A Queen

Chapter 928: Treasure hunt, come!

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With a sneer, Baili Fengxue stabbed the dagger in his hand into the neck of a vicious wolf~~

Hot blood was flowing out of my palms, but more and more hungry wolves were rushing towards me...

He saw a sword and a person, dressed in white, Sheng Xue.


Wow~~The killing started, the big tree shook, and hundreds of birds were frightened!

Rattling noise.

Yan Qi covered his abdomen and looked at the person approaching him... blood was flowing out in large amounts... and severe pain hit him.

"Splitting Cloud's?"

"Haha, Miss Yan is so knowledgeable."

"I didn't expect that Liyun also intervened in this Linglong meeting."

"You are wrong. From the beginning... this was not the Linglong Society."

"Really~~ It seems that your partner in Splitting Cloud is very sincere and allows you to intervene and... wants to kill me."

"Don't worry, we're not just going to kill you~~ although your head is quite valuable~~"


Yan Qi said no more because her vision was getting blurry.

The cold dagger had already reached between her eyebrows...it was cold.

There are leaves flying overhead... it's misty, blending with the white clouds and blue sky, like ripples on the water.

She couldn't see clearly.

I can only sigh....

After a moment, Yan Qi opened his eyes and looked at the killer who had been stepped on the ground. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him.

His expression was a bit astonished.

"It seems that you are shocked~~Hehe~~But you'd better forget about this~~There is no split cloud, no killer, and no me, do you understand~~"


The man easily picked up the knocked out Cloud Splitting Killer and disappeared without a trace.

But I left behind a packet of medicinal powder.

Yan Qi had difficulty picking up the packet of medicinal powder and sprinkled it on his abdomen. The severe pain made her body twitch, but she could only smile bitterly.

"Split Cloud, Demonic Palace. Misty Rain Tower, Wanbaozhai, Fenchuan..."

Sure enough, as their gangster King Yan said, this Linglong Meeting is... very complicated~

In the mountain forest about 10,000 meters away from Yanqi, Xiao Xiaoxiao and Fat Master were lying on the slope, watching the black shadows passing by in front of them...

His breathing was dead.

But where are these shadows going? Seems to be....

These dark shadows represent a death crisis. But it also means where they are going. It must be a place of hope!

What hope?

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster! Go and have a look!"

"There seems to be a grotto over there. Is there something fishy there?"

"Such a weird and isolated island, could it be that the person behind the scenes did it..."

A person of great luck. Great geniuses, except for rough guys like Baili Fengjiang, most of them are people with explosive IQs. They can easily analyze the tricks of Guiwei Gorge in the past, and others can naturally do the same. In this case, it is suspicious. If you are suspicious, you will naturally need to resolve your doubts.

Even people who think more and have more knowledge have already associated this isolated island as a place of treasure.

Especially the local people in Fenchuan, each one knows better than the other, so...

There are already many people walking through the grotto forest at this moment, of course. Not everyone can carry plug-ins like Dai Li and the other group of people. So they can only take other measures...

for example...

"This trace finder is really useful! It's not in vain that I spent ten spirit crystals to buy this thing!"

"Wow, this smell seems to belong to...that person named Jun! Ha. This guy has always been awesome, so be prepared to follow her!"

Dog noses, dog eyes, and other magical powers don’t be too powerful!

Of course, not to mention some people who rely on real skills.

Outside the grotto forest, there is a large group of people at the moment. This group of people is extremely large. People like Emperor Ming Yue Shan are among them. It is also luck. They stayed in the Linglong Ship and were not separated. There are many people and strength, plus the Linglong Ship itself. There are many things, so their lives are much more miserable than those of Daili!

But right now, they encountered a problem.

How the hell do we get around this grotto forest?

Yuli glanced at him and said to the group behind him: "There are three roads, which one do you want to take?"

"...Which way can reach the destination? Of course this is the way to go!"

“All three are fine”


Why doesn't there seem to be a way for them!

A young lady from an aristocratic family who admired Yuli very much asked: "Master Yuli, your attainments in formations are really amazing!"

"It's nothing, I just learned it."

"I'm also a student of formation. I don't know how I can learn to be like Lord Yuli..."

"It's very simple, just read more books"


When a top student meets a god of science, the dialogue is actually quite hurtful.


In the Mushroom Treasure Palace, the 37th secret room~~

Dai Li picked up the four pulse sealing signs placed in the red box in front of him.

After taking one look, he quickly put it in his arms and smiled slyly at Yu Ji: "Why don't you ask what kind of spiritual vein it is?"

"Do not ask"

"Just ask."


“I won’t tell you, you guess!


Yu Ji looked at Dai Li quietly, her eyes...-Have you taken the medicine?

"Eh, it's so boring~~" Dai Li pursed his lips, spread out the four signs, and said happily: "They are four medium-sized attribute spiritual veins... It's a big deal~~"

Four medium-sized attribute spiritual veins!

Yu Ji was stunned, and then frowned. She was indeed extremely rich. You must know that her treatment in Yin Pavilion was not inferior to that of some distracting Yin Pavilion disciples, and she only had a medium-sized spiritual vein in half a year.

The income from such a secret room is equivalent to four years of her salary!

"What attributes?"

"Well, let's take a look. If it's not suitable for the two of us, we can only sell it. Anyway, we won't lose much."

The two looked closely and both smiled.

Yu Ji glanced at Dai Li and directly reached out to take the Wind Vein sign, "Ice, Thunder, Wind. Wood, I happen to be from the Wind system, so I want this."

Dai Li was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at her and said, "Yu Ji, you just walked in and your head was squeezed by the door?"


"Four brands, two for each person, but the value is not equal, then calculate according to the value... The thunder type is the most expensive. I want one thunder. I will give you the other three, Jiang Zi is about the same..."

Dai Li put the other two signs directly into Yu Ji's hands.

Yu Ji looked at her indifferently: "You and I need to be so clear about it?"

"....That's not what you're saying. Brothers are still settling accounts~~"

"The problem is that we are not brothers... not to mention you helped me avenge my great revenge. Isn't it worth these two spiritual veins?"

Just two spiritual veins... Those are two medium-sized spiritual veins, my dear, even a distraction master has to grab them!

Yu Ji stopped talking and directly took the Water Vein brand, and then placed the Ice Vein brand on the table.

"Two per person, it's even... it's your own business whether you take it or not."

After saying that, he turned around and left.


Dai Li rolled his eyes, why are girls so stubborn now? It's not cute at all!

But the division of spoils or something. You can't do it like this. Although Dai Li has a temperament that doesn't want to suffer, he still has to look at people. Even former enemies, as long as they don't turn against each other halfway, they have put in their own efforts. There is a cooperation agreement. She will also follow fair income and distribute according to work.

Not to mention friends.

So she thought about it. Said: "Let's do this. Next time we will take the loot first according to who needs it. If the other party doesn't need it, then put it away, sell the value in the future, and divide it equally!"

Hearing this, Yu Ji turned to look at her, half-smiling but not smiling, "As required?"


"What about the ice element?... If I remember correctly, both He Jieyu and Qianshan Muxue can use it."


Suddenly I felt like it hurt to shoot myself in the foot~~

However, before opening the cave door, both of them were a little wary, because Dai Li felt that Fei Yukong would not give up so easily, so he would probably stay outside the door, or... find help!

"I don't know if they will meet some bad friends by chance, or if the sword has been bribed~~"

Dai Li thought this way, while pressing the button, the cave door opened. The two people who were prepared only felt... empty and desolate.

--Well, there's not even one person?

Both of them were very suspicious. They walked out and looked around, but saw no one.

"That's so evil. That guy is willing to give up." Dai Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Ji. Neither Fei Yukong, who hated him deeply, nor Zhang Liujiang, who had just cut off a finger by him. It's time to move so neatly.

Those two people are so petty!

Even if he knew he was defeated, he would still engage in some evil ways to take revenge. How could he disappear like this?

"Unless..." Dai Li suddenly said...

Suddenly, there were fierce fighting sounds and shouts from the right side!

The others could not be heard clearly, but the two of them could hear one of them clearly!

"Nan Lin's bastards, you are awesome! We have to decide on this secret room!"


Not everyone can be regarded as a Nanlin person, at least there are only a few officially recognized Nanlin people on the Linglong ship this time.

Ying Zheng, Jing Jingyuan, Chu Xiuling, Ming Jian, Lou Lan Ting, uh, and counting Yu Ji who is still under official certification, there are six people in total.

These six people were widely considered to be easy to bully at first, but as soon as they boarded the Linglong Ship, everyone knew that none of them were easy to mess with. However, currently in this special and weird island, anyone's advantage has been infinitely weakened. , brain power and physical strength occupy the main force here.

But the most advantageous thing is... the heads!

The more people there are, the more powerful it is!

For example, right now, Ying Zheng, Chu Xiuling, and Lou Lanting were surrounded by seven people.

Fei Yukong, Zhang Liujiang, Nuo Shanbei, Zhan Dao, there are four here, and the other three are two casual cultivators. They seem to be named Maple Leaf Swordsman, Zhang Xiao, and Lin Nan. These three people started with There is no conflict between the people in Nanlin. The reason why they are taking action now is just because Ying Zheng and the other three have obtained a treasure in a secret room. Haha, the treasure belongs to whoever takes it. You have to be able to defend it. Of course, The biggest mistake is that after you take the treasure, others know about it!

So...(To be continued)

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