A Queen

Chapter 919: Vortex, suck!

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This was Daili, and it was also the first time that others heard his words. Before, they had just roared.


Dai Li was full of intelligence and immediately thought of his special physique. Damn it, he was really Tang Monk meat! She had just bled, and this guy could smell the smell?

What a dog nose you have!

The Zombie King's mouth has been opened!

The fangs were so fierce that they bit Dai Li's neck!

At that moment, Dai Li once again felt that death was so close to her.

At that moment, many attacks also swarmed from behind the Zombie King.


It hit the zombie king behind, but the zombie king's fangs were also pressed against Dai Li's neck.

Distance from skin...

Zero point and one centimeter?

At the same time, Yu Ji was also attacked from the side by a zombie.

Insert a stiff thorn into the abdomen!


It's a matter of two people.

The swords flashed, and sparks flew into the sky.


In an instant, the flesh and blood were torn apart!

Dai Li directly tore the flesh on her shoulder and escaped from the zombie king's claws. She was ruthless, she was very ruthless!

But she escaped...

The zombie king seemed extremely angry and wanted to charge forward again, but suddenly!

Violent movement spread out!

That's a commotion that needs to be broken!

"Why doesn't this Linglong Association find some orthodox Maoshan Taoist priests? Damn zombies!" the little speaker complained,

But in confusion, I felt my feet shaking and my body shaking too!

Not only it, but everyone on the ship felt the bumps under their feet.

"It's the Linglong Ship..."

"Death is in control!"

"It's over!"

The exquisite boat was churning up and down because... the water was moving!

The light array on the ship appears!

That's a huge network!


"Trapped formation! By the way, the Linglong Ship hasn't moved for a long time!" someone shouted.

"It's trapped!"

"Look, look at the rooms above!"

There is a room on the top floor. It had never been opened, and almost no one noticed it, but now they finally discovered it.

Because of that door. opened!

Trapped door.

"Finally the formation was broken!" Yuli breathed a sigh of relief and smiled faintly at the person who walked out of the door.

Qin Zhige also smiled at the memory.

Yuli had not participated in the fierce battle, but was setting up formations, and finally broke through the formations and broke through the trapped formations.

It's just that the other party used such a complicated chain formation to trap Qin Zhige, and it was obvious that he was extremely afraid of him. So I had to pay such a high price. But, is this zombie-like?

Yuli narrowed his eyes.

There are some very difficult people on this ship. The first one to bear the brunt was naturally Emperor Ming, and then it was not Gong Zangxue or Yue Shan, but Qin Zhige, who had always been aloof, but he didn't know how strong he was.

If Yuan Yi hadn't ordered him to untie the formation before, maybe he wouldn't have thought of it now.


Qin Yin is here! Dai Li looked up and saw Qin Zhige!

That extraordinary person. Play the zither and strum the strings, and the sound will come!

The sound of the piano is pleasant, but it can also kill people.

No piano, no more fighting, have you forgotten?

The sound of the piano plays together, in the ups and downs of the exquisite boat. In the turbulent river. Sweep away all the zombies in sight!

The zombie king also roared in pain!


Dai Li's pale little face was a little stunned...but he immediately made a very smart decision!

She turned around and suddenly grabbed Yu Ji. Fly towards Qin Zhige below!

Damn it, this guy is the boss! You have to hug his thigh properly!

But the Zombie King is hot on his heels! When Emperor Ming and others couldn't believe it, he faced their attacks and grabbed Dai Li who was flying downwards!

It seems that he will not give up until he catches her!

Are you crazy? Why on earth did this zombie king pursue Junzi Li so hard? Almost everyone present was in disbelief. Of course, there were quite a few people who were overjoyed!

OK, great! Let this damn guy become the zombie king's meal!

"evil creature!"

At the same time, Emperor Ming slashed his sword from the sky!

"I'm blind, I won't let you go!" And Gong Zangxue fired three arrows at the same time!

Put your palms together to form a seal!

Yueshan took a picture of a huge mountain seal!

Changyi sacrificed a flying sword...


These masters take action one by one, king level, king level, emperor level...

You can't tell who's attacking, you just know that any one of them is enough to crush them to death!

And they are joining forces to besiege this zombie king, but this zombie king... is targeting Jun Zili!

--How bad is this guy's character!

Ming Jian and others came from over there to kill, so many people joined forces to attack!

How strong does that have to be?

Boom... A powerful attack came down from above, crushing the Zombie King, Dai Li and Yu Ji as well!

The light roared behind them!

The Zombie King, Daili and Qin Zhige, this is a straight line and Daili is a point. Can she rush to Qin Zhige?

As soon as Qin Zhige, who was playing the piano, looked up, he could see the person rushing down from the sky. Behind her, the light was blooming, and her eyes were bright.

Behind him is the zombie king very close at hand...

His hand is about to grab Dai Li!

Qin Zhige frowned.

The long and beautiful fingers touched the strings, and the wrist flicked!

The accent suddenly came out, and the sound of killing turned into skeleton generals wielding crazy swords and shooting into the sky...

But when the Skeleton General came to Dai Li, Dai Li had already felt the zombie king's outstretched hand behind him. Yu Ji heard Dai Li sigh...

Then before he could react, he was suddenly thrown away!

What is she going to do!

Yu Ji was thrown downwards by the huge force. She only saw the defeated Dai Li above her and the Zombie King very close behind her...

If one breath is frozen, breathing becomes a luxury.

Yu Ji didn't breathe. She just pulled out the stiff thorn in her abdomen without moving her eyebrows. Her face was pale with blood. His fingers made a mark on the stiff thorn. The mark made Yuan Yi, Emperor Ming and others look startled!

This is a stiff technique! ? But it is extremely ancient, how could Yu Ji know this kind of freezing technique!


The stiff thorn was thrown up from below by her~~

The attacks from Gong Zangxue and these people were unable to break through the defense. So what if Yu Ji attacks like this!

The stiff thorn emits a dazzling light! It’s like a Sanskrit chant!

Stab the zombie king between his eyebrows!

Half empty.

If time stood still, everyone could see such a scene.

The Skeleton General's knife slashed at the Zombie King, but the Zombie King's hand had already grabbed Dai Li's shoulder, and his fangs were about to pierce her shoulder. Below, Yu Ji was thrown down...her hand kept being thrown out. Stiff stabbing action.

That stiff thorn...has reached the center of the Zombie King's eyebrows...

behind. Emperor Ming is holding a knife. Jump and chop!

But Gong Zangxue and Luanyi have already rushed to the head of the zombie queen!

Not far away, Xiangxi Palace had a white face and folded hands. The boundless bright golden light spreads out...

Qin Zhige hooked his fingertips, and one of the strings was broken!

Absolute sound!

That is a light from the sky!

Stronger than Emperor Ming's attack!

In one place, Wang Junsheng and Liu Zongyuan were very surprised.

This Qin Zhige is actually better than Emperor Ming...

"Ha, as expected!" Liu Hongxiu sneered.

Of course, that was a moment of solidification. After the solidification melted, it was a broken picture!

The stiff thorn seems to be very powerful. He turned his head and avoided the stiff thorn, so that he could not bite Dai Li's neck, but it also made Dai Li immediately realize that the zombie king was afraid of the stiff thorn, so...

Dai Li raised his arm and sucked in his palm. The stiff thorn was caught in the palm of her hand!

"Suck my blood. Let you suck it!" She turned around without caring about her body being penetrated by the tips of her nails. The flesh and blood were pulled out by the claws, and the zombie king was stabbed into the zombie king's heart by her!

puff! !

The stiff thorn penetrated...

Light, cracked!


The zombie king was furious, roared, and slapped away...

Slap Daili on the chest!

Flesh and blood burst!


Shot directly into the surging river....

Water splashes high...

There is blood...

The seriously injured Yu Ji grabbed the railing and looked at the dizzy person on the water without hesitation at all...

Jump right into the water!



In an instant, Gong Zangxue and others violently attacked like crazy!

It was also at that time...

The blood flow above the mountain gorge finally moved and rolled!


The water in the entire gorge was sucked up, along with the Linglong Boat...

It seemed like he was about to be dragged into that terrifying blood vortex!

"Transfer the formation!"

"Run away!!"

If they thought it was a zombie attack before, now almost everyone is sure that they were plotted!

Why are you trying to kill them all on purpose?

Some people shouted, some people were frightened!

The zombie king seemed to have gone crazy... The zombie thorn stabbed into his chest, and the lights on it were entangled... He pulled out the zombie thorn with force...

Roar and kill anyone you see!

The combat power has simply reached the extreme!

People like Emperor Ming were no match at all. Yuanyi didn't fight at all, but quickly formed seals with his hands!

A huge formation covered him...

Without even looking at this person, Yuan Yi jumped into the water... Gong Zangxue was no exception!

Chu Xiuling and Ying Zheng also jumped into the water almost at the same time!

Crash, clatter, and several more jumping sounds...

Find her! Must find her!

"Are you crazy? They're all diving!"

"There are a lot of ghosts underwater, okay? They're crazy!"

Qin Mingyue was lying on the railing, looking at the figure disappearing under the water, gritting her teeth!


But at this moment, the Linglong Ship has been sucked up by the whirlpool!

Emperor Ming's expression changed drastically, "Jump off the ship quickly!!"

Those who thought Ming Jian and the others were crazy were now so frightened that they jumped off the ship!


The river water did not rise to the sky!

That was a disaster.

Nothing is spared.

No one escapes.

A quarter of an hour later.

Quietness returned to Ghost Crying Gorge.

There was no boat, no people, only the heads of ghost zombies emerged from the water that had lowered the water level. They found their coffins so quietly, climbed in, lay down, and let the coffin bearers, ghost zombies, and them carry them back to the mountain wall. .

It's like nothing happened.

They are still waiting here for thousands of years.

Waiting for the next wave of passengers.


"Cough cough cough!" Dai Li coughed violently and couldn't open her eyes, but she felt a slight friction and sting on her face, followed by a cold feeling. A hand was slowly wiping the left side of her face...

After a while, he helped her take off her robe... (To be continued) ()

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