A Queen

Chapter 1,538 Stupid~Forcing a Woman


Dai Li grabbed the cycle of life and death book and looked at him.

Wanji smiled: "Then tear up the entire cycle of life and death, and let all the dead souls in the underworld disappear together... If too many people die, the consequences will be too serious. Due to the instinct of heaven and earth to maintain balance, heaven and earth will reshape themselves. The cycle of life and death, so..." He pointed at Daili with his long and beautiful fingers: "Ye Ranqiu, your mother, can be reborn."

Putting aside the natural charm of this man in every gesture, what he said had a complete impact on Dai Li.

Rebirth... is rebirth...

Daili's breathing was tense,

Stare at the person opposite.

"Of course" Wanji added like a dancer or musician, with a seductive rhythm: "You have to pay a price for everything you do... Destroy the cycle of life and death, and the world will break your bones before it can be repaired." Sweeping ashes, you will never be reincarnated..."

He was close to Daili, so close that the distance made both Tiandu Zihan and Qianshan Muxue feel very inappropriate.

This man is a famous playboy all over the world.

However, it is undeniable that he brought "the temptation of Eve"

Dangerous and seductive.

What brought Dai Li was a complete disaster.

"Ali" Qianshan Muxue put her hand on Daili's shoulder and said coolly: "This is also their purpose."

They must have a heavenly nirvana.

At this moment, Tenduni's expression was a little gloomy, and his eyes were flickering, because Manji had exposed the weight of his safe escape in advance, so how could he escape?

Before Dai Li is crushed to ashes by heaven and earth, he will be killed by Dai Li first..

"It is indeed their purpose...a very good design, forcing you into a desperate situation step by step, allowing you to make a simple choice..."

Wan Si pointed at the cycle of life and death in Dai Li's hand: "Destroy it, or destroy yourself..."

Daili raised his eyebrows: "It seems to have a meaning."

"Oh~ I said it wrong." Wanji laughed: "Maybe it's because I think you only have one choice."

"It sounds like you know it very well," Dai Li sneered.

"Actually. I recognize you... and of course I know you very well, even better than you know yourself." Manji smiled softly.

"Last life?" Dai Li said numbly.

"Yes, in my last life... I was different from others. I am happy to tell you something, but obviously now is not a good time... If you can destroy the cycle of life and death without dying, you and I can talk to you all night long."

After saying that, Wanji stood aside. He raised his hand to signal Dai Li to make a choice.

It was a calm and elegant manner. Faintly strategizing.

Daili even thought that this guy was in charge of all the plots, but that was not the case.

She already knew who it was.

Choose...choose...she stared at the cycle of life and death.

Sure enough, there was no choice.

"Dai Li... Dai... you can't do that, or you will fall into their trap..." Buddha shouted...

"What trap?" Dai Li turned to ask him.

"You have destroyed the cycle of life and death. It will lead to chaos in the four directions and even the entire human world, and the destruction of all living beings."

"Life is in ruins?" Dai Li muttered to himself..


As soon as Fo finished speaking, he found that Dai Li had grabbed his neck and pinned him to the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw the ferocious silver eyes, and the stars inside were restless. It looked like it could be burned, the soot and long hair were dancing wildly, and the cold and vicious aura made the Buddha's aura suppressed to death.

"It's none of my business what kind of charcoal a living creature is smeared with... Do you think I care?"

"If you hadn't started reincarnation in advance and brought her here. How could she have done that? If it hadn't been for you...she wouldn't have...the instigator would have the nerve to mention this to me!!"

Her voice was extremely rational, full of sarcasm and hatred.

Buddha looked at her. His mouth opened, "I know... I'm sorry. I'm willing to pay with my life, but other living beings are innocent."


Slap him in the face.

Buddha, the Buddha who was in charge of the Netherworld, was slapped to the ground by Dai Li.

"What's the use of giving your life to me!"

"Let me tell you, if I can't save her, I will let others bury her with her!"

Dai Li's words were gritted through his teeth, and they were so sinister that Tiandu Zihan suddenly felt that this person was indeed Mo Ran's child.

Exactly the same.

Enchanting and passionate, crazy and ruthless.

Liu Hongxiu tilted her head and looked at this person, licking her tongue. They were the same.

Essentially the same...

Extreme, selfish, cold...

But there seems to be something different. For example, he retreated back then... So what about this guy?

Are you really going to choose that end of the road?

After all, Ye Ranqiu is not her biological mother.

You'd have to be kicked in the head to give up your unique talents and bright future and make that choice.

He watched, coldly.

See if this person will be like him.

Tiandu Zihan took a shallow breath, suddenly his body flashed, and he grabbed Dai Li's hand...

Seize the reincarnation spectrum!

Dai Li was already on guard. He raised his hand and held Tiandu Zihan's hand, frowning and scolding: "Zihan!"

Tiandu Zihan suddenly shrank his pupils... Daili's expression also changed, brush! The cycle of life and death spectrum has been taken away.

Qianshan Muxue, who floated away in the distance in the blink of an eye, stood on the head of the evil ghost statue and took a deep look at Chao Daili.

"Daili, I like drinking sake, remember it... come visit me next year, but you must remember it."

After saying that, she shot out countless sword energies from her palms, enveloping the cycle of life and death.


Countless fragments.

The cycle of life and death is broken.

Boom boom boom!

The whole underworld shook and collapsed.

The eighteen levels of hell twisted...

The cycle of life and death is finally going to be reversed, and the world is in chaos!

No one expected that the one who would finally destroy the cycle of life and death would be Qianshan Muxue.

Liu Hongxiu's expression was very strange.

Dai Li's expression changed a lot...


A red slap mark appeared on the face of the handsome boy. He got up with difficulty and staggered towards the barrier.

"The underworld is going to be destroyed. When thousands of evil ghosts escape from hell, you will all die..."

Boom boom boom.

In the chaos. Everyone's body shook.

Wan Si whispered: "It's really unexpected..."

Qianshan Muxue...

Dai Li's reaction was still fast. At that time, he burst out directly: "This stupid~ woman, her IQ is fed to dogs!"

Then he turned to Tiandu Zihan and shouted: "Zihan, you go first..."

"Do you think I will leave?" Tiandu Zihan looked at her.

"Hey, nothing will happen. I'm sure it will happen, whether it's me or her. Trust me once... Let's go!"

Does she really have a way to solve this dilemma?

Tiandu Zihan felt a little relieved. But he still shook his hand, and the divine light defeated a falling rock, and said stubbornly: "It's a pity. You and I have known each other for a short time, and we are not familiar with each other. I don't trust you. Let's go out together... Let's talk about it after we go out."

Fuck! Where is Qingyin, the soft girl? Why did she suddenly become so stubborn!

This mouth is exactly the same as Ye Ranqiu.

Are you two going to piss me off to death!

Dai Li was annoyed and helpless. He rushed up and grabbed Qianshan Muxue's hand. At this moment, it was still in a stage of chaos. The underworld was being destroyed, and then... it was Qianshan Muxue's turn?

Qianshan Muxue held her hand in return and smiled: "Let's go"

Let's go out together.

Destruction is also a matter for the future... although this future may be very soon...

Just when everyone was about to rush out.


The cracked surface of the underworld was full of magma, and terrifying black and red ghost claws stretched out from the cracks.

The evil ghosts from hell finally crawled out..

And the barrier on the surface platform was torn apart by this unnatural force..

"It's the God Locking Binding" Tiandu Zihan recognized the treasure. After thinking for a while, he looked at the Buddha: "Is there someone trapped inside..."

The Buddha nodded, "It's her. It's a pity that I still couldn't protect the underworld..."

He smiled bitterly.

The barrier was torn apart, and the white gas dissipated. When thousands of evil ghosts crawled out around her, Dai Li and others saw her.

A pretty girl with a bald head.

The rest is very ordinary, except for those eyes.

Yin and Yang pupils.

But together with the eyes of the underworld and the world of the living, there is only one person in each era.

If the Buddha is the one who manages the order of the underworld.

Then she is the one who controls Yin and Yang and maintains the order of life and death.

And there is only one name for her in the world.

—— Ming

Maybe she can be called the Emperor of Ming.

The Hades Emperor of this era is just a young girl. When she stood up, the restless and ferocious evil spirits were suppressed by more than half of their arrogance, and they cowered and lowered their heads.

She looked at Dai Li and others with extremely clear eyes: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it outside."

Her tone was surprisingly calm.

The restlessness of Dai Li and others calmed down inexplicably.

Probably no one expected that the barrier would trap the Hades Emperor... This is an existence that can have an equal dialogue with the God Lord.

Why was she plotted against by a scum like Tian Du Nie?

Is there any other secret?

Don't think about it anymore. Dai Li was about to kill Tian Du Nie... But he saw that he had been taken away by two people... It was the Immortal of Food and the Immortal of Laziness!

Great, these two bandits!

Dai Li sneered, and flew out of the underworld with Qianshan Muxue and others... Behind him were countless evil spirits flying out of hell, chasing them relentlessly...



The Netherworld Mountain cracked open, emitting a majestic blood-black aura, which was bloody, ghostly, and even deadly!

The evil ghosts roared, the ghosts wailed, and the entire Netherworld was shaking.

Especially in the Nether Pool, the space was unstable.

Bixuan smiled: "It seems to be successful..."

He looked at Mo Shaoxuan: "Sir Shaoxuan... Even if you are capable of everything, you can't stop the current situation... My God Clan won"

The cycle of life and death was reversed, and the people on their side of the God Clan were safe and sound, and this world...


Compared to the uneasiness and fear of everyone below, Mo Shaoxuan was very indifferent, even colder than before: "This kind of victory is so meaningful to you?"

It was not ordinary contempt, but such indifference.

But it inexplicably made Hui Xiguang and others lose most of their sense of accomplishment, as if in front of this person, everything they did was weak and wrong.

"The Soul Master has cultivated a good successor..." Bixuan did not force it, but just smiled and looked at the cracked Nether Mountain.

The hole in the underworld was completely torn open, boom! (To be continued)

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