A Queen

Chapter 1541 Situation

It represents the glory and perseverance they have maintained since their birth!

All the demons lowered their heads and shouted in unison: "Monster!"

Opinions were unified at this time.

"Assemble the nearest troops from the Four Seas, and the White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Suzaku tribes all deploy one-fifth of the total troops... and the others also allocate their own troops according to this specification, and choose a reliable person... Come back to me in a quarter of an hour and let me send them there."


Many demon lords immediately took action, and Dragon Ancestor's direct teleportation allowed this huge army to reach the Netherworld in a short time!

Together, strong and wild, this is the devil!

There is movement in all directions, and strong men are heading to the Netherworld one after another. However, unless they have great magical powers like Dragon Ancestor, or are already close to each other, it will be difficult to arrive in a short time.

At this moment, there are already 500 million evil ghosts in the Nether Realm!

Five hundred million!

It can cover half of the sky in the Underworld Pond!

On the edge of the Mingchi pool, Xiangxi Palace said: "Uncle, you are not going to help?"

Wanji shook his sleeves, covered his face and sighed softly: "My two sleeves are so delicate that my delicate body is so weak..."

Neuropathy! Did Daiyu bury flowers? Damn!

Xiangxi Palace turned away and ignored him.

Well, my niece is still cute when she's angry. (This taste is also drunk)

Wan Temple sighed and said: "Such a big scene cannot be handled by me or anyone else. Unless the top people like the God Master and even the Soul Master join forces, there is no way to control this scene..."

"You mean defeat is inevitable?" Xiangxi Palace glanced at him sideways.

"No, I still have expectations for someone."



Manji smiled brightly and looked towards the sea of ​​blood.

He wants to see what this person can do to dominate the audience!

Just like before.


The pressure on Qianshan Muxue is getting bigger and bigger. At least 300 million out of the 500 million are heading towards her. With all the people like Tiandu Zihan gathered around, they can only reduce the danger by three points. It won't take long....


The combat forces from Fengdu and other places in the Netherworld have arrived, and together with the Netherworld Army, they have divided three-tenths of the evil spirits, and the rest are all on Daili's side.

This is an unprecedented battle.

Fight bloody battles.

The strength of Emperor Hades is terrifying, but as the gods and others said, her strength is far inferior to before.

A period of weakness.

Even the Netherworld Army could not exert its full strength.

The situation is not optimistic.


Chi inserted a sword into the chest of an evil ghost, kicked it away, and turned to look at Qianshan Muxue.

The sky was so overwhelming that he could barely see the snow in the mountains. I could only vaguely see a sliver of white appearing where the sword light passed.

Chi changed the direction of his attack. Rush towards that side.

Suddenly, it was dark above my head, and I looked up. A huge ghost beast jumped towards him with its mouth open...

This is the Ghost King!

Has a ghost king escaped?

Everyone's expressions changed, because there was a deep cave entrance in the collapsed Netherworld Mountain. In addition to the countless evil ghosts crawling out of the cave entrance, there were also ghost kings!

Damn it! The ghost king really crawled out!

A ghost king and an immortal! Ten thousand ghost kings and ten thousand immortals!

What if the Ghost King crawls out from behind? That’s one hundred immortals!

The others were horrified. Chi is in crisis.

Facing this Gui Wan, he was no match. What's more, the other party's sneak attack...

At the critical moment...he saw a sword suddenly poke out from the upper jaw of the bloody mouth...


The huge body of the ghost beast fell down, and a man stood on its head, holding a sword in one hand and inserting the blade into the upper jaw. pierce!

Chi dodged and caught sight of the other person's handsome figure in fluttering white clothes, his face that was prettier than a woman's, and his heroic and cold eyebrows.

The all-powerful swordsman. A peerless young man.

Poof, the sword was drawn out. The blood drifted in the wind. He held his sword in front of him and stepped on the ghost beast's head. He didn't look at Chi, but just let a sneak attack evil ghost pass through him on one side of his body.

brush! With a flash of light, the evil ghost transformed into two sides.

The light flew everywhere, fell on the palm of a woman with a cold temperament a hundred meters away, and turned into a halo.

These two people...a man and a woman? In fact, it was two women.

The famous sword in white is so quiet and distant.

Behind them are geniuses or strong men such as Snow Fish.

There were hundreds or even thousands of people. Although they were very inconspicuous compared to ghosts, they were extremely powerful.

With the unique atmosphere of southern Xinjiang.

Here they come.

It came too fast.

From Nanlin... no, from Southern Xinjiang?

How did they come from such a long distance?

Chi was confused, perhaps suspecting that Qianshan Muxue notified them in advance, or that there was a terrifying and powerful person behind them who teleported them over a long distance?


People from southern Xinjiang are coming!

Famous Swords, Tranquility, Long Qingyi, etc., one by one... are all on the files compiled by Arashiyama Kuye.

Among them... Suddenly I felt that there were fewer evil ghosts in front of me. Lanshan Kuye subconsciously turned his head and saw a huge sky disk.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Xuanji Heavenly Disk were the two great weapons that killed the gods on Penglai!

No, there is more than one Xuanji Heavenly Disk.

what is that?

A door.


Song of Shang Dynasty? No, that's a woman.

"The body that overcomes disasters, the business is separated." Lanshan Kuye recalled a message from his memory.

Shang Bie left, she controlled Rashomon, and the ability she displayed was stronger than Shang Chaoge.


Because of the body of Due!

Controlling Rashomon with her mind, she opened her hands and two balls of energy were generated in her palms.

"No salvation and disaster" The Buddha who was chanting Buddhist teachings to kill evil spirits in the distance was surprised. Shang Bieli had already collided the power of no salvation with the power of disaster.

The two completely opposite forces turned into peerless brilliance in her hands. The energy breath made a large number of evil spirits that had originally rushed towards her scream, and even made a ghost king...


Powerful, Shang Bieli, who controlled the power of Rashomon and salvation, was close to Lanshan Kuye and others.

Dai Li was delighted when he saw these people appear, and was about to show his leader's majesty to greet them...

Jie and Li Qing saw the big scene in front of them, but they had seen the world after all, and Li Qing immediately shouted to Dai Li in a lively manner: "Boss! The little ones are here!"

While shaking his hands...

Hualala. Hundreds of millions of vampires in the Vatican!

These vampires spoke.


It was earth-shattering~~

It was like the Axe Gang or the Liangshan bandit den.

Dai Li was embarrassed and turned his head silently, pretending not to see these people.

Seeing Dai Li's reaction, Li Qing said decisively: "Boss is very weak now and can't even say hello to us. Guys, rush over and kill these dirty guys! Go!"

The guys rushed out...

The 100 million vampires made the people of the God Clan look very unhappy.

"She is not the Blood Lord. How can she enslave and reproduce so many vampires!" Tian Dunie felt incredible. The God Clan knew a lot about the vampires, and they knew that the terrifying thing about the vampires was their reproduction methods, but it didn't mean there was no limit!

"The facts prove that she must die. Otherwise, another Blood Lord will be born in the Blood Prison." Bi Xuan said, and suddenly paused, saying: "Or another Ye Xuan Ji will be born."

Ye Xuan Ji!

At the other end, Ye Ziqing, who was as misty as a cloud, flew directly to the edge of Qianshan Muxue. With a clenched palm, Xuan Ji Tian Pan was sacrificed! Open!

Spiral. Inhale!

Hula! The same grandeur as the sea of ​​blood!

Clean and straightforward, without saying anything!

This is cousin Ye! Qiandai Xuanji!

Upper fairy level!

She only exchanged glances with Dai Li, and their eyes missed each other, so there was no need to say anything.

"Aren't you going to protect your little cousin?" Qianshan Muxue smiled.

"She's thick-skinned... it's okay," Ye Ziqing said lightly. She was completely relieved about Dai Li, and her eyes fell on Tiandu Zihan next to Qianshan Muxue, and her brows slightly frowned. She exchanged glances with Qianshan Muxue, but she knew the general idea in a moment.

Really... cousin?

Ye Ziqing's feelings were very complicated.

Tiandu Zihan was a little nervous. For a moment, she didn't know how to speak, so weak, and finally she pulled out a sentence: "Sister Qing"

The voice was clear and soft, clear and elegant, different from Ye Ranqiu, but the temperament of the eyebrows...

Ye Ziqing's heart softened and smiled at her.

A warm and compassionate smile.

This cousin is much softer than someone else, a real soft girl... That person, hehe~

Tiandu Zihan felt relieved and smiled.

Qianshan Muxue tilted her head, it was different... Tiandu Zihan was a real cousin, that was a smile of pity and love, just a sister.

But Dai Li was different, it was the only sustenance and concern, the kind of fate and life and death tied together, sharing pain and happiness, understanding each other better than understanding oneself, more than love, more than family affection.

Sometimes Qianshan Muxue was also very envious.

Of course, Ye Ziqing actually had feelings for Qianshan Muxue, for example, Qianshan Muxue smiled and said: "As a cousin, you didn't thank me"

"My own people" Ye Ziqing spit out three words coolly.

Ha~ Not a bad answer, Qianshan Muxue pointed with the glass sword in her backhand: "The Ghost Emperor is out, everyone below the upper immortal should stay away from me"

She didn't want others to suffer because of her.

After all, these people are also very important to Dai Li.

Ghost Emperor!

The ghost king of the upper fairy level has indeed appeared, and walked out of the hole where the underworld is located.

Walking, because they are not as hideous and terrifying as other evil ghosts or ghost kings, but cold and human-like.

A person with long hair, white face, only two eyes and a mouth, who is not sure whether it is a man or a woman, walked out dragging a long dirty robe, raised his head and smiled at everyone.

"Yo~ There are quite a few people... It's you who tore up the life and death cycle?"

He naturally spoke to Qianshan Muxue, and the voice was gloomy, mixed with male and female voices.

Qianshan Muxue looked at him, "Are you Shi Tao who was imprisoned in hell ten thousand years ago?"

Shi Tao, a famous legend in the history of the four directions, is a bloody and terrifying legend.

And behind him, those evil ghosts or ghost kings were so scared and respectful that they crawled out on the ground...

Even if he is a ghost king, he is the most terrifying ghost king, otherwise how could he be the first to escape from the abyss of hell.

The Hades frowned, Shi Tao....

His appearance will make the 3.3 billion evil spirits much more terrifying than before... (To be continued)

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