A Queen

Chapter 938 Split Cloud, Class B killer Rukawa!


Chu Xiuling immediately pulled out his sword and stepped back, but the killer stepped forward...

Qin Mingyue touched her waist and abdomen, and the soft sword swung around~~

"Strive fearlessly, huh!" The killer sneered and already attacked Qin Mingyue...

On the other side, Yu Ji wanted to play the xun, but was repeatedly interrupted. It seemed that the other party was very afraid of her xun sound, or he knew that her xun was powerful from the beginning, so he took precautions from the beginning!

This made Ying Zheng and others very helpless.

Are we really going to be tricked here today?

The blood became thicker and thicker because they suffered more and more injuries, and finally...

We can only be surrounded and killed here!

Ying Zheng's breathing was a little tight. During the fierce fight, he glanced at Chu Xiuling and Lou Lanting and saw the gestures of the famous sword...

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and suddenly said: "Do you still remember that she once said..."

“Ladies first, gentlemen aside”

What's the meaning? Qin Mingyue and Yu Ji were both surprised... and slightly uneasy, but they knew it soon!

Because Chu Xiuling and Lou Lanting had suddenly rushed forward, like a charge line, working together to open a gap in the containment!

"Yu Ji, get out!"

Yu Ji and Qin Mingyue had no time to react. Jing Jingyuan had already grasped the opportunity and trapped the two of them in the gap. However, she did not run out, but joined the three-person attack line...

The famous sword jumped up, the sword light was flying, and it seemed that the four of them formed an extremely reliable backing army...

"I want to escape, I'm dreaming!" The man in black waved his hand, and several more hidden weapons appeared in the hands of more than a dozen people.

swipe swipe 1

It's overwhelming. As it came, not to mention the four of them, even Qin Mingyue and the two of them also felt the sharp-edged Sha Ji.

--The top is quenched.

Poisoned on this island,

It's a dead end!

I'm afraid I'm really going to die!

At that moment, Ying Zheng and Chu Xiuling crossed their swords and spears and stepped forward!

The sword of the famous sword is pressed against the top, and the shadow of the sword is floating...

Jing Jingyuan clasped his hands.

Their expressions suddenly became strange. That expression made the man in black uneasy for a moment.

Also at this moment!

Bang bang bang bang!

A bullet. Two bullets, three bullets!

Shooting past the heads of killers like Split Cloud...

Bang bang bang!

There was a cold wind in the air.

Approaching the back!

The man in black became nervous and immediately turned sideways.

behind. The black shadow blasted by the strong wind was like a cheetah, popping stones one by one from the fingertips of its left and right fingers.

Each one looks like a ball of condensed arrows!

Biao, Biao, Biao, Biao, Biao, Biao!

brush! There was no pause in her step. Instead, the black robe flew freely, and his right hand hooked the long sword on his waist. The sword was unsheathed, and with the speed of running, the sword grazed the neck of a subordinate...


Blood flew up!

Too fast!

But split cloud is split cloud after all, and the others immediately reacted. Surround and kill!

A dozen of them surrounded and killed one!

But... in the end, the other party robbed him of the opportunity. Even if he reacted later, he had already been swept out of a large area. In the blink of an eye, she was in front of him.

So what kind of speed is that?

The man in black felt like he saw another famous sword.

Tricky. Very tricky!



As soon as he took a step, the sword in his right hand was as sharp as the wind, and the short sword in his left hand cut his throat!

The cross seals the throat!

That was the moment of cold light...

After a moment.

The man in black turned around again.

Nanlin's group had already rushed out of the cave.

The dust in the air is still slow.

The man in black lowered his head and glanced at the opposite side. There were several drops of blood spreading out from the dust.

"That person is Jun Zili?"

"Yes, Rukawa-sama"

"Haha, not bad~ No wonder the bounty is higher than the famous sword~~"

"Then can we chase him out now?"

"No, don't chase the poor bandits, they will have to come back sooner or later, ha~"


After Dai Li and others ran out of the mushroom space, what they saw was the white jagged grotto. Without stopping, they continued to run forward and stopped after running to an open space.

Lou Lanting has the professional sense of a doctor. He helped take care of everyone's injuries as soon as he stopped. Thanks to his professionalism, he studied the herbal medicines as soon as he arrived on the island. He also ground the medicinal powder along the way, which was easy to carry. At this moment, he Take it out and use it to help people effectively stop bleeding.

"As Yuan Xiao said, doctors are indeed extremely important," Chu Xiuling said with emotion.

In response to his compliment, Lou Lanting smiled and said, "You are wrong. Not all doctors are like me... You can try and see if other doctors have medicinal powders like mine."

Well, everyone can only laugh helplessly.

"Let's bandage her first." Ying Zheng refused Lou Lanting's help and looked at Dai Li. Only then did everyone notice that there was a ferocious bloody mouth on Dai Li's wrist. The flesh and blood were spread out. It was obviously the man in black from before. The sword was used.

"Haha, that person can actually hurt you. It seems really powerful." Lou Lanting stepped forward and looked at the injury, "It's cut into the bones, and he could almost cut off your hand."

"I guess he's a B-level killer, and his body should be at the distraction level..." Dai Li looked slightly solemn when he thought of the cross-throat seal he had just met, "That person is very powerful."

"It's so powerful. I just fought with him for a while, and I couldn't get the upper hand at all." Yu Ji remembered the previous scene and was still frightened. This is Liyun, an absolute killer organization.

Mingjian was standing on a stone with his sword in hand, looking at the mushroom building not far away.

"He didn't use all his strength... He seemed to want to capture me alive... But he didn't seem to hold back on you." This was what Ming Jian said to Dai Li.

Dai Li rolled his eyes, "You mean I'm more annoying?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

When you escape death once, you have to smile...

After you finish laughing, you have to get serious.

Before Daili, he had been going back and forth in the secret room. He had little idea of ​​what was going on outside, so he just asked a few people.

In fact, people like Ying Zheng didn't know what was going on at first. They accidentally saw the corpse. They originally thought that the person was killed due to lack of strength in the fight, so they didn't pay much attention to it. Later, more and more people died, and they realized that someone was assassinating... Later, they met a famous person. Sword and the others...

"The people who died were actually not weak. We observed that they were attacked and killed. I don't know how Liyun managed to attack and kill him so easily..."

"Disguise" Dai Li directly told everyone about Liyun pretending to be a guest of Linglong Ship and sneaking into them. And added: "I'm sure that our arrival on this island was their design. In this case, they must have made complete preparations. These Cloud Splitting Killers who mixed up with us at the beginning must be only part of them, and there must be others behind the scenes. Other moves...can catch us all in one fell swoop, and all the treasures belong to them."

"Even if we can't be killed, let's start now. We can't interfere with the secret room inside." Ying Zheng twisted his injured arm and looked at the mushroom building. "But it's not easy for them to get the treasure. Most of the secret rooms left behind are very difficult to break. They seem to be waiting for something when they stay in them."

Ying Zheng's words made Dai Li and Yu Ji feel moved, "Chen Gong's Secret Record"!

Those people must be looking for "Chen Gong's Secret Record". And they are so nervous about it that they are unwilling to let it fall into the hands of others, even if they can massacre everyone to find it, they are not willing to do so!

Then "Chen Gong's Secret Records" is so important?

Dai Li felt that the purpose of Gong Zangxue and these people's coming was also the "Chen Gong Secret Record". After all, these secret room treasures are even second-level. It doesn't seem to be very attractive to people with their background and strength.

The main one is "Chen Gong Mi Lu".

What the hell is that~~

Daili was very curious and wanted to possess it. Of course, who wouldn’t want a treasure~~

Everyone was resting at the moment, thinking about the next way out, should they give up the treasure, or...

Daili was undoubtedly their core, so everyone looked at her.

Touching his chin, Daili pondered for a while, then...clapped his hands!

"I know! What is the most important thing for us right now!"

"What?" Everyone tensed their attention.

"Have a meal"


Dai Li was not annoyed when he saw everyone's contemptuous looks. He just stood up, shook his robe, and hummed: "Don't tell me you're not hungry... We are all mortals now. Eating and sleeping are inevitable, especially eating. I I dare say you must be very tired now. If you can't replenish your energy, we will die directly without those people from Splitting Clouds looking for us."

This is indeed true. Even if everyone talks hard, they can't bear to feel empty.

Hunger is really a helpless state for them.

"Do we have to go back to the jungle to find food? Otherwise, there is nowhere to eat in this grotto forest..."

As soon as everyone felt melancholy, they heard Jing Jingyuan say: "Yes..."


"Will the mouse eat it?"

Following Jing Jingyuan's finger, everyone saw a little gray mouse crawling on the ground...


Yu Ji and Qin Mingyue jumped up from where they were as if there were springs in their butts! And scream!

After shouting, the mice were so scared that they ran around... Good guy, now I realized there were several mice!

Didi yo yo running around!

Yu Ji and the two jumped directly onto the stone as if they had stepped on a firecracker... and screams could not be heard.

And the most amazing thing is that Ying Zheng and the others were still in shock when they saw...

The man who had always killed and swept through thousands of armies grabbed a big rock next to him with lightning speed, and boom! It hit a mouse directly!



Three seconds later, Dai Li saw the stunned eyes of Ying Zheng and others.

She shook her brows, clapped her hands, and showed the demeanor of an expert standing tall: "It's just a mouse, what's there to be afraid of?"

Jing Jing glanced at her from a distance and said, "Really? Then could you please put that one on your foot..."


There is another person behind Mingjian.

Her sleeve was grabbed.

Everyone: "...."

Are you afraid or not? (To be continued)

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