A Queen

Chapter 929: I will bully you from Nanlin! (Rao Yue Xianpa + three)

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The seven people didn't need to negotiate at all. They had a tacit understanding and surrounded the three people.

For a mortal body, group fighting is a serious injury!

Ying Zheng and the others looked at the seven people in front of them silently. Fortunately, Chu Xiuling was a general with a fighting system, and he had a domineering body to protect his body. He looked down upon the seven people in front of him for being able to maintain their moral integrity.

But Ying Zheng...

Chu Xiuling looked at him sideways: "You look so embarrassed. It seems that your body has been damaged by the years of being an emperor! No, it seems that your health has not been much better since you were not an emperor!"

Ying Zheng glanced at him lightly: "You know my body so well, do you care about it?"

Chu Xiuling: "..." Is it really good for an emperor or something to have this style of painting? The original cold tyrant! This tone and words were clearly led by that woman~~

Lou Lanting chuckled, "Both of you, please... if you are injured, I will bandage it for you~~ There is no charge~"


However, Chu Xiuling and Ying Zheng also knew that this guy was a doctor and was not good at fighting, so they didn't count on him, so... the two of them took a step forward, feeling as if they were together in life and death!

"Haha, so brave!" Fei Yukong smiled softly, "One against two~~ Everyone, we can't be underestimated. If we can't even defeat these two, we will be in trouble in the future~~ "

Originally, others thought it was not good for seven of them to bully two people. When Fei Yukong said this, their first reaction was not to shrink back, but to ruthlessly repair these two people, so that the people of Nanlin were completely devastated. Only by gaining fame can they show off their strength. If they back down at this moment, they will offend people from several powerful forces. For casual cultivators, Nanlin and people from these aristocratic families. It’s actually a good choice!

As soon as he finished speaking, Fei Yukong had already taken a step forward, "Haha. Then let me throw some light on it."

Just reach out and punch!

The boxing style is there, the body and bones are healthy, and the face is okay~~

Well, in fact, this punch directly made Chu Xiuling laugh: "Throwing bricks to attract jade, it is indeed bricks!"

As soon as he took a step,

Lift your leg and it’s a kick!


Palm to foot strike together. Fei Yukong's palms felt numb and painful. But he is a very face-saving person, how could he shrink back and his eyes flashed. His body flew sideways, and on the other side, Nuo Shanbei had already drawn his sword! Zhang Liujiang played the piano!

The other three people were also domineering and rushed forward, sweeping with their swords and fighting with fists and kicks!

In fact, on this island, swordsmen and swordsmen are undoubtedly the most advantageous!

Because of the human body. With combat experience, swords, and sword skills, they become warriors!

Not to mention flying over the wall, at least he can barely return to the world of martial arts from the world of immortals. Unlike magicians, they directly turned into weak chickens one by one. Even the musicians are much better than them!

so. The three casual cultivators in front of them are still confident, and they will attack fiercely as soon as they come up. The blade is sharp!

Qiang~~Chu Xiuling's domineering power can be clearly seen even without a domineering body. I saw him making one round of his spear, and the spear tip swept across in front of him... He had attacked with swords, and stabbed with fists and kicks!

On the other side, the sword in Ying Zheng's hand was also flying!

The two of them were very aggressive in their attacks, without any hesitation. Just like their characters, they both showed their overlord side. In an instant, they were evenly matched with the seven others in terms of momentum!

This surprised some people watching the battle not far away.

Qin Mingyue was present and wanted to help Chu Xiuling before, but she only heard Chu Xiuling say: "This is a man's war!"

What else can I say~~ Qin Mingyue is a more orthodox woman at heart, so she watches tenderly from the side, although she is frightened, she still does not interfere.

This is the dignity of men.

However, Qin Mingyue suddenly thought of another person...

If it were that person, he would definitely not succumb. He would just roll his eyes, sneer, and then say: "A man weaker than me?"

In the end, he rushed in without saying anything and started a massacre~~ (Miss Qin, you really know your love rival~~).

Hua Yushang on the side glanced at her and sighed slightly. Qin Mingyue had never been aboveboard about Chu Xiuling's thoughts, but she also didn't deliberately hide them. Unlike many royal people, Qin Mingyue... was indeed gentle. Together with strength!

"Qin Mingyue... what a pity" Hua Yushang's emotion was very soft. Others would not hear it, but the people next to her could.

"If you think it's a pity, she may not be happy with it."

"If you know that the other person doesn't like her, why insist on it~~"

"If you don't stick to what you like, then what else in the world is worth sticking to?"

Hua Yushang turned around and looked at Xiang Yunhong with a strange expression, "Why do I feel that this is not what you said...since yesterday..." She stopped talking and turned around. , the expression became unnatural.

Xiang Yunhong looked at her deeply and said something that both of them could just hear.

"Yesterday? You were wrong. In fact, it was like this from the beginning."

Never changed.

Hua Yushang seemed to hear it, but then she thought she didn't. After thinking for a while, she suddenly heard a noise and looked up!

The people in Nanlin are terrible!

Chu Xiuling and Ying Zheng were suppressed to death! There was blood on his body soon!

Fei Yukong and others naturally became more ruthless in their attacks.

Xiang Yunhong felt that it was time for him to take action. The reason why he did not take action at first was because the other party had clearly identified the person who was looking for Nanlin. If others helped, the other party would naturally have more reasons to ridicule the Nanlin people.

"Being kept" doesn't sound good.

So he didn't take action, he just waited until these seven people were beaten too much, and then it was natural for him to take action.

Just when Xiang Yunhong was ready, he heard Lou Lanting call him: "Master Xiang, wait a minute."


Don't be slow! No matter how slow you go, your friend will be killed!

Xiang Yunhong just subconsciously paused after hearing the sound, and then continued to take action!

But it can't be shot faster than the other person.

To be specific, it is faster than a sword!


That sword, with its black light and red shadow, was like an arrow shot from a bow, with its strength. That sharp light!

Keng! ! !

The tip of the sword hit the knife that was slashing at Ying Zheng!

Just hit the blade!

Power, strong!

The face of Nuo Shanbei, the man with the sword, changed instantly, and the sword in his hand couldn't help but take off...

And that sword. Bounce up and spin!


The hilt of the sword fell into one hand, the sword flower was rolled up, and it was left at the side. The tip of the sword dragged the ground, and the man in black walked over. There was also an elegant, beautiful and graceful beauty beside her.

"Are you guys fighting in a group?"

“The number of people is not equal~~”

The tip of the sword scratched the stone slab. That grinding sound is a bit creepy, okay. In fact, it was this man's faint smile that made people feel heartbroken.

Even though Mao Mao has become a mortal, the terrifying aura on this guy is still so obvious!

Fei Yukong naturally saw Dai Li and smiled softly: "It's Mr. Jun. It seems that you have come out of the 37th secret room~~ You have captured the treasures of two secret rooms in a row. You are indeed extraordinary!"

As soon as these words were said, no less than two figures of people present tightened their breaths, and their eyes were full of hostility!

Subconsciously, I wanted to surround the golden pig in front of me.

But when someone glances at him...that glance definitely has the ability to kill people in a group. It immediately alerted everyone.

"I'm surprised too~~ When I just came out of the cave, I was thinking that the three of you would have the guts to round me up, but in the end they all ran away~~ Did you come here to fight~~"


three people?

Many people had seen that Zhan Dao and Fei Yukong were together, that is, these three people teamed up to foresee Dai Li and Yu Ji, but they still gave up on rounding him up and turned to trouble Nanlin and the others. ?

It's not a joke. Just weigh the pros and cons. I felt that Daili was not easy to deal with, so...

This proves that this guy is even a mortal. It also possesses terrifying fighting power!

However, as soon as they met each other, there were many people who were ready to make a move and all of them couldn't help but shrink back.

Are you kidding me? Everyone on this island is a mortal. When fighting, they can punch hard to the point of physical pain. The pain will simply make them want to die, so they have to be careful when fighting.

You have to be even more cautious when it comes to group fights!

However, those who retreated were relatively weak and timid, and those who remained were very strong and hostile.

For example, those powerful casual cultivators originally worked their way up from the bottom. They have the best knowledge of treasures and so on, so they are naturally not afraid of being replaced. However, whether they can take action or not is a question... The one who takes action must always be the first. Those who are held grudges should not blame everyone. If everyone works together, then everything will be fine.

However, Dai Li didn't seem to care about them. She had already walked to the outskirts of the nine-person battle and chuckled: "To be honest, group fights are my favorite~~"

These words seemed to be provocation and contempt for the seven Feiyu Kong people!

Fei Yukong was a little afraid of Dai Li, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he smiled: "Actually, I'm very curious~ Mr. Jun is not from Nanlin, why do you keep defending Nanlin~!~! We also It’s just a battle with Nanlin, if Mr. Jun insists on taking action, we will have no choice but to do so!”

Although he secretly hates this guy, he has to admit that this guy's background is unknown, and with the protection of people like Gong Zangxue, if he offends him head-on, he may be in trouble, so...

You can only put Daili on the unreasonable side!

Only then will they have reason to take action~~

But just after Fei Yukong finished speaking these gentle words, he was faced with an afterimage, and following the afterimage came a very beautiful long leg!

Like a whip!


Put one foot in his abdomen...


Fei Yukong's whole body hit the wall like a cannonball. While moaning in severe pain, the others were shocked and angry!

grass! This gentleman is truly lawless (to be continued)

ps: I have been in a bad state these past few days~~The text is stuck, not smooth, I don’t know what to write all day~~But I still want to add an update today~~There is also a numerical error in the previous chapter, which is 1000, 500, 250 Well, at first I set 1,000 spirit crystals, but later I thought it was unreasonable, so I changed it to 500. The two people shared it to 250. I just missed it when I changed it. I checked it at the time and didn't notice it. It's my negligence, but it's not because I'm not good at math. Of course, my math wasn't taught by my physical education teacher... it was actually taught by my Chinese teacher~~

The latest chapter of A Female Royal Queen is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 929: I will bully you from Nanlin! (Rao Yue Xian Pa + 3) The address is

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