A Queen

Chapter 921 Sickness and hunger

Dai Li immediately said: "Don't worry, I'm right where you can see me, and I won't abandon you~~ Even though you're not as good-looking as me~~"

Yu Ji: "..." This person has to say something heartbreaking after touching others!

It was like a big boy giving a sweet date to a little girl, showing a smile that was warmer than the sun. The wind blew through his hair, and the girl's face turned slightly red... The scene changed in a second, and he suddenly lifted the The girl's skirt! Shout, haha, you’ve been hit!

Is there any heartache?

It was because of this heartache that Yu Ji felt that her cold had worsened again.

Fortunately, Daili kept his word and never left her sight. He was running around, picking up branches, breaking tree trunks, and getting wood~~

Busy and busy, she never knew that this person was so out-of-the-box and active, nor did she expect that people like Lun Yi and Gong Zangxue, who would not fall behind when standing together, would be barefoot, with sleeves rolled up, carrying The wood was knocked on the sand~~

But such a person is more real than the elegant and noble image of the past, just like the warmth of the bonfire in front of him.

When Yu Ji's clothes were dry, she took off her shoes and ran to help. The two of them worked for several hours, and finally built a simple wooden house with a place to shelter from the wind and rain. While they were busy, , I was sweating, and I felt more energetic.

It's cold at the seaside, and it's also cold at night, but Dai Li has left a space in the house specifically for making a bonfire. After the fire is out, the charcoal temperature maintains the heat, so that the inside of the house won't be too cold.

The two of them fell asleep exhausted on the wooden board.

At the same time, islands, mortals, and weakness are not exclusive to two people. At this moment, other people are also encountering a dilemma on this island that makes them want to die.

To be honest, compared to Yu Ji, who suffered catastrophes in both lives and struggled alone, he followed Yu Ji, who had been wandering around since childhood. Others, such as Qin Mingyue and Hua Yushang, are not so adaptable.

Speaking of which, 90% of the people on the Linglong ship are the proud ones of heaven. They have been pampered since childhood. Even those who have been trained have already possessed strength that is different from ordinary people. Speaking of Fenzhou, there are some medium-sized group areas. The lowest standard for outing experience is after reaching the Nascent Soul stage. The Nascent Soul stage... haha, unless you encounter some enemy battle crisis at that time. I have never been treated badly in life.

Hungry, cold, sick...are they all nonsense?

People like Xiang Yunhong are extremely unfamiliar with this.

So when they woke up on this island... it didn't take long for all kinds of depression and grass and mud horses to come!

Hua Yushang felt very uncomfortable when she woke up, her whole body was numb and her body was cold. It seemed like it was difficult to breathe, but she could feel someone moving around her... Finally she saw the person, and when she saw the back, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Xiang Yunhong, who was studying how to drill wood to make fire, immediately turned around and said, "You're awake... Don't move yet. I'll make a fire to keep you warm."

Hua Yu Shang Bai noticed that Xiang Yunhong was only wearing a very thin undershirt. The coat...is on her.

"You..." Hua Yushang's heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what to say for a while, and was silent. Fire suddenly emerged from under Xiang Yunhong's hand!

"There's a fire!"

As soon as the bonfire came, the coldness of the two people could be driven away a lot, but Hua Yushang was obviously sick. After analyzing the environment and their own situation, they naturally knew that this slight illness was enough to kill them on this weird island. superior.

So Xiang Yunhong said with a calm expression: "Take off your clothes and dry them first."

This sentence made Hua Yushang look embarrassed. Xiang Yunhong seemed to react and immediately added: "Put on my clothes first..."

Xiang Yunhong is very similar to Dai Li in one point, that is, he can take the overbearing gentlemanly route and cannot be refused at all.

Out of trust in the other party, Hua Yushang didn't even coyly ask the other party not to look...

An atmospheric girl is atmospheric.

But she really didn't know that Xiang Yunhong, who had his back to her, heard the slight movement of his clothes falling to the ground behind him, and couldn't help but picture a picture in his mind... his face turned red!

Then came dressing... very quickly, because it was just a robe...

When Xiang Yunhong turned around, he saw the girl wearing his robe. Because the robe was loose and much bigger, she looked like a child wearing adult clothes, and her curves were hidden. ...But knowing that there is a vacuum inside the robe, Xiang Yunhong still feels terrified... (this adjective~~).

Hua Yushang felt that Xiang Yunhong's eyes were a little straight and dull, as if he was in a trance. She smiled at him, lowered her head, and gently tightened her robe. Her face was rosy under the firelight.

After the clothes were dried, they changed back into their own clothes. It was already late at night. They and Dai Li made different choices. They did not go on the beach, but chose a small cave on the edge of the jungle. Well, this shows that the two of them have better luck.


The moon was sparse, wild beasts were roaring in the jungle, and the bonfire was burning in the cave, which was warm. The two of them talked about this and discussed the situation at hand, but in the end they inevitably got sleepy.

Mortals, it is inevitable to eat, drink and sleep.

So I can only sleep.

But problems soon arose.

Xiang Yunhong has a cold!

Hua Yushang found it incredible that the strong Master Xiang could catch a cold. Hua Yushang felt very guilty at the same time. Xiang Yunhong must have given her the clothes before, and he must have been a little sick, but he didn't tell her, and then his condition got worse. ...

Hua Yushang looked at Xiang Yunhong, whose body was cold and breathing was difficult, and who seemed to have fainted. After hesitating for a while, he slowly lowered his body and hugged him.

The fragrant aroma, soft warmth, and faint scent made Xiang Yunhong feel as if he had entered a dream while in a coma.

Someone's words suddenly came to mind - it's useless for you to be polite all the time. When chasing someone, the ultimate goal is either to push them down or to be pushed down. If the other person doesn't want to do the former, then it's just a hooliganism. The latter requires you to show weakness...

It seems quite right~~

Unlike Xiang Yunhong who wanted to live and die, Jue Xuege completely wanted to die.

"Jue, I'm hungry."

"Take off your clothes for me"

"Get one in the house!"

"That fruit seems delicious. Climb up..."

"It's late at night, Mr. Lang, do you want to come and sleep~~ Ya, are you leaving? Don't worry, I seem to see someone... Jingjingyuan~"

In another place, a beauty in red with a long bow in her hand walked out of the water, wiped her face, wiped away the water, raised her eyes to look at a group of hungry wolves in front of her, and narrowed her eyes.

Two minutes later.

Wolf carcasses everywhere.

She frowned, how should I eat these things? (The difference is, others couldn't get food, but she got it easily, but she didn't know how to eat it~~ Um, how did she get the fire?).

There was another place where two people dressed in white looked at each other. One had an exquisite figure, half-smiling, as light as willow smoke, and the other was peerlessly elegant, full of a sense of noble asceticism.

Bai Jin: "I didn't expect that the two of us would end up together~~"

Famous sword: "..."

Ming Jian felt that this woman looked at her in a strange way.

If Daili were here, he would definitely go crazy - the male god is mine! Let him go! let me!

As for other places~~

A certain man in luxurious clothes, who could be called a wealthy man on the ship, was holding a big tree and looking at the burnt chicken wings in Xuan Qian's hand~~

Xiangxi Palace: "I think the top priority is to find someone, otherwise I'm afraid I will starve to death"

Xuanqian; "Miss, can you not be so disgusted~~"

Xiangxi Palace: "No".

After a pause, Xiangxi Palace frowned, "I wonder who that guy is with... Together, the bow hides blood? Famous sword? Qin Zhi Ge?"

Thinking of these people sitting there and enjoying the delicious food, Xiangxi Palace felt that it was urgent to find someone~~


It was also luck. There were no wild beasts or savages to attack her all night. When Yu Ji woke up in the morning, she was already refreshed. When she looked to the side, she saw that the person was gone, but the charcoal fire was still burning.

Naturally, someone has added fuel again.

When I walked out, I saw that the sky was so blue, the clouds were so white, and the beach was so beautiful, but there was no one on the ground.

Yu Ji suddenly panicked, not because she was alone, but because she was afraid that something would happen to Dai Li...

After just a few steps, I saw a person suddenly jump out of a tree at the edge of the forest!

Jumping down from the three-meter-high tree, although the movement is beautiful, it is obviously not that easy.

After all, we are mortals~~

It’s generational separation!

Yu Ji breathed a sigh of relief and took a closer look, only to see that this guy was dragging something in his hand.

A nest of eggs~~

So this guy just dug out a bird's nest?

Yu Ji twitched the corner of her mouth. Should she tell those people who regard Daili as an idol belief such a shocking thing?

Bird eggs are much more nutritious than crabs, and they taste delicious when grilled. However, while eating the eggs, Dai Li began to think about his options.

"This seems to be an isolated island. If we have no strength and no ship, it will be impossible to leave here. We don't know where this place is..."

Dai Li originally planned to say something to dismiss the scoundrel, but unexpectedly Yu Ji said it in a very calm and serious tone.

"I know where this place is"


"Do you know the thief Quinn?"

Yu Ji's rhetorical question made Dai Li think about it. After a while, she shook her head and said, "It seems that she has no impression of this person."

Yu Ji was stunned and gave Dai Li a weird look. Well, she didn't know that this guy's real soul came from the earth. His later local memories also came from a small transparent person from a small family in a small place. He was also a nerd. For some Celebrity biographies are very ignorant. (To be continued) ()

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