A Queen

Chapter 922: Quinn’s Treasure (Rao Yue and Shi Bi + 2)

"The thief Quinn is a peerless thief who is famous in both the north and the south, especially in the Fenchuan area. He has stolen many mansions of famous families, plundered treasures, and stolen a large number of tombs and ancient tombs in his life. He has accumulated a very terrifying wealth. These The wealth aroused the covetousness of some people, and also angered some of the people who had stolen it, which eventually led to a war against him. However, the final trigger was the legend that he obtained a treasure. No one knew what the treasure was. It is said that it can make a person's cultivation speed reach thousands of miles, and even a person with ordinary talents can be compared to a peerless monster. This is so tempting, and finally those people are so desperate that they unite to hunt down this Quinn, which was just three thousand years ago. That period was the most turbulent time in Fenchuan. The thief Quinn was hunted all over the world. He returned to his hometown of Fenchuan before he was seriously injured and was about to die. Legend has it that he left all his treasures in Fenchuan, but no one knew where he was. I don't know, I just heard that Quinn's last words were - if you want to get my treasure, then find my island. It is on the edge of Fenchuan... This can be regarded as telling everyone the treasure route, and the island has also been It was called Quinn Island, and then someone found the Chuanzhou Wall, which was almost close to Quinn Island, and the subsequent war began."

"A war?" Dai Li immediately thought about it, "You're not talking about the battle at the Chuanzhou Wall, are you? I thought it was a battle between good and evil..."

Hearing this, Yu Ji's smile showed a little contempt and sigh, "The so-called battle between good and evil should be described in detail as the battle between good and evil for the treasure. They fought inextricably to compete for Quinn's treasure, but of course the survivors cannot use this method. To explain history, it is to deduce that it was a battle between good and evil... Later, it was indeed a battle between good and evil. After all, the anger was unleashed, and good and evil were not coexisting... Later, a peerless strong man from Fenchuan native happened to return to Fenchuan, and he knew the reason Later, he became furious and took action to separate the good from the evil, sealing off Fenzhou. He also left a message."

"What words?" Before Dai Li, he didn't know that there was such an interesting story hidden in it, but he was very curious.

Yu Ji seemed to find it funny too, so she smiled and said, "He said...a bunch of shit-brained people. You can't even tell that Quinn wants to take revenge on you, and use this to make you dog-eat-dog, leaving no one behind. But this The island and the treasure are real. If you want it, then go through the Chuanzhou wall I set up... As for this island... Since you all claim to be strong and do not value the common people, then I will let you You all become mortals one by one, so that you can fight and snatch them away!"

Then the Chuanzhou Wall became a forbidden area, and later the unknown powerful man placed those who had fallen in the battle on the Ghost Crying Gorge. The original intention was to let the heroic souls of these people guard this place and warn those greedy treasure hunters... but it turned out that they were all turned into zombies~

"Sure enough, there is no mouse in this world that can't chew eggs. As long as you work hard, you can dig out the best corners..." Dai Li sneered, but after a while she stopped laughing.

"But this time the zombies obviously had collaborators and set up a poisonous plan to hit us all at once in Guwaixia Gorge. Is it just to kill us, or... or is Yanyu Chonglou the designer?"

Dai Li had many thoughts running through his mind, and then looked at the island behind him.

Look at Yu Ji again.

Yu Ji smiled faintly, "The reason why I know this island is Quinn Island is because my mother has a good status and knows some inside information. There are actually only two ways to enter Quinn Island. One is to go to Peach Blossom Spring, where there is an entrance. Enter, but the foundation of Peach Blossom Spring is too deep, and there are many powerful masters and hidden people gathered in Fenchuan. Even with ten times the number of people in our boat, we can't move to Peach Blossom Spring, and it is precisely those people in Peach Blossom Spring who have been serving the peerless powerful man for generations. The person is respected, and while he is living in seclusion, he is also protecting it. No one is allowed to enter that entrance.

I think it is also because of this that the people behind the scenes gave up starting from the Peach Blossom Spring. As for the second method, it is the method chosen by the other party... The peerless strong man also hopes that the treasure will not be buried, that is, he sets the rules to Entering Quinn Island, you can also use atmospheric luck to open the entrance to the vortex. If you think about the fact that we were attacked by those zombies before and the fight was fierce and blood flowed, the entrance would be opened..."

That’s right!

Dai Li touched his chin, "The people on the Linglong ship are basically all blessed with good luck, enough to meet the requirements of great luck. However, those zombies attacking us are definitely not the original intention of the peerless strong man, maybe because... .”

"Appetite from evil ways" Dai Li and Yu Ji said at the same time.

Yu Ji supported her chin with one hand and said softly: "I have observed before that in order to achieve all this design, Yanyu Chonglou may not be the mastermind of all, but there must be a traitor inside, and there is another group that is on the evil side. Maybe it's the Zombie King, and..." She frowned slightly, remembering something, and seemed a little hesitant.

"Do you suspect that there is a traitor among us guests? For example, your senior brother. I saw that he was by your side before, but then you were seriously injured for no reason. Was it him?" Dai Li said very straightforwardly. .

"Yes." Yu Ji nodded, "I was a little strange before, why he suddenly changed his attitude and came to me, and said he wanted to help. After that, there were more and more zombies around me, and I suddenly felt dizzy. , I was seriously injured by a zombie and flew out... I remember the frequency of the opponent's attack, which was the sound of the heart flute. Others could not hear it, but I felt it later... There were motives and conditions, and they were able to sneak attack on me. Only him..."

"This man is still thoughtful, but his brain is not that useful. Rather than saying that he is evil, it is better to say that he may have been taken advantage of..." Dai Li sneered when he thought of Fei Yukong and Liu Zongyuan.

Yuan Qi's information was somewhat useful, but she didn't expect that the other party had already killed Yu Ji before he attacked her.


Dai Li used a branch to pull the eggs out of the bonfire and chuckled: "But since we were taken to Quinn Island, there are still some benefits. We might have an adventure. I just don't know where the others were taken. ..."

"Let's go around. This island is so big, and everyone has become a mortal. It's not easy to find others." Yu Ji opened an eggshell, her expression suddenly froze, and she looked behind Dai Li...

Without saying anything, Daili smiled to himself...

But suddenly he took out a fire stick from the bonfire! The flames burned, and when I looked forward, the tall and majestic blue-haired wolf took a step back.

"Ha, he is the first person on this island to welcome us~~" Dai Li asked Yu Ji to hide behind her, while swaying the torch in his hand, he smiled at the big wolf, "No, it should be said that it is a Dog~~”

This wolf is very strong and powerful, at least for them now, it is very powerful. However, Dai Li showed relaxation and contempt. Yu Ji knew that Dai Li was comforting her, but she was also protecting her. In front of her, it can be seen that the threat of this wolf is not small.

Dai Li actually still has Qianji on his waist. Yesterday he was too weak to use the sword. Now...

His right hand was hooked on the hilt of the sword, staring at the wolf in front of him. The wolf was as tall as Dai Li's waist, and its head was twice the size of Dai Li's. The wolf's claws were grabbing the sand, its mouth was growling, and its eyes were fierce as it approached step by step.

Dai Li and Yu Ji are also slowly retreating...

Both of them are more or less experienced in combat, beyond the comparison of ordinary people, so both of them can lock in the murderous intention of this wolf...

"Roar!" The blue wolf suddenly roared and jumped from the spot!

Fast and ruthless!

Blue hair flutters, sharp teeth shine, and a sharp sword is unsheathed.

Yu Ji felt a flash of light before her eyes, a flash of blood...


The blue wolf fell to the ground, his limbs staggered, and a large amount of blood flowed out of his abdomen. His eyes were still fierce, but there was also some fear. Dai Li stood not far away holding the sword, with blood flowing on the blade.

The moment of looking at each other!

Blue Wolf suddenly turned its head and pounced on Yu Ji...

Although Yu Ji's physique is not comparable to that of Dai Li, it is not made of tofu. She immediately...

According to this angle, she can avoid frontal attacks, but some flesh and blood will definitely be torn apart by the wolf claws~~

But Daili has already thrown away thousands of opportunities...


A sword penetrated the blue wolf's head~~


The blue wolf fell to the ground, his head was penetrated by Qian Ji, his body twitched twice, and he died.

Dai Li quickly stepped forward, "We must leave here quickly... Wolves are creatures that hold grudges and live in groups. It is very likely that other wolves will come looking for them soon."


However, Dai Li did not leave directly. She held Qianji and quickly pulled off the wolf skin, letting Yu Ji float it in the water to wash away the blood. Because the wolf skin was too big, she just removed the wolf skin. It was directly used as a package. I cut up the wolf leg meat, wrapped it in wolf skin, and put it on my back. It looked like a furry backpack.

Everything was completed in just a few minutes. The two quickly left the beach and entered the dense forest. Half an hour after they left, hundreds of wolves gathered on the beach!

The jungle is much more dangerous than the beach. Daili's resilience is comparable to that of Yu Ji, and his sensitivity is much stronger. He shuttled through the forest and avoided some terrifying unknown creatures. After running for a while, he felt that there was nothing behind him. When they were eating, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and stopped. Dai Li patted the wolf skin behind him with his hand and said with a smile: "You have to eat this thing as soon as possible, otherwise the smell of blood will attract those wolves~~"

Yu Ji looked at her, her eyes seemed a little wandering, and she said slowly: "I think wolves are not our only enemies."


"What would you think if I said you had an eye behind you that was bigger than yours?"

Dai Li didn't have to look back, but he felt the strange hot breath behind him, which was a little hot and smelly.

Two eyes stared straight at her, one bigger than her head. (To be continued)

ps: This is a treasure dungeon, there will be big treasures~~~Haha~~~ I will add an update today, but I would like to inform you that the Chinese New Year is coming next month, so there will be two updates of one girl and one update of the royal treasure, because I want to have some spare time. It's time to take a rest. Please forgive me if you are not used to it. I update more than once a day, which is actually very tiring~~ ()

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