A Queen

Chapter 1,543 The Peak Immortal! Heavy flavor!


The wings on Dai Li's back spread out. Those bright and domineering wings were so beautiful, even more beautiful than Bai Feng's wings. He stepped back...

Corpse Tao had a murderous intention, which was more serious than Qianshan Muxue, so he chased after him and struck down everything with his palm, turning it into a knife. XS

Thousands of opportunities are blocked!

Peng! ! !

Qianji almost collapsed!

What a terrible knife! !

There are countless tiny bones on the blade.

Ten Thousand Bone Knives!

The knife condensed from tens of thousands of corpses is filled with resentful spirits and murderous intent. That aura suppresses all the immortal weapons and weapons here, making them frightened, angry, and invincible!

If one really wants to calculate the grade, this Ten Thousand Bone Sword is beyond the reach of immortal weapons.

Xiangxi Palace's teeth chattered, "Such a pervert, why didn't Emperor Hades kill him with his own hands back then!"

Wan Si lowered his eyes and said quietly: "In this world, it is never necessary to die if you are extremely evil. The heaven and earth have their own laws of movement. If it wants a person to die, that person has to die. If it wants a person to survive, then he will not die no matter how bad he is. ..”

Regarding such words, Xiangxi Palace just sneered.

Aren't we talking about Ye Ranqiu and Shi Tao.

The damned one is dead, but it is so difficult to resurrect him. The damned one is not dead, but it is so difficult to let him die!

Wow, Qian Ji is really invincible, and Dai Li also feels the pressure. The most powerful ghost emperor is far more terrifying than she imagined.

"Interesting vampire, the blood on your body is so fragrant, and you also have the blood of the soul clan... Your body will be my first delicious meal when I return to this world... But I don't like your face... it's too ugly !”

The previous sentence was okay, but the next sentence or something... As soon as Daili heard it, hey, he got so angry.

Damn, this person with no facial features has the nerve to think I’m ugly!


The sea of ​​blood was furious, and there was blood on her body.

Demon evil spirits and thunder evil spirits exploded at the same time, and the pure-blood king directly controlled them. The king's domineering momentum powerfully blasted towards the corpse Tao.

Then comes the surge of fused dharma.

Crash, the sea of ​​​​blood surged up and rushed directly into Qianji.

A moment of condensation, a moment of promotion. A moment of dominance!

"Roll rough!"

"The power of a king? Are you the Human Emperor?" Corpse Tao's expression changed slightly. It was really blown away...

Human Emperor, this is his suspicion of Dai Li, but after thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be the case. .

It doesn't matter what Dai Li thinks. What she was thinking was actually very similar to Xiangxi Palace. Why couldn't Ye Ranqiu live? Why could such a wicked person live? Why!

Dai Li drew his sword directly with murderous intent in his heart. The sword seemed to roll up a sea of ​​blood, and then struck again.


Thousand Bone Sword versus Thousand Machines!

Tie! ?

At least Qianji's domineering power leaked out. He has to overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum!

At the same time, Dai Li raised his left hand and pointed at Five Elements Broken Void!

A two-pronged approach! Violence and violence!


Corpse Tao took a step back,

This step was shocking and made his face suddenly darken. MHe looked up.

A glazed sword fell silently above his head..

The light was perfectly solidified, and it was a perfect sword.


The tip of the sword is between his eyebrows!

Thousands of mountains and twilight snow are on his head!

Soul Sword! A point between the eyebrows with a sword is a point of soul!

The corpse Tao can't move!

Dai Li's thousand opportunities flickered. Thousand Machine Sword Style and Thousand Machine Fusion Sword were activated together, turning into countless sword locks. The flowing river is winding around, tightly binding and entangling the corpse.

The six reincarnation eyes are bound again!

at last...

The six paths of reincarnation begin!

Perfect fit! Impeccable chain!


The six paths of reincarnation that were opened were more terrifying than before.

Dai Li held Qian Ji like he was dragging the corpse Tao, and threw it towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation...

Is Zhi Tao going to be killed?

Being killed by Dai Li and Qianshan Muxue together?

Swish, brush, brush! The ghoul and the three ghost emperors rushed over at the same time!

That is a powerful person at the peak of immortality!

Help! Ye Ziqing and Shang Farewell, but Huangfu Yuqing and the others stopped him without any courtesy!


Half of the corpse Tao has entered the six paths of reincarnation...


The chain is pulled! Bi-hyun joins forces with the Immortal of Lazy and the Immortal of Food!

He grabbed the chains that bound the corpse Tao forcefully!

The God Clan finally couldn't help but intervene. It was a joke. The role of the Corpse Tao hadn't been fully exerted yet. How could he just die like this?

Bixuan controlled the space, turned into a space blade, and stabbed the corpse Tao hard!


Corpse Tao suddenly woke up...

"These three bandits!" Dai Li's tone was rather sinister.

The small glazed sword fixed on the corpse Tao's eyebrows cracked... Qianshan Muxue said nothing, and shook off the contact with the glazed sword to avoid backlash.

"These three bandits can't pull him out. Half of their bodies have fallen into my six reincarnations and they still want to escape? What a dream!" Dai Li sneered.

Bi Xuan and others also realized that the swallowing power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation was too terrifying. Not to mention the three of them, even thirty people could not pull out the corpse Tao.

Is that all there is to it?

Suddenly, the corpse Tao's eyes sharpened, and he thrust his hands into the top of his head... and tore it apart with both hands... clatter, tearing the top of his head to both sides, tearing a piece of skin abruptly...

I walked away, that scene was really delicious, the food god just opened his mouth when he looked at it, wow, a lot of delicious food he had eaten before was spat out...

The Immortal Chi Shang next to him suddenly became clear-headed... - he was fumed by the stench...

He ran away as soon as he let go of his grip!

"It stinks!" he shouted.

The food god also ran away, "It does stink!"

Damn it, what people are saying is that you vomited it out!

But what the Immortal of Food was talking about was the corpse odor emanating from the body of the corpse, which was like the condensed corpse odor of thousands of rotting corpses.

Bixuan closed his eyes, and after scolding these two for their lack of loyalty, he couldn't help it anymore and ran away...

No matter how cool and charming you are, no matter how scheming you are, you can't compete with the body's instinct~~

Damn it really stinks!

Tear and pull, and the corpse Tao has been separated from the skin, losing a layer of skin, and it is naked blue and white flesh, with the meridians and internal organs clearly visible. There are worms crawling on it...

This is really too strong. Dai Li said: "Jin Chan sheds his shell and beautifies him... Five thousand years of culture can't find a word to describe his perversion."

Corpse Tao was angry. He stared at Dai Li and the two of them. Suddenly he opened his mouth and roared down!

The roar seemed to continue, and the reverberation lingered throughout the sky. He grabbed it with both hands. Tear left and right....

It's like the surface of the earth has been torn apart...

"He wants to forcefully open hell." Emperor Hades looked very pale. The cinnabar between the eyebrows is more and more shocking.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The entire surface of the earth was torn apart.

Covering the entire Hades Pond...

Revealing the two billion evil ghosts underneath in the red fire...

The whole underground world is full of evil spirits...

And those thousands of ghost kings and dozens of ghost kings...

They saw the sky and smelled the simplicity of heaven and earth. roared in unison.

We're back!

Because there are so many evil ghosts, some are approaching the edge of the Nether Pool and are about to rush out of the Nether Pool and head to other places in the Nether Realm...


Giant teleportation array. There are nearly 300 million troops in the teleportation array.

The demon army!

Fear is your true nature, Phoenix. White tigers, black basalts, and other types of ontological beasts, as well as other ontological monsters, rushed towards these ghosts.

Another macro battle!

The wildness and power of the demon clan effectively blocked the spread of these evil spirits and pushed them into the underworld...

Can't leave Hades Pond. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to expand the scope.

"There's more over there~!"

"Hey, there are indeed many evil ghosts!"

A ferocious black tiger roared, its body a hundred meters long. A sweep of the tail knocked some ghost beasts away, but another evil ghost climbed up on its back and tore off a large piece of flesh. With a roar, he grabbed the evil ghost with his claws and trampled it to death!

The fight between monsters and ghosts is really brutal. They are not afraid of bloodshed or pain at all, and they seem to fight to the death.

That fighting power is also terrifying.

"Monster clan!" Corpse Tao screamed, controlling the evil ghosts to break through in one direction...

As long as they leave the Underworld Pond, the restriction of the soul will be greatly reduced, and that is the world of their ghosts!

After all, it is a terrifying army of more than 2 billion. With all its strength, the 300 million demon clan has to be knocked out of a hole...

"Charge!!" A ghost king roared, showing his sharp teeth, and was the first to rush towards the border...

When it crosses one leg, um, something seems to be activated?

When I looked down, I saw a line, light, spreading from slender to upward...


A huge barrier, covered with countless runes, swept... covering the entire Hades Pond.

In those three breaths, just when the ghost king was torn in half by the barrier.

It's started!

The people of the God Clan and Zhi Tao were all shocked.

This is....

"It's the Heavenly Soul Realm! It's a member of the Soul Clan, it's Mo Shaoxuan!!!"

No matter how careful they were about Mo Shaoxuan, they still underestimated her!

But rather than underestimating Mo Shaoxuan's ability, it is better to say that he underestimated her relationship with Dai Li.

——If these two people had not known each other from the beginning, the situation would not be so embarrassing.

Tiandu Ni was filled with anger and glared at a place where Mo Shaoxuan had been staying quietly and low-key. There were no evil spirits, no gods, and no one near her.

She just watched her cousin in all sorts of dangers and fights in such a low-key manner.

Is she here to see a show?

No, she was just doing her own thing silently, for example, uniting some people and controlling the subject to create a Heavenly Soul World!

This Heavenly Soul Realm can effectively avoid the entry and exit of any ghost body below the Ghost Emperor...

The most taboo secret method of the Soul Clan, Mo Shaoxuan knows.

So she used it.

Although she spent a lot of effort and time, she turned her face, ignoring the frightened and resentful eyes of the gods, and the fear of the corpse Tao, and only glanced at someone in the sea of ​​blood.

Someone chuckled: "Oh, Mr. Mo Shaoxuan, you are really amazing, thank you for your hard work~"

Mo Shaoxuan: "What did you call me? Well~~" Don't let the long ending sound too touching.

Daili: "Uh..." Cousin? Dai Li caught a glimpse of Ye Ziqing's meaningful eyes from the corner of his eyes, his heart trembled, and he quickly spat out: "Sister Xuanxuan~"

Mo Shaoxuan narrowed his eyes.

Dai Li shivered again: "Xuanxuan? Xiaoxuanxuan? Axuan...little Axuan?"

Mo Shaoxuan: "..."

Haha~ She is very conscientious at this time. It seems that Ye Ziqing has cast a heavy shadow on her...

Ye Ziqing sneered, what kind of shadow~~ is the relationship between the two of us easy to understand! (To be continued)


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