A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 302 Jiaying and Anna welcome their new life! (First update!)

Daniel Whitehorse's disappearance of over a billion dollars is real.

As the eldest old Hydra among the Hydras, it is very reasonable that Whitehorse would most likely leave behind a secret hand before his death.


As a traitor, Sunil was most likely captured by the secret hands left behind by Whitehorse after he was exposed, which is also logical and common sense.

What Luke said is true.

He even pulled God out and swore, saying that since seeing off William and Sunil yesterday, until now, he has never seen Sunil again.

With reasonable suspicion and Luke's oath to God, William Stryker began to turn his suspicions towards the fact that Sunil's disappearance had a lot to do with the dead Whitehorse.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Stryker's relaxed tone.

After hanging up the phone.

He glanced at Earl and Anna who were still sitting on the sofa, stood up, took two wine glasses, and went straight to the safe house corridor on the basement floor of the Federal Building.

As soon as Luke entered the corridor, he immediately heard the heart-wrenching wailing coming from the safe room at the end.

Carl is like a door god, guarding the door.

Luke handed the extra wine glass to Carl.

Karl took it and said thank you.

Luke raised his glass and clinked it with Karl: "I am the one who should say thank you. I have borrowed your wife for so long, and you have never come to trouble me."

Why does this sound weird?

Karl subconsciously touched the "Gene Potion PLUS" in his pocket, and then said honestly: "I want to come to you, but Jiaying won't let me come. She trusts you very much."

Luke shook his head and said: "Not only does she trust me, but you also trust me. Fortunately, I have not betrayed my fate, and I have not betrayed your trust. From now on, you are free."

Under the guarantee of his current strength and power.

Even if Jiaying is still the immortal stranger, even if Jiaying's current position has been exposed, absolutely no one dares to take advantage of Jiaying.

Jiaying used her trust in exchange for her rewards.

As long as Luke doesn't die, she will enjoy the freedom of no longer hiding and going wherever she wants.


In the safe house behind Carl, Sunil was enjoying Jiaying's warm hospitality.



Luke and William Stryker told the truth.

He definitely did not kidnap Sunil, and since the two left yesterday, he has really never seen Sunil again until now.

Because it was Karl who kidnapped Sunil, threw him into a safe house, and handed him over to the care of the alien Gordon, who clearly could leave, but chose to stay because Sunil chose to stay.

Luke just promised Sunil that he would not kill him. This promise only took effect on himself. If others wanted to kill him, it had nothing to do with Luke.

Anyway, Luke felt that he had not gained weight by breaking his promise.



As long as it doesn't involve issues of principle, telling a few lies is actually no big deal.


Luke and Carl drank a little wine under the heartbreaking sounds of pain coming from the safe house. Then their eyes lit up and they looked at Carl: "When you went to kidnap him, no one else saw him."

Carl shook his head.


"That's good. William Stryker knew that Sunil was missing. He just called me and suspected that I had kidnapped Sunil."

"It doesn't affect you."

Karl looked at Luke and asked, "If there is any impact, I'll ask Jiaying to stop now and maybe sew it up..."

Jiaying's organs were used by Daniel Whitehorse.

The surgeon responsible for harvesting the organs was Sunil.

This is also the reason why Sunil is in the safe house behind him.

Lu Ke interrupted directly: "If he is still alive, he will only have an impact on me."

He had just turned William Stryker's suspicious eyes on Daniel Whitehorse.

If nothing else happens, Stryker will definitely investigate what hidden plot Whitehorse left behind before his death.

This is good.

Save him the trouble of checking it out himself.

Life was so beautiful, Luke felt that he had already wasted a lot of time on the old dog Whitehorse, and he really didn't want to waste more time.


There is Stryker to help him investigate, and Luke is happy to see the results, but if Sunil gets out of this safe house alive.


Stryker was afraid that instead of investigating Whitehorse, he would investigate him.

Seeing this, Karl put back the words he was still talking about, thought about it, and invited Luke: "How about we go in and take a look together?"

Luke waved his hand: "No, as I said, I haven't seen Sunil since yesterday afternoon. I hope to keep it that way, otherwise when someone asks me, I will have to lie."

Karl was stunned for a moment, then forced out a smile: "Yes, lying is not good."

Luke smiled slightly and raised his glass.

About half an hour passed.

The screams in the safe house lasted for almost an hour, and finally stopped abruptly at the last moment.

after awhile.

The safe house door opens.

Jiaying, who seemed to be dyed red with blood, opened the door and appeared in the sight of Luke and Karl outside.

Lu Ke looked at Jiaying.

If Jiaying's eyebrows only relaxed half after knowing that Whitehorse was dead, then Jiaying now completely swept away the depressed look on her eyebrows after taking revenge by herself. .

Although Jiaying was covered in blood at the moment, she seemed to be as cheerful as a sunny day after the dark clouds had passed.

Seeing this, Lu Ke also said congratulations to Jiaying.

Jiaying replied with a thank you, and after her husband silently turned around and went into the safe house to clean up the mess inside, she wiped the blood on her face with a towel and said with some embarrassment, "It just made the inside dirty."

Luke laughed and said: "It's okay, just help me clean up. By the way, you saw Gordon."

Jiaying nodded: "I saw it, Gordon threw the meat inside into the sea."

Luke hummed: "Gordon knows the location of the alien laboratory. If you want, you can ask Gordon to take you there. As for the aliens in the laboratory, you can let them go. If you want, you can take them with you. It’s okay to go back to your alien shelter in Nepal, it’s your decision.”

He doesn't have the time or interest to continue studying aliens.

I am God.

Not now, but it will definitely be in the future.

Jiaying nodded and said hello, then she was suddenly startled and looked up at Luke: "You know..."

Luke smiled slightly: "In my eyes, there are no secrets."

Jiaying said quickly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Lu Ke waved his hand: "This matter has nothing to do with me. It's normal if you don't tell me. By the way, did your stranger keep all the names?"

Jiaying shook her head: "No, I didn't fight either..."

Luke smiled and said, "Let me give you a name. Let's call it the afterlife."

Jiaying looked up at Lu Ke.



Luke explained with a smile: "I hope that in the next life, I will be reborn in the Pure Land and live in the Dharma King's family. Whitehorse is dead, Sunil is dead, and Daisy has been found. Jiaying, you can move on."

There was a pause.

Lu Ke drank the wine in his glass, looked at Jiaying, and smiled mysteriously: "And, that place will indeed be the pure land for you strangers."

Where is Jiaying's shelter for aliens?

Nepal, near the southern foothills of the Himalayas.

Where is the place of cultivation for the number one person on earth right now?

Also Nepal.

From a certain point of view, Jiaying's ability to set up the alien shelter there basically means that Master Gu Yi acquiesced in this matter.

Because if Master Gu Yi had not acquiesced in this matter, Lu Ke believed that Jiaying's asylum for aliens would not have been established.

After Lu Ke finished speaking, he looked at the time on his watch, confirmed with Jiaying again that he would come home for dinner tonight, then turned around and walked towards the elevator.

In the office.

The handover between Earl and Anna has also come to an end.

After Luke re-entered the room, he sat on the sofa and looked at Earl, who was seriously communicating with Anna.

At first, he planned not to do any handover and just let Anna manage it for him. This would save him trouble, and if there was a problem, he would only need to find Anna.

It's a pity that Anna doesn't think much of it.

In Anna's words, if she could, she didn't want her life to have anything to do with Whitehorse.

Luke respected Anna's decision, so after thinking about it, he chose to let Earl hand over to Anna first.

After all, there are still a few available people under his hands.

Maybe I should train a few more of my own.

Luke thought in his mind.

The handover between Earl and Anna lasted until about six o'clock, and then it came to an end.

Anna then looked at Luke who was sitting aside: "That's about it for the handover. Next, if Earl has time, I can take her to these companies and hand over the situation in person to the people in charge."

Luke nodded: "Then I'll trouble you."

Anna showed a smile: "No trouble, I should thank you, Mr. Dane."

Luke laughed, put the empty wine glass on the table, stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at Anna: "It's too early to say thank you now. It won't be too late for you to say thank you to me tomorrow."

After hearing this, Anna looked at Luke suspiciously.

Luke looked directly at Earl: "You take Anna, I'm going home first."

He had an appointment with the Karl family for dinner in the evening. It was almost seven o'clock and the man of the house had not gone home yet, which was not appropriate.

Earl nodded in response.

Luke walked straight to the door, paused, and turned to look at Anna who was a little confused on the sofa.

"This gift is from me to the new student, Ms. Anna."


Anna looked at Luke's leaving back, came to her senses, and then looked at Earl who also got up from the sofa to invite her: "Where are we going?"

Earl smiled mysteriously: "Take you to take a bath."

Anna: "..."

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