A Queen

Chapter 1542 Corpse Tao

? “Zi Tao, this person is no longer a human being in the eyes of many people.

-- Legend has it that he was born neither male nor female, and had a dark temperament since childhood. People who came into contact with him often suffered bad luck, but they didn't know that this child was born evil, with infinite strength, and liked to eat corpses, even at the expense of killing. His parents and relatives ate them when he was only seven years old. Then he killed without restraint, like an evil ghost. He ate all the people in the city, and only a few escaped. Later, everyone went crazy... .This is his past in the mortal world. Later, this man fell into the devil's path, became successful in cultivation, and became a big devil. His murderous methods were appalling. He liked to torture people alive and then eat them... and create... He created a sinful city, and most of the people there believed in him, learned his bad habit of eating corpses, and even derived the path of corpse ghosts... In terms of sins, this man definitely has more than tens of millions of lives in his body, and those sins can be offset. The total number of demons in one level of hell.

The good nature of man is simply not suitable for him.

Such a person has reached the realm of the Ghost King.

Finally, he was imprisoned by Emperor Hades to the lowest level of the eighteenth level of hell - Asura Hell.

Now, he's out.

Qianshan Muxue frowned as soon as he appeared.

"Ha, so someone still recognizes me~~" Corpse Tao smiled. Because he has no nose, only a mouth and eyes, when he smiles, the corners of his mouth pull up, and his skin is as white as a corpse. It looks like Very spooky.

But as he spoke, he looked at Emperor Hades again: "Ha~ Emperor Hades, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years... Your condition is not very good... It seems that the failure of the breakthrough has been backfired~"

Emperor Hades' eyes slowly closed...

A moment.


The corpse Tao turned into a ghostly black light, and the Emperor of Hades also turned into an aurora, one from the bottom up, pushing towards the dusk snow in Qianshan Mountain. One intercepted from the other side of the sky...

That's monstrous speed and edge!

Like a sharp knife! Cutting space!

It was also at that moment that black shadows or whirlpools emerged beneath the surface of the earth...

Ghost kings, ghost emperors, no less than a hundred of them sprang out!

There are nearly ten ghost emperors among them!

Swish, brush, brush!

Brave attacks from all directions.

There are a lot of evil spirits following them!

Ghost King—Ghost King—Evil Ghost!

Consistent class rule and command!

The demons in hell obviously already have organizational skills! Otherwise, how could there be such a planned sneak attack!

Moreover, the direction of the attack was Ye Ziqing and other people with particularly powerful lethality.

Corpse Tao!

Emperor Hades' worries came true.

Boom boom boom!

Attack, explode!

But it was all after an instant attack from Hades Emperor and Corpse Tao.

That was the strongest blow and the strongest fight so far.

Corpse Tao, the peak combat power of the Immortal!

Emperor Hades. This is the Immortal Lord level. I don’t know why it was reduced to the Immortal level, but it is still an extremely powerful Immortal.

That was the collision between the Lord of the Underworld and the Overlord of Hell...

Thousands of years ago, Emperor Hades easily controlled the Corpse Tao. Tens of thousands of years later...


After the brilliant aurora. The Underworld Emperor was knocked away, with blood spots on his sleeves. When he turned around, there was a sharp gash on his abdomen. She looked up and saw the corpse Tao smiling sternly as he headed upward... Qianshan Muxue to kill!

"Emperor" The Buddha in the distance was a little nervous.

Emperor Hades shook his head slightly at him. Show that you're okay.

It's just that anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Hades Emperor's condition is very poor, so bad that he can barely maintain the top level of the Immortal, but he is no match for the corpse Tao at his peak.

It's over. Without the restraint of Hades Emperor, who else can deal with this Corpse Tao?

At that time, Ye Ziqing and other powerful combat forces were each entangled by a ghost king. Pulling out Qianshan Muxue's surroundings.

Thousands of mountains and dusk snow, alone...

Corpse Tao is here...

Thousands of meters away from Qianshan Muxue is the sea of ​​blood controlled by Dai Li.

Qianshan Muxue looked sideways. Just in time to see Dai Li looking over.

Dai Li, who controlled the blood sea, could not move. If he moved, the whole blood sea would collapse in half, and all the previous efforts would be wasted.

But the premise is that Qianshan Muxue cannot die.

So... Qianshan Muxue smiled, and that smile told Dai Li - since I promised, I will never break my promise.


Corpse Tao opened his mouth, and a hole was torn in the sky, making a zigzag shape, and he pounced directly towards Qianshan Muxue!

In the distance, Dai Li clenched his fists, his soul floating...


A door suddenly appeared, with thunder rolling and demonic aura.

Standing in front of the jagged gap, the door opened, and a man came out, directly facing the jagged gap. With a flick of his hand, a huge puppet demon appeared with overwhelming demonic energy. He raised his fist and pointed towards the gap. A brazen punch...


The collapsed cracks emitted infinite evil corpse energy, which was corpse poison!

The door spiral sucked, and the corpse poison was sucked into the door.

"The Demon-Suppressing Sect... Gaga~ You are the son of this generation's Demon-Suppressing Sect." Shi Tao smiled, and with his smile, the air seemed to be shaking.

Qianshan Muxue looked at Huangfu Yuqing. She didn't have a deep impression of this person, but she knew that he was the first person to follow Daili, and he was also the first to leave. After that, there was very little news, and he only appeared in the Demon-Suppressing Ancient Cave...

Now it has appeared again. Perhaps this person has been with Daili from the beginning.

Never left.

"It's me..." Huangfu Yuqing looked at the corpse Tao, and all the strength in his body was concentrated. The opponent was very dangerous and powerful...

"It stands to reason that you should have gone with the people here. Why did you end up with that group of people? Have you forgotten that the son of the Demon Suppressor is actually a demon himself!" Corpse Tao narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became slits. The pale skin on his body exudes layers of corpse energy.

The corpse energy was so strong that even the Demon Suppression Sect couldn't absorb it all, making the air nauseating and making people dizzy.

Corpse poison, if you absorb too much, will be assimilated and your strength will be greatly reduced. However, if the evil ghosts have absorbed it, they will feel like they have divine help.


Those fierce ghosts screamed and screamed!

"So what if you're a demon?" Huangfu Yuqing said expressionlessly, "I only insist on what I want to do." "That's because you want to die." Shi Tao smiled.

With a press of his palm, a corpse was condensed.


So ugly! It's a bit like a Western zombie orc, with a bald head and a crocodile-like carapace on its back. The limbs are like the claws of a monitor lizard...


This ghoul slapped Huangfu Yuqing!


The puppet demon rushed forward.

Snapped! The puppet demon took a step back, but he was so angry that he rushed towards the ghoul. Cooperating with the demon-suppressing gate may not necessarily lead to disadvantage.

However, Huangfu Yuqing suddenly shrank his pupils.

I saw that there were already more than a dozen ghouls around Zhi Tao!

"Go...there are corpses and living people everywhere here, go and eat...go and eat..." Corpse Tao is like a gentle "mother", teaching her children to hunt...


Ghouls are extremely vicious existences, and they immediately pounced on the nearest Huangfu Yuqing.

Bang bang bang!

Huangfu Yuqing used the Demon Suppressing Sect several times to suppress it, but he was unable to do anything at all. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Corpse Tao reaching for Qianshan Muxue.

The Demon Suppressing Gate. Xuanji Tianpan and Rashomon are both powerful weapons against corpse Tao. However, this person's ability is not for fighting alone.

Controlling other ghost kings and summoning ghouls, he is so arrogant and wanton that he reveals his terror.

Make even the gods fearful.

"This Corpse Tao is difficult to deal with. Can you guarantee that we can check and balance him later?" Tiandu Ni was still a little worried. His own life is the most important, but he is unwilling to leave now...

"Master Faceless is nearby. What's more, people from the clan have already come, and it's the one who leads the team... There will be no second outcome." Bixuan is a military advisor-level figure, and he has never said anything that is 100% confirmed. However, this time he was extremely determined. Just because that person gave him too much confidence.

Tiandu Ni's eyes flashed and he said nothing.

That one? Then his all-powerful brother is the person he relies on the most besides Faceless.

But just as they were figuring out how to end the situation, Hui Xuguang suddenly said: "Qianshan Muxue..."

Qiansha Muxue flew into the sea of ​​blood.

Came to the edge of Daili.

Aha! Is this a thigh hug?

Corpse Tao doesn't care. Directly redirect the attack, Chao Daili and the two of them kill together!

This made the people of the God Clan very happy. Wow, this pervert with heavy taste is actually quite cute!

In the sea of ​​blood, Dai Li and Qianshan Muxue don't need any communication, they have a tacit understanding!

brush! Thousands of opportunities are sacrificed!

hold head high!

Zhu Jiuyin's Zhuyin fire plus a fusion sword.

At the same time, Qianshan Muxue also used a sword.

The two swords crossed together, rolling up a sea of ​​blood and pouring towards the corpse Tao!

All in all, Daili and Qianshan Muxue are both at the middle level of the Immortal level, but Daili is stronger. The two of them join forces...

Buzz! Corpse Tao blocked with a pale bone shield in front of him!

When the attack collapsed, he reached out and saw a ghost claw... The ghost claw was pale, but the nails were black. At first glance, it looked like he had taken out too many corpses...

Alas, Dai Li and the two of them would rather die than touch this claw.

Swish! The two of them evaded to the side at the same time.

The claw had a clear purpose, tearing off a claw towards Qianshan Muxue.

Qianshan Muxue crossed her fingers in the air, swishing! Two glazed flying swords crossed to block.

Clang! The glass is broken~

Daili has already appeared diagonally above the corpse Tao's back.

Six Paths of Samsara Eye! To deal with such hellish ghosts, the way of the soul is the most lethal.

As soon as the Six Paths of Reincarnation Eye appeared, the corpse Tao couldn't help but cry secretly.

He underestimated this guy and thought he was a vampire!

That's right, when he saw the sea of ​​blood, he thought he was a strong person from the blood clan, but he didn't expect that this person had the perverted soul ability that only the soul clan had.


The bondage of the six paths, the destruction of the six paths, and...

The 21st Eye Technique—The King of Six Paths!

The reincarnation eye transformed into a mighty soul entity king, with a death scythe in his hand. At that moment, when the binding of the six paths and the binding of destruction were cutting down the corpse, he made a bold slash!

Triple Six Path Eye Technique!

It can directly kill all the immortals including Bixuan and even Tiandu Nie.

As for the corpse Tao...

Peng! ! !

A huge ghoul with a height of 100 meters blocked the knife...


The whole head was chopped off! The soul collapsed and turned into powder!

The real corpse Tao has already grabbed Xiang Dai Li's face!

If this kind of soul power does not kill, it will be a serious problem!

How strong is the peak immortal level? The speed was so fast that Daili could see himself being torn apart in the blink of an eye... (To be continued)


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