A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 250 Don’t tell me, I’ll take it myself! (Fourth update!!)

In the Sky Fortress.

Luke disappeared suddenly.

Just quickly.

So after Luke left, Pan Ning couldn't find any topic because today was the first time he met Seve, and because he was a little complicated inside, he could only watch the atmosphere in the field visible to the naked eye. The speed is cool.


Pan Ning took a deep breath and looked at Seve: "Well, if it doesn't work, give me a parachute and I'll jump down from here..."

The words have not yet finished.

In the cabin, the space trembled for a while, followed by a ripple. Then, Luke grabbed Aaron Miller and walked directly out of the space ripple.

The female secretary was hanging upside down from the body of Allen Miller who was not wearing pants.


People experience convulsions after death.


The female secretary was hung up on Allen Miller and brought over. From a scientific point of view, it was a very reasonable thing.


After Luke came out, he left Aaron Miller behind. Under Penning's once again shocked eyes, he took the bourbon handed over by Sever and drank it in one gulp.

Aaron Miller's screams also sounded simultaneously while he was drinking.



Luke threw out his right hand without looking back, and blood instantly exploded on Aaron Miller's right arm: "Shut up."

The medicine cures the disease.

Aaron Miller instantly stopped speaking and endured the huge pain. After pulling out one of his penis from the female secretary, he covered the painful one with one hand and looked up with fear as he drank. After a glass of bourbon, Luke turned around and looked at him condescendingly.

"Luke, don't mess around. I'm the California Director."

"Turn around and go back to Saint-Loduo."


Luke ignored Aaron Miller, but raised his head and said loudly towards the cockpit. As the plane began to turn around in a circle, he focused his attention on Aaron Miller again: "Don't you know that one of my few hobbies is to kill the California director of the FBI?"

Aaron Miller's eyes shrank.

"Horton Lewis."


Luke made no secret of it, smiled and nodded: "Yes, I killed him too. He wanted to plot against me, but there was no other way. Since he wanted to plot against me, I had no choice but to send him away first."

Aaron Miller felt a chill in his heart when he heard what Luke said.

Although he has been working at the federal headquarters in Quantico since graduation.

But Aaron Miller is no fool.

Just as he knew that the kidnapped person would not survive after seeing the kidnapper's appearance, now that he saw Luke and learned the truth about Holden Lewis's death from Luke, he had completely determined one thing. matter.

Luke had no intention of letting him leave alive.


After Aaron Miller thought of this, it seemed as if everything must be reversed at the extreme. After being extremely frightened, he calmed down.

"I didn't plot against you."

Aaron Miller's uncharacteristic look of fear disappeared from his face. Instead, he looked at Luke with a blank look and took a deep breath: "On my second day of duty, the first thing I did was The thing is to give you a promotion, is this a plan?"


As expected of a professional who came down from Washington.

This expression.

This tone.

If I hadn't had evidence now, I would have almost thought I suspected the wrong person.

Luke looked at Aaron Miller's expression as if he had changed his face. He stretched out his hands and clapped in amazement. Then, he slowly squatted down, and the expression on his face gradually changed from an exclamation smile to a mocking smile.

The sarcastic expression gradually magnified in Aaron Miller's sight.

Luke smiled and went straight to the point: "Daniel Whitehorse, where is he?"

Aaron Miller's eyes shrank.


He knows it all.

How can it be.

I just gave him a level up. How could he see through me before I even took action?

As Aaron Miller listened to these words, the storm gathered rapidly in his mind. At the same time, he looked at Luke without blinking, as if his whole person was stunned.

When Luke saw this, the muzzle of the gun on his knee moved slightly.



Aaron Miller came to his senses instantly and once again covered his bleeding right shoulder, screaming in pain.

Pan Ning, who was sitting not far away, looked directly outside the window, wondering if he could still catch the flight to Washington.

Behind Luke, Seve crossed his legs on the sofa and crossed his arms. He looked at the decisive Luke with interest, his beautiful eyes shining brightly.

After Aaron Miller screamed, he gasped for air.


"Three seconds, Daniel Whitehorse, don't say anything, go to hell."


Aaron Miller held his shoulders, gasped, looked up at Luke, showed an ugly smile, and asked with a groan: "If I tell you, will you let me go?"

Luke's face was expressionless, and he raised the gun with his right hand, aiming it between Aaron Miller's eyebrows.

"Three seconds are up."



Aaron Miller's eyes shrank, and before he could react, he saw flames bursting from the muzzle of the gun aimed at him. Then he felt a pain in the middle of his eyebrows, and then, his whole person fell into boundless darkness.

As his head rose, the whole person fell directly backward, and then hit the floor of the cabin with a loud noise.

Panning heard the commotion and looked at Allen Miller, who was on the floor with bleeding forehead and wide eyes: "He hasn't said anything yet."

Luke stood up from the floor with a gun and looked at Pan Ning: "No matter what a living person says, he or she may lie."

Pan Ning shook his head.

"Dead people can't lie, but you can still ask a dead person to answer your questions?"

"That's what I thought."

Luke smiled slightly, and in the depths of his eyes, the golden light that symbolized his figure flashed, and then he saw the soul of Allen Miller being swallowed up by a certain space.

The next second.

Out-of-body experience.

After the golden light flashed in Luke's eyes.

He has come to the Hades of Haier again.

The world of Haier Hades is almost the same as what I have seen several times before, and there are not many changes.


Luke looked up.

Above Hades, in the originally silent, dark and void depths of the sky, there seemed to be some faint light projected over it.

This is his little universe.


Because of the distance in time and space, as of now, his small universe is still on its way here on horseback.

Luke immediately withdrew his gaze and looked at Soul standing beside him.

The Soul of Aaron Miller.

After a person dies, his consciousness will return to nothingness in an instant, because only in this way can he ensure that his soul will not be torn apart by consciousness on the way to the afterlife.

So after people die and come to the afterlife, basically, the first words they speak are the same.

Aaron Miller is no exception.

"Am I dead?"

After Aaron Miller's consciousness returned after death, he raised his hand, subconsciously looked at his body that seemed to have returned to its original state, and murmured to himself.

"Yes, you are dead."


Aaron Miller subconsciously raised his head when he heard the familiar voice, and then saw Luke walking out of the darkness with a smile on his face. His eyes shrank: "It's you."

The next second.

He seemed to have thought of something.

Aaron Miller laughed and said: "Hahaha, you are dead too, Lord Whitehorse still killed you, hahaha!"

Luke looked at Aaron Miller who was laughing loudly and frowned.

Nothing else.

This picture gave him a strong sense of déjà vu.

By the way...

When he chopped up the metal-forming alien, it seemed, as if, the dead alien, seeing his reaction, suspected that he had been killed by the Mandarin, and came down to accompany him.

Is this the blind confidence of the villain brothers in their boss?

Luke was thinking this in his mind and was too lazy to explain it again. He glanced over Allen Miller's shoulder and looked at the green lantern that appeared in the darkness behind him: "Do me a favor, eat him, and then help me in Find someone in his memory."

Aaron Miller subconsciously turned his head to look.

In the darkness, as the black mist receded, a giant Fenir wolf that was several stories tall appeared with graceful steps.

A thud.

Aaron Miller's reaction was the same as that of the alien. After seeing the giant Fenir wolf, his body thumped uncontrollably and fell limply to the ground.


Fenir giant wolf roared at Luke.

Luke understood the meaning of Fenir's roar.

Fennir belongs to the Hell Underworld, and Luke's soul is also anchored in the Hell Underworld.


One world, one language.

It's not surprising at all that Luke understands Fennier's words.

Fennir's roar, translated.

"Why should I help you?"

"I still don't think about the male wolf."

Luke put his hands in his pockets and said calmly: "You are a strong, young, and handsome male wolf."

The sound of Fennier swallowing came out as soon as Luke finished speaking.

Luke's eyes fell on Aaron Miller lying on the ground.

"Swallow him and find someone in my memory. I will send the male wolf in for you as soon as possible. You don't want to. You can only watch from the side while I am entangled with Hela. I don't care. You can watch it if you like, mainly because Hela lets you..."

"Shut up (shut up)"

Fennir roared angrily. The huge wolf lowered its head and rolled its scarlet tongue. It instantly turned Aaron Miller's soul into a sieve shape, and then swallowed his soul in less than a second. , and then directly shared the memory of Aaron Miller’s soul with Luke.

Luke closed his eyes and quickly filtered through Aaron Miller's memories.

His powerful soul was enough for him to analyze Aaron Miller's memory in an instant.


Luke found no information about the location of Daniel Whitehorse in Aaron Miller's soul.

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