A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 301 The Disappearing Sunil (fifth update, please order the full version!!)

Jiaying also misses Carl very much.

So when she heard that Karl was waiting for her in the lounge, she immediately stood up, then reacted, said goodbye to Anna next to her, and then prepared to leave the office.


"What's wrong?"

Jiaying stopped and turned to look at Lu Ke.

Luke said: "There is a strange person in the safe house on the first floor. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. If you want to take him away, take him away."

He was talking about Gordon.

After Gordon survived the disaster, Luke directly asked Jack to throw him into the safe room on the basement floor of the Federal Building.

Jiaying was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Luke stopped talking and walked towards Anna who was sitting on the sofa.

Anna's condition is much better visible to the naked eye.

Maybe it’s because people feel refreshed during happy events.

Luke sat down on the sofa, looked at Anna, and said, "Sorry."

Anna looked at Luke with some suspicion.

"for what?"

"Kill your father."


When Ana heard this, she almost cried with laughter: "You have no idea how much I want him to die."

Luke thought of Hela, who also hated her father so much that she wanted to chop him into pieces with her own hands. He thought about it and looked at Anna: "I should still know something."

Anna shook her head: "Then you shouldn't say sorry to me, but I should say thank you to you."

There was a pause.

Anna put away the smile on her face and looked at Luke with a serious expression, feeling grateful from the bottom of her heart.


"I accepted."

Luke was not pretentious. After accepting Anna's thanks, he raised the bourbon in front of him and raised his glass: "Life is long and can be bitter, but at the same time, it can also be sweet. After all the bitterness, the joy comes. I wish you a bright future. A life of your own.”

Anna and Luke clinked glasses and listened to these words: "Can I still have a new life of my own?"

Luke took a sip of the wine in his glass and looked at Anna with a smile: "Of course, I just see if you want to."

Anna lowered her head and was silent for a while. She did not answer the question immediately. She looked up at Luke again, changed the subject, and took a deep breath: "Can we hand over now?"


Luke smiled slightly, turned sideways, and turned to look at the door of the office: "Earl."

Earl, who was outside the door, pushed open the door and walked in. Meeting Ana's raised gaze, he nodded and then sat down on the sofa.

Luke introduced Earl to Anna again: "This is the Earl I told you, my arm. I trust her unconditionally."

Anna knew about Earl.

The last time she was in the safe house, when she planned to use her body to gain Luke's trust, she mentioned Earl when he was rejected righteously by Luke.

After Earl sat down, Anna glanced at Earl again, then withdrew her gaze, looked at Luke, and got down to business.

"Daniel Whitehorse has many assets."

"Whether it's secretly or openly, it's all there."

"These were deposits he had in overseas bank accounts."

Anna asked Earl for a piece of paper, and then wrote a string of overseas bank account numbers and verification passwords on the paper, and then handed it to Luke.

Luke didn't answer and motioned to Earl.

After Anna handed the note to Earl, she then looked at Luke and said, "I am the holder of the account, and I have already written down the password. There are a total of 980 million in deposits."

Earl was shocked when he heard this number.

Luke didn't feel much.

After all, the old dog Whitehorn is one of the directors of Hydra, and he is also the oldest director of Hydra.

A deposit of 980 million sounds like a lot, but considering Whitehorse's status, it is not only normal, it can even be said to be overestimated.

Because according to the calculations of Alexander Pierce and Dr. Zola, Daniel Whitehorse's cash deposit should be at least around 2 billion.

Alexander came up with this number based on his own experience.

Dr. Zola calculated it through big data.

But right now?

Ninety-eight million?

Nearly 1.2 billion less.

Where did the old dog transfer this money?

Luke didn't suspect that Anna might be hiding it.

Because Anna has no need to hide it, and even if Anna wants to hide it, she can't.

Luke's thoughts were spinning, and he did not ask aloud about the missing 1.2 billion, but nodded.


"What's left is the assets."

Anna said again, then looked at Earl and asked, "Do you have a laptop?"

Earl nodded, stood up, and left the office. After waiting for a while, he found a brand new, unopened laptop and handed it to Anna.

After turning on the phone, Anna opened a website and then logged in.

Enter the eyes.

The interface of the website is similar to a memo. On the memo, from top to bottom, each line has a company name written on it, followed by a person's name and phone number.

Lu Ke took a brief look at the names of these companies.

The configuration is very complete.

From production to transportation, from trade to finance, Whitehorse is involved in almost every field of apparent industry.

After Anna transferred the notebook to Earl, she looked at Luke: "Most of these companies are located in Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin and Paris. You can send people to take over at any time, and I can cooperate at any time."

Luke nodded.

Anna then spoke up.

"The last part is Whitehorse's secret industry and resources."


Anna asked Earl for his laptop again, and after opening a website again, many red dots appeared on the satellite map of Europe.

These signs either represent the real estate in Whitehoe's name, the war base in Whitehoe, or the safe house in Whitehoe's name.

all in all.

Everything Whitehorse owned during his lifetime, including the house, car, money, and even the Hydra agents he worked so hard to train, have now become Luke's trophies.

Anna didn't hold anything back, she revealed all of Whitehorse's assets, and then she cooperated completely when Earl asked questions.

When Luke saw this, he took his empty wine glass, got up and left the sofa, and sat back at his desk. He was just about to turn on the computer, use the software given by Seve, and go back to Dongguo Network to play. While playing mahjong to kill some time, I received a call from William Stryker.


"Good afternoon, William."

"good afternoon."

After William said something on the other end of the phone, he said directly: "Where is Sunil?"

Luke raised an eyebrow.



"Isn't he already gone? What happened?"

"He disappeared."


"Disappeared, how is it possible? Didn't you take him away yesterday afternoon?"

Luke looked a little stunned as he said this, and then seemed to think of something: "William, are you sure he didn't disappear by you?"

William was also stunned, and then his face turned dark: "How is that possible!"

He and Sunil were fellow travelers on the road of scientific research.

When Lu Ke heard this, he also put away the smile on his face and touched his chin: "Where did he disappear last night?"

William replied: "Yesterday afternoon, after I picked him up, I originally planned to let him go back with me, but he said that he had something to do in Los Angeles and would contact me when he went back the next day. How could I call today? No one picked up."

Luke nodded thoughtfully.

"Then you doubted me."

"...Don't you?"

"Ha ha!"

Luke shook his head and smiled: "I can swear to you, William, that I definitely did not kidnap Sunil. Besides, I had no motive to kidnap him."

You have.

You are a stranger.

And Sunil is a researcher who specializes in studying aliens, so not only do you have motives, but you also have great motives.

After all, the suspicion that Luke is not a mutant has been eliminated, and the only answer left is an alien.

And Jiaying is also a stranger.

If Luke was a stranger, this would explain why Whitehorse couldn't find Jiaying after searching for a long time, but Jiaying showed up at Luke's side.

William Stryker was thinking this, but he did not say these words. Instead, he sighed and said: "Sunil is a good scientific researcher. His research can promote the development of human civilization and technology. improving."

Luke nodded with a serious expression: "I agree, so when he asked me for the alien laboratory, I also gave it to him. His disappearance was really not my fault. You have to believe me, William. Compared to Sunil, I value the friendship between you and me more.”

His tone was low and conclusive, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

Is it really not him?

William Stryker frowned inwardly.

The next second.

Luke thought of the 1.2 billion that disappeared from Whitehorse, and said in a deep voice: "I was just receiving Whitehorse's inheritance, and his cash flow was nearly 10.2 less than the amount estimated by some people. Yi, I seriously doubt that this old dog left behind a secret hand before he died."

For example, he specifically hid some people and things, and the hidden money was given to these people and things.

As for what Whitehall is doing with his hands.

The first thing Lu Ke thought of was the relatively familiar Death Revenge Fund.

William Stryker heard that there were more than one billion unaccounted for in Whitehorse. After Luke confirmed it again, he couldn't help but wonder whether Sunil's disappearance was related to the back-up force left behind by Whitehorse. connect.

After all, Whitehorse is recognized as the old Hydra who has lived the longest and can still forcefully live out his second life.

It is possible for such a being to leave behind something after death.

After all, everyone is dead.

Only you, Sunil, are alive.

After Sunil surfaced and Luke did not kill him, almost the entire Hydra who watched that battle understood one thing instantly.

There is a big reason why Whitehorse ended in a disastrous defeat, and it is inseparable from Sunil's role as a mole.

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