A Queen

Chapter 1550: Ten Thousand Temples, Floating Life, Ice Emperor

Sure enough, when the pointed tower emerged from the water, then quickly, the huge flying boat separated from the water, revealing...

In fact, the God Clan really wanted to move, but they couldn't move. No one, including Dai Li, could move.

Because the aura of this flying boat has suppressed all their energy, it seems that in front of it, they are as small as ants...

With a crash, the water flowed and rushed, and the huge State of Bones emerged from the water, slowly looking up into the sky...

However, Dai Li and others soon discovered that the powerful seal on the boat of bones seemed to be disintegrating, so the aura was getting stronger and stronger, far exceeding the boat of bones they had seen at the bottom of Baili before.

The problem is that it has been lurking at the bottom of the Hades Pond for so many years. It should be an "extinct volcano", but it suddenly came alive...

Everyone was suspicious and didn't dare to look down upon him, but no one knew the turmoil in Dai Li's heart... and the inexplicable fear.

She always felt that there was something hidden in that flying boat that she didn't want to face...it seemed to make her very painful.

Just like the feeling she had when she first saw it underwater.

Maybe I should get out of here now.

Dai Li, who never liked to retreat, actually had such an idea.

The boat of bones had reached a high altitude, and the aura of the wilderness was so powerful that at that moment all the powerful people in the world felt the aura.

"Is the ancestor of the Great Wilderness resurrected?"

"No, not the ancestor of the Great Wilderness"

"what is that?"

When the boat of bones reached the surface of the Underworld Pond, Wanji had already dragged Xiangxi Palace to the side.

To prevent Xiangxi Palace from being crushed to death by the wild energy.

However, when Xiangxi Palace turned around, he saw Wanji's complicated eyes.

But that complexity immediately turned into heat, and then... anger!

"Asshole, he wants to be the first!"

who? Xiangxi Palace was stunned for a moment, and then saw Wan Temple taking action.

In fact, she didn't know how strong this "little uncle" was before. All I know is that he likes stinky beauties, loves to show off and is very playful and evil...

But I didn't expect that the pretentiousness before was actually quite low-key.

Because what he showed at this moment was a much stronger power than Huiyao Guang!

On the other side, opposite him was another light, faster than him!

In the blink of an eye, we rushed towards the boat of bones...

boom! The two of them fought instantly!

Power surges...

"Yu Fusheng, you shameless bastard!" Wan Si cursed as soon as he met his face. This made You Ziyu very angry. However, Yu Fusheng never liked her speaking out or scolding others, so he could only hold back...

You Fusheng looked at Wan Si coldly, and only then did Dai Li notice this person.

This legend is the most handsome man in the world...

In fact, it looks really...

"The adult fish falls behind the wild goose and the moon is shy of the flower..." Dai Li said this.

Ye Ziqing, who came to her because he was worried about her, narrowed his eyes. "Is it"

"Actually, not really." Hearing the displeasure in his cousin's tone, Dai Li quickly said, "I look better than him when I dress up as a man, and cousin, you all look better when you dress up as a boy than me..."

So it was just foreshadowing?

Ye Ziqing turned her face away. She was shameless and seemed no better than being obsessed with male sex..

But now everyone knows that they sacrifice themselves to fulfill others to flatter others. The group sending skills seem to have improved again (my cousin is so helpless).

You Fusheng only glanced at Wansi coldly. He turned to look at the boat of bones and said calmly: "It doesn't belong to you."

"Does it still belong to you?"

"I just want to know something"

"Then let's join forces"



Yu Fusheng looked at Wan Temple with a look of disgust that was very strange, but that everyone could instantly understand: "Pull back."

Damn it!

The people from Wanbaozhai expressed their dissatisfaction, and Xiangxi Palace sneered: "This handsome guy. Even if my uncle is really holding back and unreliable, you can't say it to me like this. After all, he is already old... ..”

you shut up! Have you ever cheated your own family like this?

Wan Temple glared at Xiangxi Palace, then turned to Yu Fusheng and sneered: "If you don't cooperate with me, then we are enemies. What is hidden in this boat of bones? It depends on you and me who has faster hands and feet... "

You and I?

Two people?

Isn't it none of our business?

Dai Li, Mo Shaoxuan, and Qianshan Muxue, the three highest combat powers, did not move.

Watching with cold eyes, the two men were on the verge of a fight.

Suddenly, Mo Shaoxuan said: "The third person is here."

"Huh?" Dai Li was a little careless. Mo Shaoxuan looked at her and said, "You are in worse condition than I expected. This is not a good thing. The fight later is the most terrifying thing."

Um... is it true or false? Qing Yi and the others felt their hearts tighten.

Dai Li was in a mess, so his brain was not very bright, so he suddenly said something that caused Mo Shaoxuan to have a myocardial infarction.

"Don't be afraid, you will protect me"

Hugging thighs is also a group sending skill...you guys~~hehe~

Ye Ziqing, Qianshan Duxue or Yunjilian all sneered.

Not far away, Brahma abandoned himself thoughtfully..

Mo Shaoxuan turned around silently: "I'll be very busy later."

Dai Li sighed and touched his hair, "I have pity on my premature hair~~... Zihan, will you protect your sister?"

From Daiyu burying flowers to a magical turn, the soft girl Zihan was also stunned, then nodded gently and exhaled like a blue: "Well, I can..."


You two are just sisters, right? Show affection, right?

Mo Shaoxuan and Ye Ziqing looked at each other, hehe~


The third person came.

It is a long and misty ice and snow. When he comes, your desolate and bloody battlefield will be filled with the clear and cold smell of ice and snow.

"It's the master of the Ice Emperor's Realm... Ice Emperor"

"The most low-key one..."

If Ye Fusheng is the most handsome and unrestrained, Nima Bingdi is the one who most wants people to know how handsome he is.

That ice and snow mask told others that he was definitely a handsome man. Unless his face was pockmarked under the mask, he would be able to kill many men...including women with his facial features in a matter of minutes.

The ice blue robe was covered with the Ice Emperor's most famous flower. Clusters bloom in clusters, stretching endlessly, and three interlocking ice bone rings are worn on the slender and snow-white hands, and a string of mysterious jade pendants hangs on the waist.

He looked at Yu Fusheng and Wan Si with cold eyes, only once, and then fell on the boat of bones, his eyes were pious and loving. In the end it turned into crazy hatred...

A storm of ice and snow filled the air every minute..

I go!

This is to blow up all the hidden overlords in the world in one go, right?

At this moment, Daili hoped that the god master, soul master, or other master would jump out.

pkpkpk. Let’s pk!

Ten Thousand Temples, Floating Life, Ice Emperor. These three people are all Immortal Lords, and they are definitely not ordinary Immortal Lords.

As expected, this boat of bones involved the absolute secrets of the Great Wilderness. The people who entered the bottom before were only able to peek at the tip of the iceberg.

Bixuan and Hui Xuguang looked at each other and calmly contacted the Gods. The reply was that the prince had arrived.


Both of them were stunned, but suddenly there was a violent roar in their ears. Turning around and looking...

Manji versus Fusheng, Hyokui versus... Faceless!

Since Wu Mian is willing to come forward, it means that the prince has arrived! !

The strong ones at the level of the Four Great Immortals PK, while the weak retreat...

Mo Shaoxuan suddenly raised his eyebrows.

They are almost a kilometer away in front of them. A man in white appears.

The pure white clothes cannot hide the condensed imperial aura throughout the body, and the ever-changing cold and harsh haze that seems to be hidden behind the gentle cloud mountain...

The prince of Tiandu. It's impossible to describe him too much, because he won't let you see through too much. What appears on the surface is often false, and what you see may not be true..

He just gives you such a strange feeling of uncertainty and restlessness.

Even if he didn't say anything, he just showed up with his hands behind his back...

"Shaoxuan, I haven't seen you for many years."

His voice is very beautiful, like a clear spring.

Mo Shaoxuan's expression was indifferent, even more indifferent than before: "The prince comes here, isn't he afraid of the God Lord?"

Only with her relationship and status could she know about the strange and vaguely tense relationship between the Crown Prince of Tiandu and the Divine Lord.

"Ah~ Of course he is afraid. How can there be a son who is not afraid of his father..." Prince Tiandu smiled slightly, "Then I really want to see the child born by Yu Ling and Mo Ran... If I can bring it back to him Take a look, maybe he won't be annoyed with me..."

This man's demeanor was so easy-going and gentle, but he was so frightening.

Because Daili felt that the space was restricted.

This is really bad, it happens to be the time when the three of them are at their worst...

This guy really knows his timing.

The situation is tense... Xiangxi Palace is thinking of sacrificing its color to let Wanji come back to help...

Tear apart, the space behind Dai Li was torn apart.

The blood is overwhelming.

The breath of the crack shocked everyone in the audience!

Could it be...this is...

In the mouth of blood.

People wearing bloody robes appeared one after another.

They would say one sentence in unison every minute.

"Your Highness, we are here!"

Two...Your Highness?

Dai Li didn't react for a while.

Then I saw the old and young men in blood-clothed clothes of His Highness who had just watched her cry with tears in their eyes just now rushed towards the Prince of Tiandu as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and then the people from the God Clan were also injected with chicken blood...

"It's someone from the Blood Prison!"

"Ma~Bi, they dare to escape!"

"Kill them!"

The vampires, the gods, the natural enemies, the destined enemies...

They fight each other as soon as they meet!

People like Bi Xuan were still biting the people in Southern Xinjiang, but now they see the vampires taking action, oh my, I'm going to choke them, and they pounce on them like vicious dogs every minute...

People from southern Xinjiang: "..."

Why does Mao feel like he has been abandoned...

Prince Tiandu watched with cold eyes as his subordinates fought with the vampires...

After a chaotic battle, he stared at Dai Li, his energy locked silently...

The light in the palm of my hand suddenly emitted!

Fairy Lord level, a must...

After all, he is the prince of Tiandu, the richest and most handsome man in the world.

So that strength is definitely...

The light came to Daili.

Mo Shaoxuan reached out...

However, a ray of light also fell on Prince Tiandu.

From a person...

The strongest Infernal Affairs! (To be continued)

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