A Queen

Chapter 1551 Infernal Affairs (Sorry, I have something to do today)


Boom! Light bounced off the back of the Tiandu prince!

Blocked instinctively!

But it also proved that the man's sudden attack was not what the Tiandu prince expected, and the opponent's attack was so strong that everyone was surprised.

It was almost the same as the Tiandu prince!

And the fierce hook-blade bayonet was too ferocious, tearing and directly cutting through the skin of the Tiandu prince and piercing the defense!

The Tiandu prince was not angry, but his eyes were gloomy for a moment, and he folded his hands, boom! The body suddenly burst into a violent divine light.

"It's the divine light armor!"

"The Dharma image is coming"

Dian Li raised his eyebrows as soon as the Tiandu prince's Dharma image appeared.

Emperor grade, attack system, divine beast type--Emperor Hu.

Speaking of Emperor Hu, it has a big background. It is said that it is an ancient existence that is older than the blue dragon and white tiger. Emperor Hu is extremely respected and extraordinary. He is a natural strong man.

However, since there is a "Hu" in the name of Emperor Hu, it is because Emperor Hu is extremely cruel, ruthless and perverted by nature. Most of them are vicious and gloomy. They often attack their own people very cruelly. It is common for them to devour their own children to nourish themselves. Therefore, there are only a few of them in the past dynasties, and they are almost extinct later. Well, they were a rare product in the Great Wilderness period, let alone now.

However, the Prince of Tiandu has such a Dharma image. No wonder it is rumored that the Lord of God has never had a good impression of this most outstanding son.

It is said that the Dharma image is born with the human heart. The nature of this Prince of Tiandu is very cruel and ruthless-the ungrateful wolf that cannot be tamed is probably

However, his strength cannot be denied.

As soon as Emperor Hu appeared, a layer of purple scales covered his back

The hook blade could not pierce it.

Dai Li looked at the sudden attacking warrior and was stunned when he saw his face clearly.

"Fan Tianqi!!

Fuck~ This is indeed Wu Jian Dao. Dai Li would never have thought that this man is an assassin!

That's right.

The question is, whose assassin?


The hook blade that couldn't stab into the back couldn't stop the corner of the man's mouth from curling up.

When Dai Li saw Fan Tianqi's face showing such an expression, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It turned out to be that man!!


At that time, Bingdi and others looked over at the same time. eyes.

Even if he saw

The Prince of Tiandu had a fatal blow in front of him!

It was Mo Shaoxuan!

Mo Shaoxuan's talent and ability must come from the soul, and the Prince of Tiandu and Mo Shaoxuan are both the next leaders of the God and Soul clans, and they are both young and talented, young and born extraordinary, even though they are different genders. But because Mo Shaoxuan's temperament has never had the slightest bit of the tenderness of a girl. So the whole world has always compared the two of them.

That So the question is, who is stronger between the two of them?

When the Tiandu Prince suddenly made a move, he showed his strength to everyone - the first-class level among the immortals.

Haha. The strongest descendant of the direct line of the God of the God Clan has a different foundation. He is much stronger than Tiandu Nie.

And when Mo Shaoxuan attacked Dai Li, the Tiandu Prince.

Her palm was spinning a black ball that seemed to be a liquid fluid, like ink, black and shiny. And the spiral looked like a crescent moon, spiraling. Emitting black air, Dai Li's eyes widened slightly, watching the woman's black hair flying, and the black crescent moon was gently swung in her hand

The beauty of splashing ink and freehand painting.

The weird and scattered painting.

That physical attack. It actually melted like a fragile water droplet when the crescent moon touched it.

Dai Li saw that the woman had already stepped in front of her, and the words she said when she attacked were still floating in the air

"The use of the soul is not only about the effect on the soul, no matter what kind of attack it is. "The soul determines everything"

The soul determines everything!

Oh my god, how can this be so domineering when it comes out of her mouth!

Even from the perspective of Hui Xiguang and others. Mo Shaoxuan didn't look at the Prince of Tiandu and them, or didn't care about the people of Bingdi, just turned his face to reveal the perfect side profile, the long hair fluttered over the curve of the jaw, her eyes were slightly drooped, and the eyes were brighter than the black crescent moon

Because of weakness, Dai Li realized later that the other party was guiding her soul to understand.

After all, compared to Dai Li, who has always relied on her talent to climb the road on her own, Mo Shaoxuan, who has been immersed in the soul since childhood and was personally taught by Mo Ran, is much stronger than her in terms of soul. Look at what she just said, the style of the Prince of Tiandu is nothing to me, and the high and cold attitude of being sober while everyone else is drunk

The weak Dai Li immediately pressed , she couldn't help but want to say something.

However, before she could speak.

Mo Shaoxuan's eyes shone coldly, revealing murderous intent! He said: "For example, like this"


The black crescent moon instantly penetrated into the attack launched by the Tiandu Prince. That's right, it melted, but it didn't dissipate.

Energy transfer and change are immortal, this is the law!

So the attack of the Tiandu Prince suddenly reversed and blasted towards the Tiandu Prince's chest!

Peng~!!! The Tiandu Prince's body trembled, and the corners of Brahma's mouth in the shattered divine light were raised with evil and cold. The seemingly dull and ordinary hook blade in his hand suddenly became like a blooming lotus. The blade tip was like a mechanism, and it turned out eight petals of the same hook blade with different runes, like a Dharma wheel or a ring knife


The flesh and blood rolled up the divine light shuttle, and the upper body of the Tiandu Prince was bombarded by the joint attack, crushing the flesh and bones

That was a scene that made the protoss people collectively shrink into their chrysanthemums, and it was also a scene that made Qianshan Muxue and others feel nervous.

Will Fan Tian, ​​Mo Shaoxuan and the others join forces to kill the crown prince of Tiandu?

The second moment.

Flesh and bones were thrown into the sky.

The nine-edged weapon was still covered in blood, hovering in the palm of Brahma Tianqi's hand. He squinted his eyes with his narrow and attractive red phoenix eyes, lowered his head and wiped the blood on the weapon with his beautiful index finger, and smiled slightly: " There are always some unique talents in the world, and the nine-tailed demon fox has nine lives, and in addition to the extraordinary emperor's fate and attack talent, the emperor also has the protection of three lives."

He finished.

The perfect Tiandu Prince rushed out, and on the other side of the line between Brahma Tianqi and Mo Shaoxuan, it looked like a tripartite confrontation.

"It seems that you know these secrets very well. Let me guess who you are." Prince Tiandu pointed his finger at his temple, seeming to be thinking seriously, and then smiled: "How can Mo Shaoxuan deign to deign to cooperate in person?" It seems that you are the only one with such strength, Mo Ziruan."

Brahma abandoned Mozi Ruan? This heretic has been causing trouble for the Gods since he was fifteen years old!

Compared with Mo Shaoxuan, who is not belligerent, and Dai Li, who has been counterattacking from the bottom. Mo Ziruan was the enemy that the people of the God Clan had been grinding their teeth against for the past few decades.

Just such an enemy. Not long ago, the people who pretended to be demons gave the gods a big slap, and then~

Now another, heavier slap was given.

The faces of the gods were swollen.

Bi-hyun, who has always been known as a cunning and cunning fox, has a face so dark that it could be used for scraping ink.

Having been raped twice by Infernal Affairs, I couldn't be more upset.

At that time. Mozi Ruan didn't abandon the appearance that Brahma had abandoned, he just pursed his lips in a way that was both funny and uninterested.

"No matter how indifferent you appear, it won't change your previous ignorance."

After a pause, she narrowed her eyes and smiled: "And he was seriously injured."

Prince Tiandu's expression changed slightly.

"You people from the Protoss seem to always like to show off like this. I would rather you be more shameless when it comes to whitewashing the peace."

In other words, people like Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing probably have the same feeling at this moment - this person is really Dai Li's sister. The tone and tone of this speech are exactly the same, and they really have a similar style.

Of course, this Mozi Ruan is also better at tactics than Dai Li.

Infernal Affairs was played twice to its peak.

Dai Lidu said that he was in the cute stage before.

For such humiliation, Prince Tiandu was not furious at this time. Instead, he smiled: "But your mother has become my father's woman~ Logically speaking, you should call me brother~ And you, it's quite flattering to replace you two sisters~"

"Especially with a look similar to my proud and noble mother"

He said the latter words while staring at Dai Li, and he meant something.

Dai Li pursed his lips. I secretly rubbed my hands until I clenched my fists and was about to think about it.

Mo Ziruan has arrived behind Prince Tiandu. That gesture was an absolute assassination of the emperor, and the nine-edged weapon rotating in his hand also made Dai Li's heart skip a beat.

Prince Tiandu was not in a hurry at that time, but instead showed a cold sneer.

It seems that he deliberately provoked Mo Ziruan to fight back!

With a flick of his hand, his arm turned into an extremely sharp jagged bone beast, stabbing behind him~~



However, tear! The sword cut through the bones, it was the sharpest and most domineering confrontation, and then

Dai Li saw the madness flashing in the eyes of these two people.


After the absolute dazzling light.

Prince Tiandu looked at the large mouthful of flesh and blood missing from Mozi Ruan's shoulder with cold eyes.

But Mo Ziruan smiled instead, raised his hand, turned his fingertips, and played with the collarbone, stained with blood, on her finger.

The two of them didn't say anything, but it could be seen that Mo Ziruan's flesh and blood recovered in the blink of an eye, while the divine bones of Prince Tiandu took a long time.

Obviously, the seriously injured Prince Tiandu was at a disadvantage.


"Both are crazy"

"It's so perverted. I didn't seem to block just now, but instead attacked forcefully."

So one cut the meat and the other cut the bones.

Would rather hurt yourself than kill the enemy

The people watching the battle probably only had one thought - the God Master and the Soul Master were both extreme lunatics, and they were born the same.

Look at Dai Li again, this one is also...

The Prince of Tiandu was seriously injured twice. The people of the God Clan were anxious after all, and couldn't help but move towards the Prince of Tiandu. But how could Mo Ziruan and Mo Shaoxuan let go of this opportunity? Their eyes would be full of murderous intent!

But at this moment, boom!

The sealing membrane of the Skeleton Boat was hit one after another by the attacks of the four Ice Emperors, and there were signs that the seal was about to be broken. During the roar, Dai Li's face suddenly changed, and he vomited blood.

Mo Shaoxuan's expression changed, and the attack was choked. Prince Tiandu took the opportunity to escape, and in a flash he was ten thousand meters away. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "The seal is about to be broken, give it to me." Attack this skeleton boat with all your strength!"


The attack of the strong man from the God Clan was immediately reversed!

Perhaps the Wan Temple trio also wanted to use the power of the gods to break the seal, so they didn't stop them.

However, after three consecutive attacks, it still couldn't be broken. That day, Prince Du suddenly took out a ball of light.

"Divine light energy! The Gods really have good things."

The Crown Prince of Tiandu definitely came prepared, and his goal was naturally this boat of bones, otherwise he would not have failed to use this trump card when he was besieged by Mo Zi and Ruan.

If the divine light energy explodes at this moment, the rest of the people, including the Ice Emperor and others, will have to consider retreating. Only the Prince of Tiandu who controls the divine light energy has the right time and place to rush in and snatch it away as soon as the seal is released. Treasure

As soon as Wan Si saw it, he shouted to the Xiangxi Palace below: "Xiao Gong Gong, stay away quickly, this thing can kill an ancient immortal."

Little father-in-law? What the hell?

In anger, Xiangxi Palace also grabbed the hem of her skirt and ran away without forgetting to shout to the people in Lian Qingyi, "My dear, the wind is tight, pull!"

Just when most of the strong men were flying out quickly,

boom! The divine light can explode! Like the last bit of blood that was broken.

It’s finally going to fall, and the treasure is going to drop.

The boat of bones instantly exploded with soaring pressure, and the seal was about to be released! ! !

Dai Li was about to escape, but suddenly he couldn't use any strength. It was as if his whole body was nailed there, or even about to be sucked into the twisted seal vortex. His whole body was limp, and he was so weak that he touched his forehead with the back of his hand. , the body is shaking slightly, like a boneless chicken fillet

Well, when many people recalled this scene many years later, they said that this was the most delicate and feminine time in the queen's life.

none of them.

Ye Ziqing was heartbroken. This cousin slipped up at the critical moment. Wasn't she the quickest to escape before? Still something weird?

Mo Shaoxuan and Ye Ziqing, who were closest to this man, grabbed his hand at the same time in surprise and suspicion.

But he was involuntarily pulled that way

Qianshan Muxue, who wanted to help, was frightened.

It's not like this. After the seal is released, it will lead to death with others?

But these three people are the only ones

It would be better to say that Daili is the only one!


In the blink of an eye, the three of them were swallowed up by the divine light energy.

Well, together with the two cousins ​​who were tricked to death.

Tiandu Zihan's face turned pale instantly.

Of course the people of the God Clan are overjoyed! Oops, this is the first time I think Daili is quite cute. Is this buy one get one free?

And the scene that scares Dai Dai to leave the party is actually not as grand and beautiful as it seems.

Because in the intense light.

Dai Li immediately raised the knife and slapped it twice on the hands of his two cousins.

Then they didn't let go, they just gave each other a cold look.

Would you like to try again?

Daili grinned, then stabbed him again

Cut off his own hands directly.

The two were immediately stunned, but

Daili's shoulders were grabbed.

You try again!

Dai Li really didn't dare to try it this time, otherwise she was afraid that both of her ears would be torn off.

Or nostril insertion. (To be continued)

ps: I had something urgent to do today and went out. I didn’t get home until eight o’clock to read 4,000 words. I have to miss the imperial treasure.

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