A Queen

Chapter 979: Gentleman belt, lady belt!

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Bai Shuang did not hold on to the famous sword, but looked at the other people: "Only Gong and Zhen, you lied, just know it well. After all, no one has any secrets, but it's not as good as the famous ones." Brother Jian, please confess~~ As for Bai Jin, you are honest, but it’s a pity that you have to wander around the world as always and don’t know what you want.”

Seeing a lot of things also shows that this person has no pursuits, his life is chaotic, and he is heartless...

"Well, that's pretty accurate!" Bai Jin admitted very frankly that medicine was just her interest, not her pursuit. Just like a genius with too much talent, being good at reading didn't mean she was happy with it. I feel bored, just for fun.

How apt! Dai Li muttered, and suddenly, Bao Zifeng asked Dai Li again: "Jun boy, you haven't said anything yet, what did you see... There is something about this jade at first glance. If you can see it clearly, for Your certainty of Tao is of great benefit. Most people here have already seen it, so don’t be secretive and make others look down on you."

I didn’t mean to cover it up, why are you talking so much?

"As an honest person like me, I have nothing to hide, unlike some people who have something shameful in their hearts..."

Gong Zangxue followed him with a faint glance.

"There must be some reason..." Dai Li quickly added, smiling freely and saying very gracefully: "I didn't see anything else, I just saw a face."

"Oh? That might be the one you love in your heart." Everyone was interested, because some people had seen the face or human form before, and without exception, they were the most important people in their hearts.

"I don't know whose face it is..."



The whole place was solemnly silent.

Many people who had just pricked up their ears and had their hearts pounding suddenly felt like they had been slapped in the face!

This man is indeed a man of ten thousand years of virtue!


"Ahem, you should go redeem the Linglong Pearls." Bai Shuang really doesn't want to talk to this Jun Zili anymore. It's so frustrating.

"I only have one.

What else can you exchange for?" Dai Li curled his lips and greeted the famous sword: "Famous sword, how many do you have? I’ll give this one to you.”

"Very few, no need" Ming Jian shook his head.

"What about you, Yu Ji?"

Yu Ji and the others shook their heads as they were not willing to take it. They did not perform well or well in the previous two levels, so they naturally had few exquisite pearls. There are more Yu Ji. But they don’t want it.

"Even one can be exchanged for something. Take a look and see if there is anything you like. I have the ones that are missing." Miss Yu Ji also planned to repay...

Emperor Ming held his forehead. This girl is really...

"You seem to have forgotten one thing," Emperor Ming reminded.

Everyone turned their heads and heard Emperor Ming say slowly: "There is still no result in the last test~~ The list of gentlemen, the list of ladies..."


"and this!"

"You're so big, it's our turn to be ranked high!"

Even so. Most people still showed great interest.

Emperor Ming smiled faintly and pointed his finger. Everyone present had two more ribbons in their hands, one sky blue and one light pink.

Even people from Peach Blossom Spring got two ribbons.

Yuan Xiao and others... also have it.

This makes people somewhat admire Emperor Ming's mind.

"Fairness prevails, according to the rules of the past. The blue belt represents a gentleman, and the pink belt represents a lady. Which one do you think is more suitable for a gentleman or a lady? Just bring the ribbon to the person."

Very simple rules.

Dai Li weighed the two straps in his hands, very directly. He threw his hands to both sides and threw the blue belt to Mingjian. Then the pink belt floated and fell into Duan Yi's hand.

"Look, I'm good to you. Just one thing. I didn't give it to the Qin Goddess, nor did I give it to Palace Master Zi and other beauties, but I gave it to you two... So you..." Dai Li smiled broadly, Reaching out to grab the straps in their hands...

"I understand," Ming Jian said calmly, then flicked the belt, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Shua!"

Two blue ribbons fell on Qin Zhige's piano. Qin Zhige looked up and saw Dai Li biting his fingers with a resentful expression.

That looks really...

The owner of Qingyuan Building couldn't help but laugh, "Boy, don't be wronged, here you go!" He threw out the gentleman's belt.

"It's just one, I'm still at a loss..." Dai Li pressed forward, staring straight at Qin Zhige...

Qin Zhige sighed softly and threw out the gentleman's belt, but it was not one belt, but many belts.

In the blink of an eye, Daili saw a total of six...

Why so many!

Haven't reacted yet...


Stripes of gentlemen shuttle through the air...


After a while, Bao Zifeng and others looked back and forth at those people who were mostly blue or pink.

"Wow, that weak boy is quite popular."

"Maybe he didn't know she was weak."

"The famous swordsman is also very powerful!"

By the way, there are definitely a lot of handsome men and uncles here. Nine out of ten are good-looking, but there are also an overwhelming three who are unbeatable.

The piano stops the sword, the sword is famous, and the gentleman is separated.

The first two are genuine male gods, they have been certified by both the official and the private sector. Needless to say, they are valuable. The latter one... is probably a top-notch copycat male god that has been repeated intermittently between certification and re-examination.

But it is undeniable that her charm is not small. Even Yuan Xiao smiled and gave her a gentleman's belt. In his words, it is... you do have a good face.

But when everyone saw it, a problem came.

"Why does she still have a lady's belt in her hand, and two more?"

"That's...what does this mean..."

Dai Li stared at the only two lady belts in his hand and raised his eyebrows at Yuan Qi in the crowd. This guy was really worried about the world being in chaos.

Emperor Ming was also a little embarrassed, "This lady will lead you... What do you think of Junzili? Do you want to give it to other girls..."

Gong Zangxue: "Whatever she can do for others, I think she can use it well herself."

Xiangxi Palace covered her mouth and laughed; "Actually, Mr. Jun is quite a lady as long as he doesn't move his hands or speak."

This is burying people.

"Okay, I'll give it." Dai Li agreed readily, but not to the one next to him. Instead, he quickly waved his hands towards Xiangxi Palace and Gong Zangxue.

Two belts were thrown one after another, and the two of them subconsciously picked it up. When they saw it, their faces turned green.

--A gentleman's belt.

"The two girls are truly heroic women. These two gentlemen's belts are given to you for free by me. Please don't thank me, don't be moved, don't be excited..."


Seeing that Xiangxi Palace was about to fight Dai Li again. Dai Li stroked the two pink belts tenderly.

"I think this lady's belt is actually pretty good. It's pretty, but the pink color is a bit boring. Why not use white?"


"Yes. The lady is leucorrhea~~How wonderful!"

Leucorrhea, leucorrhea, leucorrhea....

Bai Jin was silent. Was she too impure?

After a moment of silence, the whole place fell silent. It was cough, cough, cough, intensive coughing. Many people turned to look at the sky, or touched somewhere, each busy...

The female nuns, especially those with lots of pink ribbons in their hands, such as Yuan Yi, Zi Weiyang, Xiangxi Gong and others. That expression is so stiff.

Can you take back those gentleman belts you just gave away?


"Qin Zhi Ge has 150 beads, Famous Sword has 120 beads, and Junzi Li has 99 beads. These are your exquisite pearls, and they are all taken from one-third of Junzi's belt. So Junzi Li, you have 33 beads, Mingjian has 40 beads, and Qin Zhi 50 pieces”

In fact, the number of Junzili was originally supposed to be 120, but as for the white belt... it was abruptly cut down to 21, and they all went to the famous sword.

But Dai Li didn't seem to mind at all. Mingjian just glanced at her lightly. Do you think she couldn't see such an obvious intentional move?

Compared with the competition between gentlemen and male gods, the ladies list is more intense. The gap in the distribution of lady belts is not that big. The main reason is that there are too many goddesses. In the end, 90 lady belts in one group took the first place, and later Zi Weiyang 84 Tiao is second, Xi Zhixin is third, Yu Ji is fourth, Wen Zhiqiu is fifth, Hua Yushang, Yan Qi, Qin Mingyue and others are all on the list. Who makes them all take the intellectual and elegant route, touching people's hearts with their inner nature ...

People like Gong Zangxue, Xue Qiange and Xi Liuying are beautiful, but they are too dangerous or too cold, too strong, like a mandala, which does not meet the standards of gentleness and elegance of a lady, so they are not as good as the previous two people. As for Xiangxi Gong... Actually, as long as you don't speak to Jun Zili and don't touch her, it's fine.

After getting 33 exquisite beads, there were now 34. Dai Li suddenly felt that he was rich. Everyone gathered in front of the exquisite wall. When they looked closer, they realized that the exquisite wall was translucent. You could see that it was like fluid inside. There are many floating treasures sealed in the chalcedony, all kinds of stones, soul-sealing tablets, secret books of exercises, and magic weapons...

Strange and colorful.

"That's a mysterious stone! Pazuozhi, century-old grain vine, and Tianluo fruit."

"Gold level magic weapon Illusion True Thorn!"

"What kind of technique is that?"

"Damn it, there are also spiritual crystals bundled together, so there should be at least a thousand spiritual crystals in one bundle!"

"That's the big cloud elephant..."

Everyone is about to press their faces against the jade to see how long it is.

"Master Ming Emperor, I don't know how to redeem these treasures" the anxious person has already asked.

Emperor Ming smiled faintly, pointed to the holes on the jade wall, and said: "There are small holes in the exquisite wall. Just put your exquisite beads into the holes one by one. But you need to know the treasures inside." It's not for you to choose. How many exquisite beads you stuff in will be what value of treasure you get in exchange. But what kind of treasure it is depends on your luck, and also depends on whether your inner thoughts are pure or not. If you have a single-minded will, , the treasures exchanged will naturally be the treasures that are most suitable for you. If they are impure, they may be given to you that you cannot use at all."

"Of course, to ensure safety, you can divide your exquisite beads into several parts and put them in batches..."

Is it valuable to put it all in one go, or is it valuable to separate it?

This is a one-time choice equally divided between adventure and danger. (To be continued)


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