A Queen

Chapter 992

Listening to his rather arrogant and contemptuous words, Dai Li frowned, "Where is Caiqing?"

"Caiqing? Oh, you're talking about Shang Biejie, I didn't expect her to have a relationship with you... But don't worry, she is being well taken care of at the moment, you don't have to worry."

Feng Zijun greatly enjoyed the way the person he hated was restrained by him. Unfortunately, he didn't see any nervousness or submission on Dai Li's face, only a cold face, and his eyes were so deep that it was shocking.

He frowned and was about to give someone a blow...

Dai Li had already landed next to Yuan Yi, turned to look at the green cup in her hand, frowned, and didn't ask anything, just stared at her, and Nuan Yi looked at her.

The two people's eyes met, and then passed each other. They closed their eyes without letting go of the cup.

"Longyi, you have already promised, why don't you drink it! Otherwise..."

Otherwise what?

Where is Caiqing?

Daili was not sure, neither was Yuanyi, no one was sure, there seemed to be no trace of her on this ship.

This is the biggest threat to the two of them.

Feng Zijun still has some brains...

This move is a good one, otherwise how could one contain such a character like Ling Yi? It’s just...

Feng Junsheng shouted in the first second.

In the second second, she raised her eyebrows lightly and put the cup to her mouth.

At the third second, Dai Li raised his eyebrows, Lightning stretched out his hand, grabbed the cup, and threw it to the ground!

"Drink your sister!"

Sonorous shattering! The green liquid splashed... Dai Li rushed out quickly, Qian Ji raised up!

At that moment, Feng Junsheng's face turned serious and he stood up from the chair, as if he was ready. The first move is a killer move!

At the same time, Yuan Xiao waved his hand...

The spaceships shot down each figure in the sky, overwhelming the sky, killing them! And the muzzles of the cannons on those magic ships were fired one by one, and the light cannons were fired one by one!

Boom boom boom!

Explode violently towards the Ghost Crying Gorge!


coming! "

"Let's take action"


Emperor Ming and others all sacrificed their magic weapons and began to attack!

Flying sword, flying knife, magic light...

The owner of Qingyuan Building, Qin Zhige and Emperor Ming are the strongest. This kind of power exploded at this moment after Quinn Island was infinitely suppressed. That kind of effect is absolutely awesome!

Capture the thief first and capture the king first, and they all rush towards the exquisite ship!

Prepare to kill Yuan Xiao!

On the exquisite ship, Yuan Xiao, Chang Ying and others flew up...

There seems to be some gap in the number of strong people? No matter how many soldiers there are, it is useless. The strong ones are not enough!

Are these three posters going to gang up on Yuan Xiao?

Yuan Xiao's eyes flashed...

On the other side, a pair met the man in brown robe standing next to the cross.

Face to face, the man in brown robe frowned slightly: "Qinghuang has never heard of a person like you, who are you?"

Yuanyi did not answer directly. Instead, he replied: "I don't know your name either, this is normal."

But it sounds like there is a sense of indifference.

The man in brown robe lowered his eyes. He slowly held his palm, and the green swirling gas condensed in his palm.

His name, Zhou Tai, is somewhat famous among the Feng King clan, and even more so outside. Otherwise, he would not have been chosen as the only close guard for Feng Zijun, a direct descendant of a certain status. But this woman had such a tone.

"Those who tell lies never end well, just like that boy."

The implication is that Dai Li will definitely lose.


Is it unknown?


Feng Zijun's figure is wrapped with wisps of light green energy, which is Feng Zisu. He is the wind! And his physique is also a rare wind body, and he is a natural genius for practicing wind. And his wind element mysticism is also at the level of Dacheng. The wind vortex condensed in his palm at this moment has one more vortex than that of the brown-robed man. It is not because of his strength, but because of his technique.

Naturally, the skills practiced by direct descendants are much higher than those of retainers. Before Dai Li, I heard Bai Jin say on the road that most of the people in the Wind King clan are good at the wind system, and the secret skills within the clan are naturally also of the wind system. There are many techniques, among which the most powerful and famous one is "Wind King Ce".

This technique is practiced by all the people of the Wind King clan, but if you think that everyone learns the same thing, then you are too naive!

"Wind King Strategy" is divided into three king strategies, two king strategies, and one king strategy that has been diluted and changed. The difference is the condensed wind whirlpool. Don't underestimate this wind whirlpool. Wind is inherently impermanent. It is difficult to control, high-speed and sharp. It is already extremely difficult to condense it. If a vortex is to be formed, the difficulty can be imagined, but its attack is high!

If you think about a high-speed wind knife, the cutting force produced is very terrifying... it is much more powerful than a high-end magic knife.

Therefore, the Feng Wang Clan is famous in the world with the "Wind King's Policy". It can be said that one of the foundations of the Feng King Clan is this "Wind King's Policy".

Swish, brush, brush!

The twin wind whirlpools in Feng Zijun's hand formed twin wind knives in the blink of an eye, and he flicked his hand!


The two wind knives rotated, cutting Xiang Daili's neck in an instant!

It's so fast!

Ying Zheng and others were horrified to see it, as if Dai Li would have his neck chopped off in the blink of an eye~~~

Phew, turning sideways, Daili still felt a chill on his neck, and found that it was the invisible wind that had rubbed against his neck...

Well, there were no breaks, she just felt it.

It also proves that this guy's skin is too thick.

This is not good news. Feng Zijun frowned, flicked his fingers, and the flying swords suddenly cut back!

The most powerful attack in the world is speed. Fast speed means immortality. Fast speed means you can't block it. Fast speed is also an attack!

Feng Zijun's wind knife has reached a lethality of over 30,000 yuan. Originally, the Yuan Power he used was only 7,000 clouds. Such an increase is already extremely terrifying. After all, there is no dual-core plug-in for generation, and because of the speed, Because of this, these 30,000 pairs of swords are much more difficult to deal with than the Thousand Machines and One Sword.

"The speed is quite fast." Dai Li felt that the speed of these two swords was faster than what she had shown before. The wind element was indeed more difficult to deal with...

Moreover, Feng Zijun was extremely murderous towards her, and now his fists closed, and the speed of his two swords suddenly doubled!

During the round of telling, everyone seemed to hear something.

Fish playing in water?

No. It should be said that Pisces is playing in the water!

The pair of knives actually formed a pair of fishes, and when rotated, they turned into an extremely sharp Pisces Frisbee...


In the blink of an eye, it cuts through space, and the wind speeds up...


The water waves are cut!

It brought many peach blossoms in the water.

"You are not the only one who is fast," Dai Li suddenly said.


Everyone suddenly felt that there seemed to be an extra energy in her body. No, it should be said that the energy was aggravated.

Dragon spirit?


I only saw a flash of her figure...

Fly towards the flying disc with two swords...

Face those swords?

Is she crazy?

"I don't know whether to live or die," Feng Zijun sneered.

"It doesn't look that stupid." Dao Tuo frowned. Does she have any backup plans?

"What do you want to do?" Yuan Qi chuckled.

At the moment of impending collision!

Ang~~ I seem to hear the roar of a dragon!



The blue sky, white clouds and water waves rise, and the two knives rotate like a Frisbee. Like jade beads... a flash of blood. The dragon's claws are coming, the dragon's bones are handsome, and the dragon's tail is swinging!

A dragon is coming!


"Is it a dragon?"

"That is?"

It's just a moment's shadow. In an instant, the pair of knives passed by each other, but the poster and others could see that the dragon's claws were caught on the Pisces Frisbee!

Bloodline pulling force, swallowing and sacrificing!

The eyes of a moment are opened. The shadow of an instant! The shadow of double pupils!

The bloodline colossus stepped up and down with its legs! trample!

boom! ! !

The shadow of a moment. It's speed, blood trampling, and power!

An explosion of power and speed!

Dual realm plus five dragon claws, plus dual core...

What was that scene like?

Poof! ! ! The Pisces Frisbee is broken!


Feng Zijun's chest suddenly dented. A mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth...

It was just one move, but he was actually knocked out by this gentleman in just one move... after he launched the strongest attack...

"No!" Zhou Tai's body flashed and he was about to fly towards his master! He frowned and raised his eyebrows. Dharma Seal Rises!

Chu Xiuling and others who happened to see this seal were stunned when they saw it. this is not...


At this moment, Dai Li had already grabbed Feng Zijun with one claw. Naturally, she would not kill this guy directly. After all, she still had to ask Shang Bieliang where she was going. However, Zhou Tai did not dare to take the risk, so he shouted angrily from a distance!

"Jun Zili, how dare you!"

The meaning of this shout is equivalent to the police shouting from a distance when they are chasing a criminal, stop, don't run!

Then they ran away quickly!

If you don't run away, it's a disease of the snake spirit, isn't it?

So if you don’t catch this guy, it’s a snake spirit, okay?

Dai Li quickly got a black tiger to take out his heart...

Zhou Tai was too late because Yuanyi blocked him!

So, who can save Feng Zijun?

When Feng Zijun was seriously injured, he already felt his chest being grabbed by the other party, and the severe pain came...

Peng! ! !

Suddenly, the palm holding him disappeared! Because Daili has already shown his shock!

She felt a ray of air, an air that made her very uneasy!

Thousands of meters away, in the sky over the sea, Emperor Ming and his three men surrounded Yuan Xiao. Qin Zhige did not directly participate in the battle, but played the piano floating in the sky over the sea. The sound of the piano made Yuan Xiao feel restless, but he still He suppressed it and smiled softly.

"As expected, he is the terrifying king of the piano. He can shake my mood with the sound of the piano. But do you really think that's all I have? If that's all, how could I dare to intercept you?"

When Emperor Ming felt a little bad with the original poster, he saw him clapping his hands...

Bang bang bang!

The water suddenly surged...

Wow! Hooray! Hooray!

Black shadows emerged from the water one by one!

The dark figure is tall and burly with pale skin...

There are more than twenty black figures.

At first, everyone didn't know who these people were...until they saw one of the tallest and burliest people, they all felt as if they were struck by lightning!

"Zombie King!"

"It's the Zombie King!"

"What the hell, it's actually the Zombie King!" (To be continued)

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