A Queen

Chapter 837: Merlin, the dignitaries gathered

"I want you to be a man's favorite, not a prostitute..."

Well, Dai Li was so serious that he gave this flower to the maid passing by obediently.

Give me a smile by the way.

The maid suddenly blushed and felt soft all over...

"Okay, how are we going to go now? I can't fly... Do you want to fly holding me?"

You are dreaming!

Gong Zangxue took a deep breath, turned his face, and casually moved his hand towards the sky.


The Jade Bone Dragon flew out from the top of a tall tower...

Flying down, in the blink of an eye it turned into a jade bone dragon the size of a five-meter-long pterosaur. That momentum...

The maids and the prostitutes all knelt down.

The Jade Bone Dragon lowered its noble head, Gong Zangxue stepped on its head with an indifferent expression, and then looked at Dai Li below.

"come up"

"Are you sure it will let me step on its head?...I'm really afraid that it will kill me with just a flap of its wings..." Dai Li looked bitter. This thing's bloodline is too high and its strength is too strong. It cannot be compared with its owner. Same and too arrogant, she couldn't help it.

After hearing Dai Li's words, Gong Zangxue was so rude that he said coldly and sarcastically, "You have been useless a long time ago..."

Without waiting for Dai Li to roll his eyes, she flicked her fingers and a rope tied around Dai Li's waist and threw him directly onto the Jade Bone Dragon's back...

The Jade Bone Dragon took advantage of the situation and flew up!

The sudden high speed caused Dai Li to stumble and almost fall down. Fortunately, she was smart and immediately grabbed Gong Zangxue's waist...

Only tenths of a second. She immediately moved her hand away and smiled calmly at Gong Zangxue, who turned his face expressionlessly, "It's okay... I washed my hands when I went to the toilet this time."

"...." You mean you didn't wash your hands before?

"Where are we going?"

"Merlin Banquet"

"Drinking? It's not good for girls to drink... Let's talk about whether the wine tastes good.

The most important thing is that I didn’t bring any money..."

"Shut up!"


The reason why Dai Li was so obedient and followed Gong to hide his blood was that the famous sword was still in Wuyelou, like a hostage, and she was a disabled person now. Whether she could run away or not was still a question. Gong Zangxue also knows this. The two of them have a tacit understanding, and they really look like a male favorite and master...

Although this owner is flying in the air. He threw a half mask to Dai Li.


"Hey, I understand this. I'm still half-hiding my face with my pipa in my arms..."

"You are not allowed to take it off without my order."



The Jade Bone Dragon flies into the sky carrying two beauties. When traveling over Fenzhou...

The plum blossom forest in Fenzhou.

Very beautiful.

Plum blossoms have always been a symbol of elegance and elegance. The plum blossom forest was also a favorite place for scholars and aristocrats to recite poems, compose rhymes, and talk about love. Even martial arts and sword fights could be full of poetry and painting, adding a bit of roughness to the brutal killing spirit. Very elegant.

There are few people in this world who would like to be made fun of for being rude, so it is a must to come to the Plum Grove to enjoy plum blossoms.

Especially in Merlin. In the midst of the plum blossoms in the plum forest, lightly brew plum blossom wine...

The wine is in the throat, and the love is hard to tolerate. The sword expresses gratitude and enmity, or the poetic music sounds indulgent. They are all excellent.

Therefore, no matter how domineering, no matter how rough, no matter how disdainful of the elegant and noble people, strong people are coming now.

Since they are all coming. Then Merlin's place would be lively.

Meilin is located on the east side of Fenzhou. It covers an area of ​​ten thousand acres, with plum blossoms like the sea, bluestone paths, bamboo shadows, maids passing by, nobles like clouds, splendid and luxurious...

The sentimental young man folding the fan, the virtuous and elegant lady, timid with fragrance, come quietly...

Among these people, Lin Jiangxue, a group of young geniuses who were crowned the most beautiful generation in Nanlin, were not overwhelmed by the crowd at this moment. Perhaps Nanlin can be the most proud of them now, and they are the only ones who can be considered good-looking. Nice face...

Linjiang Xue's sharp and dark belly, Qingluo's intellectual elegance, Tang Junyi's flamboyance, Feng Ling's indifference and coldness, Jue Ge's coldness, each has its own merits, plus Jiangchuan, Guique and others also have their own unique beauty. Men, so the group attracted the attention of many people..

Of course, there are too many beauties and handsome guys here, as well as many uncles and elder sisters with extremely profound temperaments. This group of people has not caused any trouble. In the final analysis, it is because they are not too weak and not It's so top-notch...it's also an arty place, so lustful young men have to look carefully before taking action.

A team of more than a dozen people, including men and women, is difficult to attack.

Tang Junyi ate the food in his hand and sighed, "There are so many beauties and handsome men... Suddenly I am very grateful to my parents for giving me such beauty, so that it would not be too embarrassing for me to go out... If I am someone like Kong Kong'er... Eh~~ I guess I feel inferior and have gone home.”

It's not unreasonable for her to sigh like this, but it just sounds so pretentious and awkward.

--like an award ceremony.

"But it's strange. We look pretty good, but no one comes to talk to us... What looks like them!"

Everyone else fell silent.

Linjiang Xue looked at her sideways, well, at the thing in her hand.

"Thanks to the stinky tofu in your hand, it successfully helped us avoid a lot of trouble."

"..." (Actually, this is the truth~~)

However, while everyone was admiring the plum blossoms, they looked around, "It's strange, why don't you see those people...making wine? I didn't see them..."

"Merlin is so old, it's normal that he didn't see it. Maybe they have..."

As he was talking, he suddenly heard some noise.

"Go quickly, over at Qingmeitai, Mr. Liushui and the others have already arrived..."

"Is the wine brewing going to start?"

"Not yet... It seems that the peerless plum tree has not fallen yet..."

Many people walked quickly forward, and everyone looked at each other and followed.

Peerless plum tree, what is that?

At this moment, there is a circular open space in the center of the plum forest, about a hundred acres in size.

Not too small.

There are large areas of plum blossoms surrounding it. Looking around, you can see the beautiful plum sea, rustling in the wind... beautiful. Extremely beautiful, a paradise on earth.

Especially the aroma can make everyone drunk.

Before the wine comes, people are already drunk.

And in such a place, there is a platform at the moment, with three floors, the top one. There are three tables in the middle.

On the second floor, there are six on the left and right.

the third floor. Eighteen pictures on each side.

Fifty-one people in total.

Forty people were already seated.

Forty people, each one has either a noble status, extraordinary origins, or superb strength. The state of the Grand Master is a must.

And such people are talking about poetry, landscape calligraphy and painting, the way of spiritual practice, benevolence and righteousness, Confucius and Mencius, and...

They are elegant, noble and powerful. Unique.

Outsiders can only express feelings of envy, respect, and fear...

For example, I'm under a plum tree on the right right now. Kong Kong'er, who looked a bit wretched, marveled, "This place is really extraordinary, everyone is so powerful...Anyone in there can crush our entire Nanlin."

It's not that he depreciates himself, it's that Nan Lin is really too weak.

Especially after that day... it seemed that all of a sudden his vitality was severely damaged, but the problem was that something happened in Daxia, and the result was that the entire Nanlin was injured inexplicably.

perhaps. That's what's so scary about that woman.

--The sense of presence is too strong.

Next to him, both a man and a woman curled their lips at the name. "If my brother were here, he would definitely be able to suppress these people... But she has been gone for so long, and I don't know where she is now..."

"I don't know if your brother is a top swordsman... plus her sword skills, she should be able to resist the master..." Kong Kong'er said this, and suddenly heard a voice from beside him, "Don't underestimate the famous sword, I have it." I have a feeling... when he appears, he will give everyone a surprise." The palm of Lou Lanting who suddenly appeared was still stained with dirt, and there was a brightly colored mushroom on the dirt.

"Of course, Fenzhou also gave me a big surprise. Do you know what this is... This is..."

Isn’t it just a mushroom? Damn it!

Ming Keqing and Kong Konger rolled their eyes when they noticed that the other party would soon become silent again, this medicine geek!

However, Lou Lanting's words suddenly stopped.

Because the person in the top seat on the stage spoke up.

There was only one person at the top three tables at the moment. The reason why he spoke out was because a man on the second floor below asked, "I wonder if Mr. Gong will come this time..."

This man was dressed in a feathery robe, with a small exquisite sword on his waist and a folding fan in his hand. He was handsome and elegant, with a gentle appearance and a gentle tone, giving people a sense of elegance and elegance.

But as soon as he spoke out, someone on the opposite side chuckled and said, "I said Mr. Tianhua really has a deep love for Mr. Gong. After a while, he couldn't help it anymore... I just don't know if Mr. Gong is..." Come on, do you recognize me?"

The words sounded sarcastic.

People on the periphery immediately recognized that the person who ridiculed Mr. Tianhua was Mr. Liushui.

There are different opinions about the background of these two young masters, but after all, they have personal talents and background. It is just that they have been competing with each other since they became famous. It is not surprising now.

Young Master Tianhua is still gentle, but the dark light in his eyes dimmed slightly, "So, Young Master Liushui doesn't have any love for Master Gong anymore?"

The two people were quarreling with each other, while some people watching the show were watching the show, while others were shaking their heads. Confucianism emphasizes a gentleman's affection, and a gentleman's love must be used. These two people are still too forward...

By the way, how could a woman like Gong Zangxue fall in love with someone weaker than herself? Besides, she might not come today...

It was really indecent for the two young masters to have a verbal fight, so now the person in charge has spoken out.

"Your Excellency Gong Zangxue has promised me before that he will come."

With just one sentence, Liu Shui and Tian Hua immediately fell silent, and the people they had been talking to before also became quieter.

Lou Lanting subconsciously looked at the person sitting in the main seat.

A man who looks too young but not too old.

The reason why he is not young is because he does not deliberately look youthful. (To be continued) ()

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