A Queen

Chapter 1,540 The Netherworld Army

A sword that is at the level of an immortal, a sword that changes the color of Immortal Wangzhi above Lazy, a sword that even Mo Shaoxuan finds new and fresh...

After that sword blow, the evil spirits in front of her who wanted to kill her crazily retreated a bit.

That is the magnificence of Qianshan Duxue, the magnificence of a sword.

Qianshan Muxue pressed her fingers against the glazed sword that exuded the pure sword spirit of heaven and earth, and said softly to Tiandu Zihan: "If there really is one, it can only be one person..."

Even if it's a reasonable investment in that person...then pay off.

Once upon a time, she said that she would only protect one person in her life... Now it's the other way around...

She is not at a loss.

That is the magnificence of Qianshan Duxue, the magnificence of a sword.

Tiandu Zihan suddenly understood that the Protoss would be so anxious to destroy the Three Thousand Sword Clan back then, just because the Three Thousand Sword Clan gave birth to a figure who made them feel even more threatened.

Dusk snow on a thousand mountains...Three thousand dusk snow are actually...

Tiandu Zihan's thoughts were broken, because there were 3.3 billion evil spirits that could not be killed!

There are less than 100 million coming out right now!

Qianshan Muxue can kill ten thousand with one sword, and one hundred million means ten thousand swords! If it were 3.3 billion, it would be 330,000 swords!

It is not enough for her alone, or for Daili alone.

Regardless of whether it's enough or not, Ji Qingxin, Lanshan Kuye and others are taking action anyway!

No hesitation!

"Bai Feng..." Jian looked at Bai Feng. Bai Feng lowered his eyes and said calmly: "It has nothing to do with your stance, it's just for reincarnation."

Hu nodded, transformed into his true form, rushed into the crowd of evil ghosts, opened his huge mouth, and swallowed!

If the order of reincarnation is destroyed, the demon clan will also suffer a catastrophe, because too many demon creatures must go through the normal reincarnation of life and death. If there is no reincarnation, it will take less than a hundred years. The number of their demon race will be reduced by ten times*!

It should be noted that the reason why the strong demon clan is terrifying is that they grew up from countless weak demon clans.

All in all, the only ones who can escape from such a catastrophe are the Gods in the Sky City and the Zombies who have completely escaped reincarnation.

Then there are the soul clans who have special soul methods or can avoid reincarnation.

All other races suffered, and in the end the biggest overlord could only be the Gods.

And as time goes by, the gods become stronger and stronger, and they become weaker and weaker...

No need to fight. The Gods already dominate the world.

And it was through the hands of Dai Li and Qianshan Muxue. Even sins do not need to be carried on the heads of their gods.

This abacus is so vicious, Bai Feng spreads his snow-white wings and must help Dai Li!

"Kill the evil ghosts that have escaped from the blood sea. Make sure they don't leave this area." What the Hades Emperor said is what everyone needs to do.

Because once these evil ghosts leave the Nether Pool or the Nether Realm, they are not restricted by their souls. Outside, they are souls that are extremely difficult to kill. It can be possessed by ghosts, or it can be invisible and swallow living creatures to strengthen itself. That is a terrifying power. It's enough to make the whole world full of mourning.

The Emperor of the Underworld is the overlord of the Netherworld Realm. In one sentence, the people in the Netherworld Realm must take action!

The same goes for some people who don’t want to take a position or are already taking a position.

Swish, brush, brush, one by one strong. One by one, the immortals stood up and attacked! !

The white phoenix flaps its wings. Countless feather swords are rotating...swipe!

Tianyu kills!

"Lan Shan's army is coming quickly." Lan Shan's dead leaf had a dead leaf on his fingertips. He put a drop of blood on it and the dead leaf burned and disappeared.

The Lanshan family suddenly appeared in Fengdu City.

At this end, Arashiyama Kuye's thoughts moved.

Dead wood!

A large number of vines of Arashiyama Dead Leaves stretch out and strike!


Psychic! Ji Qingxin channeled some evil spirits and started fighting in the nest!

Wow! The sand giant rose up from the ground, reaching a height of thousands of feet. The fifth light sand stood on the giant's head. He raised his hand and grabbed it. The sand giant stretched out his giant palm and grabbed the evil ghost crowd and crushed it!

Strong people from all over the world try their best!

The people of the Protoss looked on coldly, or rather... they wanted to wait for an opportunity but were worried about something.

"Your Highness, Mo Shaoxuan is here." Hui Xuguang was very afraid of Mo Shaoxuan, so he whispered to Tiandu Nie.

Tiandu Ni glanced at Mo Shaoxuan and sneered.

But he didn't take action.

There is no need to take action, he just needs to watch how people like Dai Li try their best but are unable to do anything.

When they are exhausted, it is the best time for them to take action.


The sea of ​​​​blood continued to swallow up, and it was estimated that 40 to 50 million evil spirits were swallowed up, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the devouring speed had slowed down.

If you are exhausted, you can still swallow 30 million.

Although it is already a terrifying ability, it is less than 100 million!

What to do with the other 3.2 billion!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The entire surface of the Underworld Pond was cracked open, and different but equally ugly and terrifying faces were revealed under the blood-red cracks.

There are men and women, old and young, all kinds of ghosts, all kinds of evil ghosts who have been sealed in the eighteenth level of hell and tortured for countless years. They escaped from the hell with accumulated resentment and hatred, looking at the fresh and vivid things in the sky. A willful soul produces endless jealousy.

Of course, Qianshan Muxue was the biggest target. Tiandu Zihan saw a huge hole suddenly opened under his feet. The evil ghosts who had avoided the sea of ​​​​blood rushed up and rushed towards Qianshan Muxue...

That number... there are tens of millions at the beginning, and there are infinite...

Get out of the way!

The two of them flew up into the sky, and the evil spirits below were chasing after them...

Roaring, as if to tear the sky apart...

Suddenly, Emperor Hades appeared in the sky, his small white hand pressed down, and an eye appeared in his palm.

Buddha's eyes are punished by heaven.

The eyes opened and the light spread out...


A large number of evil ghosts were turned into ashes, but the evil ghosts below continued one after another...

The entire Hades Pond is occupied by evil spirits.

With one hand holding Heavenly Punishment and the other raised, Hades Emperor closed his eyes, and a little cinnabar slowly emerged between his eyebrows. It was bright red, as glamorous as blood and extremely vulgar.

"With my life, with my order, you can come out... Netherworld"


When the space was torn apart, it was not blood red, but pure black.

The Netherworld's own army - the Netherworld Army!

Millions of Netherworld troops!

Each one wore a black ghost-headed mask, a mighty general's armor, and tiger-headed dragon boots. Holding a long-handled dragon halberd.

The aura of the underworld surrounded them, and the aura of killing condensed on the dragon halberd. After it appeared, with the finger of the Hades Emperor, their hands moved in a neat stroke, and the halberd was pointed in the direction of the evil ghosts.


Millions of ghosts will be killed in unison. It is the murderous aura that overwhelms the entire Netherworld!


The army rushes out!

The faces of the people of the God Clan are different. Bixuan sighed with emotion and fear, "This is the Netherworld Army. No wonder the Lord of God has not used troops against Netherworld for many years. If it weren't for this coincidence of timing, the Netherworld Emperor himself has a hidden disease, and it would be extremely difficult for us to capture the Netherworld Territory."

"Now we are taking advantage of this evil ghost from hell to consume the strength of the Netherworld Army..."

Bihyun smiled slightly. The news was sent back quietly...

Brahma Tianqi looked at it and also smiled.

3.3 billion evil ghosts. Enough to consume a large number of enemy forces.

The other side has no choice but to keep investing troops...

How many people are coming now?

Brahma Qi turned his head and looked into the distance, just in time. Fengdu is waiting for all the families or legions from the Netherworld territory to arrive...

Traveling in the dust, no matter what.

And outside the Nether Realm.

Dead zone.

After Wang Jue presented the official letter, Bai Shutang and others below were a little nervous.

The situation in the Netherworld is urgent. If they don't take action, Daili's life or death may be unpredictable.

Mu Qingyan watched coldly. He closed the official letter, turned his back to everyone, looked at the spring water outside, and said softly: "I have nothing to do with the lives of the people."

So indifferent.

"But Lord, Lord Yuan..." Bai Shutang and Young Master Fusu couldn't help but speak.

Mu Qing smoked silently and closed his eyes. The wind blew in. The wind was restless, perhaps coming from the entire world, ups and downs...

The wind made her hair flutter wildly.

In the eyes of Bai Shutang and others, there is the desolation of being alone for a lifetime.

Just like the silence of the Zombie Territory day after day.

Or dead silence.

Mu Qingyan...are you going to give up on her?

Bai Shutang lowered his eyes.

Demon realm.

A vast, open and boundless plain, a huge altar, and a dragon with its eyes closed on top of the huge Optimus Prime.

Like stone sculptures.

But all the monster overlords under the altar heard his voice.

"The ambition of the Gods has been revealed. Many races in the world are subject to reincarnation, and it is inevitable to avoid them as enemies..."

The demon lords lowered their heads, and a demon lord with a cane like an old man said hoarsely: "It is imperative to station troops, but do we need to send people over from the Netherworld? Bai Feng just sent news, if the three and three billion evil ghosts Breaking out of the Nether Realm can harm the entire world in a short period of time."

"This conspiracy of the Gods is obviously to use the 3.3 billion evil ghosts to eliminate our strength. If we send people there, we will fall into the trap," a burly man said loudly.

A beautiful woman in a green skirt opposite frowned: "Even if we don't get over it now, these evil ghosts will still be able to attack us in front of the demon tribe in the future, and they will be more difficult to deal with than now."

The demon masters on both sides inevitably started to argue.

Suddenly, a woman dressed in red like fire and blood said coolly: "What's the reaction from the Zombie Realm and Soul Realm?"

"Yes, after all, the source is Nadaili, and their reaction..."

The Phoenix Master who was responsible for contacting Bai Feng frowned: "Mo Shaoxuan is over there, but there is no action at the moment. Just like the people of the God Clan, they seem to be restraining each other. As for the Zombie Territory..."

"Stand still in a dead zone"

"Impossible? How could the Zombie Territory not move? Is it because the person who tore up the cycle of life and death was not Daili? Can they, the Zombie Territory, stay out of the matter?"

"No, this is weird..."

In the midst of the commotion, the White Tiger Lord said indifferently: "Maybe it's because the Zombie Lord is sure that Dai Li will be fine."


The demon lords present became thoughtful.

After a while, the Dragon Ancestor spoke: "That Dai Li... is a bit strange. She will not die so easily. If she does not die, it means that the situation in the Netherworld is still improving... Death is not certain. In other words, the safety of the world in all directions is not related to my demon." We are closely related to each other, and we must not shrink back because of fear of death... Everyone, we are monsters! "

Demon! It represents arrogance, wildness, and not afraid of anything! (To be continued)

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