A Queen

Chapter 1539 3.3 Billion

A group of people rushed out brazenly...

The first ones to rush out were the three of Tianduni.

Tiandu Nirvana, many people recognize it.

Looking at these three people, Lanshan Kuye clenched his fists, defeated?

Mo Shaoxuan suddenly said: "The underworld is going to be destroyed. Hell will lose its suppression and move away from the surface of the earth."


Mo Shaoxuan is a natural leader, and his simple words will make everyone present subconsciously fly...even those from the God Clan.

Therefore, the expressions of Bixuan and Huixiguang were not good-looking.

His subordinates actually listened to the enemy, which was a great shame and humiliation.


"There are people behind me" someone exclaimed after flying up.

Everyone looked around and saw that there were many people flying out of the swaying and cracked hole.

The speed was so fast that few people could see their true faces when they flew out. The light and shadow flew by until they flew several hundred meters away from the entrance of the cave.

The extraordinary and charming Wan Si turned around, flicked his sleeves, looked at the Netherworld Mountain that seemed to be collapsing, and sighed quietly: "It's a pity that the foundation of ten thousand years has been scattered..."

Even when he is on the run, he is still charming and elegant. Is there any blood in that robe?


——A terrible person.

The three women who were also hanging in the air not far away glanced at him in unison, and then...

It’s generational separation! Thousands of mountains are covered with snow! Another one is...Ye Ranqiu?

Brahma Qi looked at it and raised his eyebrows.

Although the woman looked too young and had a similar temperament, some people were still hesitant, but Ji Qingxin and others knew that was not the case.

This person is not Ye Ranqiu.

Ye Ranqiu did not come out.

It seems to have failed.

In the distance, among the swaying buildings, Feng Zuixin, who was dragged up by Li Ge, looked at the man sitting in the yard in a daze, motionless. Looks sad.

Do you already know that Ye Ranqiu is dead?

Just when all the wind chimes at the door were broken.

That is the soul wind chime. I heard that the souls in the underworld have their own soul wind chimes, which pull their own souls. As long as the soul is destroyed, the soul wind chime will break...

Before, Ye Ranqiu's soul wind chime cracked...

Now, the entire Soul Wind Chime in Nether Pond is cracked.

Feng Zuixin looked at Li Ge. The latter raised his eyebrows. But said nothing.

Needless to say, it would have extremely bad consequences.

Feng Zuixin subconsciously clenched his fists.

There is a slight dryness in the chest.

Suddenly I heard the roars of countless evil spirits.

On the other side, over the Hades Pond. When Dai Li turned his head, he saw that the Netherworld Mountain had been torn open, and the hands of hell ghosts poked out from the cracks. At first glance, there were tens of thousands of ghost hands, densely packed. It's clear at a glance.

"Oh my God!"

"Underworld is really broken!"

"Our Netherworld is also going to be broken!"

Not only the Netherworld, but also the human world is in a mess.

But instead of leaving them, they were in the Underworld Pond. But she couldn't see the situation in the human world, and maybe Dai Li didn't care - she was a heartless and indifferent person.

Rumbling, the world shook.

When the evil ghost crawled out, Liu Hongxiu also came out. However, this man walked slowly step by step, as if he was not afraid of those evil spirits at all. However, the last two people who appeared at the exit of the underworld were Emperor Hades and Buddha.

Saw these two people. Especially when I saw Emperor Hades, who was wearing a thin robe. The hem of the wide coat was empty. At first glance, she looked like a girl who had stolen an adult's clothes. She raised her hand, the cuffs fell off, and a large chain of Buddhist beads hung on her slender white wrist.

People in the Nether Realm, including Lanshan Kuye, lowered their proud heads to show their respect.

That hand is just that of a bald girl.

In the darkness of the sky and the earth, Emperor Ming only looked at Dai Li.

"If you tear up the cycle of life and death, not only will the human world be chaotic like hell, but the order of the entire world, including our surrounding world, will also be reversed. Except for the city in the sky, the rest of the space will be greatly affected. In this case, you will be wiped out by heaven and earth, which will then lead to the Zombie clan and the newly rising southern Xinjiang taking the initiative to go to war with the Gods. The Soul Clan will not ignore it...the Gods will use this as an excuse to provoke disputes and reshuffle the world..."

Emperor Ming paused as he spoke and looked at Qianshan Muxue, "But it was you who tore apart the cycle of life and death in the end."

Qianshan Muxue smiled: "That's better than the original situation."

At least her death won't have such a big impact.

Didn't you see that Mo Shaoxuan is here?

As soon as Qianshan Muxue finished speaking, all the people present were human spirits. Although they didn't know the details, they probably knew it.

The cycle of life and death was torn apart by Qianshan Muxue. It seemed that it should have been torn off by Daili at the beginning.

So now...

From a distance, Mo Shaoxuan's eyes jumped from Tiandi Zihan to Qianshan Muxue.

Thousands of mountains with snow at dusk...

Bai Feng lowered his eyes, he was really affectionate, but there seemed to be more than one Qianshan Muxue around Dai Li. His eyes drifted over and landed on Ji Qingxin.

Ji Qingxin noticed Bai Feng's gaze, turned her head and nodded slightly, and Bai Feng withdrew his gaze.


The evil spirits have already rushed over, some flying into the sky, and these people are fierce and forcing them...

No, it should be said that we are heading towards Qianshan Duxue!

This is very strange!

Daili's heart suddenly trembled.

Emperor Hades frowned and said: "The annihilation of heaven and earth is coming... I will kill you in the same way that all ghosts kill you..."

It was really a ruthless way of erasure. As far as Dai Li could see, the entire Netherworld Mountain had fallen, and what was left was an overwhelming number of evil ghosts that filled the screen...

There are many ghosts and fairies among them...

Those ghosts who committed Taotao crimes and were imprisoned in the eighteen levels of hell for countless crimes now have as their first goal to kill and devour Qianshan Muxue.

Ji Qingyi and others looked up at the sky and saw Dai Li and Qianshan Muxue standing side by side, with their sleeves flying.

"Underworld Emperor" Dai Li shouted.


"If the current result is caused by me, then you and this good-looking Buddha also account for at least four parts of the cause and effect."

Four points of cause and effect, to put it mildly, if the situation at hand were not urgent, Dai Li would not have been able to fight for his life against Hades and Buddha.

Dai Li's words were absolutely disrespectful. Emperor Hades was...

Behind Emperor Hades is the evil ghost very close at hand. She shook her wrist, and the Buddhist bead chain glowed, and a circle of evil ghosts behind her turned into powder.

"So I'm already standing by your side." With a flick of his sleeve, Hades Emperor turned his head to look at the endless evil ghosts.

"Life and death coexist"

Domineering and courageous!

Thousands more ghosts rushed in front of us.

Dai Li pressed his palm, and the thunder suppressed it, turning it into powder.

Yet there is another wave. Next wave. Or come out all at once...

How many evil spirits are there in hell?

Dai Li killed thousands of evil ghosts, bathed in the evil ghost powder, and turned to look at the Emperor of Hades: "There is no need to live and die together... tell me how many evil ghosts there are in the underworld."


Qianshan Muxue, Ming Emperor and Tiandu Zihan all looked at Dai Li.

Is this person really capable?

Bixuan and others didn't believe it. Especially Tiandu Ni, who sneered under the protection of Bi Xuan and others.

Although it is not a replacement, it is dragging down Qianshan Duxue to replace Li's fatal affectionate character. Naturally, the results will be almost the same...

"The evil ghosts above the underworld have almost been exterminated, but most of the ghosts are under the eighteen levels of hell. A total of 3.3 billion and 33.33 million...among them...10,000 fairy-level ghost kings , there are hundreds of Immortal-level Ghost Kings among them, but they are at the bottom, bound by Evil Immortal Chains, and it is not easy to escape."

so much! ! There are hundreds of ghost emperors! !

Fortunately, there is one last sentence...

Regardless of what others thought, Daili asked Qianshan Muxue: "Can you trust me?"

Qianshan Muxue didn't seem to be nervous at all about being wiped out by ten thousand ghosts, and instead held onto her sword. Laughing: "I will not die in such dirty hands"

This is a commitment.

Dai Li took a deep look at her and lowered his feet. Turn around...retrograde!

She flew in the direction where the evil ghost was coming. In front of her eyes, there was a surging tide of evil ghosts, surging towards her...

brush! The aurora cut a path like a knife, and she flew over these evil ghosts, amidst the dense crowd, and flew over them.

The hem of his clothes was scratched by the surging ghost energy.

She opened her hands and raised her eyebrows.

Everyone saw it and felt it.

her soul.



When those evil spirits had already rushed in front of Qianshan Duxue.

The blood was pulled apart like a cake....

The huge evil lightning merged with the blood sea, and the blood sea sacrificed to replace all the souls opened up at a terrifying speed. In the blink of an eye, it covered Qianshan Wuxue and others, swallowing those evil ghosts in one fell swoop.

It was as huge as a Hades Pond, occupying the sky, and following her control, it blocked the evil ghosts, surrounded them, and squeezed them past.

If the fierce battle between two strong men is exciting, every little skill is extremely exciting.

Then the sea of ​​blood released by Dai Li is magnificent in a macro sense.

Who can match the domineering power of swallowing up thousands of evil spirits every second!

What kind of soul is it that supports such a terrifying sea of ​​blood?

Countless people were shocked, and the shock was followed by disbelief.

"Does she want to kill all the evil ghosts with this? That's impossible! There are more than 3.3 billion ghosts. Even if her soul is a hundred times more powerful, she can't do it!"

Everyone including Arashiyama Kuye and others think this is impossible, but since Dai Li is so determined, it is possible that it is impossible.

Tiandu Zihan sacrificed the divine light, and the intimidating power of the divine light was very lethal to ghosts.

But that divine light is sheltered in front of Qianshan Duixue.

"The person my sister wants to protect is the one I want to protect." The temperaments of Tiandu Zihan and Ye Ranqiu are actually 70% similar, gentle yet firm.

Qianshan Muxue was stunned for a moment. For some reason, she suddenly felt that although the two girls were not related by blood, they were very similar in some aspects... It would be better to say they were similar to Ye Ranqiu.

"Zihan" Qianshan Muxue called her and smiled: "I will never need anyone else's protection in my life."

She smiled and drew out the glazed sword from her waist. At that moment, the swords of everyone present became restless, and with a flick of her wrist... the sword light penetrated ten thousand meters and swept away tens of thousands of evil ghosts.

The sword light was like snow, like air, like everything else.

Like a shadow. (To be continued)

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