A Queen

Chapter 980 Murderous Stone

Everyone has their own considerations, but Daili is very determined. He directly said to Yu Ji and others: "My suggestion is to invest them all. They all have the same random probability. I would rather get high-value treasures that cannot be used. In the future, It is better to use it to sell high-value items than to exchange for a few low-level treasures."

Everyone had always been obedient to Dai Li, so they calmed down after hearing this, and all stepped forward to stuff their own exquisite beads. In fact, they didn't have many beads. If they were separated, they didn't know what kind of garbage they would get, so they might as well fight for it. Give it a try.

As for Dai Li and the famous sword, let alone stuffing exquisite beads one by one into them.

After stuffing them all in, Dai Li stared at the exquisite wall. After waiting for a while, the small hole suddenly turned into a big mouth and spit out an object.

Dai Li took it in his hand and found a stone, which was cold and chilled her heart as soon as she touched it.

The people next to me also sensed it.

"Seems murderous"

"What is it?"

"It seems that Junzi Li exchanged it. She has 34 exquisite stones. I don't know what they are..."

Everyone also saw it at this moment. It was an irregular pure black stone, the size of a palm, which was held by Dai Li in his hand.

It looks like a big piece of black coal.

"Murderous stone?"

"It's a murderous stone. I didn't expect that she would exchange it for a murderous stone!"

"I'm afraid that kid won't be able to use this murderous stone, but the murderous stone is extremely valuable. If it is sold, it will be enough for her to make a fortune."

"If there is no need to sell it, she will shout loudly, and there will be many Sword Lords, Sword Emperors, Sword Lords, and Sword Emperors to trade with her for other treasures..."

The people in Taohuayuan were surprised and exclaimed, but they also lamented that it was a pity that Dai Li could not use it this time.

The ____ does not work?

Mingjian and the others were overjoyed, while Emperor Ming and others were also astonished. They seemed to remember that this Junzili had been in the realm of killing before!

This murderous stone was like giving her timely help, and it was of great help in tempering her artistic conception!

The realm of killing is too powerful. If she makes a small step forward, it will be enough to make her strength improve a big step.

"But the murderous aura stone is an auxiliary gem. It takes time to slowly absorb the murderous aura. If it is a murderous aura essence stone, it will be of great help..."

"Come on. Even a hundred exquisite beads can't take off the murderous stone..."

Wealth should not be exposed. Dai Li immediately put away the murderous stone, but there were exclamations coming from the side.

Turning around to look, it turned out that the famous swordsman was holding a sword-qi stone in his hand. Others also obtained impressive treasures. For example, Xi Zhixin had sixty exquisite beads in his hand, and he also received an "Iron Coupon of the Alchemy Book", which I heard was a great thing. The eyes of Emperor Ming's people were all bright, and even Yuan Xiao showed a strong interest in her.

It's other people's business. Dai Li didn't pay much attention and went to ask Ying Zheng and others. Since there were relatively few Linglong Pearls, the treasures he got were naturally inferior to those of her and Ming Jian. But he didn't miss too much. They were all useful treasures, especially Yu Ji. Forty exquisite beads gave her a copy of "Xun Pu" with a very simple name. It looked very simple, but Yu Ji's face changed instantly after taking one look. Her eyes were full of joy or shock. Others thought she was happy because she had rarely obtained a usable sheet of music, but Dai Li felt otherwise.

Yu Ji suddenly sent a message: "Dai Li, this is my mother's"

"What!" Dai Li was stunned.

"That's right, it's my mother's handwriting on it. She also composed this score herself. I just don't know why it was exchanged from this exquisite wall."

Yu Ji was more excited than curious, but Dai Li thought more. First of all, this exquisite wall was made by a peerless expert. It was in Peach Blossom Spring. Peach Blossom Spring is connected to Quinn Island. The mortal formation on Quinn Island was also created by him. When combined together, it can be considered that the entire external framework was created by that peerless expert. The interior is divided into two parts, one part is Quinn Island and the other is Peach Blossom Spring. The map route and some secrets of Quinn Island are related to Yu Ji and her mother. related! Now, Taohuayuan’s signature exquisite wall is related to her mother.

By analogy, this means that Yu Ji’s mother is definitely related to this peerless expert!

Yu Ji was still happy at first, but when Dai Li suddenly heard this analysis, she suddenly understood. Then she took a deep breath and said, "I understand. If there is a chance in the future, I will start looking for some clues about my mother from this aspect."

Dai Li also understood Yu Ji, and knew that she couldn't let go of the cause of her mother's death, so he reminded her, but also warned her not to act rashly and ask for help, but he didn't know that their message was transmitted silently. Captured by the exquisite spirit not far away, the stone face showed a strange expression.

In a certain area, a voice floated slowly.

"You're really smart...but knowing too much is not a good thing..."


Many people here at Linglong Wall have obtained many treasures. After obtaining the treasures, few people leave. Why?

Afraid of being robbed!

Therefore, it is best to digest the treasure directly in this place, because it is forbidden to use hands here.

Dai Li also paid this attention, but these people are not old-fashioned enough to dig underground palaces or caves, otherwise the local strong men of Taohuayuan who put environmental protection first in nature can knock you to death with hoes!

At this time, the advantage of cultivating immortals comes!

One by one, they took out the formed cave magic weapons, some small houses, some big houses, some suspended houses, one after another.

"Hey, if I had known I would have gotten a magic weapon like this..." After Dai Li forcefully gave 250 spiritual crystals to Yu Ji, he definitely had the fewest spiritual crystals among everyone here.

Fortunately, she has a magic weapon cabin in Long Yi, so...

"Still not coming in?"

"Come on!"

Xiangxi Palace watched this guy skipping into the room, raised his eyebrows, and said to Zi Weiyang next to him: "Don't you think Lun Yi has a pet? As soon as she waved, the guy ran over. ...Do you have any moral integrity left?"

Thanks to their friendship for so many years, this is too...

That tone is so sour~~

"Xiang, I'll cook something, do you want to eat it or not?" Someone seemed to have called her.

"right away!!"

Zi Weiyang: "...."

When Zi Weiyang couldn't help complaining about people's appearance, she realized that Mr. Jun had a big plan.

Because she also called her name, then Ming Jian, Jing Jingyuan, Yu Ji, Ying Zheng and others were also called in.

Yuanyi did not refuse, or it could be said that this was a common idea between the two of them.

Soon others smelled a strange atmosphere...

Yuan Xiao looked at the small house from a distance and frowned slightly. They united so quickly? This Junzili is quite sensitive, but does she really think everyone is trustworthy?

Liu Hongxiu's eyes flickered, and people like Xue Qiange also had different expressions...

Some secrets about "Chen Gong's Secret Record" seem to be beginning to spread...

"It seems that she already knows and is on guard against you. If so, why don't you take action? Don't let her bite you back," Bai Jin said coolly.

Gong Zangxue chuckled, twisting a peach petal with his fingers, "You persuade me to do something to her, but you don't necessarily think so in your heart, you just think it's fun."

After a pause, Gong Zangxue's expression slowly dropped, and he looked at Bai Jin, "But you think I really don't want to attack her? Huh~he's here."

he came.

Then it would be difficult to start.

After a while, Gong Zangxue seemed to be still there and added something.

"He's here, then she should be here too..."


There were many people in the magic weapon hut, and Yuli was also there.

After Dai Li made a meal, he didn't eat much. He just sat on the chair and drank the soup quietly, while the others ate their own food.

The scene is actually very harmonious.

Well, it's mainly because a group of people have stayed at Quinn Island for a long time. Either they have some problems with hunger or they have problems with eating junk food. For example, this person from Xiangxi Palace only made no noise when eating. Dai Li's thorn, and his attitude is very friendly, so friendly that it makes people like Zi Weiyang feel a little nauseous.

While eating and drinking, Dai Li observed the people in front of him with deep eyes, occasionally making eye contact with those next to him, and the corner of his mouth curled up calmly.

The reason why people like Xiangxi Palace were called in was that they were believed to be trustworthy. Secondly, some of them must have obtained the scrolls. There are so many scrolls in "Chen Gong's Secret Record". , either there is only one truth, or there are many truths. No matter which one it is, those of them who get the scroll must need some cooperation...

Of course, people like Xiangxi Palace and Zi Weiyang still have some bodyguard functions.

After a while, after eating and drinking, these people also looked at the people around them, and finally looked at Dai Li.

It has to be said that this guy's style of making friends is still traceable, and he only looks for people with principles and good character.

However, some people are a little confused as to why Dai Li didn't call him Gong Zangxue and Bai Jin. After all, they had...

Well, there are indeed some unspeakable secrets between Dai Li and Na Gong Zangxue.

Zi Weiyang drank tea gently and smiled: "I wonder why Mr. Jun called us in?"

The reason why I didn't ask Rongyi was because I guessed what it was about, and it had nothing to do with Rongyi.

--Luan Yi never went to the treasure hiding place from beginning to end, so naturally he didn't get that thing.

Dai Li didn't care, he just took out a scroll and placed it on the table, "Of course it's for this thing!"

"Hey, you're so direct. You're not afraid of me killing people and cheating~!" Xiangxi Gong wiped his mouth, his eyes shining brightly.

Dai Li glanced at her, "I'm afraid that if you kill someone, you'll become a foodie."

You are a foodie, you know that?

Xiangxi Palace snorted coldly, "I know what you mean, it's just that you want to unite with those of us who have scrolls here..."

"Of course" Dai Li shrugged and glanced at everyone. "I don't know who here has obtained this thing, but obviously no one is willing to give it to others, although I haven't seen this thing... Yuan Xiao's group has a lot of background, even if they are afraid of it in Peach Blossom Spring , but once you leave the Peach Blossom Land...haha~~" (To be continued)

ps: I went hiking today and I just got home in the evening. There are no more updates, just two. There are still three more that are owed. I will pay for them in the next few days.


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