A Queen

Chapter 918 Blood

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Of course, at the same time that the attack state appeared, the eye on the forehead of the bloodline colossus opened!

A moment of fire, a moment of light!


Weaken, keep weakening!

Shadow Mystery Dacheng, attack speed!

Just activate both hands at the same time!

The second formation - Double Dragon Thunder Sword Formation.

The Thirteenth Sword of Thousand Machines - Yun Tianlang!

Dual core, double dragon, Sirius!

Bang bang bang!

The power of twenty thousand Dzogchen top masters!

Mass killing!

Absolute mass killing!

Thunder Dragon, two dragons condensed with thunder, and the thick dragon body roared, rolling up zombies one by one, with electric shock and roar!

The Blood Sirius is sharp and sharp, with sword edges everywhere!

Cut, roar, slaughter!

The first two zombies were knocked out by the double dragons and hit the mountain wall. A large thunder light spread, and Yun Tianlang also tore apart a zombie.

But there are too many zombies, there are eight more, and a large area of ​​ghost zombies are coming down with majestic force!

Thunder and lightning flashed, and afterimages flickered in these spells. The speed was unparalleled!

He actually avoided more than 90% of the attacks!

And the light of the sword is floating, and the sword is like a distance! Cut these spells,!

Only a small amount hit the man.

It doesn't matter, even a small amount of attacks are enough to destroy the distracted Grand Master!

So...some people are looking forward to the mountain platform...

thunder shield,

Blood shield, shield shield, defense!

But it’s broken!

Holding on to the wall, Yu Ji, who looked weak, could see that the defense in front of Dai Li was broken layer by layer!

"Dai...Junzili, go away!" She almost shouted Daili's name, the panic and worry in it were indescribable.

As far as she was concerned, this was just an encounter with Feng Manlou, and the relationship between them was not too deep. She had no worries and no relatives. If she died in this unexpected encounter, she deserved it, as her mother said.

This person. You are born with your destiny.

Such was her destiny.

How could I drag this person down...to block the light and shadow of these swords for her!

However, Yu Ji was determined and desperate. Instead, she saw Dai Li turning his head and raising his eyebrows at her, almost beaming with excitement!

Thousands of opportunities are floating in the hand, blocking, blocking, blocking!

Lightning flashes across the sky, breaking, breaking, breaking!

There is blood. bright. But it was not as bright as the sparkle in her eyes.

"Yu Ji, how about playing a song for me?"

What kind of tone is that? It's just like the prostitution in a brothel where a prostitute orders a singer to sing. To put it simply, it's teasing!

It’s already this time, and you’re still teasing a girl!

Didn’t you see that there are dozens of zombies in front of you? Mr. Chu, who had been so frightened before and wished he could leave his body to save people, all the winning emperors couldn't breathe!

Oh my god, why on earth did they want to harm themselves in the past and take a fancy to such a thing!

In fact, at this time, Miss Gong was sneering: "I didn't expect these zombies also know the right and wrong of justice. They specialize in killing evildoers!"

The sneer was more sinister than those zombies, but Bai Jin glanced at her and saw that the woman had loosened her finger and shot an arrow.

Haha, you may sound arrogant, but your body is very honest~~

How powerful is that arrow? Passed through the gap between Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan. In their eyes. It was as easy as skewering a dozen chicken wings, killing a dozen zombies in seconds.


The two powerful rescuers, Ming Jian and Jing Yuan, originally sniped some zombies from the outside. Seeing this scene, everyone squinted their eyes unconsciously.

But Yu Ji was already speechless and dumbfounded, and she picked up the xun with her blood-stained hands.

Since I have no fear of life or death, let me play a song for you.

Then, the xun sounded~~.

That is perhaps the most moving music. It is not a harp or a flute, but a xun.

The sound of the xun rises and rises quietly~ It is also like the sobs of a beauty under the moon when she leaves her sweetheart, and it is also like a brave man singing before going to the battlefield.

Dai Li curled up his lips with a smile, turned around, and saw that Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan had already rushed into the zombie group. Not far away, people like Chu Xiuling were coming to kill them in the light and shadow of the beacon fire.

Well, there are always some people whose friendship will never be forgotten throughout their lives.

So it must be killed!

The lightning had evil aura and murderous intent.

Connected on the fingertips, three bright lines are scattered.

Triangular thunder array!

One sword, the Double Dragon Thunder Sword.

It is the third formation - the Three Evil Sword Formation.

The large triangular mine array is magnificent and powerful, covering a triangular area of ​​approximately 500 square meters.

After covering it, it’s time to kill!

In perfection, there is no stronger, only stronger that is harder to resist!

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan both saw the swords of this triangular thunder formation flying together, that extremely fierce killing thunder formation!

Dazzling than anything else!

Of course, it's not an instant kill in all aspects, but... serious injuries in all aspects!

The zombies were seriously injured and flew away one by one. With serious injuries, it was not difficult to kill them.

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan didn't hesitate at all, and started directly, killing, killing, killing!

Dai Li also controls the Eye of the Moment.

Widespread weakening.

Compared to others, Daili's fighting style has always been very different. She has a variety of methods, including blood energy, thunder, and eye skills. When combined with these three, she is a figure who can sweep thousands of armies.

Now, it's almost like sweeping through hundreds of zombies!

She stood in front of the platform alone and resisted hundreds of zombies!

From the mountain wall, to the river, from the sky to the boat!

A mighty battle!

The triple thunder formations are used interchangeably with terrifying frequency, and the blood dragon transformed from Qian Ji will bite the zombies at all costs!

Thousand-Ji Sword Technique, Triple Thunder Formation, Eye Technique, all at your fingertips, there are endless possibilities!

However, in conjunction with the Eye Technique to greatly weaken the zombies, there is also the sound of the Xun. The sound of the Xun not only makes people feel good, but also doubles their physical strength. It also makes the zombies move slowly...

Zombies were killed one after another by her hands, including Ghost Zombie!

This makes the people who complain all the time that these zombies are too thick-skinned are speechless.

There is no point in complaining.

There is more and more blood in Yu Ji's abdomen, but the sound of the xun becomes more and more melodious, and the killing ahead becomes more and more intense!

The besieging zombies have turned into more powerful ghost zombies!

The famous sword, quiet and far away, kills three people in three different areas!

On the Linglong ship, there were already skeletons that had been eaten clean by zombies, as well as corpses that were not known to be zombies but still humans. Death is everywhere!


Emperor Ming and the zombie king crashed into the water, causing huge waves. When hit on the Linglong ship, there was a splash of puddles. As soon as a person with blood on his body was soaked by someone, the blood would spread, making those zombies even crazier!

Yue Shan shouted toward the water, "Lord Emperor Ming!"


Two water dragon pillars shot out from the water. The zombie king was so wet that he fell on the mountain wall. Emperor Ming also jumped up, "Damn beast, you have harmed so many people today. It is you who should have fallen here~!"

The zombie whined, and didn't know what to say. Anyway, the tone was very loud, and it roared suddenly, and the fangs on its mouth grew longer.

Everyone felt something was wrong. If it was darkness before, then the darkness now was a little blood red. Looking up, you can see a blood-red stream sealing the sky above the entire gorge.

"Blood array, someone has activated the blood array! Damn!" Xiao Xiao and the others covered their faces!

It's dead, it's dead!

This is the rhythm where everyone will die if they are tricked!

As soon as the blood array came, the coffins and all the coffins on the mountain wall began to clang and clank, and masses of black energy also condensed on the coffins. Then quickly turned into ghosts.

The coffin bearer.

Is this a rhythm that wants to wake up all the zombies in the Ghost Crying Gorge?

Some people on the Linglong ship were desperate. Have to despair!

The number of zombies suddenly increased several times, giving people no time to react...

The water is majestic and stirs up waves. Zombies came roaring one after another, and in the blink of an eye, several of them climbed up from the mountain wall to the vicinity of Yu Ji, trying to attack Dai Li from behind!

Dai Li turned sideways and swung his sword away!

Just one sword is enough!

But it was also this side that allowed her to avoid the frontal sight, but it also allowed Yu Ji to see the danger...


Distractor level, how powerful it is! Dai Li knew it, but he had never confronted him head-on, not counting Gong Zangxue and Liu Hongxiu.

Does the distracting zombie in front of you count?

Dai Li only used his peripheral vision to capture the other party's cold breath and the fangs and mouth breathing foul breath.

Then there is...

boom! ! !

The whole person was hit against the mountain wall, and the tips of the gravel behind him pierced the flesh and bones, causing severe pain!

The moment the opponent bit him down, Dai Li quickly rolled around on the mountain wall, avoiding the opponent's bite, and raised his hand to shoot with sword energy!

The plane cut through the mountain wall, almost smoothing out a large area of ​​the mountain wall at once.


The sword energy was dispersed with one swipe of the claw.

Dai Li was suspended in mid-air, holding Qianji in one hand, while the dragon claws in the other hand were disintegrating.

Revealing bloody palms.


Looking down at his palm, Daili frowned slightly: "I'm injured..."

Someone noticed that Daili had never been injured before, nor was he injured under the siege of Baizhang, but now he is injured!

However, the distracted zombie seemed a little strange, staring straight at Dai Li, and raised his hand, licking the blood on his hand with a very pious and greedy look.

That look made Dai Li's heart skip a beat, and also made Emperor Ming notice that his opponent, the Zombie King, suddenly stopped fighting.

He was looking at the man below.


This zombie king....

When Emperor Ming was suspicious and wanted to take the opportunity to attack...

The Zombie King has already exploded as fast as he could, swooping down from above and heading towards the random people below...

Thunder and lightning!

I just feel that my soul is screaming for danger, but I don't have time to avoid it. The opponent's speed is too fast and too cruel!


Dai Li was pressed directly against the mountain wall, and the huge force smashed a big hole into the mountain wall!

Dai Li fell into the pit, his shoulder was pressed firmly by a hand, and in front of him was an iron face.

Looking at this zombie king at such a close distance, Daili felt that his eyes were out of focus, but it still made you feel that he was looking directly at you.

Greed, desire...

His fingernails were originally very long, but now they became even longer, and they easily penetrated into the flesh, causing severe pain!

She saw the Zombie King open his mouth, and the turbid breath he breathed out was cold and stinky, as if it could make her faint.

"Blood~~" (To be continued) ()

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