced by 30%!

As for Ao being the main combat force, that gun is very domineering, poof!

Spear to the heart!

Dai Li raised his leg to perform a flying kick, kicked the spear high, and struck a sword with his backhand, which met seven flying swords.

Lazy Shangxian controls the sword, lazily drinking, but controls seven flying swords with his other hand. This is the most powerful son-mother fairy sword. There are seven in total. Each one is equivalent to a fairy sword. That strength It was several times stronger than the Immortal Ao, and much stronger than the Fifth King of Hell that Dai Li encountered.

The first stab came down, Dai Li blocked it, the second, third and fourth

Seven sword thrusts in one second!

But the frequency of the assassination shattered the space, causing the surrounding blood pools to be suppressed by the sword energy.

The seventh sword!

Fusion sword!


They both retreated at the same time

Dai Li's back suddenly felt cold!


It was the big fat man who punched Dai Li on the back!

The immortal who eats a lot eats a lot, and becomes extremely powerful. That punch

Dai Li's body shook, the protective armor on her body broke, and the fist really hit her back.

"Ha, I hit it!" The food god was overjoyed!

However, the person under the fist turned around and punched him directly!


The huge body was sent flying, smashing through two layers of stone walls one after another!

"Damn! The fat man's fist couldn't break through her defense, and it was even knocked away!"

The other immortals were all shocked.

Tiandu Ni sneered: "She has a true dragon body, and she has swallowed Zhu Jiuyin's inheritance. With the vampire body, it is not surprising that her defense power is amazing. It's just lazy. Your swordsmanship can't do anything to her. Are you serious?"

Lazy Supreme Immortal narrowed his eyes: "Prince Nirvana, you are doubting me."

"No, I'm just reminding you to join forces and stop dawdling!"

The Immortal of Desire narrowed his eyes and glanced at Dai Li, "Prince Nirvana, I wonder if I can defeat her?"

Tiandu Ni smiled: "You don't know who she looks like? If my father finds out about you, I will die!"

The Immortal of Desire felt a chill in her heart and smiled: "I was just kidding and angry. How are you doing? Come over and join forces. The seven of us can join forces and we can do it with one move."

On the other end, boom!

The breath of fierce fighting is like a huge wave rising into the sky.

Everyone looked over together.

The Immortal of Wrath surged with rage and murderous intent, and laughed loudly: "You dead demon, you are neither male nor female. It turns out that with your little ability, you can't even block my punch."

Liu Hongxiu, who was smashed into the pool of flesh and blood next to her, was undoubtedly in a sorry state.

He floated up from the disgusting flesh and blood, covered in blood, and the thick blood flowed loudly. Only one pair of eyes were obviously cold, ferocious, and full of monsters.

Like an evil spirit.

Dai Li inexplicably felt that this man was actually very dangerous, as if there was something terrible hidden in his body. Tiandu Ni frowned and suddenly smiled: "You look very different from the former Mr. Liu who was famous all over the world~~ They used to say that you are a first-class gentleman in the world, and you are Liu Xiahui who is stable and stable. But a few days ago, my eldest brother said that it was because you were Liu Xiahui that it was easier for her. It turned out that her sister-in-law was still "(To be continued)

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