A Queen

Chapter 836 Merlin Banquet

"I heard... Hey, this is so normal. I never thought that so many people admire Gong Zangxue. For example, Chai Zijun, the eldest son of the Chai family in the Blue Bird Region, has a family that is as rich as the country. No, it should be said that it is as rich as the enemy. The dynasty...and the famous Young Master Tianhua, the famous Young Master Liushui...I heard that he once only met Lord Gong Zangxue, and he waited for more than a year."

"Haha, those few people are already devoted to Lord Gong Zangxue. It's rare for her to come back this time, so they naturally want to invite you to the banquet. Fortunately, they have enough face, otherwise ordinary people would not be qualified to invite..."

"However, Meilin wine-making is a grand and elegant event. Before the Linglong Party, many people who had arrived in Fenzhou earlier would have attended the banquet. For example, Nuoshan Bei from the Lanshan Region, who was born in the Nuoshan family, is so noble... There is also Juexue Ge from the Wanxue Group, who was born in the Tianxue Dynasty and is the unparalleled Prince Juexue... It would be interesting if all these people go!"

Lanshan Group Territory, Wanxue Group Territory, Nuoshan Family, Tianxue Dynasty, these words are deeply offensive to Guique and others. Now that they have traveled through many groups and come to Fenzhou, they are not the same as Amen in the past. , is still very familiar with the famous group of areas north of Fenzhou, especially the dynasties and aristocratic families mentioned by the two people above, which are even more behemoths.

And now, these people have arrived in Fenzhou.

Gui Que narrowed his eyes and walked up to the two people he was talking to. After saying a few polite words to the two people talking, he asked calmly, "Two of you, do you know that Master Gong Zangxue said he agreed to leave for the banquet?"

"Ha. Boy, you also want to see how beautiful Gong Zangxue is!"

"Haha, just curious..."

"You kid, give up! A Sword Emperor once pursued her but was rejected...but there must be other stunning beauties appearing on the day of the banquet. You might as well go and have a look..."

"Haha, you still have to see Master Gong Zangxue first, he has been famous for a long time."

"She... who knows~~ She always doesn't play by the rules. Maybe she will go, maybe she won't... I heard that she is usually with that male favorite recently..."

Guique was silent. You don't know anything. How could you keep talking for so long?


Although Gui Que couldn't find any useful information, Lin Jiangxue ruthlessly mocked him. Even though I still plan to go to the Merlin Banquet in the afternoon, it seems that this banquet is very famous. It's really not to be missed. Secondly, Gong Zangxue might have gone there... If she went, take a closer look. Maybe we can find out the secrets of some famous swords.


And at this time,

In the midnight building, Dai Li was lying on the ground, dozing off.

Opposite me, two men are working hard...

Next to him, the charming and voluptuous handsome instructor was also fanning softly, his eyes were half-closed... and he was snoring.

The curtains are fluttering, and the incense burner is still releasing fragrance...

After a while, someone walked in.

As soon as Gong Zangxue saw the scene in front of him, his steps paused. Then he said: "It's so embarrassing for you two, but you can still sleep..."

The madam named Jiao Niang immediately opened her eyes and straightened up. He was straight and serious, and he quickly picked up a book on the table and hit someone on the forehead rudely, and then, someone woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Yumi looking down at her coldly.

that moment. Daili's wit has come.

Her body was as soft as a bone, and she was lying on the table. Hong Lip breathed lightly, sighed softly, and said softly: "I just practiced hard in my dream...I am so tired now."

After saying that, she supported her waist. Yourou felt extremely melancholy and said, "My waist hurts so much..."


The sweet girl squirted.

Gong Zangxue: "I told you, you don't need to move your waist..."

Daili: "I'm not the kind of person who only reaps without giving..."

Gong Zangxue: "Should I praise you?"

Daili: "excellent award"

Gong Zangxue pursed his lips, and the lip line was straight and cool. The girl looked back and forth between the two of them, then laughed silently, "Master Gong thinks something is wrong, so my girl..."

Gong Zangxue had already turned his face, and poked Dai Li's forehead with his slender fingers, "Clean her up and make her more beautiful. I want to take her out..."


Can you go out?

Dai Li's expression became obviously brighter, his boneless body became more active, he jumped straight up, and with a beaming look on his face, he called Jiao Niang, "Quick, quick, Jiao Jiao Jiao Jiao, be quick! I'm going out!"

By the way, that gesture is really no different from that of a canary out of its cage, and that tone means that white-collar girls have got their first-month son, and they can’t wait to rush to the department store where the price is high...

Gong Zangxue originally thought that this person would be all kinds of arrogant, all kinds of aloof, all kinds of elegant...

In fact, on the second day after this guy came to Evernight Tower...

Gong Zangxue discovered that his Elegant Butterfly had successfully mutated into a cute and silly grass mud horse. His little life couldn't have been too good, like now.

"Sister Jiaojiao, bring those clothes..."

"Sakura-chan, come on, shoes!"

"Xiao Taohong, brother is leaving... Whatever you want to eat, brother will bring it to you!"

"Xiao Yingzi? No! You're a man! Bring a woolen yarn... You can't even pay for it! It's too heavy to carry!"

"Li, you have been exercising for so long...my brother will bring you pig blood when he comes back. You can take whatever you need to supplement..."

Is this bastard here to socialize at Night Tower!

Gong Zangxue's mood suddenly escalated from very bad to extremely bad, so much so that while he was sitting on the chair waiting, he drank a large pot of tea...

Then she looked at the birds, men and women surrounding her, and felt so unhappy that she said coldly, "No help is allowed, let her do it by herself!"

Everyone stopped moving, Dai Li chuckled, "You can do it by yourself, man, sometimes one hand can solve everything... not to mention I have two hands..."

These words were so naughty that everyone present laughed, especially Jiao Niang, who was smiling so cutely...

Fortunately, Gong Zangxue gave him a cold look. Well, everything is quiet.

After silence, about half an hour passed. Gong Zangxue finally thought about it and felt that it was necessary to deal with the bitch inside.

People came out.

Still wearing black clothes and a white belt, he is still the same person. Although he is thin, he is slender, his bones are clean and handsome and extremely elegant, and his sword-shaped eyebrows are as high as a thunderous giant. There was a smile on his face and his eyes were drunk. The fingers with clear joints were adjusting the collar in a leisurely manner. When she walked out slowly, everyone looked at her deeply. It's very mysterious and the stars are dim.

Like the most beautiful starry night in the largest sky.

It’s hard to extricate yourself.

Jiao Niang was a little thoughtful. In this place called Night Tower, there were countless people with outstanding looks. They grabbed a lot of them. In fact, in terms of appearance, there were some who could compare with this person, such as that one. Although the other person is... but his temperament is different.

This person's temperament is so special, he can be like an ethereal fairy. It can be like a ruthless demon, or it can be extremely kind...

Because it is rare, because it has never been heard of before, I feel amazing.

Amazed, curious, and irresistibly attracted...

Then the moth flew into the flame.

That day. When he first saw this guy, wasn't he impressed by his heart beneath his cool appearance?

Subconsciously. He looked at Gong Zangxue, who was sitting in the seat, and wondered what this gentleman was thinking...

When he turned his head, he saw the extremely beautiful Gong Zangxue with a very deep expression, and those eyes could hide a whole world.

The blizzard is drifting, the wind and snow are deep, calm, and oppressive and cold.

"Black and white...this color is not good, please change it." Gong Zangxue's voice showed no emotion, and he only looked at Dai Li who walked out from the opposite side.

Hearing this, Jiao Niang wanted to find some clothes out of habit...but she saw that Dai Li had already walked to the tall mirror and was arranging his clothes in front of the mirror.

She seemed to say something.

"I can only wear black and white...can't change"

Look in the mirror.

His expression was as calm as far away, with a faint smile, neither far nor near.

Sense of distance.

A rare sense of alienation and indifference, as well as an ascetic nobility.

Jiao Niang and others were stunned.

this person...

Is she resisting Gong Zangxue?

Is she looking for death?

Jiao Niang was silent. Between the prisoner and the master whom he had just met, he easily found his place, although he felt very sad...

What an interesting person, it seems, his name is Jun Zili.

"Junzi Li..." Gong Zangxue shouted coolly. It seemed that he was hoarse and drunk because he drank too much wine. Combined with this person's stunning beauty, he should be a disaster for the country and the people, but no one dared to look at it.

Master Gong seemed angry.

After a while, there was a faint sound of clothes sliding... Gong Zangxue had already stood up and walked out on his own.

"What are you waiting for? Come with me."

When passing by Dai Li, Dai Li smiled and followed him with a lazy pace, "Thank you."

Gong Zangxue paused, turned his head and glanced, his face expressionless.

Continue to go.

As soon as the two people left, the people behind them dared to breathe. After a while, Jiao Niang smiled, "Jun Zili? What a man's favorite."


Gong Zangxue was about to leave, and some people in the night building got the news. However, this woman's affairs were never allowed to be interfered with by others, so few people dared to come up and ask questions.

Even looking at it is looking at it from a distance.

In that garden.

Gong Zangxue walked through the brocade of flowers without squinting. Everyone who passed by bowed their heads and saluted her, including those clients who seemed to be of high status, all bowed their heads to her.

It's a pity that this woman didn't even look at her, just looking at the air, Dai Li followed behind.

"Where are we going? Where is your big ship~~"

“Not taking the boat”

"Ah, what a pity...I like your big ship~~"

This man's steps were sloppy, his tone was sloppy, and his voice was drawn out, as if he was drunk. The big ship sounded like a big bed~~.

Gong Zangxue paused, turned around, frowned, and saw the sloppy man holding a broken flower in his slender and beautiful hands.

People are beautiful, and so are flowers.

It's very pleasing to the eye, but gives people a very romantic feeling. (To be continued) ()

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