A Queen

Chapter 993: What a thin waist (Rao Yue Xianpa + 5)

The emergence of the Zombie King puts Ying Zheng and others in crisis. On the other hand, Dai Li has reflexively turned aside...

Sure enough, the zombie king emerging from the water shot straight through, erupted at an extremely terrifying speed, and arrived in front of Dai Li in the blink of an eye...


Being punched face to face by a black shadow, Dai Li dragged Feng Zijun, and the three bodies crossed a straight line, poof!

It hit the mountain wall hard! !


The peach blossom branches trembled and danced violently...

Why isn’t this big guy dead yet? By the way, he was not necessarily dead when he sank to the bottom of the water before, but then the peerless expert's final move directly pulled all of them out of Quinn's world, including the Zombie King...

Crack! Dai Li couldn't help but curse!

Feng Zijun was thrown against the wall by Dai Li. After the impact, he landed on a coffin in a panic. He glanced away and saw Jun Zili not far away being suppressed by the zombie king on the mountain wall. The dragon aura and zombie aura in the human body are roaring ferociously. The terrifying aura rolls around hundreds of peach blossom trees, and the peach blossoms are pulled off the branches one by one, flying...

Poof! A large piece of the stone was cracked! With a sweep of his claws, Dai Li's pupils rotated, catching the zombie king's vague attack, and he tilted his head...swipe! The claw marks were right next to her head, and her cheeks hurt sharply.

Roar! The smell of blood hits my nose...

Daili's legs kicked off the mountain wall, and the bones of his body twisted... Kacha! Just like the bone-shrinking skill, he could escape from the Zombie King's hand with a twist.

The dragon's aura floated around his legs, and he swung like a dragon-tailed fish. In an instant, he escaped from the zombie king's grasp and shot out...

Being able to escape from the Zombie King is considered a great guy, especially the speed that the dragon erupted when it swung its tail surprised the host and others.

certainly. The Zombie King is the Zombie King, and before Jing Jingyuan and others could rejoice, they showed their shocked faces!


Be careful about what?

Before Daili, he felt a cold feeling on the top of his head. When he looked up, he saw the zombie king jumping down above his head. He slapped it down with his palm.

Facing her Tianling Gai...

Although Dragon Tail is powerful, basically no opponent of the same level she has encountered can surpass her speed, but at this moment it seems that she is still a little behind.

The Zombie King is a Zombie King after all.

Daili's body seemed to be frozen. Move out slowly. But it's always a little bit different...

A little bit is enough to kill!

Unable to save herself, who will save her?

Ming Jian and these people are thousands of meters away, so they are not fast enough!

Emperor Ming and these people are fast enough. But there is no way to escape.

So Feng Zijun smiled, Yuan Xiao smiled, Liu Zongyuan and others all laughed.

This guy is finally going to be dealt with.

In the blink of an eye. They can see that person's brains exploding.

In the blink of an eye, they could see the broken and ferocious face that made all men angry.

In the blink of an eye. They will be able to see this person who is extremely talented and a threat to them disappear forever...

So they all blinked.

Close, open, blink of an eye.

What I saw was....

The lonely jade flying from time to time.

Flying peach blossom tassels.

The slowly swinging crescent moon sleeves.

A piano was blocked by the Zombie King's palm. The Zombie King's five thick and long fingers press on the strings...

boom! The bombardment begins! Suppress the bronze sound of the ancient chaos!

Shock, shock, shock!

Break, break, break!

A hurricane breaks out of the sea.

The large peach blossoms rising up from the mountain wall in the hurricane somewhat obscured Dai Li's eyes, so that she could only feel one hand on her waist for a while. Slender and powerful, it held most of her waist in his hands.

Press your back against the other person's chest.

For a moment, I didn’t know who took action. I just felt a nice light fragrance coming from my nose.

The hurricane was coming, clatter~~ The two of them were spinning backwards, waving their sleeves, blowing away the wind, and their bodies were spinning backwards...

Everyone, it should be said that everyone was affected by such a hurricane of music, but everyone could see the countless peach blossoms rolled up under the hurricane.

It is a chaotic and charming beauty. A peach blossom is beautiful and gorgeous. Countless peach blossoms are even more beautiful. They are magnificent and young.

Retreating with the wind, countless flying peach blossoms were pressed behind her, spinning around her waist, her sleeves fluttering through the streams of peach blossoms, her hair was like ink snow, so black that for a moment it was impossible to tell whose hair, white clothes, and black The robes fluttered and flew away.

That is the beauty of the world apart from the terrifying zombie king. People from the sky come down from the sky, and the peach blossoms blossom.


The two of them landed on a mahogany tree. Many people, such as Ying Zheng and Ming Jian, all saw Qin Zhige's beautiful and slender palms that were good at playing the piano. After his arms were wrapped around her waist, the five fingers of his palms pressed against hers. On her waist and abdomen, the flat waist and abdomen, the slender fingers spread to the area under the breasts. You can clearly feel the softness of the waist and the slender and handsome bones under the skin...

Chu Xiuling began to imagine that under those clothes, if a hand fell on it...

Backflow of blood!

Qin Zhige released his grip on Dai Li's waist. Before he could speak, there was an object in front of him.

A white and pink peach.

A certain beautiful young man with a gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face said to him: "Senior Qin, thank you for saving my life."

Life-saving grace, a peach?

Has your life always been so cheap, or have you always been so stingy?

Qin Zhige only glanced at her, turned his head and saw the Zombie King.

"Blood..." The zombie king's blood-sucking * for Dai Li exceeded Yuan Xiao's order for him...

The murderous aura woke everyone up and made Dai Li very surprised.

This zombie king is a bit strange, it seems that he has received some order...

No, it’s not Yuan Xiao’s order!


"Top of the mountain wall!"

"look up!"

Emperor Ming and the two who were attacking Yuan Xiao looked up and saw a dozen men in black standing on the towering mountain wall. The black robes were very wide, but they were hanging bonelessly, with a very simple and gloomy feeling, hanging down at their feet. Like a dark dead tree, the dead tree's head reveals a haggard face with strange tattoos covering half of its face.

The lips of the old man in front were pure black, as if he had been poisoned, or could have caused other people to be poisoned.

When the people from Yuan Xiao and Liyun saw these people, they were not happy but their faces changed slightly and became a little gloomy, especially the former, "Why are you here!"

The old man is smiling. Opened his mouth. It was a hoarse sound, like a sound made from sanded paper.

"Yuan Xiao, it seems that your plan did not go well, otherwise you would have succeeded and retreated at this time. Instead of needing my ashes to come forward."

Ash Bones, a strange name, but Emperor Ming and others' expressions changed, "You are from the Zombie Realm!"

"It seems that thousands of years have not worn away the declaration of our Zombie Territory. But today you are worthy of your death. After all, not everyone can dispatch the people of our Zombie Territory..." Gray Bones chuckled. He waved the sheep skull staff in his hand.

"Yuan Xiao, since you are incompetent, don't blame us for overstepping our bounds..."

With a wave of the bone staff, dozens of zombies roared up!

And there was a sudden rumble on the mountain wall.

Countless coffins began to tremble. Black energy condensed on the coffin.

"No, the coffin bearer is coming out!"

"So many zombies!!!"

The appearance of the coffin bearers means that they, less than five hundred people, have to face dozens or even millions of zombies, even if these zombies are only at the Nascent Soul stage or the Golden Core stage. But there are too many ants to bite the elephant to death.

So the first reaction of people like Emperor Ming was to run away!


Liu Zongyuan and others have formed an encirclement on the outside, and Dao Tuo made seals with his palms. The formation is connected and the siege formation is formed!


"Break quickly!"

This scene is like a huge and difficult dungeon where a group of 500 land reclamation brigade finally reached the final level. Just when they thought they were facing each other, a fallen wizard suddenly appeared. He waved his staff and wiped out countless zombies... .

The probability of death is infinitely close to 100%!

So the 500 wasteland reclamation brigade panicked!

However, Dai Li is not worried about the millions of zombies. What she is most worried about right now is the zombie king.

It's like a bug in your heart, you can't do it until you get rid of it!


The zombie king jumps up from a coffin...

When Dai Li was furious and worried about the approaching zombie king, her arm was pushed away gently by a soft force that she could not resist. In her surprise, she saw a pair of eyes as clear as a clear spring. .

Qin Zhige's slightly frowning eyebrows relaxed and he said softly: "...I'll deal with him, you can go and have fun."

Let's play? Dai Li was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Qin Zhige's feet. He reached out and grabbed the jade qin, and the sound of the qin sounded...

Thousands of troops are coming!

The killing begins!

Bai Qi's murderous formation!

The majestic piano music turned into skeleton generals holding long swords, with gunpowder smoke curling under their bodies. They raised their big swords and attacked the killer zombie king leaping across from them!

The sound of the piano was overwhelming, the blade was ferocious, and the killing power was not comparable to the basic distractions, even the monarch level, not to mention the generation. As the impact came, she jumped under her feet and flew out, but the weird thing was these As if Qinyin had already foreseen her retreat trajectory, she perfectly avoided her...

This Qin Zhige... is so scary.

Dai Li admired in his heart, but he did not rush forward to fight Qin Zhige in a bloody battle. Instead, he swung his dragon tail and jumped in the air. In an instant, he was out of the peach blossom forest on the mountain wall, avoiding the sound of the piano.

She escapes!

Damn it!

Damn Qin Zhige, damn Junzili!

Liu Zongyuan and others were disappointed, and even more shocked that Qin Zhige would take the initiative to help this guy out of trouble.

It felt like a flower had been planted on cow dung, or a sticky, hot pile of cow dung... (What a way to describe it!)

"It's really... extraordinary. She even hooked up with the piano god..." Xue Qiange chuckled lightly. From the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of Jue Xuuge trying to block her in front of her. She was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes locked. You How can I let go if I behave like this?

Jue Xue Ge, it was obviously you who provoked me first...(To be continued)

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