A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 251 Hydra took the expired information (fifth update, please subscribe in full!!)

In Aaron Miller's memory, let alone meeting Daniel Whitehorse.

He didn't even know what Daniel Whitehorse looked like.

This sounds ridiculous.

But that’s what Aaron Miller’s memory says.

People can lie, but memories cannot be faked.

After Aaron Miller accidentally killed two people while drunk at Quantico Federal School, when he was almost desperate, a phone call came through.

This was his first phone call with Daniel Whitehorse.

Daniel Whitehorse on the phone said that he could help Allen Miller solve his troubles at the cost of Allen Miller's loyalty and life to him.

Aaron Miller agreed without hesitation.


He was released, and the incident of accidentally killing two people while drunk was settled in the shortest possible time. The detective who caught him at the time and later died in a car accident became the murderer who tried to frame him and committed suicide in fear of guilt.

Afterwards, Aaron Miller experienced what it feels like to have smooth sailing.

He was recruited into the FBI headquarters, and while enjoying the shortcuts in life provided to him by Daniel Whitehorse, he relied on that phone to accept various instructions and tasks from Daniel Whitehorse.

But Aaron Miller never met Daniel Whitehorse.

Not once.

This time he came to Sacramento, also on Daniel Whitehorse's orders.

Basically consistent with what Lu Ke had guessed before.

Daniel Whitehorse's initial order was to promote Luke to the position of director of Los Santos after Penning died.

But that directive soon changed.

The time when the order was changed was half an hour after the Security Council listened to Maria Hill's opinions and appointed Miranda Karp as the treasurer of SHIELD Sanfei.

Pan Ning doesn't have to die.

Daniel Whitehorse asked Aaron Miller to transfer Penning out, and then asked Luke to take over as Los Santos Director.

After Aaron Miller finished what Daniel Whitehorse ordered, he called Daniel Whitehorse to report the matter.

But Daniel Whitehorse on the phone didn't say much, just hummed, and then hung up the phone.

Just after hanging up the phone, a phone number was sent.

In a subsequent text message, Daniel Whitehorse asked Aaron Miller to contact this person after the transfer order took effect.

Then there is no more.

So much for Aaron Miller's useful memories.

After Luke opened his eyes, he shook his head speechlessly.

This Daniel Whitehorse, how afraid of death is he?

If you want to be a villain, you have to act like one who never leaves the front door and never steps forward. What’s the point of being such a villain?

Luke shook his head.

at this time.

"Roar! (When will the male wolf give it to me?)"


Luke came back to his senses, looked in front of him, and saw Fennier, who had green eyes but was the most beautiful wolf in the Hell of Hell, and smiled.

"I'll do it as soon as possible. By the way, where's Hela?"

"Hoo (taking a shower!)"

"Take a shower, can I go take a look?"

"Hoar (Hela said you are not allowed to go over and take a peek.)"

"Forget it, I'll come see you next time."

Luke shrugged, said goodbye to Fennier, and then turned and left.

If it weren't for him not being able to stay here for a long time, no matter what, he would have gone to see Hela take a bath.

That picture must be beautiful.


Definitely next time.

Luke thought in his mind, the moment he turned around, the golden light appeared again.

call out!

After the golden light in Luke's eyes returned to the depths, his sight had returned to Seve's sky fortress.

ten minutes later.

The cabin door of the Flying Fortress was opened.

Luke couldn't stand Seve's nagging about the corpse lying in his house, so he could only kick him one by one and directly held an aerial funeral for Allen Miller and his female secretary.

The so-called empty burial.

As the name suggests, the corpse is thrown directly from thousands of miles above the sky.

As for whether this is considered a high-altitude parabola.

Luke is not worried about this at all, because he has seen it. There is a reservoir below. If anything is hit, it will hit a few unlucky fish at most.



In the reservoir on the ground, the water surface seemed to have been hit by a cannonball. After two splashes of water splashed out, it quickly returned to calm.

after an hour.

Seve's Sky Fortress arrived at Los Santos Airport again at 6:15 in the afternoon.

As soon as the plane came to a stop, Pan Ning rushed out with a quick step and a whoosh without looking back: "I'm going to Washington. See you at the handover."

By the time Luke and Seve walked out of the cabin, Penning had already disappeared.

It seemed that he really missed his fiancée and wished he could teleport directly to his fiancée.

If this was the case, Luke felt that Pan Ning would be shot into a hornet's nest by SHIELD agents the moment he appeared.

Luke played with a mobile phone in his hand, then turned to Seve and said, "That number has been tracked. If you have any news, remember to tell me."

He was talking about the number that Daniel Whitehorse gave to Aaron Miller.

Luke tried calling once but couldn't get through.

Maybe it's because the time stipulated by Daniel Whitehorse hasn't come yet.

Luke thought so, so he gave the number to Seve and asked the latter to help monitor the number.

Seve nodded: "Understood. I will inform you as soon as there is news. I will also keep an eye on Los Santos. I will tell you if there is any trouble."

Luke nodded, looked at the mobile phone in his hand that could contact Daniel Whitehorse, and looked at Seve curiously: "Do you think Daniel Whitehorse now knows the news about the disappearance of Aaron Miller?"

Seve was noncommittal: "Daniel Whitehorse is the most mysterious Hydra leader, bar none."

Luke thought thoughtfully: "I think he should know it by now."

While talking.

In a manor somewhere in the Federation!


"An hour ago, Aaron Miller disappeared from his director's office. There was a pool of blood on the sofa. The FBI has blocked the news and is analyzing the blood."

A medium-sized but sturdy white man was reporting the news he had just received to Daniel Whitehorse, who was sitting on the sofa, holding an elastic ball in his hands while transfusing blood through his veins and bleeding through his veins.

Daniel Whitehorse, who was undergoing a blood transfusion and looked a little pale, listened to the situation reported by his assistant Sunil Bakshi. He closed his eyes and tried to use his dizzy head to quickly analyze the possible situation.

"What was Miller doing before he disappeared?"

"Nothing was done. He and his secretary were the only ones in the office. There were no signs of damage to the windows of the office. And because the previous Holden Lewis died in the office, he arranged two arrangements after he took office. Detectives were standing guard at his door."

"Oh, coward, so afraid of death."

Daniel Whitehorse sneered.

When he said this, he seemed to have forgotten that he found Jiaying and took Jiaying's organs, wasn't it because he was afraid of death.

Daniel Whitehorse closed his eyes.

"The secretary?"

"There's nothing wrong with her. Miller's secretary was arranged by you personally. You gave it to Miller two years ago."


Upon hearing this, Daniel Whitehorse opened his eyes, nodded, and then said to the female nurse on the side: "Go to my study and get the phone from the third drawer."

The female nurse, wearing only a nurse's uniform, turned and walked towards the study.

Daniel Whitehorse then looked up at Sunil Bakshi: "Is there anyone you suspect?"

Sunil Bakshi nodded directly.



"The last thing Miller did before he disappeared was to announce the transfer information of Luke Dann and Penning."

"Luke Dane?"


Sunil Bakshi thought: "Could it be that he sensed something was wrong and felt that something was wrong with what Miller did, so he acted preemptively?"

He's not talking nonsense.

Luke has this record.

Or Holden Lewis.

Hydra knows the truth about Holden Lewis's death.

And the current scene is extremely similar to that time with Holden Lewis.

Holden Lewis planned to kill Luke and Penning, but Luke took the initiative and assassinated him in his office.

Miller also plans to move Luke's position so that Daniel Whitehorse can feel more comfortable when the time comes.

As a result, as soon as Miller's plan was implemented, he disappeared.

The biggest difference between Miller and Lewis is that the body was not found in the office.

Sunil Bakshi analyzed with a clear mind: "According to the intelligence room's analysis of Luke Dann, his character is quite extreme. Once he suspects that someone is against him, there is a high probability that he will Subconsciously tending to simple and crude solutions, so this time...could it be him who sensed that the adults were going to attack him, so he abducted Miller?"

Daniel Whitehorse said solemnly: "Before Miller disappeared, did you check the surveillance around the Federal Building? Did you find him?"

Sunil shook his head: "No, it is precisely because of this that I am just suspicious."

Hydra knew that Luke could teleport.

But it's just a short distance teleportation.

Because Hydra's current information is expired and has not been updated in real time.

Hydra's information still stops at the time when Luke assassinated Holden Lewis.

that time.

When Luke assassinated Horton Lewis, he needed to appear downstairs in the Federal Building before he could teleport into Horton Lewis's office.

But Hydra didn't know that.


The version has been iterated!

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