A Queen

Chapter 939: This woman can actually be tricked!

Soon, they were sure that Dai Li was afraid of mice, especially small mice like this. (I remember it was mentioned earlier in the article, but I can’t remember clearly).

"It's okay for girls like Yu Ji to be afraid, but you are actually afraid of mice~~" Lou Lanting's words were unbelievable.

Dai Li stared at him, Damn it, I am also a good woman!

However, Ying Zheng and Chu Xiuling seemed to be very satisfied. It was good to be afraid of mice. This showed that she was still a girl~~

"Isn't it strange to be afraid of mice? Isn't it strange that some people are not afraid of mice?" Dai Li immediately looked at Jing Jingyuan and tried to pull her into the water...

Jing Jingyuan looked at her again and stood up: "Well, I'm not afraid, so I'll catch the mice... We'll eat the mice later."

"No!" three people shouted in unison.

Especially Mr. Jun~~~his voice was trembling~~

But it seems to be intentional~~ Ying Zheng, Chu Xiuling and Jing Jingyuan were determined to catch rats and eat them, especially Lou Lanting, who kept laughing and said that he also brought some plant spices with him to roast the rats. The meat couldn't be better...

Regarding the "sinister" intentions of these people, Daili could only endure it, and they had to go look for mice together... (In fact, I personally said that the author is also most afraid of mice, so afraid that he would occasionally see a black shadow running past on the ground. It’s a mouse, the kind that bounces.)

No, to be precise...it's a stone rat.

Fortunately, mice in this world basically don’t carry any bacteria. After all, this is a world with extraordinary spiritual energy, and the meat is full of spiritual energy. Maybe after removing the fur, everything will be fine~~

In fact, Dai Li thought that she might be able to find something else to eat to get rid of the stone rat, but like Qin Mingyue, she was disappointed in the end.

Half an hour later, Yu and Ji could only sit on the stone. Looking at Ying Zheng and the three men who finally showed off their meanness with gloomy expressions, they were so bloody that they pulled off a pile of stone rat fur...

Jingjing Yuan succeeded in scaring Dai Li, but he was satisfied. He set up a stove on the side and waited for Famous Sword and Dai Li to pick up the wood.

the other side.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would be reduced to the point where I can't even pick up wood... Speaking of Xiao Jianjian, aren't you afraid of mice?" Dai Li kicked the stones on the ground out of boredom.

"Not afraid"




Listen to this answer. It’s so classy! Dai Li felt that the other party was looking down on him, so he rolled his eyes and said, "Everyone has natural enemies. One day you will meet someone you are afraid of~~"

Well, maybe we have already met.

That butterfly dance...

Dai Li's voice stopped suddenly because Ming Jian suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. And leaned down.

"It's them!"

The two of them were lying on the pile of rocks, looking down they could see a place not far away. There were many people sitting there to rest, and they seemed to be injured.

There are people like Jue Xuege, and there are also those people, etc...

"It looks like they are all injured~~Lianyun didn't chase him out at all."

"Well, it seems they just want to drive us out of that place." Ming Jian frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Dai Li and lowered his voice: "It seems that the traces of Gong Zangxue's people are also a bit strange. I don't know where they are now."

Dai Li felt that there was something profound in this guy's eyes, and his heart trembled. Angrily, he had to tell Mingjian some of the previous things, such as "Chen Gong's Secret Records" and the things about Chang Ying and others.

She felt a little embarrassed, but it wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but that it was inappropriate to say it. After all, she and Yu Ji heard about it together, and she didn't know what happened...

But after she finished speaking, she only saw Ming Jian glance at her briefly and turn his face, "I just want to ask you if you know where they are. Why are you talking so much~~"

"..." Dai Li had a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, leaned his head over, and gritted his teeth; "Then why are you looking at me like that..."

"It's just a look. Is it that scary?" Ming Jian said lazily with a calm face: "You can do it with just one look. If you are caught, you will definitely not have to force a confession."

A proper letter~~

Dai Li: "..." Fuck!

The two of them were biting their tongues, and the conversations of the people below were also heard in their ears. It seemed that they were also wary of each other. After all, they belonged to different forces. In addition, the people from Liyun had hidden among them and assassinated many people. People, now that these people have escaped death, they are naturally full of vigilance...

"I think we need to check the survivors nearby... Otherwise, our group's strength will not be able to cope with the power of those people inside, so now it is best to find Hua Yushang and the others, and everyone can unite... " Dai Li suggested.

Mingjian: "Yeah"

Daili: "Then I'll find someone"

Mingjian: "Go ahead, I know you don't want to collect dry firewood..."

Daili: "Yes, yes~~"

Seeing Dai Li slipping away like a mouse, Mingjian lowered his head and slightly curled his mouth.

Just one look is enough? It seems that this trick will be used more in the future...

However, Mingjian is not worried about the comfort of Dai Li alone, because there is still some poisonous powder in Lou Lan Ting's body. Although it is not very useful for killing people, it is very effective for escaping. With Dai Li's own strength, even if When meeting a person like Chang Ying, he is not afraid of the danger of life and death.


After Dai Li slipped away, she searched around the mushroom building, carefully hiding her whereabouts. Because the grotto forest itself was full of stones, it was very easy to hide her body. Soon she saw some people who had escaped. But I didn't alert the other party, I just wrote down the identity and number of these people in my heart...

After about a quarter of an hour, she had walked through most of the circle, and she felt a little unsure: "Most of the people who can escape are very capable or smart people, but some smart and powerful people who didn't escape are not out of luck." , is someone who is related to Liyun."

Who didn't escape?

Yuan Qi, Chang Yi, Wang Junsheng, Liu Zongyuan, Liu Hongxiu, etc..

Leaving aside people like Liu Hongxiu, their strength and identity destined them not to be within the range that Daili could predict. However, the previous four people were originally the suspects of Daili, and now they are even more certain.

"Damn it, using us to come to this island is like crossing the river and burning the bridge. You also want to kill them all and enjoy the results. How can there be such a good thing~!"

But when she thought about the people inside who were able to break through the secret rooms and the many treasures without any obstacles, Dai Li's heart was on fire. It was okay for people below level three, but she had only broken three of them at level two!

And that first-level secret room!

Dai Li clenched her fists. These treasures cannot be given away for free. She has to think of a way...


Suddenly, a stone flew over. Dai Li, who was deep in thought, just came back to his senses. He turned his head to avoid the stone, thinking that he had been discovered. When he lowered his head, he saw a man emerging from the stone pit below. She was extremely shocked.

A group of people attack a person.

A group of men surrounded a woman.

The woman is very beautiful, extremely beautiful, with an excellent figure, a typical nine-headed figure, and is dressed in a red robe. She is both noble and sexy, domineering and majestic. She still straightens her back and has dark eyebrows despite being surrounded by seven or eight men. Apply lightly and lift the phoenix eyes lightly.

"I didn't expect you idiots to dare to pay attention to me." She raised the long bow in her hand.

The tone was sarcastic.

But under her sweeping gaze, the eight tall and strong men couldn't help but take a step back, their hearts trembling. This woman was...

"Gong Zangxue, you are already at the end of your strength, how can you still be so powerful!" A man took a step forward and sneered.

Gong Zangxue glanced at him and said calmly: "It's you, this male favorite, what's your name? Fei, what..."

Fei Yukong was extremely angry and seemed to be gnashing his teeth: "I really don't understand, you are obviously superior, why do you prefer that Jun Zili alone? She just relies on a little cleverness and luck to take advantage of her, like a clown. Characters, thank you for caring so much..."

"This is my business, none of your business!"

"You!" Fei Yukong glared, but immediately suppressed his anger and smiled very softly: "Oh, maybe some people are right, women just like duplicity, and they like the kind of man who sees nothing but is useless. ..Even if that man is flirting with women everywhere and doesn’t care about his verbal flirtations, hiding his blood behind his back, in fact you are just an ordinary woman..."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes, swept his eyes up and down Gong Zangxue's body, and licked his tongue: "Brothers, maybe we can taste the taste of the master of the high-ranking Demon Palace God Gong Palace today~~"

A few people who were still a little timid immediately subconsciously looked at Gong Zangxue's body. Otherwise, beauty can harm people. Men, sometimes when the lower body is working, the brain in the upper body is not working. These In people's minds, they think that even if they die under the peonies, they will be a ghost~~.

"You're right, Gong Zangxue, our man, can usually eat well... In the past, she looked at us like dogs, but she was very kind to Jun Zili. We want to see if she is okay under us later. How can you be so arrogant!"

"Yes! If I can enjoy her for once, my life will be worth it!"

"Let's do it quickly, I can't bear it anymore!"

Dai Li was originally shocked that these idiots dared to attack Gong Zangxue, but now he saw one of the well-dressed young men couldn't wait to grab the thing between his legs with his hand, showing Gong Zangxue was disgusting. His posture immediately made him scornful. Sure enough, the beauty on the outside is ruined, but they are all idiots who think on the third leg!

Gong Zangxue also saw it, his body was cold and cold, his whole body was exuding cold air, but his eyes became more and more contemptuous.

Bow raised....

Some people retreated in fear subconsciously, but Fei Yukong smiled: "Gong Zangxue, you only have one arrow now, so what if you have a bow~~ Besides... Even if you have arrows, it's useless, isn't it? Don’t you think there’s something wrong with your body?”

As soon as he said that, Gong Zangxue frowned.

Dai Li immediately saw Gong Zang's bloody body and staggered! (To be continued)

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