A Queen

Chapter 1552: Stuck...Stuck


The sealing vortex of the Bone Boat does not last long, but for those who are deeply involved, every second counts. Who are Mo Shaoxuan and Ye Ziqing? They are good Chinese cousins ​​and smart girls, so they can guess the generation and separation in every minute. Such a weak and strange state was due to the fact that the boat of bones seemed to become more obvious the closer it got, so naturally she could not be sucked into the boat of bones.

In fact, what makes the two of them difficult to explain to outsiders is the inexplicable premonition in their hearts. It seems that once Daili encounters the boat of bones, something will happen that they will regret.

So she must be caught!

Nostril insertion must also be grasped!


The strong suction force pulled the three people towards the entrances above.

At that moment.

Mo Shaoxuan and the two felt that they could no longer hold on to Dai Li.


The two of them stepped on the ship wall at the same time, using force! ! !


Suddenly there was a tearing sound.

The two of them took a look and saw that Dai Li's collar had been torn apart by the two of them. With the force of the pulling, the collar seemed to be splitting downwards.

Subconsciously, the two of them loosened their hands.


Daili fell into that hole

Two cousins: ""I really didn't let go on purpose.

It just so happens,

The sealing vortex actually only lasted for a while. It disappeared quickly after the two cousins ​​​​heard a pop, and then others saw this scene when the remaining breath dissipated.

Mo Shaoxuan and the two stood on the side of the ship. They did not catch the unlucky guy, but the unlucky guy

Didn't go in,


"The card is stuck," Xiangxi Palace muttered to herself. Maybe she saw the beginning,

I fell in love with the process, but I couldn’t even imagine the ending.

That’s right! That opening is too small. Got someone stuck!

At this moment, she was holding on to the bulkhead, her face pressed against the wall, and the lower half of her body was stuck in the opening.

Can't get in if it's upright.

But it hit me in the face.

No wonder there was a pop just now, Mo Shaoxuan thought.

It must be very painful, Xiangxi Palace thought so, and many people thought so too.

Is it disfigured?

Dai Li moved his fingers and touched his nose. He turned to look at his two cousins. His face was gloomy.

"What if we agreed to live and die together and never abandon or give up?"

Mo Shaoxuan's expression was natural: "My hands are slippery~~"

Ye Ziqing lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Same as above."

Haha, as soon as Dai Li sneered, he met the lonely and cold eyes of the two people. Okay, she put away her sneer for a second, and she was so cute and delicate that she was so weak that she covered her chest and said, "That bandit from Tiandu has gone in."

We did go in, but there was no trace of Prince Tiandu here.

At that time. The three Ice Emperors also rushed towards an opening.

Others are not to be outdone, and everyone wants to get a piece of the pie if they can get a legacy like Daili's. You don’t have to worry about it in this life, right?


Hundreds of people flew in in three seconds.

On the contrary, Daili wanted to stay far away, and Mo Shaoxuan and others did not want to cause any complications. From this point of view, most of them were actually considering Daili's situation.

Otherwise, why would Mo Shaoxuan be qualified to break into that boat of bones?

However, just when Daili was holding on to the bulkhead and wanted to leave,

boom! ! !

A terrifying force suddenly popped up from the Skeleton Boat. If the suction force of the previous sealed vortex was 1, then this elastic force is 10!

One inward. one outward

Bang bang bang!

The people who had just entered were ejected one by one at this moment. Some were directly ejected to pieces, and more were seriously injured. Among them were the three Ice Emperors and the Crown Prince of Tiandu!

He was holding a box in his hand!


The three Ice Emperors instantly aimed their attacks at Prince Tiandu, Wu Mian, and ducked in front of Prince Tiandu.

But there is someone faster than him!

"Mo Zi Ruan!!!" Prince Tiandu's uncontrollable roar seemed to peel off Mo Zi Ruan's skin and convulse him and devour him clean.

And Daili took a closer look.

Good guy!

Prince Tiandu's entire arm was removed. Isn’t that the box in your hand?

At first glance, there’s nothing special about the box. It’s black, with carvings on it, and has an antique charm. It doesn’t have any smell.

But many treasure hunting laws told Daili that the more ordinary the box looked, the more precious the things inside it were.

Isn’t there a saying called returning to nature?

So there must be a super treasure in this box!

Perhaps no less than the Sifang Imperial Seal!

Dai Li clenched his fists and saw that Bing Di and the others were already attacking Mo Ziruan!

No, add a faceless one too!

one against four


Mo Shaoxuan takes action!

There was no need to hesitate, she had to take action because that person was Mo Ziruan!

But even adding Mo Shaoxuan is not enough, those four are too strong!

"The three Ice Emperors all possess a very pure spirit of wilderness, and they seem to be similar to me." Dai Li thought about it and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

At that time

As soon as the Ice Emperor made a move, it was the eternal ice coldness. The ice energy was even better than Linghu Bai. Well, Linghu Bai was only seven tails after all. If it were the nine-tailed demon fox, it might be the same.

Ye Fusheng is a swordsman, but Qianshan Muxue feels that he is not a simple swordsman, but rather a brave, proficient, aloof and ruthless warrior.

It makes no difference to him whether it is a sword, a knife or a gun. Anyway, using the weapon in his hand to kill the opponent is his only purpose after taking action.

Well, compared to the coldness of the previous two, Manji is obviously less dangerous, and his attacks are mostly based on spying.

Wu Mian~~ Daili felt a little strange. He always felt that this person's face was covered with a mask. In fact, his ability and moves were quite unpredictable, a bit twisted and secretive.

Maybe this is her personal delusion.


With two against four, the pressure was a bit high. Mo Shaoxuan and Mo Ziruan, who had joined forces, were blasted away.


Those four people are forcing me to kill you again!

Daili subconsciously clenched his fists and was about to react.

The ruthless light shot past Daili's eyes, brushing against the sharp edge that shot straight from a distance. With her insight, she could clearly see what it looked like. It was a brush. If time could be slowed down, she could see the brush changing in front of her eyes. The tip of the brush spread out like a blooming lotus. The petals of the lotus were cold. Black, the core reveals a sharp metal tip. Pen handle extended

That is the lotus blooming in the painting.

It was the first time for Dai Li to see such a cold and ruthless Lotus with murderous intentions.


Directly stabbing Ye Fusheng, who has the strongest single attack power, between his eyebrows.

Ye Fusheng's eyebrows turned cold. The sword that was stabbing Mo Ziruan was retracted and blocked in front of the lotus flower, Keng! ! !

Lotus thorn. The floating sword!

Petals of lotus flowers are dancing, and wisps of sword energy are flowing.


Ye Fusheng took a step back, and the lotus pen bounced back and fell into the hand of the person who came. At the same time, Mo Shaoxuan and Mo Ziruan also worked together to block the attacks of the Ice Emperor and the others.

Although disadvantages. At least he's not dead, and the box is still in Mo Ziruan's hand

Space suddenly froze!

Mo Ziruan felt that his arm was frozen! And the ice emperor's hand reached out in the blink of an eye

On the other side, the seriously injured Prince Tiandu was also used to making sneak attacks. (As if you yourself are too).

Attack from both front and back!


Mo Ziruan's figure changed like light and mist, and the box in his hand seemed to float in the air.

Mo Shaoxuan. Faceless, Wanji, and the three of them started to look at the box at the same time after falling behind.

That moment, that second. The battle between the strong to seize the treasure!

It is also one of the six paths of reincarnation, buzz!

The glance of the King of Six Paths.

The end of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Deprive the soul of vitality!

That second is taken away. When everyone was at their weakest, Dai Li grabbed the box with his hand, turned around, grabbed Mo Ziruan's body and pushed it back. Mo Shaoxuan also retreated tacitly as if he had already noticed it.

Dai Li clasped his hands together and pointed at Ice Emperor and the others, his eyebrows shining brightly.

The Great Desolate Technique sets a prairie fire.


The chaotic sea of ​​blood retracted and poured into her body. Dai Li's originally weak and depleted energy was instantly filled to the brim, and then


A single spark can start a prairie fire, and a vast wilderness can be destroyed.

The art of starting a prairie fire!

It’s the red light that burns everything


The air instantly scorched Senior, and the ice and snow created by the Ice Emperor melted into water

Three seconds later.

A box was stuffed into Mo Ziruan's arms. She looked up at the person in front of her. His face was as pale as a paper figure, but he gave the box to her without any hesitation.

Next to them, Mo Shaoxuan glanced at the two of them, his eyes warmed slightly, and then said: "They are not dead yet."

Well, it was very unpleasant. Dai Li rolled his eyes and turned around to look.

The Ice Emperor and others had their own barriers shattered, but their bodies were not seriously injured, and they still had at least 50-60% of their combat power.

Well, after all, it's not her heyday. Plus, it's a group attack. It's impossible to kill them with one hit. Anyway, just weaken their strength.

Dai Li met the cold eyes of those people locked on her, laughed, and said: "I can't fight anyway, you two can do it by yourselves." After saying that, he touched his forehead again, Lin Daiyu looked weak.

I have to say that she is still beautiful. Even though her body was weakened after hitting the wall, her face is still breathtakingly beautiful.

Ye Fusheng, Ice Emperor, Wan Si, and the four faceless people stared at Dai Li in a strange way, no, it should be said to be super strange.

At that time, Mo Shaoxuan felt that these four people seemed to have ever-changing emotions such as joy, hatred, sarcasm, pride, thoughtfulness, etc.

But it soon turned into a sneer.

"We should all three come together." Manji half-hidden his face with his sleeves and smiled, glancing at the man holding the lotus writing brush from the corner of his eye.

No, that's the judge's pen.

"I should have guessed that it was you, the leader of the split cloud. I didn't expect you to be able to conceal your identity so well. Maybe Daili's group won't be able to recognize your identity~" Wan Temple's words made Daili and others look subconsciously.

Wearing a black robe and covering his face with an iron mask, who else could it be if it wasn't Ji Qingwu?

Lian Qingyi looked at Ji Qingxin next to her, and then at Handan Xuanye.

Ji Wuqing is the head of Split Cloud, so it is not surprising that Handan Xuanye is the number one killer of Split Cloud.

I just didn’t expect it to be from Split Cloud (To be continued)

ps: A friend went to Shenzhen and found out that those who promised to replenish the Imperial Treasure had to wait until the end. If one girl is not added, it will be finished. In the future, it will be continued to complete the Imperial Treasure, or make a side story.

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