A Queen

Chapter 920: Weird Island, Mortal!

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She didn’t know who it was, but it felt like it wasn’t someone she wasn’t familiar with, otherwise he wouldn’t have helped her deal with the wound. .

Dai Li was too weak at the moment, with only chaos and a little perception... When the wound was stimulated by clean water, he opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw tiny grains of sand in front of her, countless grains of sand, and a small crab majestically walking past her eyes...

Looking up, she saw an embarrassed Yu Ji.

In her hand she still held a small ball of silk handkerchief, stained with blood.

"You're awake~~I...I'll help you take care of your wounds."

It was Yu Ji. Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief, but if he looked carefully, Yu Ji's face was paler than that of her vampire family, and her abdomen was also black and red.

At this moment, Yu Ji was in an unbelievable state of embarrassment, and of course, so was she herself.

"Thank you." She breathed out casually and weakly. When she raised her upper body, she felt incredibly weak and her whole body was hot. Perhaps this was the weakest time in her life. She was so weak that she felt abnormal.

"Where is this?"

"I don't know. I originally found you underwater, but then I fainted, and the two of us arrived here, but it's very strange here~~ It seems that people are not accustomed to it." Yu Ji's voice was weak, and Dai Li knew it at a glance The other person is also sick.

Disease, this word actually exists in them.

“There’s something weird about this place”

Dai Li remembered that she was slapped into the water by the zombie king before. Although she was not weak, the zombie king could crush Emperor Ming after all. That palm almost scattered her bones and flesh, but her physique The biggest advantage is that the recovery power is terrible. You can recover as long as you take a breath. It is not an exaggeration to be weak at the moment, but...

"I seem to have a fever," Dai Li smiled bitterly. He looked at Yu Ji again. "You have a cold and your words have a nasal sound."

"No." Just as Yu Ji wanted to deny it, she sneezed. He suddenly felt embarrassed and his face turned red.

"You damn duck has such a tough mouth~~" Dai Li chuckled, but found a sharp pain in his chest. Damn it, I can't even smile now!

Look around,

This is an island. Very ancient island. I have never seen or heard of plants, but the island is huge.

Severely injured and weak. A strange island made the two people who usually controlled the wind and rain with their powerful strength feel a little uneasy and strange. However, Yu Ji seemed to miss something, and there was not much fear in her eyebrows, but more remembrance.

Daili considers all aspects. "Now we are both seriously injured and very weak. What's even more strange is that our physical resistance is also very weak. It must be caused by the environment... But I don't know if there are other creatures in this place, otherwise we will definitely not be opponents. ..”

The two of them wanted to take out the contents of the storage ring, but this was what troubled them the most.

The storage ring is no longer usable!

"I feel as if I suddenly became a mortal."

If it is said that the Linglong ship still has limited strength. Then here is where they are completely transformed into mortals.

cold. Fever, pain. Cold, hot, and...


The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.


It's really depressing.

Being weak but still hungry is not a good sign, otherwise their physical condition will be even worse.

"Don't worry, there is no perfect path, let alone with me here!"

"You?" Yu Ji glanced at her and turned away, "You'd better pull up your clothes quickly."

"..." What do you mean by being so disgusted? You didn't take off my clothes!

Dai Li rolled his eyes, pulled up his clothes, stood up from the beach with difficulty, and looked at the bright ocean and a golden beach.

very beautiful place.

Looking at it, Dai Li suddenly turned his head and said with joy: "Ha! Yu Ji, we are starving to death!"


When Yu Ji was wondering, she saw Dai Li running towards the beach... While running, he rolled up his sleeves and ran on the wet beach. Then he bent down and used his hands to Go dig the sand...

Digging sand?

Yu Ji walked over slowly, and happened to see Dai Li pull out a palm-sized crab from the sand. The guy was obviously very happy, and turned around and smiled at her: "Look, crab~~ We will never die of hunger. La!"

That smile seemed to be free of any impurities, so beautiful and clean that it could wash away all her fatigue and weakness.

Yu Ji smiled, but wondered: "Are you feeling better? Are you running so fast?"

"Uh?" Dai Li felt uncomfortable, "Hey, I don't have any strength...but I just have something to eat."

She endured the feverish headache and pressed the crabs to death on the sand~~ then threw them aside, "I'll find a few more, you go and have a rest!"

When Yu Ji was willing, she said she wanted to help, "How do you know there are crabs in the sand?"

"Look at these stomata, they are the breathing channels for crabs under the sand. When the water rises, if there are breathing bubbles, there must be crabs. Wait, I'll get two branches."

Dai Li immediately took two dead branches, and the two of them poked the sand with the branches, and soon found more than a dozen crabs before giving up.

However, both of them were extremely uncomfortable physically, but they were not too depressed mentally. Maybe it had something to do with their personalities.

Daili is a resolute person. After getting crabs, naturally he cannot eat them raw, otherwise what will happen if he has diarrhea!

So I found a bunch of dead branches and made a fire. The fire crackled, and it seemed that the whole world had become quiet.

At this moment, dusk is coming and dusk is passing.

The crabs were skewered on a branch and grilled. It turned out that Dai Li and the two of them were still wet, and they also felt cold and damp, which made their condition worse. Now that they were roasted by the fire, their bodies felt much better.

"I used to feel that the road in life was endless and it was difficult to be satisfied. Now it seems that the reason why it is difficult to be satisfied is just because I was not forced to a dead end." Dai Li said quietly, making Yu Ji think for a while, and then smiled softly, "When I was a child, My mother took me alone. At that time, I saw other children surrounded by their parents, and some even had three generations living under the same roof. I felt extremely sad. Occasionally, I would act mean and ask my mother why I didn’t have a father~~ Others We all have this question, but my mother never answered it much... Later, when she passed away, I realized that some things really cannot be forced."

Over time, the pain will turn into a scar. When you poke it, it won't hurt so much, but when you tear it open, it will hurt more than before.

Yu Ji didn't tear open her scar, she just poked it under Dai Li's nose.

When the crab was roasted, it made a beeping sound, the shell turned orange, and the aroma came with it. The firelight shone on Dai Li's face. After thinking for a moment, Dai Li asked: "Your mother is Chen Wu." Yin, then when I was in Qin..."

"That was my adoptive mother's murderous revenge," Yu Ji said slowly. "My mother took me all the way around, and later came to Nanlin. However, during that time, my health became very poor. She had to take me back to Fenchuan. I had no ability, so I had to live in Nanlin. Later, she became seriously ill and could not recover. After she left, a neighbor adopted me, and later I became a foster mother, and then..."

It was an ordinary and lonely life like that of a mortal. She was immersed in the pain of the death of her biological mother, and was carefully cared for by her adoptive mother. She was in a dilemma, until she grew up... her adoptive mother was killed, and her enemy was a noble of the Qin Dynasty. Her strength was basically Not enough, so I went to Fengmanlou...

She seemed to be in ups and downs all her life.

I haven’t cried for a long time.

"Sorry" Dai Li apologized and put down the three big grilled crabs and took out one. It was piping hot. She opened the shell and handed it to Yu Ji: "Although this thing doesn't have much meat, it smells pretty good. , let’s eat to fill our stomach first.”

Yu Ji did not refuse Dai Li's care, but just smiled: "Are you used to treating yourself as a boy... In fact, you are just a girl, so why do you always take on the responsibility of taking care of others..."

Dai Li also smiled: "Whether it is a responsibility or a right, it depends on whether you are willing to accept it. If a person has been exterminated and has no relatives in the world, and suddenly a relative pops up, do you think she will feel that it is important to take care of the other person? responsibility?"

you are not a fish, how to know the joy of fish.

Only those who have lost know the joy of regaining it, and only then do they know how to cherish it.

Yu Ji was silent for a while. She thought Dai Li was thinking of the Ye family, but she didn't know that Dai Li was the person who had been lost twice...

She felt the emptiness in her heart, but she couldn't empathize with it.

After a moment of silence, Yu Ji lowered her head and ate the crabs quietly. She said there was very little meat, but in fact it was quite a lot. Who would let the environment in this world be so good? Each crab was extremely plump and the meat was very tender, because then Due to their weak constitution, the two of them ate more than a dozen crabs without any regard for elegance in their postures. Speaking of which, the crab eater can eat elegantly. Do you think this is a French Michelin restaurant! (For Lun Yi, it would be possible for girls like Qianshan Muxue to change their generations... haha~~)

Well, actually, whether you are elegant or not depends on your face. If you are good-looking, eating shit is also a performance art. If you are not good-looking, if you sit on the throne of the Queen Mother, people will think you are a monkey who came to steal peaches!

After eating, I felt warm and energetic, and my fever and cold seemed to have faded a lot.

After eating, Dai Li sat for a while and felt much better, then stood up. Yu Ji looked at her with a puzzled look on her face.

"It's almost night, we have to find a place to sleep." Dai Li looked at the jungle. The scenery was beautiful, but as soon as night came, the beauty turned into something strange. For people like them who were new and extremely weak, the forest was It's really not a good place to go. Who knows if there are any savages or beasts in there...

"Just sleep on the beach, you bake for a while, and I'll go find something." Dai Li asked Yu Ji, and Yu Ji frowned: "I'll come with you..." (To be continued)

ps: Kawen Kawen Kawen, so depressing!

The latest chapter of a female emperor is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 920: Strange Island, Mortal! (No updates will be added today) The address is ()

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